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XTE J1748−288 is a black hole X-ray transient which went into outburst in 1998 June. The X-ray light curves showed canonical morphologies, with minor variations on the 'fast rise exponential decay' profile. The radio source, however, reached an unusually high flux density of over 600 mJy. This high radio flux was accompanied by an exceptional  (>20  per cent)  fractional linear polarization, the variability of which was anticorrelated with the flux density. We use this variability to discuss possible depolarization mechanisms and to predict the underlying behaviour of the (unresolved) core/jet components.  相似文献   

We present phase resolved optical spectroscopy and photometry of V4580 Sagittarii, the optical counterpart to the accretion powered millisecond pulsar SAX J1808.4−3658, obtained during the 2008 September/October outburst. Doppler tomography of the N  iii λ4640.64 Bowen blend emission line reveals a focused spot of emission at a location consistent with the secondary star. The velocity of this emission occurs at  324 ± 15 km s−1  ; applying a ' K -correction', we find the velocity of the secondary star projected on to the line of sight to be  370 ± 40 km s−1  . Based on existing pulse timing measurements, this constrains the mass ratio of the system to be  0.044+0.005−0.004  , and the mass function for the pulsar to be  0.44+0.16−0.13 M  . Combining this mass function with various inclination estimates from other authors, we find no evidence to suggest that the neutron star in SAX J1808.4−3658 is more massive than the canonical value of  1.4 M  . Our optical light curves exhibit a possible superhump modulation, expected for a system with such a low mass ratio. The equivalent width of the Ca  ii H and K interstellar absorption lines suggest that the distance to the source is ∼2.5 kpc. This is consistent with previous distance estimates based on type-I X-ray bursts which assume cosmic abundances of hydrogen, but lower than more recent estimates which assume helium-rich bursts.  相似文献   

We present the first light curves of V505 Sgr in the infrared (IR) J and K bands. The light curves are analysed with a code based on Roche geometry and stellar model atmosphere fluxes in order to determine a new set of stellar and orbital parameters. From the visual–IR photometry we find no evidence of IR excess in the system. We study the effect of the non-synchronous rotation of the primary star in the light and radial velocity curves. The distance of the system is estimated as  112 ± 4 pc  , in close agreement with the Hipparcos parallax.  相似文献   

We revisit the discovery outburst of the X-ray transient XTE J1550−564 during which relativistic jets were observed in 1998 September, and review the radio images obtained with the Australian Long Baseline Array, and light curves obtained with the Molonglo Observatory Synthesis Telescope and the Australia Telescope Compact Array. Based on H i spectra, we constrain the source distance to between 3.3 and 4.9 kpc. The radio images, taken some 2 d apart, show the evolution of an ejection event. The apparent separation velocity of the two outermost ejecta is at least  1.3 c   and may be as large as  1.9 c   ; when relativistic effects are taken into account, the inferred true velocity is  ≥ 0.8 c   . The flux densities appear to peak simultaneously during the outburst, with a rather flat (although still optically thin) spectral index of −0.2.  相似文献   

We have reported, in our previous paper, on the near-infrared (NIR) identification of a possible counterpart to the black hole candidate XTE J1908+094 obtained with the European Southern Observatory/New Technology Telescope. Here, we present new, follow-up, Canada–France–Hawaii Telescope adaptive optics observations of the XTE J1908+094 field, which resolved the previously proposed counterpart in two objects separated by about 0.8 arcsec. Assuming that both objects are potential candidate counterparts, we derive that the binary system is a low-mass system with a companion star which could be either an intermediate/late type (A–K) main-sequence star at a distance of 3–10 kpc or a late-type (>K) main-sequence star at a distance of 1–3 kpc. However, we show that the brighter of the two objects ( J ∼ 20.1,  H ∼ 18.7,  K '∼ 17.8) is more likely to be the real counterpart of the X-ray source. Its position is more compatible with our astrometric solution, and colours and magnitudes of the other object are not consistent with the lower limit of 3 kpc derived independently from the peak bolometric flux of XTE J1908+094. Further multiwavelength observations of both candidate counterparts are crucial in order to solve the pending identification.  相似文献   

Observations of the black hole X-ray binary V404 Cyg with the very long baseline interferometer the High Sensitivity Array (HSA) have detected the source at a frequency of 8.4 GHz, providing a source position accurate to 0.3 mas relative to the calibrator source. The observations put an upper limit of 1.3 mas on the source size (5.2 au at 4 kpc) and a lower limit of  7 × 106  K on its brightness temperature during the normal quiescent state, implying that the radio emission must be non-thermal, most probably synchrotron radiation, possibly from a jet. The radio light curves show a short flare, with a rise time of ∼30 min, confirming that the source remains active in the quiescent state.  相似文献   

We report on new X-ray outbursts observed with Swift from three Supergiant Fast X-ray Transients (SFXTs): XTE J1739−302, IGR J17544−2619 and IGR J08408−4503. XTE J1739−302 underwent a new outburst on 2008 August 13, IGR J17544−2619 on 2008 September 4 and IGR J08408−4503 on 2008 September 21. While the XTE J1739−302 and IGR J08408−4503 bright emission triggered the Swift /Burst Alert Telescope, IGR J17544−2619 did not, thus we could perform a spectral investigation only of the spectrum below 10 keV. The broad-band spectra from XTE J1739−302 and IGR J08408−4503 were compatible with the X-ray spectral shape displayed during the previous flares. A variable absorbing column density during the flare was observed in XTE J1739−302 for the first time. The broad-band spectrum of IGR J08408−4503 requires the presence of two distinct photon populations, a cold one (∼0.3 keV) most likely from a thermal halo around the neutron star and a hotter one (1.4–1.8 keV) from the accreting column. The outburst from XTE J1739−302 could be monitored with a very good sampling, thus revealing a shape which can be explained with a second wind component in this SFXT, in analogy to what we have suggested in the periodic SFXT IGR J11215−5952. The outburst recurrence time-scale in IGR J17544−2619 during our monitoring campaign with Swift suggests a long orbital period of ∼150 d (in a highly eccentric orbit), compatible with what previously observed with INTEGRAL .  相似文献   

