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脊柱颈胸交界段的MRI测量及其临床意义   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
目的:探讨有利于术前选择脊柱颈胸交界段手术入路的颈胸段MRI测量方法。方法:随机抽取95例颈椎MRI片,测量胸骨上切迹向后水平延长至相应椎体前缘的距离(AO)和对应的椎体或椎间隙,同时测量胸骨上切迹向后上方至C7/T1椎间隙前缘中点的距离(BO),测量AB间的距离及两线之夹角(称为颈胸手术角)。结果:AO距离平均为50.40mm,BO距离平均50.97mm,AB距离平均为41.41mm,夹角平均为47.64°。胸骨上切迹相对应的椎体最常见的为T3椎体的上1/3,其次为T2/3椎间隙。结论:颈胸段手术入路的选择可结合患者脊柱颈胸段的MRI表现,判断颈胸结合部与胸骨上切迹以及胸骨角水平面的关系,估计常规的下颈椎低位前方入路或经仅劈胸骨柄的手术入路能否到达颈胸结合部的病灶,从而便于选择损伤最小、手术时间最短、手术并发症较少、利于患者康复的手术入路。  相似文献   

目的探讨颈胸段脊柱疾病的临床特点及手术治疗策略。方法回顾性分析自2007-01—2014-12采用前路、后路或前后路联合手术治疗的83例颈胸段脊柱疾病。19例骨折、11例椎间盘病变、6例肿瘤、5例结核采用下颈椎低位前方入路手术;11例骨折、6例椎间盘病变、5例肿瘤、3例结核经颈前胸骨柄联合入路手术;6例骨折、3例后凸畸形采用颈胸段后方入路手术;6例骨折、2例结核采用前后联合入路手术。结果本组手术时间80~260 min,平均145 min;术中出血量100~3 100 ml,平均780 ml。75例术后获得随访9~62个月,平均26个月。所有患者术后植骨部位均达到骨性融合,骨性融合时间6~12个月,平均8.5个月。所有患者颈胸段脊柱生理力线恢复,无内固定失败等并发症发生。结论颈胸段脊柱疾病发生率低,但手术风险大,手术入路的选择应根据病变的位置、患者的耐受能力以及手术医师的熟悉程度而定,以减少创伤和并发症的发生。  相似文献   

目的:探讨颈胸段脊柱结核的手术方式选择,及其临床预后。方法:2007年1月。2012年1月我院共收治21例颈胸段脊柱结核患者,根据胸骨柄上缘和病变节段的关系,15例患者行一期前路病灶清除、植骨融合、内固定术。6例患者行一期前路病灶清除、植骨融合,后路植骨融合内固定术。术前神经功能ASIA分级:B级2例,C级4例,D级8例,E级7例。结果:所有患者均获得随访,平均随访时间为41.6个月。所有患者在术后1年均获得骨性愈合,无1例发生内固定松动、移位、断裂。颈胸段后凸Cobb's角由术前的(30.8±5.7)°改善至末次随访的(10±2.3)°(P〈0.01);ODI评分由术前的49.7±4.8改善至末次随访的23.1±3.4(P〈0.01)。术后患者的神经功能平均提高了1.6级,末次随访时ASIA分级D级2例,E级19例。结论:对于颈胸段结核,低位颈前入路可以实现病灶的彻底清除。应根据胸骨柄上缘水平切迹线和病变节段的关系,决定具体的个体化固定方式。  相似文献   

