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中科院青海盐湖研究所和青海金锋实业有限公司共同完成的2万t/a球状无水氯化钙产业化关键技术开发项目日前通过青海省科技厅验收。该项目针对柴达木地区氯化钙废液资源浪费和环境污染严重,以及综合利用产品附加值低等问题,开发出球状无水氯化钙2万t/a产业化生产工艺技术。  相似文献   

球状碳酸钙的合成研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
文章探讨了用工业氯化钙和纯碱制备球状碳酸钙的适宜工艺,通过正交实验,研究了反应温度,溶液浓度等因素对产品的影响,并得到了实验条件的最优组合,得到了球状碳酸钙,研究结果表明,加入反应缓冲剂及结晶生长停止剂是合成球状碳酸钙的关键。  相似文献   

阐述流态化技术的独有特性,在利用纯碱废液生产氯化钙的工艺中,对沉降清液的蒸发结晶部分,采用液态化技术生产颗粒状氯化钙产品,并进行技术可行性分析,确定新的工艺技术和装置,对促进氯化钙生产技术水平的提高具有一定的意义。  相似文献   

阐述了利用黄海化工厂停产期间闲置的氯化钾、氯化镁的生产设备和公用、辅助设施来生产氯化钙的工艺流程设计,介绍了生产规模的确定、设备能力的校核和新增降膜蒸发器工艺设计。  相似文献   

通过对磷酸盐、葡萄糖酸钠、硫酸锌、硫脲、硅酸钠、钼酸钠、钨酸钠、十二烷基苯磺酸钠等缓蚀剂进行单组份和复配缓蚀性能的研究,确定磷酸二氢锌-钨酸钠-硫脲-十二烷基苯磺酸钠作为优化的缓蚀剂组方,添加缓蚀剂以后的氯化钙融雪剂融冰速率无明显变化,对碳钢、混凝土的腐蚀性大幅降低,是高效缓蚀型融冰雪产品.  相似文献   

文章对氨碱法制碱废精液制取氯化钙生产工艺中硫酸根的去除方法进行了研究,试验证实采用浓氯化钙溶液与废清液预先竞合的方法,可将废清液中硫酸根含量降至0.02%左右,从而有效缓解了后序蒸发过程蒸发器壁硫酸钙结疤问题。  相似文献   

邹德兵 《苏盐科技》2004,(4):7-8,38
介绍嫁接苦卤工艺生产氯化钙过程中的投资、工艺改进、设备改造、完善生产管理等方面的做法,及企业因此实现降本增效的情况。  相似文献   

本文着重分析了商品氯化钙的成分差异;研究了氯化钙对啤酒酵母凝聚性、对发酵过程中产酸、pH值、酒精含量、啤酒风味的影响;同时分析了啤酒生产过程中钙离子的变化规律,最终表明一合理的氯化钙添加范围以及各因素影响的结果,使氯化钙使用最优化。  相似文献   

文章主要阐述了在制盐废液中通过不同的加入氯化钙除硫酸根的工艺研究,分析能源消耗、原材料投入及成本分析等.方法有:液相等量法、液相减量法、固相等量法、固相减量法.  相似文献   

