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船舶在运营中遭遇恶劣海况时结构可能会发生破坏,从而对船舶在海上航行的安全性产生严重影响.对航行船舶结构安全性的实时监测与评估是船舶设计研究人员非常关注的问题,它对船体结构的研究、设计和标准制定以及航行操作都有重要的意义.对研发成功的一套航行船舶在波浪中响应的长期监测系统(LOTEMS)及其在实船航行中的长期应用情况进行介绍和分析.该系统能对船体结构的总纵强度和局部强度、船舶6个自由度的运动模态以及船舶的加速度进行实时的跟踪测量和分析,可为船舶结构安全状态提供必要的警示信息,以便为船舶操作人员航行决策提供辅助依据.  相似文献   

在舰船行业发展速度不断加快的今天,各种高性能的舰船为各国间的贸易往来提供了必要保障。但由于海上航程较长,很容易受诸多因素影响而对航行安全性与稳定性产生影响。特别是波浪这一不可抗因素,对于舰船稳定运行的影响程度较大。在这种情况下,要想确保舰船结构强度满足要求且安全,就必须要高度重视舰船波浪稳定性的数学建模作用,进而有效应对波浪载荷影响,在海上航行中保持稳定。基于此,文章将舰船波浪稳定性作为主要研究内容,重点阐述其数学建模方法,并实施动态化分析,以全面推动舰船行业的发展。  相似文献   

舰船砰击载荷及结构动响应研究综述   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
砰击是个强非线性现象,严重砰击引起的船体局部和整体结构的动响应会威胁船舶结构强度,该问题一直深受船舶设计者和研究人员的重视.文章侧重从结构动响应角度,从理论分析、数值模拟以及实验三方面,综合分析了国内外在该领域研究进展,指出尚待解决的问题和今后的研究方向.  相似文献   

In ship structural design, many structural analyses by the finite element method are carried out on models at several different scale levels; for example, a whole ship, cargo hold parts, and detailed structures. However, one serious problem with this design and analysis process is that the generation of the finite element models for a complex configuration is very difficult and laborious. To overcome this problem, an object oriented, finite element modeling system, MODIFY, has been developed by the authors. In this paper, the concept of the finite element modeling system and the techniques for the construction of the system are explained. First, the object oriented data structure of the system, based on the Part-Object concept, is proposed. In this concept, not only the geometry of the domain but also the analytical conditions, such as boundary conditions and material properties, and the finite element model, are represented by the object oriented data structure. By using this data structure, effective finite element model generation can be expected. Second, a mesh generation algorithm based on the frontal method is described. The original frontal method by S.H. Lo was improved for application to three-dimensional curved surfaces. A new inner node placement technique to make quadrilateral elements around stress concentrated areas is also proposed. These techniques are suitable for ship structures, and more accurate results from the finite element analysis can be expected. Moreover, the parallel mesh generation is implemented in MODIFY by using the client-server concept to accelerate mesh generation. Third, a prototype system for the automatic finite element model generation for different analysis levels is proposed. The system is based on the concept of the PD part, which is the part in the design and production stage, and automatic computing of the intersection between PD parts. The validity of this system is demonstrated by some examples.  相似文献   

《Marine Structures》2006,19(1):33-69
In general, two main concepts can be applied to estimate the on-site directional wave spectrum on the basis of ship response measurements: (1) a parametric method which assumes the wave spectrum to be composed by parameterised wave spectra; or (2) a non-parametric method where the directional wave spectrum is found directly as the values in a completely discretised frequency-directional domain without a priori assumptions on the spectrum. The paper outlines the theory of these two concepts, and it is shown how to deal with the speed-of-advance problem for operating ships. In addition, the methods include an equivalence of energy in the governing equations and, as regards the parametric concept, a frequency-dependent spreading of the waves is introduced.The paper includes an extensive analysis of full-scale measurements for which the directional wave spectra are estimated by the two ship response-based methods. Hence, comparisons are made between these estimates and, moreover, the agreement with the corresponding directional wave spectra produced by the wave radar system WAVEX is studied. The agreement between the two methods is reasonable, as well is the agreement between the results of these methods and those of WAVEX. It is difficult to propose one of the ship response-based methods in favour of the other, since they perform equally well.  相似文献   