[目的]探讨颈胸交界处病变的颈前路治疗的手术方式和疗效.[方法]自1997年8月~2008年11月期间22例颈胸交界处病变的患者,采用经颈前路不劈开胸骨的手术路径,暴露病变的颈胸椎交界处(C6-T5),对病变进行清除、减压、植骨内固定.22例病人,其中椎体结核5例,椎管狭窄8例,椎体发育不良1例,肿瘤5例,创伤3例,年龄在13~74岁,平均32.3岁.术前通过X线和MRI进行评估,所有入选的病例其胸骨切迹水平所对的椎体位于病椎以远.[结果]全部患者安全完成手术,病灶清除和减压彻底,植骨融合或骨水泥填充,钢板内固定.11例多节段病变(大于3个节段)或者有后凸的病人需要行前后路联合的内固定治疗.所有手术顺利完成.术后随访12~74个月,平均28.5个月,除2例肿瘤患者死亡外,其余患者全部获得骨性融合.[结论]颈胸交界处病变,术前进行仔细评估胸骨切迹所对椎体,如果位于病椎以远,采用颈前路延长切口,能够获得良好的显露,能够进行良好的减压和固定.对于多节段的病例或者有后凸的病例行后路的固定稳定脊柱是必要的.  相似文献   

目的:探讨颈胸段脊柱结核病灶部位与胸骨柄上缘切迹位置关系对手术治疗策略选择的影响及临床预后。方法:2003年1月~2013年1月45例颈胸段脊柱结核患者采用手术治疗,其中男29例,女16例;年龄17~62岁(35.4±16.7岁)。病变节段:C7~T1 8例,T1 11例,T1~T2 7例,T2 6例,T2~T3 8例,T3 5例。术前神经功能ASIA分级:A级2例,B级5例,C级9例,D级22例,E级7例。术前颈胸段后凸成角、颈椎残障功能量表(neck disability index,NDI)评分和JOA评分分别为34.7°±6.8°、39.6±4.6及10.7±2.8。根据患者颈胸段MRI矢状位上胸骨柄上缘切线与结核病灶的关系采取不同手术方案,19例椎体结核病灶位于胸骨柄上缘水平切迹线之上的患者采用一期前路病灶清除、植骨融合内固定术,26例病灶平齐于胸骨柄上缘水平切迹线或在之下的患者采用一期前路病灶清除、植骨融合及后路植骨融合内固定术。术前及术后均用四联敏感抗结核药物规律治疗。对患者后凸成角、NDI评分和JOA评分变化情况进行统计学分析来评价疗效。结果:手术时间为178.0±48.3min;术中出血量为590.0±76.4ml。随访6.6±3.2年(3~13年),在随访期内无内固定松动、断裂、失败等情况出现。末次随访时患者颈胸段后凸成角、NDI评分及JOA评分分别为10.2°±2.4°、11.4±3.6及17.6±2.4,与术前比较均有统计学差异(P0.05)。1例单纯行一期前路病灶清除、植骨融合内固定术治疗的患者在术后6个月时手术切口窦道形成,再次行一期前路内固定取出、病灶扩大清除植骨融合和二期后路植骨融合内固定治疗,随访5.5年结核治愈。其余44例患者在术后7.2±1.1个月获得融合。在伴有神经功能减退的38例患者中,29例(76%)末次随访时神经功能ASIA分级提高1~3级,9例分级无变化。结论:颈胸段脊柱结核患者在规律抗结核药物治疗的基础上,根据患者颈胸段MRI矢状位上胸骨柄上缘切线与结核病灶的关系,对不同类型患者采用不同手术方式可完成彻底的病灶清除、固定及融合,中长期随访效果较好。  相似文献   

目的应用三种不同术式治疗颈胸交界处椎体病变,观察其疗效并进行对比,探讨其手术适应证及优缺点。方法应用经胸骨柄前入路、后侧方关节突切除及前后联合入路治疗颈胸交界处椎体病变26例。结果经胸骨柄前入路的12例中出现喉返神经损伤2例,后侧方关节突切除入路的10例中出现急性脊髓损伤2例,经术后大剂量激素冲击治疗后恢复,前后联合入路治疗4例。所有患者术中无大血管、气管、食管、胸导管意外损伤,患者均得到随访,平均3.6年,未出现内固定钢板螺钉断裂、退出等并发症,未出现术区椎管再狭窄、脊柱畸形等,植骨均骨性愈合,无假关节形成。神经功能按Frankel分级均有1级以上的改善。结论掌握手术适应证,根据不同的病种,需要减压的范围或切除病变椎体的部位,脊柱重建所要达到的强度,患者对手术的耐受程度等几方面去选择合理的个体化手术方案,从而达到有效治疗的目的。  相似文献   

