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在轮胎非稳态侧偏特性理论模型的基础上,提出了一种半经验模型。经过试验验证,在相关的低频范围内,理论值与试验值吻合较好。与理论模型相比,该模型结构简单,模型参数较少,便于在车辆动力学仿真中应用。  相似文献   

以考虑胎体复杂变形的轮胎非稳态侧偏特性理论模型为基础,分析了轮胎结构参数对轮胎非稳态侧偏频率特性的影响,并进一步分析了轮胎结构参数对车辆摆振的影响。  相似文献   

轮胎侧偏特性在时变载荷条件下的试验设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析了时变载荷下轮胎侧偏特性的试验原理,利用低速平板式轮胎试验台,设计并实现了时变载荷下轮胎侧偏特性的试验,同时测量出不同载荷下的轮胎滚动阻力系数和轮胎垂直变形,可为轮胎特性的建模、仿真与分析等提供试验数据  相似文献   

基于“弦”胎体理论的轮胎转偏模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据基于“弦”胎体理论的轮胎非稳态侧偏模型和不同侧向输入时传递函数间的相互关系,得出轮胎非稳态转偏模型。将模型中E0函数展开为Taylor级数形式,通过有效地截取其部分项,推导出基于“弦”胎体理论的轮胎稳态转偏模型。最后还将无量纲的非稳态转偏模型简化为有理分式的一般形式。所得模型可用于拖拉机和汽车的动力学分析和转向性能研究。  相似文献   

轴流转桨式水轮机转轮进口前流场的数值分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用数值计算的方法,基于Navier-Stokes方程κ-ε紊流模型,研究了轴流转桨式水轮机内部的流动特性。通过分析水流自活动导叶出口到转轮进口的轴向速度,以及速度矩在不同工况下的分布规律,说明活动导叶开度不同时流道转弯对转轮叶片进口速度分布产生一定的影响:其中小流量工况时,流道转弯对轴向速度起到改变其分布规律的作用,对速度矩起增加的作用,在大流量工况时流道转弯对轴向速度起平衡作用,对速度矩起到减小的作用。这些研究对转轮进口处的位置确定,提供了参考,达到优化叶片提高水轮机效率的作用。  相似文献   

TRMM偏最小二乘降尺度降水模型在新疆不同地貌的适应性   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:1  
高分辨率降水数据有利于客观描述区域降水时空分异特征,也可为区域生态和水文等过程高精度模拟提供重要参数。该研究旨在研究采用偏最小二乘法降尺度方法提高热带降雨测量卫星(Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission,TRMM)数据空间分辨率用于新疆不同地貌区降水量估算的可行性。基于多源遥感数据和气象站点数据,引入相对湿度、NDVI、地形和经纬度等地理环境因子,构建偏最小二乘法降尺度模型,使遥感数据的空间分辨率由0.25°×0.25°(27.5 km×27.5 km)提高至250 m× 250 m,模拟对比降尺度前后降水量估算精度差异,并探讨新疆降水时空分布特征及其对地形地貌的响应规律。结果表明:1)相比TRMM原始数值,由偏最小二乘法降尺度模型修正后的降水量与气象站点数值的拟合度显著提高,其决定系数(R2)由0.74提高到0.85,均方根误差降低了0.26 mm,较好解决了原始数据低值高估和高值低估等问题;用乌鲁木齐河流域不同海拔高度和地形地貌区站点实测值验证该模型,发现修正后的所有站点其精度均有提高(R2从0.06~0.91提高到0.39~0.95,均方根误差从0.20~0.44 mm降低到0.18~0.40 mm),表明了该模型在不同海拔和地形地貌区降水分异刻画的可靠性及大尺度推广的可行性。2)研究期内各地形地貌区的年降水量排序为中高山、极高山、高山、低山、中山、平原、盆地;中高山及以上山区降水集中发生在6-9月,低海拔山区及平原区的降水较多发生在5-8月,但年内降水量分配较均匀。新疆降水呈“北多南少”的空间分布格局特征,各山体(山群)均存在2个较明显的降水峰值区,但各山体绝对高度和规模不同,以致峰值区的海拔也不尽相同。研究结果可为气象站点稀缺区域的降水数据提供有益补充。  相似文献   

