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Although two recent studies have failed to reveal lipoprotein(a) (LP(a)) serum concentrations > 300 mg/l to be an independent risk factor for early onset of atherosclerosis, Lp(a) serum concentrations are frequently measured to evaluate the additional risk of coronary heart disease. We describe a time-resolved immunofluorometric assay (TRIFMA) for quantifying Lp(a) levels in humans serum using commercially available reagents, which is rapid, robust and simple to perform. The two-site immunometric assay was based on microtitre plates as solid phase coated with a polycloncal anti Lp(a) antibody. The liquid-phase antibody was labelled with biotin and detected by europium labelled streptavidin in the DELFIA 1232 fluorometer. The measuring range was 2-1600 mg/l. The intra-assay imprecision was < 7% (CV), the inter-assay imprecision < 12% (CV). No interference was detected with plasminogen concentration up to 2.2 g/l. There was an acceptable correlation with a commercially available enzyme immunoassay (r = 0.95) and with electroimmunodiffusion (r = 0.85) on 100 routine serum samples measured. The assay appeared to detect different Lp(a) isoforms as dilution curves were parallel for B/F, S2 and S4 isoforms.  相似文献   

Pituitary adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide (PACAP) is a novel peptide hormone and has a variety of biological action. In studies of the physiological behaviour of endogenous PACAP, the determination of PACAP levels in biological materials require a highly sensitive and specific method. Therefore, we developed a sensitive time-resolved fluoroimmunoassay (TR-FIA) for PACAP27 which is the biologically important fragment of PACAP. Accordingly, we developed TR-FIA using a biotinylated PACAP27 (b-PACAP27) as a tracer and europium (III) chelate labeled streptavidin-biotinylated bovine serum albumin complex as a detection of biotin on solid phase. A measurable range of PACAP27 was 7.8-1000 pg m1-1 by the proposed TR-FIA. For measurement of biological samples, the samples were purified to eliminate substances which interfered with the TR-FIA. The mean recovery of PACAP27 using commercially reversed phase column was 74.7% (n = 12). The various tissues, extracts and plasma concentrations of rat could be measured by the proposed TR-FIA.  相似文献   

The platelet glycoprotein (GP) IIb/IIIa receptor antagonist appears to reduce the need for revascularization after coronary angioplasty. However, since the effect of GP IIb/IIIa receptor antagonist on the in-stent neointimal thickening has not been clarified, we examined it in the canine model. The beagle dogs were assigned to the control (n=7) or the GP IIb/IIIa receptor antagonist FK633 group (n=7). FK633 was administered by subcutaneous osmotic pumps (0.2 mg. kg-1. h-1) and an intravenous bolus injection (1 mg/kg) before stenting. A coil stent was implanted in the left circumflex coronary arteries. The platelet aggregation capability was significantly (<5%) and consistently reduced by FK633 except for the mild elevation (10% to 30%) on the next day of stenting. Hearts were excised 3 months after stent implantation. The area of intima and media and the area stenosis were obtained from the sections of the stented arteries. The area of intima and media and the area stenosis (1.3+/-0.2 mm2, 41.8+/-7.5% and 1.3+/-0.2 mm2, 33.9+/-6.7% in the FK633 and the control group, respectively) were not different between the groups. We conclude that, although GP IIb/IIIa antagonist FK633 prevented the platelet aggregation significantly and consistently, it could not prevent the neointimal thickening after stent implantation in canine coronary artery.  相似文献   