氧化三甲胺(TMAO)是鱿鱼制品中内源性甲醛(FA)形成的前体物质。为了研发鱿鱼高温甲醛的高效抑制剂,采用热重-差示扫描量热(TG-DSC)法探讨氯化钙抑制TMAO热分解生成FA和二甲胺(DMA)的反应机制。结果显示,氯化钙能显著抑制鱿鱼上清体系和TMAO-Fe(II)模拟体系中TMAO热分解生成FA、DMA和三甲胺(TMA),并能干扰亚铁离子对该分解反应的促进作用。在氯化钙作用下TMAO-Fe(II)体系中TMAO热分解的TG-DSC曲线出现明显变化,吸热分解峰由3个变为2个,分解温度均明显升高。热分解动力学研究表明,氯化钙使TMAO-Fe(II)中TMAO热分解的活化能从81.14kJ/mol显著上升到3259.78kJ/mol。氯化钙抑制鱿鱼上清中TMAO热分解反应的主要机制是:氯化钙提高了TMAO热分解的活化能。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Waste water containing high levels of NaCl from cucumber fermentation tank yards is a continuing problem for the pickled vegetable industry. A major reduction in waste salt could be achieved if NaCl were eliminated from the cucumber fermentation process. The objectives of this project were to ferment cucumbers in brine containing CaCl2 as the only salt, to determine the course of fermentation metabolism in the absence of NaCl, and to compare firmness retention of cucumbers fermented in CaCl2 brine during subsequent storage compared to cucumbers fermented in brines containing both NaCl and CaCl2 at concentrations typically used in commercial fermentations. The major metabolite changes during fermentation without NaCl were conversion of sugars in the fresh cucumbers primarily to lactic acid which caused pH to decrease to less than 3.5. This is the same pattern that occurs when cucumbers are fermented with NaCl as the major brining salt. Lactic acid concentration and pH were stable during storage and there was no detectable production of propionic acid or butyric acid that would indicate growth of spoilage bacteria. Firmness retention in cucumbers fermented with 100 to 300 mM CaCl2 during storage at a high temperature (45 °C) was not significantly different from that obtained in fermented cucumbers with 1.03 M NaCl and 40 mM CaCl2. In closed jars, cucumber fermentations with and without NaCl in the fermentation brine were similar both in the chemical changes caused by the fermentative microorganisms and in the retention of firmness in the fermented cucumbers.  相似文献   

氯化钙生产和应用综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
氯化钙作为一种重要的化工产品,在工业、食品加工业和医药领域得到了广泛的应用.分别对工业级氯化钙和食品级氯化钙的应用和生产工艺作了详细的介绍.比较了粉状、片状和粒状氯化钙的的特点和生产工艺.从全国氯化钙生产状况来看,工业氯化钙产品主要是采用制碱废液工艺生产.食品医药级氯化钙产品主要采用盐酸石灰石工艺生产.  相似文献   

Development of low salt cucumber fermentation processes present opportunities to reduce the amount of sodium chloride (NaCl) that reaches fresh water streams from industrial activities. The objective of this research was to translate cucumber fermentation brined with calcium chloride (CaCl2) instead of NaCl to commercial scale production. Although CaCl2 brined cucumber fermentations were stable in laboratory experiments, commercial scale trials using 6440 L open‐top tanks rapidly underwent secondary cucumber fermentation. It was understood that a limited air purging routine, use of a starter culture and addition of preservatives to the cover brine aids in achieving the desired complete cucumber fermentation. The modified process was used for subsequent commercial trials using 12490 and 28400 L open‐top tanks packed with variable size cucumbers and from multiple lots, and cover brines containing CaCl2 and potassium sorbate to equilibrated concentrations of 100 and 6 mM, respectively. Lactobacillus plantarum LA0045 was inoculated to 106 CFU/mL, and air purging was applied for two 2–3 h periods per day for the first 10 d of fermentation and one 2–3 h period per day between days 11 and 14. All fermentations were completed, as evidenced by the full conversion of sugars to lactic acid, decrease in pH to 3.0, and presented microbiological stability for a minimum of 21 d. This CaCl2 process may be used to produce fermented cucumbers intended to be stored short term in a manner that reduces pollution and waste removal costs.  相似文献   

