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肉品风味物质组成及含量是影响其风味的主要因素。研究肉制品中的挥发性和非挥发性化合物的组成和含量对评价肉制品质量、提高肉制品价值均具有重要意义。通过将风味成分按挥发性和非挥发性进行分类,区别于一般狭义的"风味即气味"的概念。介绍了2种风味成分的检测方法,包括检测肉品挥发性风味物质的高效液相色谱、电子鼻、气相色谱-质谱联用技术、气相色谱-离子迁移谱、气相色谱嗅闻等技术。关于非挥发性风味物质的电化学检测、电子舌等技术,从广义角度对风味检测进行更全面介绍,以期对相关研究提供有价值参考。  相似文献   

为研究不同食物在油炸过程中吸油量的规律,选用茶油、棕榈油、调和油在不同温度下对不同水分和结构的食物(薯条、馒头、面饼)进行油炸。结果表明:温度对吸油量有较大的影响,170℃时食物吸油量最快达到最高点(薯条12 min),油炸结束时食物含油量最低(p<0.05);馒头疏松多孔的结构可大大提高食物的吸油量(45%~60%),远高于薯条(15%~45%)和面饼(15%~35%)(p<0.05);食物水分越高,需要油炸的时间越长。棕榈油油炸时食物的吸油曲线最平稳,吸油量也最低,可能比茶油和调和油更适合油炸。   相似文献   

综合 《美食》2009,(9):31-31
虽然油炸食物吃起来不够健康,但是.我们的生活却又的确少不少它。以下六种油炸食物的方法各有千秋.自己在家动手做做.也别有一番乐趣。  相似文献   

猪肉腐败过程中挥发性成分的测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对5、25℃贮藏不同时间的猪肉样品,用顶空固相微萃取气质联用(HS-SPME-GC-MS)检测分析其产生的挥发性成分。结果表明:在25℃贮藏的猪肉样品共鉴定出26种挥发性成分,5℃的猪肉样品共鉴定出22种挥发性成分;相同贮藏时间下,用HS-SPME-GC-MS检测到的挥发性成分的种类和含量,5℃贮藏的猪肉样品比25℃贮藏的猪肉样品少;相同贮藏温度下,猪肉样品中的挥发性成分会随着贮藏时间的延长不断发生变化,其中醇类物质和含氮含硫化合物会随着贮藏时间的延长不断增大。  相似文献   

辣椒是非常重要的蔬菜作物之一,在调味品中占有举足轻重的地位。综述涉及了近年国内外对辣椒挥发性成分研究取得的进展,主要包括品种、成熟程度、产品形式等多种因素对辣椒挥发性成分影响,以及利用气相色谱-闻香器联用仪鉴定出了多种辣椒香味活性成分。研究结果表明,辣椒香气与品种、产地、成熟程度、质量等因素有直接的联系。  相似文献   

中国白酒中的挥发性成分对白酒的香型和风格起着重要作用,本文总结国内近十年来在采用直接进行气质联用、溶剂萃取与气质联用、固相微萃取技术与气质联用等技术提取和分析中国白酒中挥发性成分所做的研究工作,对白酒中挥发性香成分的来源、作用以及影响白酒中挥发性成分的因素进行了简单归纳。分析表明:固相微萃取与气质联用是比较简单方便、有效提取和分析白酒中挥发性成分的方法。  相似文献   

水产品具有特殊的腥香味,其气味对其品质有着重要的影响。因此,为了提高水产品的品质以及水产品的综合开发应用水平,水产品挥发性成分的研究日渐被重视。本文综述了水产品产生风味的反应、挥发性化合物提取和分析技术以及水产品挥发性化合物及其风味的研究,以期为水产品的挥发性成分的研究提供理论依据。  相似文献   

穆兵  吕海鹏  朱荫  林智 《食品科学》2018,39(11):309-315
茶叶香气是多种挥发性化合物以不同的浓度存在的混合体,是评价茶叶品质的重要因素之一。茶叶中多数 挥发性化合物都具有一个或多个立体中心,存在香气特征与香气阈值迥异的对映异构体,其不同组成比例引发的致 香效果对茶叶香气的形成有着重要的影响。本文围绕近些年国内外关于茶树等植物或食品的挥发性成分对映异构体 的研究,比较分析不同挥发性成分对映异构体的香型特性,阐述了手性挥发性成分的研究现状及分析方法,并对未 来研究及发展趋势等进行展望,以期从对映异构体的角度更深层次了解茶叶香气品质的化学实质。  相似文献   