Urinary trypsin inhibitor (UTI) inhibits not only tumor cell invasion but also production of experimental and spontaneous metastasis. Cell-binding experiments indicated that human choriocarcinoma SMT-cc1 cells have specific binding sites for UTI on their cell surface. [Kobayashi et al., J. Biol. Chem. 269, 1994, 20,642-20,647]. UTI binding protein (UTIBP) was purified to homogeneity by a combination of UTI-coupled affinity beads, preparative polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and reverse phase HPLC. This protein is very similar to a truncated form of human cartilage link protein (LP). LP was identified structurally by its apparent molecular mass with and without deglycosylation treatment: Immunologically by the reactivity with anti-UTIBP antibody, and functionally by its ability to bind the NH2-terminal domain of UTI. UTI and UTIBP are distributed uniformly in the cytoplasm and/or over the cell surface of tumor cells and fibroblasts. The level of staining for hyaluronic acid, UTIBP and UTI is much lower in sections digested with hyaluronidase. These results suggest that the cell membrane-derived UTI-associated binding protein is the LP of proteoglycan-hyaluronic acid aggregates, which interacts with hyaluronic acid. Cell-associated LP may play a role in modulating protease activity to the environment close to tumor and fibroblast cell surface.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Amylin, a secretory peptide of beta-cells, is the constituent peptide of islet amyloid, which is characteristic of NIDDM, and changes in amylin secretion in response to therapies may influence the rate of production of islet amyloid. The primary objective of this study was to determine whether therapy with sulfonylurea or basal insulin in NIDDM would alter amylin secretion in a way that might affect the formation of islet amyloid. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: In a randomized crossover design, eight subjects with NIDDM underwent three 8-week periods of therapy with diet alone, sulfonylurea, or exogenous basal insulin, with evaluation of amylin, amylin-like peptide (ALP), and glucose and C-peptide concentrations, both during fasting and after a standard breakfast. Changes in beta-cell function (% beta) were assessed, in the basal state by homeostasis model assessment (HOMA) and in the stimulated state by hyperglycemic clamps. Seven nondiabetic control subjects each underwent a meal profile and hyperglycemic clamp. RESULTS: Both sulfonylurea and insulin therapy reduced basal glucose concentrations compared with diet alone, but neither reduced the increased postprandial glucose increments. Both sulfonylurea and insulin therapy increased basal % beta, assessed by HOMA, but only sulfonylurea increased the second-phase C-peptide responses to the hyperglycemic clamp. Sulfonylurea increased time-averaged mean postprandial amylin and ALP concentrations compared with diet alone (geometric mean [1-SD range] for amylin, 4.9 [2.0-11.8] vs. 3.0 [1.4-6.2] pmol/l, P = 0.003; for ALP, 16.4 [8.5-31.7] vs. 10.1 [4.9-20.8] pmol/l, P = 0.001). Insulin therapy reduced basal ALP concentrations compared with diet alone (2.9 [1.5-5.6] vs. 6.0 [2.6-13.6] pmol/l, P = 0.03), but had no effect on postprandial concentrations of amylin (3.0 [1.3-6.5] pmol/l) or ALP (10.0 [5.5-18.1] pmol/l). CONCLUSIONS: By increasing postprandial concentrations of the constituent peptides of islet amyloid, sulfonylurea therapy might increase the rate of deposition of islet amyloid and thereby accelerate the decline of % beta in NIDDM, compared with diet therapy alone.  相似文献   

Although two decades of research suggests that the hippocampus plays a special role in place learning, the present paper describes a series of studies using swimming pool spatial tasks that show that hippocampal rats have considerable place learning ability, which includes the abilities of finding, remembering, and searching for places. The same studies also show that when environmental cues are uninformative, as is the case early in original learning and again in reversal learning, hippocampal rats are impaired. Since control rats quickly resolve spatial ambiguity in these situations, it is argued that they must have a system with which they can calibrate spatial cues. The discussion considers the possibility that they use dead reckoning with path integration, a spatial strategy that provides guidance based on cues generated by a point of reference and subsequent self-movement and not the cues in the environment through which they are moving. With path integration an animal can monitor its location and at the same time attach spatial meaning to cues that it encounters. An ability to recalibrate external cues may provide the tuning that allows control rats to quickly acquire place responses while hippocampal rats are constrained by the processes of associative learning.  相似文献   