We present results from our Chandra and XMM–Newton observations of two low-luminosity X-ray pulsators  SAX J1324.4−6200  and  SAX J1452.8−5949  which have spin periods of 172 and 437 s, respectively. The XMM–Newton spectra for both sources can be fitted well with a simple power-law model of photon index,  Γ∼ 1.0  . A blackbody model can equally well fit the spectra with a temperature,   kT ∼  2 keV, for both sources. During our XMM–Newton observations,  SAX J1324.4−6200  is detected with coherent X-ray pulsations at a period of 172.86 ± 0.02 s while no pulsations with a pulse fraction greater than 18 per cent (at 95 per cent confidence level) in 0.2–12 keV energy band are detected in  SAX J1452.8−5949  . The spin period of  SAX J1324.4−6200  is found to be increasing on a time-scale of     which would suggest that the accretor is a neutron star and not a white dwarf. Using subarcsec spatial resolution of the Chandra telescope, possible counterparts are seen for both sources in the near-infrared images obtained with the son of infrared spectrometer and array camera (SOFI) instrument on the New Technology Telescope. The X-ray and near-infrared properties of  SAX J1324.4−6200  suggest it to be a persistent high-mass accreting X-ray pulsar at a distance  ≤8 kpc  . We identify the near-infrared counterpart of  SAX J1452.8−5949  to be a late-type main-sequence star at a distance ≤10 kpc, thus ruling out  SAX J1452.8−5949  to be a high-mass X-ray binary. However, with the present X-ray and near-infrared observations, we cannot make any further conclusive conclusion about the nature of  SAX J1452.8−5949  .  相似文献   

We report on the identification of cyclical changes in the orbital period of the eclipsing dwarf novae V2051 Ophiuchi and V4140 Sagittarii. We used sets of white dwarf mid-eclipse timings to construct observed-minus-calculated diagrams covering, respectively, 25 and 16 yr of observations. The V2051 Oph data present cyclical variations that can be fitted by a linear plus sinusoidal function with period of  22 ± 2 yr  and amplitude of  17 ± 3 s  . The statistical significance of this period by an F-test is larger than 99.9 per cent. The V4140 Sgr data present cyclical variations of similar amplitude and period of  6.9 ± 0.3 yr  which are statistically significant at the 99.7 per cent level. We derive upper limits for secular period changes of     and     for V2051 Oph and V4140 Sgr, respectively.
We have combined our results with those in the literature to construct a diagram of the amplitude versus period of the modulation for a sample of 11 eclipsing cataclysmic variables (CVs). If the cyclical period changes are the consequence of a solar-type magnetic activity cycle in the secondary star, then magnetic activity is a widespread phenomenon in CVs, being equally common among long- and short-period systems. This gives independent evidence that the magnetic field (and activity) of the secondary stars of CVs do not disappear when they become fully convective. We also find that the fractional cycle period changes of the short-period CVs are systematically smaller than those of the long-period CVs.  相似文献   

We have obtained optical and near-infrared images of the field of the accreting millisecond X-ray pulsar XTE J1751−305. There are no stars in the 0.7-arcsec error circle (0.7 arcsec is the overall uncertainty arising from tying the optical and X-ray images and from the intrinsic uncertainty in the Chandra X-ray astrometric solution). We derive limiting magnitudes for the counterpart of   R > 23.1, I > 21.6, Z > 20.6, J > 19.6  and   K > 19.2  . We compare these upper limits with the magnitudes one would expect for simple models for the possible donor stars and the accretion disc subject to the reddening observed in X-rays for XTE J1751−305 and when put at the distance of the Galactic Centre (8.5 kpc). We conclude that our non-detection does not constrain any of the models for the accretion disc or possible donor stars. Deep, near-infrared images obtained during quiescence will, however, constrain possible models for the donor stars in this ultracompact system.  相似文献   

We present new, high-resolution, near-infrared images of the HH 1 jet and bow shock. H2 and [Fe  ii ] images are combined to trace excitation changes along the jet and across the many shock features in this flow. Echelle spectra of H2 profiles towards a few locations in HH 1 are also discussed. Gas excitation in oblique, planar C-type shocks best explains the observations, although J-type shocks must be responsible for the observed [Fe  ii ] emission features. Clearly, no single shock model can account for all of the observations. This will probably be true of most, if not all, Herbig–Haro flows.  相似文献   

The central star V4334 Sgr (Sakurai's Object) of the planetary nebula PN G010.4+04.4 underwent in 1995–1996 the rare event of a very late helium flash.It is only one of two such events during the era of modern astronomy (the other event was V605 Aql = Nova Aql 1919). All other prominentobjects of that type originate from events several thousands of years ago (e.g. A30, A78). Hence, only snapshots can be modeled for those objects.V4334 Sgr allows for the first time a dynamic consideration of the formation of the dust shell from the beginning.We present here a model which is able to describe the complete photometric behaviorof the object, including the fine structure dips of the optical light curve during the first two years of the mass loss and the dust formation.  相似文献   

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