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基于ARMA模型的海浪功率谱估计方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对经典功率谱估计方法的一些缺点,对随即海浪过程进行了ARMA谱估计的仿真研究,仿真的结果表明ARMA功率谱估计方法在分辨率、平滑和偏差等方面更加有效。  相似文献   

海浪谱是随机海浪的一个重要统计性质,它不仅包含着海浪的二阶信息,而且还直接给出了海浪组成波能量相对于频率和方向的分布。谱方法已经成为研究海浪及其有关问题的有力工具。文中主要参照现代谱估计中的THREE谱估计方法,对基于Kullback-Leibler度量的随机信号的功率谱估计方法中优化参数的求解算法进行了改进,并与基于Hellinger度量的谱估计方法进行了比较。通过数值模拟和谱分析证实基于这两种度量的功率谱估计算法都能有效地避免谱线分裂和谱峰偏移现象。  相似文献   

介绍了星载雷达波谱仪的观测原理及误差分析模型,并在Hauser等提出的SWI M(sea wave investigation and monitoring by satellite)的基础上分析了波谱仪反演海浪谱的波长分辨率和角度分辨率。为了减小反演调制谱的波动,在数据处理过程中时域和波数域相邻单元的平均个数分别为10和8个。系统在不同的模式下工作,为了获取20°的角度分辨率,对调制谱平均次数分别取3次(模式1)、7次(模式2)、10次(模式3)。使用解析法和仿真法分析了SWI M工作在模式2时海浪谱观测的能量误差,两种方法的结果一致。对于给定的海浪条件,能量误差小于20%。  相似文献   

为了验证波谱仪反演二维海浪谱的功能,根据海浪波谱仪的信号形成机制,总结了机载波谱仪反演海浪的流程。利用机载波谱仪回波数据,通过自相关和互相关两种功率谱估计方法,反演了二维海浪谱。最后通过与浮标测量的二维海浪谱进行对比,验证了该机载波谱仪探测二维海浪谱的有效性。结果表明,无论采用自相关函数还是互相关函数进行功率谱估计,得到的主波波长和有效波高与实际二维海浪谱基本一致。互相关函数法得到的交叉谱能去除180°模糊现象,其在计算有效波高时相对于自相关函数会稍微偏小。在计算斜率方差时可以采用5°~12°入射角范围的后向散射系数进行公式拟合,因此定标与否并不影响最后的二维海浪谱结果,未来星载波谱仪只有靠多波束联合才能实现。  相似文献   

孙孚  张书文 《海洋与湖沼》2001,32(5):547-550
首次将列率谱分析的方法引入到随机海浪的研究。根据不同环境条件下实验室资料,对列率谱与频率谱进行了比较。结果表明,列率频对频率谱高频部分有明显改善,特别对二倍频含能段的分辨具有明显的优越性。另外,列率谱具有计算速度快、简单易行、分辨率高等优点。  相似文献   

海浪方向谱估计方法的比较   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
分别利用数值模拟和实测资料对目前被认为分辨力较高的最大似然法(MLM)、扩展本征矢方法(EEV)、扩展最大滴方法(EMEP)以及贝叶斯方法(BDM)等四种海浪方向谱估计方法的可靠性进行了分析,从不同频率、不同噪声水平和不同方向集中度三个角度检验其再现性、稳定性和实用性,结果表明MLM、EEV和BDM大致给出相同的方向分布,其中BDM的再现性最好,但实用性逊于MLM和EEV,EMEP由于稳定性差,不适用于实测资料的分析.  相似文献   

深水Stokes波列的不稳定调制演化与实际海面的瞬变性、波浪破碎、畸形波等海洋现象密切相关,且波列在长期演化的过程中,演化特性会随着时间尺度的增加而改变,前人的研究多是针对其空间分布特性,对于波列内部能量的分布和变化趋势尚不清楚,因此引入熵的概念用于描述调制Stokes波列长期演化过程中任意时刻波浪场中不同频率波浪能量分布的均匀性。通过高阶谱方法数值模型,模拟了不同初始波陡条件下调制Stokes波列波数谱熵值的长期演化,给出不同阶段初始波陡和熵的关系,并将稳定状态熵值及谱形与典型海浪谱进行对比分析,发现调制Stokes波列长期演化的波数谱熵值和谱形均趋向实测JONSWAP谱,表明其经过长期演化发展,谱变宽变连续,波场内的能量分布趋向均匀并保持动态的平衡,同时也更加趋近于真实海浪。  相似文献   