Highly purified melanoma TAA which induce melanoma-related cellmediated immune responses have been further characterized using hyperimmune TAA antisera after affinity chromatography for double immunodiffusion-immunoelectrophoresis and indirect immunofluorescence studies. An additional study of antigenic modulation was performed in 23 nonanergic and seven anergic melanoma patients, tested simultaneously with melanoma TAA prepared from primary and metastatic tumors, which had been obtained from one patient at different time periods. The results of pilot clinical trials are reported, including toxicity, timing and dosage studies in 20 patients and subsequent studies of patients with metastatic melanoma treated at three separate centers, using a single lot of purified, allogeneic melanoma TAA. The results of these latter studies in 51 patients with Stage III (distantly metastatic) melanoma and in five patients with earlier stages of disease indicate that: (1) when the interval from primary therapy to recurrence is greater than one year and when liver, bone and brain are not involved, partial or total clinical regression may be noted in up to 25% of patients with metastatic disease receiving immunochemotherapy; (2) when total regression does occur, the effect usually lasts from one to three years; (3) cytoreductive (debulking) surgery, when possible, in cutaneous, nodal retroperitoneal, and visceral regions may enhance the response to specific active immunochemotherapy, although some debulked patients had less tumor burden and this factor alone may lead to an improved prognosis in patients undergoing any subsequent treatment; (4) when circulating inhibitory factors are modified through preimmunization chemotherapy, an enhanced host response may be seen; and (5) Cancer Serum Indices (CSI) may be useful in predicting recurrence and in following tumor load and response to therapy. Information obtained from these studies suggest the need for further trials to determine the effect of immunization on patients with earlier stages of disease where recurrence rates remain high, and to evaluate the mechanisms of tumor rejection or tumor progression in the face of immune stimulation.  相似文献   

We have previously described a fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) assay for the simultaneous analysis of all human subtelomeric regions using a single microscope slide. Here we report the use of this multiprobe FISH assay in the study of a patient whose karyotype was reported by G banding analysis as 46,XX,del(18)(p11.2). Although the proband had some features suggestive of a chromosomal abnormality, relatively few of the specific features of del(18p) were present. She was a 37 year old female with mild distal spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), arthritis of the hands, an abnormal chest shape (pectus excavatum), and an unusual skin condition (keratosis pilaris). Reverse chromosome painting with degenerate oligonucleotide primer-polymerase chain reaction (DOP-PCR) amplified del(18p) chromosomes as a probe confirmed the abnormality as del(18p), with no evidence of any other chromosome involvement. Subsequently, the multiprobe FISH assay confirmed deletion of 18p subtelomeric sequence. However, the assay also showed that sequences corresponding to the 2p subtelomeric probe were present on the tip of the shortened 18p. The patient is therefore monosomic for 18p11.2-pter and trisomic for 2p25-pter, and the revised karyotype is 46,XX,der(18)t(2;18)(p25; p11.2). We believe that a proportion of all cases reported as telomeric deletions may be cryptic translocations involving other chromosome subtelomeric regions. Further studies such as this are necessary to define accurately the clinical characteristics associated with pure monosomy in chromosomal deletion syndromes.  相似文献   

Dipteryx alata trypsin inhibitor (DATI) has been purified and completely sequenced. It showed homology to members of the Bowman-Birk family of inhibitors. The last step of DATI purification by RP-HPLC (narrow-borc C18 column) suggested the existence of some isoforms of the inhibitor due to the presence of a cluster of very close peaks in the chromatogram. By using electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESIMS) and laser desorption mass spectrometry (LDIMS), the identification of DATI isoforms was made possible. From the ESIMS data, the following molecular masses were found: 6803.22 +/- 0.92 for isoform a; 6890.94 +/- 0.73 for b; 6977.58 +/- 0.39 for c; 7065.07 +/- 0.67 for d; 7151.42 +/- 0.86 for e; and 7291.70 +/- 0.43 for f. Similar masses were found when using LDIMS. Isoform b was the most abundant and its molecular mass matched the molecular mass of 6893 calculated from the sequence of DATI. The mass differences between a and b, b and c, c and d, and d and e were equal to 87, which corresponds to Ser. Isoform a might not have the N-terminal Ser present in isoform b, while the other additional Ser residues might comprise a row localized in the C- or N-terminal. The appearance of all these isoforms could result from posttranslational N- and C-terminal processing.  相似文献   