经胸骨上段行颈胸段脊柱前路手术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
[目的]探讨经胸骨上段行颈胸段脊柱前路手术的方法和临床效果。[方法]自1999年8月~2006年2月共治疗11例颈胸段病变患者,男8例,女3例;年龄17~67岁,平均41.5岁。病变类型:创伤、肿瘤和结核各4、6和1例。病变节段:T3、C7~T1和T1、2各1例,C7和C6~T1各2例,4例T1。手术取颈胸部联合切口,劈开胸骨上段,显露颈胸段椎体,切除肿瘤或病变椎体、脊髓减压、重建脊柱的稳定性和内固定。脊髓神经功能按Frankel分级评定。[结果]术后随访10~56个月,平均31个月。1例术后第2 d出现乳糜漏约50 m l,引流2 d后自愈。1例出现暂时性声音嘶哑。术后脊髓功能均有不同程度恢复。无骨不融合及内固定失败,脊柱稳定性好。[结论]经胸骨上段行颈胸段脊柱前路手术显露满意,创伤小,手术操作安全,并发症少,可满足颈胸段椎管前方减压、植骨融合及内固定术。应注意避免喉返神经和胸导管的损伤。  相似文献   

[目的]探讨上胸段病变的经胸骨前入路治疗的手术方式。[方法]介绍5年来对6例颈胸交界椎疾患的患者,采用经胸骨前入路的手术方法,暴露病变的上胸段椎体(T1-4),对病变予以清除、减压、植骨内固定,并对相关文献予以复习。[结果]6例患者分别为C7椎体完全移位1例,T1、2椎体结核1例,颈胸结合部肿瘤2例,T2、3椎间盘突出1例,C7T1骨折1例。年龄11~82岁;平均37.3岁。均采用经胸骨前入路,手术入路显露良好,病灶暴露充分。术后平均随访12.4个月。除1例肿瘤患者术后复发,1例术后呼吸道梗阻死亡外,余4例患者均获得满意疗效。[结论]颈胸交界处椎体疾病的发生率较低,此部位结构复杂,单纯颈部入路不能很好的显露T2、3椎体,经胸侧入路对于上胸椎也难以显露,经胸骨前入路可以很好的暴露下颈椎及T4以上椎体,该入路对颈胸交界处椎体的病变的处理是一种很好的选择。  相似文献   

改良式经胸骨前路病灶清除治疗颈胸段脊柱结核   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
颈胸段脊柱结核并截瘫在临床上比较少见 ,仅占脊柱结核的 1 2 % [1] 。但由于颈胸段特殊的解剖位置关系 ,病灶暴露困难 ,手术有一定的难度 ,治疗效果较差。作者于 1993年 6月~ 1999年 10月采用改良式经胸骨前路病灶清除植骨融合术治疗颈胸段脊柱结核并截瘫 3例 ,取得满意效果。1 手术方法气管内插管全身麻醉。仰卧位 ,面部略偏向左侧 ,肩胛部垫薄枕 ,头颈部略后伸。取右侧颈胸部联合切口 ,自右侧胸锁乳突肌前缘中下 1/ 3处斜向内下至胸骨柄上缘 ,连胸前正中切口至胸骨角下方 ,再右转于第二、三肋间至锁骨中线处 (图 1)。在胸锁乳突肌与甲…  相似文献   

前后路联合手术治疗多节段颈胸段脊柱结核   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
目的探讨前后入路联合手术治疗多节段颈胸段脊柱结核的效果。方法对2003年以来8例患C6~T3椎体结核的病例,抗结核治疗2周后,进行前路病灶清除植骨术联合后路椎弓根固定术治疗,观察脊柱稳定性及脊髓功能恢复情况。结果所有患者经术后随访植骨部位均骨性愈合,感觉、运动功能均有不同程度改善,胸背部疼痛或不适明显缓解,无复发,近期疗效均较满意。结论前路手术可有效清除病灶、植骨,后路手术可固定多节段颈胸段脊柱,前后路联合治疗多节段颈胸段脊柱结核效果满意。  相似文献   