滚装船具有重心高、稳定性差等特点,在波浪中航行时,会因为外界环境的变化产生大幅度的横摇.这种非线性的横摇很容易使得船舶发生倾覆,这对船舶的安全性是非常大的隐患.对船舶横摇运行不能按照传统的线性方式进行处理,以牛顿力学和刚体力学作为基础,将阻尼力矩和恢复力矩考虑在内,建立了船舶在波浪中运行的非线性运动方程,并对船舶受到波...  相似文献   

郭保臣  任冰  刘明 《水道港口》2011,32(3):168-172
通过对海洋结构物在波浪冲击作用下动力响应的试验研究,分析了波浪冲击作用下结构物最大动力响应及出现的时间。基于Fourier变换的频谱分析,得到了波浪冲击荷载作用下平台结构的水平和竖向振动特性。当入射波频率接近平台水平固有频率时,在水平方向会产生共振。结构物模型竖向刚度较大,试验中竖向不发生共振。  相似文献   

Long term distribution of non-linear wave induced vertical bending moments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A method is proposed for the long-term formulation of wave induced vertical bending moments in ship structures. The non-linearity of the response is represented by an uncertain modelling factor that is calibrated by experimental values. Long term predictions are obtained for a tanker and a container ship hull showing that only in the latter case is the response clearly non-linear and reproduced in the long-term predictions.  相似文献   

介绍船行波的两种算法,着重运用Flory-Remery算法通过OPTIMOOR系泊软件,结合巴基斯坦某港7.5万吨级煤码头,分析临近进港航道建设码头泊位时船行波荷载对码头泊位上系泊船的影响,并提出不影响系泊船正常作业的临界航速,供类似工程参考。  相似文献   

极地船舶与海洋工程结构在营运过程中会遭受到浮冰多次冲击、直升机重复着降以及供应船停靠等反复碰撞载荷,在这些反复碰撞载荷作用下船体结构会产生累积的塑性变形,这将会严重危害冰区船舶与海洋工程结构的使用性能和安全性能.本文主要从试验方法、数值方法和理论方法三个方面对反复碰撞载荷下船体结构塑性动态响应研究进展进行综述,对船体结构在反复碰撞载荷下的力学机理进行总结,对反复碰撞载荷下船体结构的伪安定现象是否发生进行了讨论.此外,本文针对一些反复碰撞问题的实际工程背景,总结了一些设计公式以及设计图谱,从而给极地船舶与海洋工程结构设计提供参考.  相似文献   

詹广才  耿颖  朱峰  苗辉 《水运工程》2019,(9):108-112
针对港池内船舶装卸作业的安全与稳定问题,采用基于势流理论的面元法分析程序AQWA,分析得到船舶与码头结构耦合作用下的14 000 TEU集装箱船动力响应幅值算子。在此基础上,进一步采用码头泊位前的真实波浪条件,得到14 000 TEU集装箱船在设计系缆方式下的船舶运动量响应和缆绳受力响应。结果表明,14 000 TEU集装箱船横摇周期较大,与港池内存在的中长期波(12~18 s)不相匹配,不易引起船舶较大幅度的动力响应;计算分析结果与系泊物理模型试验所得到的结果相吻合,说明所采用的计算原理与分析模型较为可靠,具有较强的工程实际应用价值。  相似文献   

船舶结构疲劳评估设计波法   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
以散货船船舯内底与底边舱斜板折角处节点为例,对船舶结构疲劳评估的设计波法进行研究.论述了设计波法的基本原理,给出了确定设计波的流程。通过分析该节点的受力情况,确定5个控制载荷参数及设计波参数。以谱分析法得到的参考应力范围为目标值,对5个控制载荷参数对应的设计波作用下的节点应力范围结果进行回归分析,从而得到了用于疲劳评估的设计波组合,并利用该方法对1艘散货船的船舯内底与底边舱斜板折角处的节点进行了计算。结果显示,设计波法与谱分析法的结果吻合较好,计算量大幅减少。  相似文献   

航行舰船地震波及其在水中目标探测中的应用   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
从理论上论述了浅海波导中发生声波显著透射进海底从而造成水中传播声信号严重衰弱的原因,通过对已有的海底声传播研究实验数据的分析和总结,阐述了航行舰船地震波的产生和传播的基本规律,提出和论证了航行舰船地震波在水中目标探测中的重要应用前景和价值。  相似文献   