植物油富含多种功能成分,广泛应用于食品、饲料、化工等行业。挥发性风味成分与植物油的品质息息相关,而分析鉴定技术是植物油风味成分研究的基本手段。本文对国内外植物油中挥发性风味成分的分析前处理技术(同时蒸馏萃取法、水蒸气蒸馏法、顶空法、固相微萃取技术、溶剂辅助蒸发法等)和鉴定方法(气相色谱法、气相色谱-质谱联用法、气相色谱-嗅闻法、香气活性值法、电子鼻技术、全二维气相色谱飞行时间质谱法)的原理、特点、应用状况进行了概述,并对各种方法进行了比较,旨在为风味食用植物油的开发提供一定的数据参考。  相似文献   

采用顶空固相微萃取与气相色谱质谱联用技术(HS-SPME-GC-MS)对棕榈油(24℃)热处理过程(180℃)中挥发性成分变化进行分析。结果表明:热处理前后的棕榈油中共鉴定出63种挥发性化合物,包括醛类、醇类、酸类、酮类、烃类和杂环类;棕榈油中挥发性成分种类随加热时间的延长呈先增多后减少趋势;经热处理后,棕榈油中挥发性成分种类以醛类和烃类为主,且醛类物质含量最高,加热12 h后达80.413%;此外,1-辛烯-3-醇、己酸、2-十五烷酮和2-戊基呋喃的检出表明棕榈油中亚油酸发生了氧化分解,其变化趋势表明棕榈油随加热时间延长氧化劣变程度加深,油脂品质劣变加重。  相似文献   

目的 探究深度油炸过程煎炸油的氧化,并进一步研究煎炸油氧化对油炸外裹糊鱼块品质的影响。方法 分别采用棕榈油、大豆油、葵花籽油、小麦胚油在150、160、170、180、190℃下油炸外裹糊鱼块,测定煎炸油的酸价、过氧化值、黏度、介电常数以及油炸外裹糊鱼块外壳的水分含量、油脂含量、表面色度。结果 随着油炸温度的升高,煎炸油的游离脂肪酸含量增加,导致煎炸油的酸价、黏度和介电常数升高,过氧化值呈现波动下降的趋势;油炸外裹糊鱼块的水分含量逐渐减少,油脂含量逐渐增加,L*和b*呈递减趋势、a*呈递增趋势,且使用4种煎炸油的各项指标存在明显差异。结论 煎炸油的油炸温度和不饱和脂肪酸含量显著影响了煎炸油的氧化,导致外裹糊鱼块深度油炸过程中水分蒸发和油脂吸收有明显差异,最终影响了油炸外裹糊鱼块的品质。  相似文献   

Deep-fat frying is a rapid and low cost process widely used to prepare tasty food. During this cooking process, oil is used both as the heating medium and as an ingredient producing calorific products. Nutrition has become a major health issue, especially in developed countries where increasing obesity is a problem, particularly among children. Many food research projects involving snack food industries therefore attempt to understand oil uptake during the frying process in order to control and reduce the fat content of fried products without deteriorating their desirable organoleptic characteristics. The main objectives of this paper are to review the literature on the frying process and more precisely the mechanisms and parameters involved in the oil uptake phenomenon. Both products and processes will be considered and their influence via experimental results will be discussed.  相似文献   

挥发性风味物质是臭豆腐的主要风味物质,是臭豆腐重要的质量参数。本文对臭豆腐中挥发性物质的形成过程、风味物质成分的萃取方法、鉴定方法、形成风味物质的影响因素等方面进行了综述,并指出臭豆腐风味物质的研究趋势。   相似文献   

厉玉婷 《中国油脂》2022,47(2):47-50
利用花生油、大豆油、调和油、棕榈油4种食用植物油作为煎炸油对豆腐、裹粉鸡柳、油条3种食材进行煎炸,研究煎炸时间对煎炸油极性组分含量及羰基值的影响,确定煎炸油时间预警点,同时研究了不同煎炸油品种、不同食材对煎炸油极性组分含量的影响。结果表明:极性组分含量、羰基值均与煎炸时间呈正相关(r_(极性组分)=0.809,r_(羰基值)=0.859,P=0.000);煎炸6~11 h煎炸油极性组分含量均值从初始的11.85%增至20.96%,最大值为34.10%,可作为煎炸油质量不达标的时间预警点;煎炸12 h,极性组分含量从低到高依次为花生油、棕榈油、调和油、大豆油,含量分别为21.1%、24.1%、26.8%、27.8%,豆腐、裹粉鸡柳、油条煎炸油中极性组分含量分别为17.7%、25.0%、32.2%;煎炸18 h,极性组分含量增大程度由低到高为棕榈油/调和油、大豆油、花生油,煎炸食材用油为豆腐煎炸油、裹粉鸡柳煎炸油、油条煎炸油。  相似文献   