STUDY DESIGN: The distribution of the lowest vertebra tangential to the suprasternal notch and the lowest intervertebral disc visualized above the sternum was determined on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies. The method is illustrated in seven patients undergoing upper thoracic spinal reconstruction to define a surgical approach without sternotomy or thoracotomy. OBJECTIVES: The relation of the sternal notch to thoracic vertebrae was examined by MRI to estimate the thoracic level approachable anteriorly without sternotomy. SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA: Upper thoracic spine (T1-T4) visualization is considered difficult. The thoracic vertebrae that can be visualized anteriorly without sternotomy is unknown. METHODS: The vertebral level tangential to the suprasternal notch and the lowest intervertebral disc visualized in its entirety above the sternum was determined from 106 consecutive midsagittal cervicothoracic MRI studies. The method was evaluated in seven patients to illustrate application of a low suprasternal, lateral extracavitary, or transpedicular approach to performing upper thoracic reconstruction. RESULTS: The midportion of the T3 vertebra is often above the sternal notch, whereas the trajectory of the T1-T2 intervertebral disc is usually rostral to the sternum. All four patients with disease above the sternal notch on MRI underwent a low left suprasternal approach, whereas three others were treated with a lateral extracavitary or transpedicular approach. No patient worsened neurologically and all ambulated independently after surgery. CONCLUSIONS: Upper thoracic vertebrae can be exposed without sternotomy or thoracotomy by a low left suprasternal approach. Midsagittal cervicothoracic MRI can identify the thoracic vertebrae above the sternum, thereby determining whether a low suprasternal approach is feasible. Otherwise, a lateral extracavitary or transpedicular approach can be used to avoid sternotomy or thoracotomy.  相似文献   

Surgical access to T-1 and T-2 vertebral bodies through standard cervical approaches may be difficult and extensive in patients with short necks or high sterna. Adequate exposure of this area can be achieved in children, using a partial manubrial sternotomy and retraction of the manubrial halves. This procedure was successfully performed in a 14-year-old girl whose T-1 vertebra had been completely replaced by a large aneurysmal bone cyst that had produced major paraparesis. A two-stage anteroposterior excision and spinal fusion resulted in complete restoration of neurologic function, eradication of the cyst, and stabilization of the cervicothoracic spine. The limited manubrial split approach to lesions in the T-1 and T-2 vertebrae is recommended.  相似文献   

目的 探讨部分切除胸骨上端行颈胸段脊柱前路手术的可行性.方法 采用100例行胸部CT检查者的胸部薄层CT影像,测量胸骨柄最窄部位及对应颈胸段椎体宽度;采用100例行颈胸段MRI检查者的颈胸段正中矢状位MRI影像,测量胸骨角及对应颈胸段椎体解剖关系.根据术前CT及MRI上测量数据进行胸骨上端截骨,对12具新鲜成人尸体标本进行模拟手术,观察颈胸段脊柱显露情况.结果 胸骨柄最窄部位宽度大于对应椎体宽度,胸骨角水平低于T3,4椎间隙.模拟手术,根据术前测量数据进行胸骨上端截骨,能够良好的显露颈胸段脊柱C7~T3,能提供足够的术野宽度进行T3及以上椎体的手术操作.结论 经前路部分切除胸骨上端是处理上胸椎病变较理想的入路.  相似文献   