双船系靠LNG泊位对系泊稳定性要求高,而目前尚无船行波对双船系靠泊稳定性影响的定量分析方法。结合工程实例,以Flory-Remery单船系泊船行波荷载计算方法为基础,结合双船系靠泊位的特点予以修正,利用数值分析软件定量分析船行波过程对双船系靠泊位系泊稳定性的动态影响。结果表明,典型系泊条件下,双船系靠泊位系泊倒缆受力及纵移运动量受船行波影响最大,当船行波与系泊船间距50 m时系泊稳定性不满足要求;当船行波与系泊船间距100 m时系泊稳定性满足要求;当船行波与系泊船间距150 m时系泊稳定性基本不受船行波影响。  相似文献   

目前常规的港口设计中未考虑通航船舶对港口设施的影响,随着我国航运业的飞速发展以及船舶大型化的趋势,船舶活动对港口的影响也越来越大。归纳了大型船舶在港区及航道的不同通航条件,采用英国标准CIRIA C683中推荐的船行波计算公式对各种情况下通航船舶的船行波进行初步计算,分析船行波对港口的影响,并指出在港口设计中需要考虑船行波的情形。  相似文献   

目前,船舶构件之间主要由传统的三角形肘板连接,这种肘板易在构件与肘板的连接处造成应力集中.提出一种肘板拓扑优化的设计方法,采用子模型技术对船舶肘板节点结构进行应力分布精细化分析,以肘板材料的分布作为设计变量,考虑肘板连接的桁材应力约束,极小化肘板与桁材连接部位的应力,对船舶典型节点肘板结构进行拓扑优化.在对肘板拓扑优化结果进行适当的工程化处理后,提出一种新的肘板结构型式.计算结果表明,相对于传统的三角形肘板,新型肘板结构有效降低了节点应力集中,可为此类结构的强度分析与优化设计提供有益的参考.  相似文献   

This paper deals with stochastic wave models and their influence on wave load modelling of marine structures. The need for more refined theories is underlined for some applications and an entirely new quadratic model for the wave elevation is outlined. Finally, a number of physical phenomena relevant to waves are illustrated which are likely to be important for marine structures and could, in the near future, require ad hoc modelling.  相似文献   

岛礁波浪环境下浮式结构物的动响应预报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国南海海洋岛礁往往都环绕着宽度数百到数千米、水深很浅的珊瑚礁盘,这些礁盘不仅具有丰富的渔业和旅游资源,而且发挥着消波、护岛的重要作用。为开发海洋资源,可以在岛礁附近布设各种浮体结构物,作为海洋开发、渔业生产、环境旅游等综合保障基地。对于岛礁附近的浮式结构物,其动响应特征必将受到周围复杂的近岛礁海洋环境的影响。文章采用缓坡方程考虑近岛礁波浪环境影响,以半潜式平台为研究对象,开创性地提出了一种工程简化计算方法,用于预报岛礁附近浮式结构物在波浪中的运动与载荷响应,为后续岛礁中型浮体的设计和安全性评估提供了分析手段。  相似文献   

舰船尾迹的仿真研究有利于合成孔径雷达(SAR)对舰船的检测与识别。针对舰船航行环境的复杂性,提出了一套较为完整的舰船尾迹仿真方法。在引入快速傅里叶变换(FFT)快速求解海面基础上,加入波流相互作用,使海面与尾迹较真实的融合在一起,然后基于随机多尺度模型给出了舰船尾迹后向散射的简化计算模型,最后结合速度聚束调制和调制变换函数仿真出SAR图像,仿真结果表明该方法的可行性。  相似文献   

In this paper, a new wave spectra estimation method is proposed in which the frequency domain wave estimation method (FDWE) is extended into a probabilistic analytical framework in order to estimate the encountered sea states involving uncertainty in transfer functions of a ship. The proposed method, named the Stochastic Wave Spectra Estimation (SWSE), makes use of an Hermite polynomial chaos expansion (PCE) to represent the uncertainty in the transfer functions and the response surfaces. The method involves a mathematical formulation where an extension of the deterministic FDWE concept to the space of random variables is made. The proposed method can accurately and easily estimate the encountered wave spectra based on ship response measurements accounting for uncertainty in the transfer functions. In this paper, numerical and experimental investigations of the proposed SWSE are made, where the uncertainties in the transfer functions of heave and pitch motions of a containership are taken into account. The validity of the SWSE is demonstrated by comparison to results of uncertainty analyses through the Monte-Carlo simulations (MCS).  相似文献   

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