无轴螺旋连续热解装置上的生物质热解特性   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
连续热解是一种高效的生物质能转化技术,无轴螺旋式连续热解装置不仅可减轻送料部件的质量,而且为热解挥发性产物的排出提供了有效空间,是极具发展前景的连续热解装置。为了解无轴螺旋式生物质连续热解特性,该文在无轴螺旋连续热解装置上,开展了以稻壳、花生壳和木薯茎秆为生物质原料的热解试验,分析了3种生物质在不同热解温度下的三态产物分布特性、热解气体组分变化规律及热解炭的组织结构和表面形貌特征。结果表明:炭产率随热解温度升高逐渐下降,气体产率逐渐上升,液体产率先上升再下降,在450℃时达到最大,产物分布特性与其他热解反应器的一致;不同原料炭产率由高到低依次为:稻壳花生壳木薯茎秆,液体产率由高到低依次为:稻壳花生壳木薯茎秆,气体产率与液体产率相反。热解气体组分受温度影响较大,热解温度升高,可燃气体组分含量不断上升,不可燃气体组分含量不断下降,不同原料对气体组分含量影响较小。热解炭的工业分析结果与原料的工业分析结果存在相关性,热解温度升高,热解炭中挥发分含量逐渐下降,固定碳及灰分含量增加,木薯茎秆炭的挥发分含量最高,花生壳炭的固定碳含量最高,稻壳炭的灰分含量最高;低温热解炭的表面官能团较为丰富,随热解温度升高官能团种类逐渐减少;原料自身结构特性对热解炭的表面形貌影响较大,随着热解温度升高,生物质原料的表面结构不断被破坏,热解炭表面出现孔隙结构,花生壳炭与木薯茎秆炭表面孔隙结构比稻壳炭更为发达。  相似文献   

[目的]研究陕西省延安地区重塑Q_3黄土高填方工程的后期沉降变形特性,为高填方工程的设计、施工提供一定的技术和理论支撑。[方法]通过改进K0三轴蠕变仪,对所取黄土进行了不同压实度、不同含水量、不同竖向应力下的室内土的静止侧压力系数K_0三轴固结排水蠕变试验。[结果]重塑Q_3黄土具有明显的蠕变特性,在低应力条件下,呈现出典型的衰减蠕变;在K_0条件下,随着含水量增大、竖向应力的增大,压实度的减小,蠕变呈增强趋势,蠕变变形量增大;在低水平应力的条件下,土体所受侧向应力与竖向应力成线性关系。[结论]建立了重塑Q_3黄土关于竖向应力的自定义蠕变模型,通过试验数据拟合获得了模型参数,所建模型能很好地描述延安地区重塑Q_3黄土的蠕变特性。  相似文献   

盛倩茹  王娟 《农业工程学报》2024,40(13):302-310
为提高香蕉皮缩合单宁提取物纯度,提升其后续研究与利用价值,该研究采用大孔树脂吸附法纯化香蕉皮缩合单宁,通过比较6种大孔树脂的吸附与解吸性能,筛选出最适宜的树脂型号,并从动力学和热力学的角度分析该树脂对香蕉皮缩合单宁的吸附特性,探究其纯化工艺条件。结果表明:HP-20型大孔树脂是纯化香蕉皮缩合单宁的适宜树脂;静态吸附-解吸动力学试验表明HP-20树脂分别在8、5 h内能够完成对香蕉皮缩合单宁的吸附、解吸过程,该吸附过程符合伪二阶动力学方程(R2=0.997 2);Freundlich热力学模型适用于解释树脂与缩合单宁间的相互作用,这是一种发生在多分子层表面的吸附,模型常数KF与温度成正相关,表明升温利于吸附的进行;热力学参数计算结果为ΔG<0(-9.75、-9.70、-8.83 kJ/mol),ΔH=5.13 kJ/mol,ΔS=47.28 J/mol·K,进一步证明了该过程是自发的、吸热的过程,且物理吸附占据主导作用,无序性有所增加。较佳的纯化参数是上样浓度为6 mg/mL、上样流速为1.5 mL/min、上样量为200 mL、洗脱液乙醇浓度为70%、洗脱流速为1.5 mL/min、洗脱液用量为120 mL。经该条件纯化后,香蕉皮缩合单宁纯度由5.79%提高到68.44%。说明HP-20树脂和优化参数对香蕉皮缩合单宁的纯化效果良好。  相似文献   

喷头射程理论公式与试验研究   总被引:11,自引:6,他引:11  
在无风有空气阻力的假定条件下,根据牛顿第二运动定律和水力学基本理论,推导出喷头射程的理论公式,并选取典型微喷头和喷头,在室内进行喷头射程影响因素的试验。试验结果表明:与国内外常用的经验公式相比,理论公式的计算值与实测值吻合较好,相对误差仅为5.05%。理论公式物理意义明确,计算精度高,适用于各种微喷头和喷头。  相似文献   