In this report we assess the systolic maximal flow velocity in carotid and intracranial arteries in 191 subjects with no history of cerebral vascular disease in 3 age groups: 20-40 years (1 group), 41-60 years (2 group), and above 60 years (3 group). The subjects were assessed using Sonomed Transcranial Doppler Spectrograph according to generally accepted principles. The purpose of the study was to establish the mean value of maximal flow velocity in each particular artery in three age groups, and to observe the changes in this parameter with age. The results were analyzed using statistical methods and a significant decrease in blood flow, Vmax, was found in all investigated arteries. A mean decrease of 8.02% in flow velocity Vmax was found, when comparing groups 2 and 1, and difference 15.99% comparing 3 and 1.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To quantify age-related changes in products of lipid oxidation in human lenses and to relate these changes to membrane hydrocarbon chain structure. Deviation from a well-defined membrane-lipid composition and structure could result in alterations in membrane function and disruption of the homeostasis of the cell. METHODS: Infrared spectroscopy was used to detect lipid compositional and structural changes in human lens membranes associated with age and cataracts. RESULTS: Lipid oxidation increased linearly threefold relative to total phospholipids in subjects ranging in age between 1 and 85 years, as was evident by increases in trans double bonds, lipid carbonyls, and secondary products. There was no statistical difference between the levels of lipid oxidation in the cortex or nucleus. Lipid hydrocarbon chain order (rigidity) increased from approximately 40% at birth to 70% at 80 years of age. Changes in lipid order correlated with changes in the relative content of membrane phosphatidylcholine and sphingomyelin, and with the level of lipid oxidation. CONCLUSIONS: Lipid oxidation increased linearly and uniformly throughout the human lens with age. The change in lipid oxidation with age correlated to a change in lipid order.  相似文献   

Protease inhibitor (PI) polymorphism was observed in the laboratory opossum, Monodelphis domestica, by either one-dimensional acid polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE; pH 4.6) or isoelectric focusing (pH 3.5-5.0) followed by immunoblotting with rabbit antiserum to human alpha 1-antitrypsin; but acid PAGE produced superior resolution of the PI proteins. Family studies demonstrated an inheritance of nine codominant autosomal alleles, PID, PIE, PIF, PIG, PIH, PII, PIJ, PIK, and PIM, and a population study revealed frequencies of 0.411, 0.010, 0.341, 0.034, 0.023, 0.071, 0.035, 0.020, and 0.055, respectively.  相似文献   

A microtitre plate format enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), employing commercially available PASE/4LJ mouse monoclonal hybridoma antibody is described. The technique is a solid phase indirect ELISA for prostatic acid phosphatase, applicable to specific detection of semen. Maximal detectability was found to be one hundred thousand fold dilution of pooled seminal plasma. No cross reactivities with human vaginal fluid, blood, saliva, female urine, nasal discharge, earwax, sweat or faeces have been found.  相似文献   

Luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LH-RH) was first labeled with an enzyme, beta-D-galactosidase (beta-Gal; EC, using N-[beta-(4-diazophenyl)ethyl]maleimide (DPEM) as a heterobifunctional cross-linking agent. An antigen was similarly prepared by coupling LH-RH to mercaptosuccinylated bovine serum albumin with DPEM and was used for the immunization of rabbits for antibodies against LH-RH. A new, simple enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for LH-RH was developed by using the principle of direct competition between LH-RH and beta-Gal-labeled LH-RH for anti-LH-RH IgG which had been adsorbed to the plastic surface of microtiter plates. LH-RH concentrations lower than 50 pg/assay well were measurable reproducibly by the ELISA, the sensitivity of which was found to be about 6250 times greater than the corresponding high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) procedure. The specificity of this ELISA seems to be primarily toward the C-terminal region of LH-RH, showing a cross-reaction with the LH-RH6-10 fragment to the same extent as with LH-RH, but no cross-reaction with the LH-RH1-3 and LH-RH4-6 fragments. Using this assay, LH-RH levels were easily measured in the blood and urine of rats following the administration of LH-RH in a single dose of 0.5 mg/kg i.v. The present, newly developed ELISA is a nonradioactive, inexpensive and rapid method, and might be useful for elucidating experimental hypothalamic-pituitary-gonad interactions.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of moderate-dose total abdominopelvic irradiation (TAI) in a retrospective series of pretreated non-Hodgkin's lymphomas (NHL). METHODS AND MATERIALS: From 1977 to 1994, 45 patients received TAI after failure of chemotherapy (CT). According to the Working Formulation, 10 patients were diagnosed with class A (group I), 19 with class B, C, or D (follicular) (group II), and 16 with class E or more severe (group III) NHL. Irradiation consisted of two daily fractions of 0.80 Gy each for a total dose of 20 Gy. RESULTS: Mean follow-up after TAI was 102 months (range 8-156). For the entire group, the complete response (CR) rate was 66%, the partial response (PR) rate 29%, 10-year overall survival (OS) 35%, 10-year disease-free survival (DFS) 29%, and median survival 32 months. When results between subgroups were compared, CR was 70% in group I, 84% in group II, and 44% in group III; and survival was statistically higher in group II than in groups I and III: 10-year OS 52% vs. 10% (p < 0.01) and 31% (p < 0.05), respectively, 10-year DFS 37% vs. 10% (p < 0.03) and 19% (p < 0.05), respectively. Grade III or IV complications were gastrointestinal in 27% of patients and hematologic in 25%. CONCLUSION: Large-field irradiation in moderate doses could provide an alternative to bone marrow transplantation in refractory NHL, especially in cases showing a follicular growth pattern.  相似文献   

An amplified primer extension assay has been developed for quantitatively mapping the sites of psoralen photoaddition to DNA. This assay was applied to a torsionally tuned Z-DNA-probe that was specifically designed for the primer extension assay. The torsionally tuned Z-DNA forming sequence, (CG)6TA(CG)2(TG)8, forms Z-DNA in vitro at negative superhelical density: sigma = -0.05. The internal 5'-TA dinucleotide was reactive to psoralen when it existed as B-DNA. Upon the formation of Z-DNA, the internal 5'-TA no longer photobound psoralen. The torsionally tuned sequence was synthesized as an EcoRI fragment such that, when Z-DNA formed, the central 5'-AATT of the EcoRI sites was part of the B-Z junctions. The 5'-AATT sequence was not reactive with psoralen when it existed as B-DNA. When the 5'-AATT sequence existed as a B-Z junction, one strand of each junction became hyperreactive to psoralen. The TT directly 5' to the B-DNA-Z-DNA junction photobound psoralen in a strand-specific fashion. Quantitation of the relative rate of psoralen photobinding to the internal 5'-TA and the 5'-AATT at the B-Z junctions provides relationships that are characteristic of the level of supercoiling in DNA.  相似文献   

Cholecystokinin is a gastrointestinal and neuropeptide which has been implicated in a wide range of physiological and behavioral processes. We have developed a sensitive and specific assay system to measure the various forms of cholecystokinin (CCK) in human plasma. This 3-step system involves i) extraction of CCK fragments from plasma using reverse phase chromatography; ii) separation of peptides by high performance liquid chromatography; and iii) detection and quantification of peptides with a double-antibody radioimmunoassay, using an antibody raised against cholecystokinin tetrapeptide (CCK-4) coupled to thyroglobulin and 125I Bolton-Hunter CCK-4 as tracer. The antibody detects CCK-4, sulfated CCK-8 (CCK-8S) and nonsulfated CCK-8 (CCK-8ns) with equal affinity. The lower limit of detection is 2.7 fmol, with an ED50 of 10.6 +/- 2.2 fmol. Mean CCK-like immunoreactivity (CCK-LI) in the plasma of 12 healthy subjects was determined to be 12.9 +/- 2.1 pM CCK-4 equivalents. Concentrations of each individual peptide in plasma were determined to be 1.0 +/- 0.2 pM, 3.4 +/- 0.8 pM and 1.9 +/- 0.4 pM for CCK-4, CCK-8s and CCK-8ns respectively.  相似文献   

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