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创建研究型传染病医院的探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从思路、方法和措施三个方面,介绍创建研究型传染病医院的做法和经验,展示研究型传染病医院建设的成果,为研究型医院建设提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

对创建研究型医院的探讨   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
医疗卫生领域是知识、技术密集型行业,是国家自主创新的一部分.医院是医疗卫生领域自主创新的主体之一,而研究型医院应当成为医疗卫生行业创新的载体.  相似文献   

创建研究型医院提升医院核心竞争力   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章分析了创建研究型医院与提升医院核心竞争力的关系,并从医院核心竞争力要素能力的获取、核心能力的扩散、竞争优势的整合、医院竞争力的发展创新、医院价值的实现等方面分析了创建研究型医院对提升医院核心竞争力的作用。  相似文献   

创建世界一流研究型医院是军医大学附属医院建设的战略目标,是自身健康发展、持续发展和科学发展的必然要求。在创建中,学校综合三所附属医院优势,坚持研究型医院理念,从转变医院发展模式、引导学科生态发展、培育卓越联勤军医、提高自主创新能力、提升医院发展软实力等方面深入实践,并取得一些经验。  相似文献   

结合全军医院系统中发起的创建研究型医院的实践活动,立足驻西南地区军队医院实际,探讨对创建研究型医院内涵的理解,并剖析面临的难点和问题。提出培育创新文化,扩大群众基础;完善制度体系,发挥导向作用;打牢基础,争创等级医院;拓展功能,提高军事效益等对策。  相似文献   

创建研究型传染病医院的实践与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对创建研究型医院目的意义、本质内涵和方法途径的认识,结合研究型传染病医院的建设实践,提出研究型医院建设的思考和建议。  相似文献   

本文采用系统工程的方法,应用解释结构模型对医院科研实验室利用效率进行了科学的分析与评价,文章结合上海某大型综合性医院的具体实例,重点探讨了方法的应用与结果的分析,并给出了解决问题的思路和方法。  相似文献   

人口老龄化是全球趋势,老年患者正逐渐成为医疗机构服务的主要对象,创建老年友善医院是满足老年人日益增长的特殊卫生服务需求的可行措施,通过友善文化、政策制度、卫生服务和设施环境四个维度的改造,解决老年患者就医面临的特殊困难。采用项目管理的方法,将老年友善医院的建设划分为启动、计划、实施、控制、结束五大环节,是管理学理论和方法在卫生服务领域的有效应用。本研究通过探讨某三甲综合医院创建老年友善医院的实践,旨在为创建工作提供参考。  相似文献   

阐述了研究医院的内涵,对建设研究型医院的意义及必要性作了简要分析。通过文献学习,提出了建设研究型医院的若干观点:统一思想认识;培育具有创新精神的医学团队;协调好医疗、教学与科研之间关系;贯彻人本管理思想,加强研究型医院文化建设。  相似文献   

创建研究型医院的理论与思考   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
研究型医院是以医学知识、医疗技术为基础,坚持临床与科研教学并重,不断推动临床诊治水平、社会卫生事业,以及人类健康持续稳定发展的新型一流医院。创建研究型医院是适应科技进步、社会发展、卫生改革、医疗服务模式变化的战略选择,是一项崭新的事业。在创建中,要始终瞄准医学发展前沿,坚持统筹兼顾原则,边探索、边实践、边发展、边完善,实现医院又好又快发展。  相似文献   

采用回顾性的方法,较全面阐述研究型医院概念的提出、内涵、特征及发展过程;从系统归纳的角度,提出研究型医院概念新解,引领和促进医院在管理、模式、技术、服务等领域中不断创新;按照事物发展变化的描述,探讨和展望研究型医院理论探索与实践推动的内在联系、发展规律和未来展望。  相似文献   

二、三级综合性医院组建联合体的实践和探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着卫生体制改革的深入,医院重组的类型和运作模式各不相同,以二、三级综合性医院所有权和经营权分离的托管模式组建医院联合体,这一运行机制对全面提升二级医院的管理、医疗技术水平,扩大医疗市场,起到了积极、有效的作用.这一运作形式将是我国医院管理者,特别是公立制医院管理者不断探索的方向之一.  相似文献   

随着医院总体收入的逐年增加,住院欠费现象的增长趋势也越来越明显.面对各级医疗机构存在的住院患者欠费难以回收的问题,文章通过提取某医院的欠费数据,分析欠费的情况,查找原因并制定出相应的对策和管理措施,从而保证医院的良性和可持续发展.  相似文献   

目的:分析聘用护士的离职原因,探讨降低离职率的对策。方法采用回顾性研究,对某三甲医院2010年1月至2014年12月主动离职的聘用护士279人进行分析。结果聘用护士离职率高的主要因素有:管理因素、社会因素、个人因素。结论医院护理管理者应从改善薪酬体系、职业发展规划、激励机制、招聘管理、人文关怀、社会宣传几方面着手,降低聘用护士的主动离职率,稳定护士队伍。  相似文献   

