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Respiratory syncytial virus, Burnett strain, adsorbed efficiently and grew to high titers in suspension cultures of HEp-2 and MA-160 cells. Our results compared favorably with previous experience with the growth of respiratory syncytial virus in monolayer cell cultures. The use of suspension cell cultures provides a convenient and simple procedure for producing high-titering respiratory syncytial virus pools.  相似文献   

Callus of Orthosiphon stamineus could be induced successfully from petiole, leaf and stem tissues but not roots when cultured on MS medium containing different concentration of NAA (0–4.0 mg l–1) and 2,4-D (0–2.0 mg l–1). Highest fresh weight callus production was obtained from leaf explants and those with best friability were obtained on MS medium plus 1.0 mg l–1 2,4-D plus 1.0 mg l–1 NAA. Cell suspension cultures were established from these cultures. The appropriate cell inoculum size for the best cell growth was 0.75 g of cells in 20 ml culture medium. Cell suspension culture using MS medium supplemented with 1.0 mg l–1 2,4-D promoted the best cell growth with maximum biomass of 8.609 g fresh weight and 0.309 g dry weight 24 days after inoculation. Cells that grew in MS medium supplemented with 1.0 mg l–1 2,4-D reached the stationary growth phase in 15 days as compared to the cells that grew in MS medium supplemented with 1.0 mg l–1 2,4-D + 1.0 mg l–1 NAA reached the stationary phase in 24 days. MS medium supplemented with 1.0 mg l–1 2,4-D was considered as the maintenance medium for maintaining the optimum cell growth of O. stamineus in the cell suspension cultures with 2-week interval subculture.  相似文献   

Growth and nitrate reductase activity (NRA) of Atropa belladonnacells were studied in medium supplemented with NaNO3, NH4NO3,and amino acid precursors to tropane alkaloids. Growth and NRAwere stimulated by NH4+ and by proline, by proline plus ornithine,but not by glutamate, in NO3-containing medium. Testedamino acids inhibited neither utilization of inorganic nitrogennor growth. (Received September 30, 1988; Accepted August 28, 1989)  相似文献   

Cell suspension cultures were established from Saussurea medusa Maxim. callus cultures. The effects of different rotation speeds of the gyratory shaker, different inoeulum sizes and different pH values of the medium on cell growth and flavonoid formation were studied. The result showed that the optimum rotation speed, inoeulum size and initial pH value of the medium were 90–120 r/min,50– 80 g FW/L and 5.5–6.0 respectively for cell growth and flavonoids formation in the suspension cultures. Sucrose was better than glucose and fructose for the suspension cultures. The optimum concentration of sucrose for cell growth and flavonoid production was 40 g/L, and the concentration of flavonoids could be as high as 1 423.25 mg/L. High performance liquid chromatographic analysis of cell suspension culture extracts showed that the concentrations of jaceosidin and hispidulin in the flavonoids were 22.11% and 0. 15% respectively.  相似文献   

Maple syrup urine disease (MSUD) is an inherited metabolic disorder biochemically characterized by the accumulation of branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) and their branched-chain keto acids (BCKAs) in blood and other tissues. Neurological dysfunction is usually present in the affected patients, but the mechanisms of brain damage in this disease are not fully understood. Considering that brain energy metabolism seems to be altered in MSUD, the main objective of this study was to investigate the in vitro effect of BCAAs and BCKAs on creatine kinase activity, a key enzyme of energy homeostasis, in brain cortex of young rats. BCAAs, but not their BCKAs, significantly inhibited creatine kinase activity at concentrations similar to those found in the plasma of MSUD patients (0.5–5 mM). Considering the crucial role creatine kinase plays in energy homeostasis in brain, if this effect also occurs in the brain of MSUD patients, it is possible that inhibition of this enzyme activity may contribute to the brain damage found in this disease.  相似文献   

A green callus of a liverwort, Jungermannia subulata Evans,was induced from gametophytes, and a cell suspension culturewas obtained from the callus. Both callus and suspension-culturedcells grew in a modified Murashige and Skoog medium if organicacids of the TCA cycle were supplied. In the cell suspensionculture of J. subulata, ammonium was taken up preferentiallyby the cells particularly at the earliest stage of growth, whileonly a negligible amount of nitrate was utilized as long asammonium was present in the medium, and this unbalanced utilizationof the two nitrogen sources caused an abrupt drop in the pHof the medium. The organic acids of the TCA cycle supportedthe growth of this cell line by preventing the abrupt drop inthe pH of the medium. (Received June 13, 1981; Accepted October 8, 1981)  相似文献   