将Pawka为改进最大似然方法(MLM)而提出的迭代方案应用于扩展本征关方法(EEV),作为EEV的一种迭代形式(IEEV)。用模拟数据检验了IEEV的合理性,并与EEV作了比较。计算结果表明,IEEV的估计性状较EEV有改善。最后将IEEV及EEV用于分析仪器阵列的外海观测数据。  相似文献   

为了拓宽建立深水非线性海浪频谱模型的研究途径,基于三阶斯托克斯波理论,提出了以改进的三阶斯托克斯波为组成波,以修正的自回归模型(AR)谱估计方法得到的估计谱(简称新谱)为靶谱的非线性海浪模型。通过基于模拟频谱和相位谱反演海浪波面高度时间序列(以下简称海浪时历反演方法)的谱比较方法验证了新谱的优越性,为从根本上解决精确评估海浪谱提供了技术支撑,对于增强未来掌控海战场具有重要意义。  相似文献   

采用Longuet-Higgins形式的方向分布函数作为已知谱,用模拟数据检验了作者所提出的估计方法EEV的合理性,并与扩展最大似然方法(EMLM)及Lygre等(1986)的最大熵方法(MEM)作了比较.在验证和比较中,使用纵摇-横摇浮标、星形阵列和CERC阵列作为复合阵列。计算表明,EEV优于EMLM和MEM。最后将EEV和EMLM两种方法应用于仪器阵列的外海观测数据,得到了比较合理的海浪方向谱。  相似文献   

In conventional marine seismic exploration data processing, the sea surface is usually treated as a horizontal free boundary. However, the sea surface is affected by wind and waves and there often exists dynamic small-range fluctuations. These dynamic fluctuations will change the energy propagation path and affect the final imaging results. In theoretical research, different sea surface conditions need to be described, so it is necessary to study the modeling method of dynamic undulating sea surface. Starting from the commonly used sea surface mathematical simulation methods, this paper mainly studies the realization process of simple harmonic wave and Gerstner wave sea surface simulation methods based on ocean wave spectrum, and compares their advantages and disadvantages. Aiming at the shortcomings of the simple harmonic method and Gerstner method in calculational speed and sea surface simulation effect, a method based on wave equation and using dynamic boundary conditions for sea surface simulation is proposed. The calculational speed of this method is much faster than the commonly used simple harmonic method and Gerstner wave method. In addition, this paper also compares the new method with the more commonly used higher-order spectral methods to show the characteristics of the improved wave equation method.  相似文献   

许荞晖  张彦敏  王运华 《海洋学报》2021,43(12):111-121
本文首先对合成孔径雷达(SAR)海浪成像中的3种调制(倾斜调制、流体力学调制与速度聚束调制)的影响进行了对比分析,结果显示:速度聚束调制对SAR图像的影响最为显著。另外,由于SAR图像中固有相干斑噪声的存在,较低波数范围的噪声难以滤除或抑制,利用经典MPI方法反演海浪谱会造成低波数范围谱值偏大。基于此,本文借鉴经典MPI海浪谱反演算法,建立了基于速度聚束调制的海浪方位向斜率谱和有效波高的反演算法。通过将经典MPI方法、同极化调制法及本文算法等3种海浪反演方法所得有效波高与浮标数据进行比较,结果显示:本文方法反演得到的海浪有效波高与浮标数据获得的有效波高之间的均方误差为0.79 m,为3种方法中最小。  相似文献   

Some missions have been carried out to measure wave directional spectrum by synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and airborne real aperture radar (RAR) at a low incidence. Both them have their own advantages and limitations. Scientists hope that SAR and satellite-based RAR can complement each other for the research on wave properties in the future. For this study, the authors aim to simulate the satellite-based RAR system to validate performance for measuring the directional wave spectrum. The principal measurements are introduced and the simulation methods based on the one developed by Hauser are adopted and slightly modified. To enhance the authenticity of input spectrum and the wave spectrum measuring consistency for SAR and satellite-based RAR, the wave height spectrum inversed from Envisat ASAR data by cross spectrum technology is used as the input spectrum of the simulation system. In the process of simulation, the sea surface, backscattering signal, modulation spectrum and the estimated wave height spectrum are simulated in each look direction. Directional wave spectrum are measured based on the simulated observations from 0° to 360°. From the estimated wave spectrum, it has an 180° ambiguity like SAR, but it has no special high wave number cut off in all the direction. Finally, the estimated spectrum is compared with the input one in terms of the dominant wave wavelength, direction and SWH and the results are promising. The simulation shows that satellite-based RAR should be capable of measuring the directional wave properties. Moreover, it indicates satellite-based RAR basically can measure waves that SAR can measure.  相似文献   