目的分析上海市某三级甲等儿童专科医院(简称"A医院")运营状况。方法通过机构问卷调查和查阅医院统计年报,收集2013—2015年A医院运营数据。结果 2015年,A医院实际开放床位数为690张;卫生技术人员数为1 342名;总诊疗人次数为228.48万人次,治愈好转率为97.19%,出院者平均住院日为7.21天,门急诊均次费用为290.31元,医师年人均门急诊服务人次数为5 259.74人次;培养研究生204名,科研项目157项,18个重点学科。结论 A医院运营业务负荷较大,需要进一步推动儿科医联体的发展以缓解卫生技术人员的医疗服务压力。  相似文献   

Children with severe acute malnutrition, defined as weight-for-height <70% of the reference median or bilateral pedal oedema or mid-arm circumference <110 mm having complications, were managed in the Nutrition Unit of the Chittagong Medical College Hospital (CMCH) following the guidelines of the World Health Organization, with support from Concern Worldwide Bangladesh and ICDDR,B. In total, 171 children aged less than five years (mean±SD age 23.5±15.3 months) were admitted during June 2005–May 2006. Of them, 66% were aged less than two years, and 84.2% belonged to households with a monthly income of less than US$ 40. The main reason for bringing children by their families to the hospital was associated major illnesses: bronchopneumonia (33%), oedema (24%), diarrhoea (11%), pulmonary tuberculosis (9%), or other conditions, such as meningitis, septicaemia, and infections of the skin, eye, or ear. The exit criteria from the Nutrition Unit were: (a) for children admitted without oedema, an absolute weight gain of ≥500 and ≥700 g for children aged less than two years and 2-5 years respectively; and for children admitted with oedema, complete loss of oedema and weight-for-height >70% of the reference median, and (b) the mother or caretaker has received specific training on appropriate feeding and was motivated to follow the advice given. Of all the admitted children, 7.6% of parents insisted for discharging their children early due to other urgent commitments while 11.7% simply left with their children against medical advice. Of the 138 remaining children, 88% successfully graduated from the Nutrition Unit with a mean weight gain of 10.6 g/kg per day (non-oedematous children) and loss of −1.9 g/kg per day (oedematous children), 86% graduated in less than three weeks, and the case-fatality rate was 10.8%. The Nutrition Unit of CMCH also functions as a training centre, and 197 health functionaries (82 medical students, 103 medical interns, and 12 nurses) received hands-on training on management of severe malnutrition. The average cost of overall treatment was US$ 14.6 per child or approximately US$ 1 per child-day (excluding staff-cost). Food and medicines accounted for 42% and 58% of the total cost respectively. This study demonstrated the potential of addressing severe acute malnutrition (with complications) effectively with minimum incremental expenditure in Bangladesh. This public-private approach should be used for treating severe acute malnutrition in all healthcare facilities and the treatment protocol included in the medical and nursing curricula.Key words: Child nutrition, Child nutrition disorders, Healthcare cost, Infant nutrition, Infant nutrition disorders, Oral rehydration therapy, Severe acute malnutrition, Standardized protocol, Bangladesh  相似文献   

BackgroundThere is conflicting data on the rate and trends of maternal mortality in Ethiopia. There is no previous study done on the magnitude and trends of maternal death at Saint Paul''s Hospital, an institution providing the largest labor and delivery services in Ethiopia. The objective of this study is to determine the magnitude, causes and contributing factors for maternal deaths in the institution.MethodsWe conducted a retrospective review of maternal deaths from January 2016 to December 2017. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 20.ResultsThe maternal mortality ratio of the institution was 228.3 per 100,000 live births. Direct maternal death accounted for 90% (n=36) of the deceased. The leading causes of the direct maternal deaths were hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (n=13, 32.5%), postpartum hemorrhage (n=10, 25%), sepsis (n=4, 10%), pulmonary thromboembolism (n=3, 7.5%) and amniotic fluid embolism (n=3, 7.5%).ConclusionThe maternal mortality ratio was lower than the ratios reported from other institutions in Ethiopia. Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy and malaria were the leading cause of direct and indirect causes of maternal deaths respectively. Embolism has become one of the top causes of maternal death in a rate like the developed nations. This might show the double burden of embolism and other causes of maternal mortality that developing countries might be facing.  相似文献   

综合型医院组织构架是否科学,是否合理,直接影响到医院工作效率的提高和科学发展目标的实现.本文在分析新疆某三甲医院组织构架现状及存在问题的基础上提出了初步建议,以求改善医院组织构架设置、提高效率,推进医院实现跨越式发展目标的实现.  相似文献   

目的以某三甲医院为例,分析可疑医疗器械不良事件上报工作的情况及影响因素。方法研究采用横断面现况调查设计。采取分阶段按比例抽样方法抽取各科室的医生、护士、技师共75人参与问卷调查,调查内容包括知识、行为等。结果调查对可疑医疗器械不良事件的知识知晓程度和态度,对本院不良事件管理和执行的知晓程度均处于较低水平,主动上报很少。结论医院应采取加强组织管理体系和扩大对医务人员宣传教育等措施,提升可疑医疗器械不良事件上报工作的完成情况。  相似文献   

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