The stability and positive functions (such as pest regulation) of intensively managed agroecosystems can be enhanced by increasing biodiversity (in particular, by introducing cover plants or associated crops). Therefore, understanding modes of interspecific interactions among the phytophagous species, such as coexistence via host-plant partitioning, may allow manipulation of the balance between pest and non-pest species.In the present study, we tested the hypothesis that a community of six plant-feeding nematode species in banana agroecosystems is structured by host plants. This was done using extensive data on the abundance of the different nematodes species on banana and associated weeds in Martinique. Because the purpose of this study was to focus on host-plant range, we eliminated the effects of temperature, rainfall, and soil type using a partial canonical correspondence analysis.Host plants in banana agroecosystems have a marked influence on the plant-feeding nematode community structure. Host plants allow niche partitioning between some but not all pairs of species. The most evident pattern is the niche partitioning among the three nematodes considered long established in Martinique.For pairs of species showing no host-plant niche partitioning, additional information regarding the colonisation and population dynamics over time both at the root and agroecosystem scale would allow better understanding of the equilibrium among species of the plant-feeding nematode community.For management purposes, the modification of abundance of some host plants, which could be used as cover plants in the field, could change the balance among nematode species.  相似文献   

纵向岭谷区参考作物腾发量变化的特点和趋势   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
以Penman Montieth方程分析了西南纵向岭谷区大理、元江、保山、昆明、景洪站46~48年的逐日ET0及其余25个站1961~2000年逐月ET0系列。研究结果表明:日最高温度是年内ET0变化主导因素,年际变化主要受日照时数影响,个别站为最高气温或风速,短期ET0变化与雾无直接关系。利用Mann-Kendall法对各站年际、年内分季节ET0趋势检验,56.7%站点的年ET0呈显著增加趋势,分布于澜沧江耿马-思茅-勐海一带以及横断山区维西、福贡等地。分季节逐日ET0变化趋势为,昆明夏秋季显著下降,景洪冬春季显著增加,元江、保山、大理有增有减。降水量增加、气温升高,蒸发和日照时数减少,导致80%的站ET0呈下降趋势,湿润指数普遍增加。  相似文献   

Members of the Sphingomonas -related genera ( Sphingomonas , Sphingobium , Novosphingobium and Sphingopyxis ) are dominant in bacterial isolates from the floodwater of Japanese paddy fields. Fifty-eight Sphingomonas / Novosphingobium bacteriophages (phages) were isolated to elucidate their morphology, host range and phylogenetic diversity based on the capsid gene ( g23 ) sequence. All of the phages were siphoviruses with isometric or elongated, icosahedral capsids and a long, non-contractile tail. The genomes were double-stranded DNA measuring either 40, 60, 100 or 160 kb. The host range of the phages was examined by infecting 16 bacterial isolates from the floodwater, belonging to Sphingomonas , Novosphingobium , Sphingopyxis and Porphyrobacter . The host range was widely different and varied between infection of only the host used for isolation and infection of hosts belonging to the three genera of Sphingomonas , Novosphingobium and Porphyrobacter . All phages had g23 , indicating the ubiquity of the g23 gene among Myoviridae and Siphoviridae members. Every g23 sequence of the phages belonged to one of the six uncharacterized Paddy Groups proposed by Fujii et al . (2008 ). The g23 sequences were identical at the nucleotide level for several phages with isometric and elongated capsids with 60 and 160 kb genomes, and between some phages and the clones that were retrieved from distant paddy fields. This indicates the common occurrence of horizontal transfer of g23 in the paddy fields. The g23 sequence does not correlate with the host range of those phages. In addition, a larger degree of divergence of g23 from coliphage T4 in paddy fields compared to marine environments was estimated from the present study.  相似文献   

Plant growth is directly affected by soil water, soil aeration, and soil resistance to root penetration. The least limiting water range (LLWR) is defined as the range in soil water content within which limitations to plant growth associated with water potential, aeration and soil resistance to root penetration are minimal. The LLWR has not been evaluated in tropical soils. Thus, the objective of the present study was to evaluate the LLWR in a Brazilian clay Oxisol (Typic Hapludox) cropped with maize (Zea mays L. cv. Cargil 701) under no-tillage and conventional tillage. Ninety-six undisturbed soil samples were obtained from maize rows and between rows and used to determine the water retention curve, the soil resistance curve and bulk density. The results demonstrated that LLWR was higher in conventional tillage than in no-tillage and was negatively correlated with bulk density for values above 1.02 g cm−3. The range of LLWR variation was 0–0.1184 cm3 cm−3 in both systems, with mean values of 0.0785 cm3 cm−3 for no-tillage and 0.0964 cm3 cm−3 for conventional tillage. Soil resistance to root penetration determined the lower limit of LLWR in 89% of the samples in no-tillage and in 46% of the samples in conventional tillage. Additional evaluations of LLWR are needed under different texture and management conditions in tropical soils.  相似文献   