赵栋梁  黄娟 《海洋学报》2000,22(5):31-40
较详细介绍了贝叶斯统计方法在海浪方向谱估计中的应用,指出先验分布的不同对估计结果没有影响,由于均匀分布与最大熵原则相对应,使其具有某种特殊性.数值模拟表明贝叶斯方法对双峰方向分布估计的有效性,将其应用于黑海实测资料,证明双峰方向分布的出现依赖于估计方法分辨力的大小,而用最大似然法得到的双峰方向分布值得怀疑.最后给出出现双峰方向分布的一种可能物理解释.  相似文献   

三维波浪方向聚焦是畸形波形成机理之一.为了模拟和分析这一现象,在势流理论内基于改进的高阶谱(HOS)方法,给出了时空聚焦方式生成畸形波的三维波浪模型.利用满足周期性边界条件的具有不同频率、不同传播方向的各独立组成波,分隔了计算域内的能量;使各组成波采用等振幅能量分布的形式,聚焦模拟了实验尺度畸形波;把高阶谱方法拓展到大尺度的开敞海域,考虑波浪方向分布的影响,聚焦模拟了大尺度畸形波的发展和形成过程.  相似文献   

对ENVISAT ASAR level 2算法固有误差的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
欧洲空间局的ENVISAT ASAR level 2算法是从合成孔径雷达(SAR)单视复图像反演涌浪方向谱的算法.该算法假设双峰海浪谱的SAR图像交叉谱是涌浪的图像交叉谱和风浪的图像交叉谱之和.实际上双峰海浪谱的SAR图像交叉谱中还有一个混合项,正是该混合项导致ENVI-SAT ASAR level 2算法有固有误差.利用遥感仿真的方法分析了不同海况条件下该算法的这一固有误差,结果表明,只有在有效波高较小、或风浪的成分较少、或双峰海浪的传播方向较靠近SAR距离向、或波长较长时固有误差才较小,ENVISAT ASAR level 2算法对海浪谱的反演才较为适用.  相似文献   

成层海床波浪响应的状态空间解及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对成层海床的波浪响应问题,采用Laplace-Fourier变换和状态空间法求解控制方程,得到表征该问题基本状态量之间的传递矩阵。利用矩阵递推规律、边界条件及逆变换技术实现成层海床波浪响应的计算。以北海和密西西比三角洲的波浪和海床特征为参数进行算例分析,结果表明该方法具有较高的效率和精度。结合北海的工况指出在砂质海床的表面铺设一层砾石土可以增强海床的抗液化能力,起到保护海床的作用。  相似文献   

The extremely low temperature, high humidity and limited power supply pose considerable challenges when using spectrometers within the Arctic sea ice. The feasibility of using a miniature low-power near-infrared spectrometer module to measure solar radiation in Arctic sea ice environments was investigated in this study.Temperature and integration time dependences of the spectrometer module were examined over the entire target operating range of –50℃ to 30℃, well below the specified operating range of this spectrometer. Using these observations, a dark output prediction model was developed to represent dark output as a function of temperature and integration time. Temperature-induced biases in the saturation output and linear operating range of the spectrometer were also determined. Temperature and integration time dependences of the signal output were evaluated. Two signal output correction models were developed and compared, to convert the signal output at any temperature within the operating temperature range and integration time to that measured at the reference temperature and integration time. The overall performance of the spectrometer was evaluated by integrating it into a refined fiber optic spectrometry system and measuring solar irradiance distribution in the ice cover with thickness of 1.85 m in the Arctic during the 9th Chinese National Arctic Research Expedition. The general shape of the measured solar irradiance above the snow surface agreed well with that measured by other commercial oceanographic spectroradiometers. The measured optical properties of the sea ice were generally comparable to those of similar ice measured using other instruments. This approach provides a general framework for assessing the feasibility of using spectrometers for applications in cold environments.  相似文献   

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