MRI测量对上胸椎肿瘤手术入路选择的意义   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的:探讨术前MRI测量对上胸椎肿瘤前路切除手术入路选择的意义。方法:对8例上胸椎肿瘤患者术前进行MRI检查,在MRI矢状位图片上经胸骨切迹作与胸骨柄纵轴相垂直的线P,经病变椎体尾侧紧邻正常椎体的上、下终板作两个终板的切线E1和E2,分别记录P与脊柱相交的椎体水平及E1、E2与胸骨相交的椎体水平。P经过病变椎体远侧正常椎体,E1和E2经过胸骨切迹或其上方者采用低位颈前切口;E2经过胸骨柄上部者采用部分胸骨和/或部分内侧锁骨切除入路。P经过病变椎体或E1和E2经过胸骨柄中下部者采用后外侧经胸腔人路完成手术。结果:7例患者P经过病变椎体远侧正常椎体,其中4例E2经过胸骨切迹或其上方者有3例通过低位颈前切口完成了肿瘤的前路切除,1例显露不佳,切除少量左侧锁骨内侧部分增加显露后完成手术;3例E2经过胸骨柄上部者采用部分胸骨和/或部分内侧锁骨切除人路完成手术。1例P经过病变椎体,E1和E2经过胸骨柄中下部者采用后外侧经胸腔人路完成手术。未出现与手术相关的血管和神经损伤等并发症,3个月随访时内置物无松动、移位和断裂。结论:术前MRI测量有助于选择适当的手术入路,并可帮助判断肿瘤切除后胸椎前路的融合固定方式。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this report is to describe our experience with dynamic cervical MRI for detection of cervical spinal cord instability in patients presenting spinal cord trauma without fracture or dislocation of the spinal column. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Since January 2000 a total of 95 patients presenting spinal cord trauma have been treated in our department. All patients underwent MRI for diagnostic work-up. Dynamic MRI was performed if spinal cord instability was suspected. Whenever possible, high-quality plain radiography dynamic views were obtained (coma, severe deficit, study of the cervicothoracic junction). RESULTS: Dynamic MRI allowed diagnosis of spinal cord instability in 6 patients with a mean age of 65 years (range, 45 to 75). Instability occurred during extension in 4 patients and during flexion and extension in one case. In the remaining case instability was associated with herniation of a cervical disc due to a severe cervical sprain. All 6 patients underwent early surgical stabilization that allowed improvement in-hospital patient care and quick transfer to rehabilitation centers. CONCLUSION: Dynamic MRI can be a useful tool to detect unstable spinal cord instability in some patients presenting noncompressive spinal cord injuries.  相似文献   

强直性脊柱炎合并颈胸段脊柱骨折脱位的诊治   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
尹国栋  倪斌  杨军  郭翔  周风金  杨建  刘军 《中国骨伤》2009,22(8):577-579
目的:探讨强直性脊柱炎(AS)合并颈胸段脊柱骨折脱位的病理临床特点、治疗方法及围手术期注意事项。方法:回顾分析2001年1月至2009年3月收治手术的13例AS合并颈胸段脊柱骨折脱位病例,男11例,年龄33-60岁,平均46岁;女2例,年龄36-59岁,平均47.5岁。AS病程12—27年,平均14.5年。主要临床表现为颈肩部疼痛,可伴有四肢肌力减弱、上肢感觉麻木等,X线片示颈胸段脊柱连续性中断,HIA—B27阳性。观察术后骨折愈合及脊髓神经功能改善情况(ASIA评分)。结果:13例中,6例行颈前路单间隙减压内固定术,4例行颈前路椎体次全切减压内固定术,1例行颈后路全椎板减压侧块螺钉内固定术,2例行前后联合入路复位减压内固定术。术后随访12~43个月,平均35.6个月,骨折脱位复位良好,均获得骨性融合。术后神经功能除1例A级无明显改善外,其余均有不同程度恢复。围手术期并发症5例。结论:AS合并颈胸段脊柱骨折多为不稳定的三柱骨折,常需手术治疗,术前合理选择手术适应证及术式,可减少并发症,获得较好的神经功能恢复。  相似文献   

脊髓型颈椎病手术前后MRI的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的:评价脊髓型颈椎病手术前后MRI表现及临床意义。方法:46例患者颈前路手术前后均行MRI的检查,按脊髓的受压程度及脊髓内信号改变分类,观察比较术前和术后MRI的变化与临床表现的关系。结果:脊髓受压程度与临床症状的严重程度密切相关,受压程度越重,临床表现越重(P>0.05),术后脊髓形态无恢复、髓内高信号未消失者术后恢复差。高信号消失或明显降低者术前症状轻,手术效果较好。结论:MRI对脊髓型颈椎病预后判断有重要意义。  相似文献   