为明确耕作方式对黑土土壤水分稳定性的作用,提高黑土区雨养农业对气候变化的适应性,该研究基于黑土区长期免耕定位试验,利用最小水分限制范围(Least Limiting Water Range, LLWR)评价免耕(NT)和垄作(CT)管理下土壤含水率有效性及其变异特征。结果表明:1)在0~5、5~10、10~20和20~40 cm 4个土层中,NT处理显著降低了5~10 cm的LLWR,其他3个土层LLWR差异均不显著;2)在平水年(2014)、枯水年(2015)和丰水年(2016),NT管理下作物生育期内0~40 cm平均土壤含水率正常率分别为48%、72%和85%,年间变异系数为0.23;CT的土壤含水率正常率分别为56%、20%和51%,年间变异系数为0.38;3)在丰水年,NT与CT的平均有效储水量差值最小,NT比CT高8.95mm;在枯水年相差最大,NT的平均有效储水量比CT高13.99mm。因此,NT管理下土壤水分更稳定地分布在LLWR内,在极端降雨年份(枯水年和丰水年)优势尤其明显。  相似文献   

正确选择链板与套筒的配合过盈量,可以有效降低链板应力幅和应力集中系数,提高疲劳强度。针对传统计算过盈应力方法不适合链板非轴对称结构,文中根据配合表面位移连续条件拟合过盈量,并利用配合表面上力的等值条件建立有限元模型,推导有限元程序。通过与厚壁筒理论值应力场计算比较,证实了该程序具有很高的可靠性和精度。对16A链板应力场有限元理论分析和疲劳试验的结果表明:随着过盈量增加,应力幅不断减小,当过盈量数值继续增加而应力幅保持不变时,此数值即为最优过盈量。而合理的过盈量应为最优过盈量开始的某一范围。16A链板合理过盈量为0.06~0.08 mm,相对无过盈时其疲劳强度可提高40%~50%。  相似文献   

Six Malayan sun bears were captured and radio-collared from June 1999 to December 2001 in Ulu Segama Forest Reserve, Sabah, Malaysia Borneo to study home-range characteristics, movement patterns, activity patterns, population density, and bedding sites. A total of 343 locations were recorded. Home range sizes, calculated by the 95% adaptive kernel method, averaged 14.8 ± 6.1 (SD) km2. Bears were found in both primary and logged forests. Daily movement distances from these bears averaged 1.45 ± 0.24 (SD) km, and were affected by food availability, especially availability of figs. Male Malayan sun bears were primarily diurnal, but a few individuals were active at night for short periods. The majority of the 26 bedding sites consisted of fallen hollow logs. Other bedding sites included standing trees with cavities, cavities underneath fallen logs or tree roots, and tree branches high above the ground. Malayan sun bears exist in primary and logged forests. Well-designed logging practices, maintenance of large trees with cavities, protection of fig trees, and strict control of poaching should be incorporated into forest management practices in logged forests.  相似文献   

The Brazilian savanna, or “Cerrado”, is an ecosystem that originally covered more than 200 Mha in Brazil. It is estimated that about 49.5 Mha in the Cerrado are now covered with cultivated pastures, which are responsible for half of Brazilian beef production. However, soil and pasture degradation represent a threat to this productive system and to the Cerrado ecosystem itself. Thus, the objective of this research was to evaluate the least limiting water range (LLWR) as an index of near-surface soil physical quality after conversion of Brazilian savanna to continuous and short-duration grazing systems. Three sites were evaluated: native Cerrado (NC), continuous grazing (CG), and short-duration grazing (SG). Thirty soil cores (5 cm height, 5 cm diameter) were collected at each site, and used for soil bulk density, soil water retention curve, and soil penetration resistance curve determinations. The results were used for quantification of LLWR and critical bulk density (Dbc), in which LLWR equals zero. The near-surface soil physical quality, as evaluated by the LLWR, was most restrictive for potential root growth in SG. In CG, potential restriction was moderate; however, the entire soil bulk density range was below the Dbc. In NC, potential restriction was minimum. The soil structural degradation process was primarily related to the increase in stocking rates in the grazing systems. The LLWR proved to be a useful indicator of Cerrado soil physical quality, being sensitive to alterations in near-surface physical properties.  相似文献   

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