Localization of four glycosidases, -galactosidase (-Gal), ß-galactosidase(ß-Gal), -glucosidase (-Glu) and ß-glucosidase(ß-Glu) in suspension-cultured carrot cells was studied.Wall-bound enzymes were made soluble when the cells were convertedto protoplasts by cellulase and pectinase. -Gal was separatedinto two forms, designated I and II, by chromatography on aSephadex G-200 colunm. -Gal I was located exclusively in thecytoplasm whereas -Gal II was found in both the cytoplasmicand cellwall fractions. The pH optimum was in the neutral regionfor -Gal I and in the acidic region for the other glycosidases,including -Gal II. Both intact cells and protoplasts in suspensionculture secreted these glycosidases, except -Gal I, into themedium. Specific activities of the glycosidases, especiallythe activity of ß-Gal, decreased in the early logarithmicgrowth phase and increased as cells went through late logarithmicand stationary phases. In protoplast culture, glycosidase activitygradually increased as cell wall regeneration proceeded. (Received December 13, 1980; Accepted February 10, 1981)  相似文献   

光质对悬浮培养黄岑细胞生长及黄岑苷积累的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了不同光质、光强和光期对悬浮培养黄芩(Scutellaria baicalensis)细胞的生长、细胞中苯丙氨酸氨基裂解酶(PAL)活性及黄芩苷含量的影响。白光、紫外光、红光和蓝光对悬浮培养黄芩细胞PAL活性和黄芩苷含量有不同的影响。白光、紫外光和蓝光对PAL活性和黄芩苷的积累具有诱导促进作用,其中紫外光的促进作用最强,白光和蓝光的促进作用较弱,而红光照射对PAL活性和黄芩苷的积累有一定的抑制作用。在0-60μmolm-2s-1紫外光照射强度范围内,PAL活性和黄芩苷含量随着紫外光照射强度的增加而显著提高。实验结果同时表明,红光照射显著促进黄芩细胞的生长,紫外光抑制黄芩细胞的生长,而蓝光和白光对悬浮培养黄芩细胞生长的促进作用不明显。与黑暗(对照)相比,每天8h光照强度为60μmolm-2s-1的紫外光、16h光照强度为50μmolm-2s-1的红光交替处理,在培养12d后,细胞的鲜重和黄芩苷含量为对照的1.16和3.2倍,黄芩苷的产量达到439mgL-1,是对照的3.8倍。  相似文献   

研究了半夏悬浮培养过程中细胞鲜重的变化和MS培养基组分中碳源、钙盐、Fe盐及肌醇变化对半夏悬浮培养细胞生长及总生物碱合成的影响。结果表明 ,半夏细胞的生长曲线呈“S”型 ,细胞的最佳收获时间为 2 1d。在两种碳源中 ,葡萄糖比蔗糖利于细胞的生长和总生物碱的合成 ,最适浓度为 2 0g L。最适合细胞生长和总生物碱形成的钙盐浓度为 1 8mmol L、Fe盐浓度为 0 0 6mmol L和肌醇浓度为 10 0mg L。  相似文献   

离体小麦胚胎对10种必需氨基酸的生长反应   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
试验了小麦离体胚胎对10种必需氨基酸在不同浓度下的生长反应,结果指出,不同氨基酸对小麦胚胎有专一性作用浓度。按照试管植株的生长表现,10种必需氨基酸对试管植株的生长抑制强度(或者说是酶的反馈抑制强度)可分为三种类型,即,强作用型、中等作用型和弱作用型。试验还发现,相同族的氨基酸对试管植株有基本相同的作用强度。这些结果为小麦离体氨基酸抗性选择提供了起始抑制浓度、半生长浓度和临界生长浓度等重要技术参数。  相似文献   