食用油煎炸过程中的品质变化研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
油炸食品是中国的传统食品,深受广大消费者的喜爱。然而食用油随着煎炸时间的延长,逐渐分解聚合,产生大量的严重影响食品品质及风味的醛、酮、酸、聚合物等物质,其对人体的健康存在着潜在的危害,甚至可以致癌。在食用油煎炸过程中,对油脂品质相关的指标(包括酸值、碘值、皂化值、过氧化值、脂肪酸组成、氧化稳定性、黏度、聚合物的含量以及甘一酯、甘二酯和甘三酯的含量)进行检测,结果表明,随着煎炸时间的延长,煎炸油中的聚合物含量大大升高,黏度增大,有少量甘二酯生成,不饱和脂肪酸含量下降,碘值、皂化值降低,酸值、过氧化值升高。  相似文献   

Gulabjamun, a popular Indian milk sweet, is prepared by deep-fat frying of balls of dough made of khoa, wheat flour and baking powder, and subsequent dipping in sugar syrup. Kinetics of colour and texture changes in gulabjamun balls were investigated with regard to frying temperature (120, 130, 140 °C). Crust colour was evaluated in terms of CIELAB parameters L*, a*, b*, and ΔE, and rheological properties in terms of hardness, stiffness and firmness. Frying-induced surface browning was reflected in a decreasing lightness value L* as well as the ratio of yellow hue index b* and red hue index a* and total colour expressed in terms of ΔE, L* following a zero-order change whereas the other parameters, a first-order change. Increase in the texture parameters hardness and firmness followed zero-order reaction kinetics whereas stiffness rise followed a first-order reaction. The temperature dependence of reaction constants could be explained by the Arrhenius equation. Activation energy was also obtained for both the colour and texture changes, which were in the range of 24.5-77.6 kJ/mol. High correlations between colour and texture parameters were observed and it was concluded that L* alone could be used to predict the firmness of deep-fat fried gulabjamun balls.  相似文献   

The effect of a microwave pretreatment at different time duration on the mass transfer of chicken nuggets during deep-fat frying was studied. Coated chicken nugget samples pretreated in a microwave oven for 1-2 min were fried at 160 °C for times ranging from 0 to 300 s to evaluate the mass transfer as compared to the samples without a microwave pretreatment. Microwave pretreatment had a significant effect on moisture loss and oil uptake of chicken nuggets during deep-fat frying.  相似文献   

Phenolic compounds in Chinese purple yam and changes during vacuum frying   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Phenolic compounds and their changes during vacuum frying were investigated for a Chinese purple yam. Three cyanidin derivatives and one peonidin derivative were tentatively identified by HPLC–DAD–ESIMS analysis; sinapic acid and ferulic acid were identified by HPLC–DAD analysis with authentic chemicals. There were 31.0 mg/100 g (dry weight, DW) of total anthocyanin (ACN) and 478 mg/100 g DW of total phenolic content (TPC) in the fresh yam. Sinapic acid and ferulic acid were 135 and 31.3 mg/100 g DW respectively. The blanching process caused about 60% of ACN, and 30–50% of phenolic acids and TPC to be lost, which showed that anthocyanins were most vulnerable during blanching. The retention rate of the phenolic compounds during vacuum frying was 60–69%, indicating it was a practical technology for purple yam processing, on account of its impact on the phenolic compounds stability.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to analyze the influence of temperature and reduced pressure on the convective heat transfer coefficient, h, during frying of products with different area/volume ratio. h was determined from surface temperature and moisture loss experimental data during frying of potato cylinders and “churros”, at different oil temperatures (100, 120 and 140 °C) and moderate vacuum (19.5–25.9 kPa). The results obtained during vacuum frying were compared with those obtained at atmospheric pressure, both for the same oil temperature (140 °C) and for the same thermal gradient (40 °C). During frying, h changes considerably, reaching a maximum between 700–1600 Wm−2 K−1 in vacuum frying and 800–2000 Wm−2 K−1 in atmospheric frying. To quantify the effect of oil temperature, pressure and size of the product on h, a parameter called “bubbling efficiency”, BE, was defined. BE relates the bubble departure radius and the area/volume ratio of the product. An equation (the derivative of the Gompertz function) was proposed to estimate the mean heat convective coefficients for each frying condition as a function of BE (R2 = 0.957). The relation between h and BE shows a maximum corresponding to an optimal bubbling pattern. Most of the vacuum frying settings are outside this optimum, being affected by the insulation effect of bubbles covering the surface.  相似文献   

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