To minimize eggshell waste, calcium in eggshells was extracted as calcium chloride using 4% (w/v) HCl solution for an extraction period of 3 hs with the ratio of eggshell to HCl being 1:15 (w/v). After hydrolysis, the residues were removed by centrifugation at 1774 × g for 10 min, and the solution was heated to 110–115°C until dried, this gave an eggshell calcium chloride at a yield of 87.38% (w/w). The calcium chloride powder in this study was composed of 0.3% protein and 94.37% ash, with pH 5.27 and showed high solubility. It contained minute amount of heavy metal constituents within the specification of the Thai Food Act. X-ray diffraction analysis indicated that eggshell calcium chloride powder thus prepared was composed mainly of CaCl2.2H2O. The eggshell CaCl2 was also tested for its functional property as a firming agent in canned rambutan. The results showed that both eggshell and commercial calcium chloride gave a firm texture to canned rambutan, therefore eggshell CaCl2 can be prepared and used as food processing aids.  相似文献   

吴强  戴四发 《食品科学》2010,31(19):141-145
探讨超声波结合氯化钙处理在不同成熟期对牛肉色泽、系水力、蒸煮损失及嫩度的影响。选择对宰后12h成年母黄牛的臀肉注射300mmol/L 氯化钙(注射量分别为肉质量的5%、10%),样品再分别在强度为133W/m2 的超声波中处理6、12min,即4 个处理组(Ⅰ组注射量5%、处理6min,Ⅱ组注射量5%、处理12min,Ⅲ组注射量10%、处理6min,Ⅳ组注射量10%、处理12min),对照组未作任何处理。各组分别在4℃成熟1、2、3、4、5、7d时检测肉块的色泽、系水力、蒸煮损失及嫩度(剪切力)。结果表明:注射10% 氯化钙结合超声波处理12min 对牛肉的色泽、系水力、蒸煮损失改善效果最好,注射5% 氯化钙结合超声波处理6min 对改善嫩度效果最显著(P <0.05),剪切力平均降低了28.41%。所以超声波结合氯化钙处理牛肉能明显改善牛肉品质。  相似文献   

The firmness of cucumbers brined at 0.2% CaCl2 was retained during fermentation (1 month) and storage (12 months) when 2.6, 4.2 or 5.8% NaCl also was present. Firmness retention was not improved (P≥0.05) during storage by increase in NaCl concentration to 11.9% after fermentation. In the absence of added NaCI, cucumbers were firm after fermentation, but firmness was reduced during storage to 69% of initial for whole cucumbers, 64% for mesocarp tissue, and 32% for endocarp tissue. Addition of uncharacterized softening enzymes. extracted from debris collected at a cucumber grading operation, resulted in softening of cucumbers brined at 1.8% NaCl in the absence of added CaC12. Addition of CaCl2 reduced but did not eliminate softening by ths extract. Results indicated that the firmness of brined cucumbers could be retained at appreciably lower NaCl concentrations than those traditionally used but that the lower limit of NaCl required to prevent softening by possible contaminating enzymes is yet to be established.  相似文献   

探究CaCl_2对中国、日本、韩国三产地的硅藻土改性后的吸、放湿性的影响。实验结果表明:CaCl_2改性后的硅藻土均对其调湿性有明显改善,中国、日本、韩国三产地硅藻土存在吸湿调湿性差异,在浓度30%CaCl_2改性条件下,中国、韩国硅藻土调湿性都达到各自吸放湿性能最佳值,而日本产硅藻土在浓度45%CaCl_2改性时达到其调湿性能最佳值,为95.28%,在三种硅藻土中调湿性能最佳。对最优调湿性的日本硅藻土进行了不同土液质量比的改性,得出1:5是最佳改性条件。  相似文献   

通过对纯碱废液产生的量及成分、制备氯化钙情况、纯碱废液如何注入地下采盐溶腔、怎样利用溶腔作为反应器置换开采出高钙卤水制备氯化钙产品等的全面研究,提出纯碱废液注入井下开采高钙卤水制备氯化钙产品的优点、可行性及可推广性。  相似文献   

Low concentrations of amylose-iodine complex, in general, are insoluble in aqueous concentrated calcium chloride. However, lightly substituted hydroxyethyl amylose-iodine complex is soluble and stable in aqueous concentrated calcium chloride for at least a few days. The color stability of some iodine complexes of derivatized amylose and starch is observed to be time dependent.  相似文献   

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