Changes in the distribution of 14C between free and bound aminoacids in wheat grains (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Arkas) at 10and 20 d post-anthesis are described. After 14CO2, labellingof the flag leaf, 14C was initially more rapidly transferredto the grains of 20 d post-anthesis plants than for 10 d post-anthesisplants. However, after a 460 min chase period in the light theamount of 14C in the grains of the younger and older plantswere similar. In the younger, more rapidly growing grains, agreater proportion of the 14C was incorporated into structuraltissue and starch. 14C accumulation in the grains continuedduring the dark in the younger grains but not in the older grains. Although the overall 14C distribution between the free aminoacid and protein pools of the grain was similar for both treatments,the distribution within the albumin, prolamin and globulin fractionsand between the individual non-bound amino acids differed. Ofthe protein fractions, the albumins were initially the mostheavily labelled but after 460 min chase the prolamins containedmore 14C. The majority of the 14C in the albumin and globulinfractions after 280 min chase was in hydrolysable, non-aminoacid compounds. In both tissues, the free amino acid pools lostradioactivity in the dark but the solid residues and proteinscontinued to function as 14C sinks. Daily fluctuations in the radioactivity in free and bound alanineare consistent with the role of free alanine as a diurnal metabolicnitrogen pool. Wheat, Triticum aestivum14CO2, amino acids, proteins, carbon metabolism  相似文献   

The activity of histidase (l-histidine ammonia-lyase EC 4. 3. 1. 3) of rat liver was inhibited by cystine competitively with the substrate histidine. Histidase was inactivated by preincubation with cystine, but the inactivated enzyme was reactivated by the addition of glutathione to the reaction mixture. Cysteine, at a lower level, partly reactivated the enzyme inactivated by cystine, but, at a higher level, did not reactivate it. Cysteine itself acted inhibitory on the enzyme. Glutathione did not reactivate histidase activity inhibited by cysteine. No other amino acid affected histidase activity at the level of 2 mm. Apparent Km of rat liver histidase was 1.8 × l0?m.

Neither inhibitory nor activating effect on histidase activity was observed by the addition of liver homogenate obtained from rats fed a histidine imbalanced diet to that from those fed a basal diet and vice versa.  相似文献   

氨基酸L-和D-异构体对离体小麦胚植株生长的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
5种氨基酸L-和D-异构体对离体小麦胚植株生长的影响结果表明,在1~7 mmol.L-1浓度范围内,脯氨酸异构体均不抑制植株生长;缬氨酸和蛋氨酸的L-型严重抑制生长,D-型不抑制或轻微抑制;丙氨酸则相反,L-型无抑制作用,D-型是严重抑制类型;丝氨酸的L-型轻微抑制生长,D-型严重抑制生长。生长结果也表明,DL-异构体的抑制作用介于D-型和L-型之间。  相似文献   

A commercial hydrolysate of casein stimulated production of lysine decarboxylase (EC by Escherichia coli B. Cellulose and gel chromatography of this hydrolysate yielded peptides which were variably effective in this stimulation. Replacement of individual, stimulatory peptides by equivalent amino acids duplicated the enzyme levels attained with those peptides. There was no indication of specific stimulation by any peptide. The peptides were probably taken up by the oligopeptide transport system of E. coli and hydrolyzed intracellularly by peptidases to their constituent amino acids for use in enzyme synthesis. Single omission of amino acids from mixtures was used to screen them for their relative lysine decarboxylase stimulating abilities. Over 100 different mixtures were evaluated in establishing the total amino acid requirements for maximal synthesis of lysine decarboxylase by E. coli B. A mixture containing all of the common amino acids except glutamic acid, aspartic acid, and alanine increased lysine decarboxylase threefold over an equivalent weight of casein hydrolysate. The nine most stimulatory amino acids were methionine, arginine, cystine, leucine, isoleucine, glutamine, threonine, tyrosine, and asparagine. Methionine and arginine quantitatively were the most important. A mixture of these nine was 87% as effective as the complete mixture. Several amino acids were inhibitory at moderate concentrations, and alanine (2.53 mM) was the most effective. Added pyridoxine increased lysine decarboxylase activity 30%, whereas other B vitamins and cyclic adenosine 5′-monophosphate had no effect.  相似文献   

Russian Journal of Plant Physiology - Flax (Linum usitatissimum L.), as an important commercial crops, is a rich source of fatty acids, protein, dietary fiber and lignans. Flax plant has an...  相似文献   

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