Between 1984 and 1990, 90 operations were performed for carcinoma of cervical and cervicothoracic esophagus. All tumors were squamous cell carcinoma. Of these patients, 78 underwent esophagectomy, and 12 had had a gastric by pass. Visceral remplacements employed the whole stomach. Only one cervicothoraco-laparotomy was performed. The operative mortality was 6.6% (no difference between mortality rate associated with pharyngogastric anastomosis (5.3%) and that with cervical esogastric anastomosis (7.1%). The 78 resections included 55 esophagectomies for cure (70.5%) and palliative procedure for the 23 other patients. Post operative complication rate was 38% and 5-year survival rate was 12%. One study suggested that resectability and immediate post operative results of cervical or cervicothoracic esophagus cancer are not different from these of intrathoracic esophageal cancer. These results encouraged an aggressive surgical approach; whole gastric pull up seems to be the safest and most reliable method for cervical anastomosis as well as for pharyngeal anastomosis, difficulty of correct lymphadenectomy, low 5-year survival, advocated adjuvant radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND CONTEXT: Injuries at the cervicothoracic junction are common in patients with ankylosing spondylitis. These injuries present challenges for both initial and follow-up imagings. PURPOSE: To describe a case of a patient with ankylosing spondylitis who was treated with laminectomy and a cervicothoracic orthosis for a spinal epidural hematoma after a nondisplaced fracture at the cervicothoracic junction and to discuss the merits of stand-up magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for follow-up evaluation of this type of injury. STUDY DESIGN/SETTING: Case report. METHODS: Clinical data of a patient with ankylosing spondylitis who sustained a nondisplaced C7 fracture are presented, followed by a detailed review of the literature concerning imaging techniques available for the evaluation of cervical spine trauma in this patient population. RESULTS: The patient was treated with emergent laminectomy and evacuation of the epidural hematoma, followed by definitive management in a cervicothoracic orthosis secondary to medical comorbidities. The patient was then successfully followed postoperatively with stand-up MRI because conventional imaging techniques could not adequately image the injury level in an upright position. CONCLUSIONS: Cervicothoracic injuries are common in patients with ankylosing spondylitis and may be difficult to follow with conventional imaging techniques. Stand-up MRI is a relatively new modality that may offer significant advantages over conventional imaging because of the ability to evaluate the cervicothoracic junction in a more functional position and the lack of a confining space such as that found in standard MRI units.  相似文献   

HYPOTHESIS: Trauma patients with normal motor examination results and normal cervical spine helical computed tomographic (CT) scans with sagittal reconstructions do not have significant cervical spine injury. DESIGN: Prospectively collected registry data. SETTING: Level II community-based trauma center. PATIENTS: All patients admitted to the trauma service from January 1, 1999, to December 31, 2003. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Injury detected by CT and/or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the cervical spine. Neurologic examination and need for surgery were secondary outcomes. RESULTS: During the study period, 2854 trauma patients were admitted, of whom 91.2% had blunt trauma. Of these patients, 56.2% had a closed head injury. One hundred patients had cervical spine and/or spinal cord injuries. Eighty-five patients had a cervical spine injury diagnosed by CT. Fifteen patients had admission neurologic deficits not seen on CT, and 7 of these patients had non-bony abnormalities on MRI. Ninety-three patients had a normal admission motor examination result, a CT result negative for trauma, and persistent cervical spine pain, and were examined with MRI. All MRI examination results were negative for clinically significant injury. Seventeen patients had MRIs that showed degenerative disc disease, and 6 had spinal canal stenosis secondary to ossification. Twelve comatose patients (Glasgow Coma Scale score, <9), moving all 4 extremities on arrival, with normal CT results of the cervical spine, were examined with MRI. All of these MRI examination results were negative for injury. None of the patients experienced neurologic deterioration. No patient required operative management of spinal injury. CONCLUSION: Blunt trauma patients with normal motor examination results and normal CT results of the cervical spine do not require further radiologic examination before clearing the cervical spine.  相似文献   

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