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砂轮磨粒尺寸及形状对磨削加工的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用计算机数字模拟技术作为手段分析研究磨粒尺寸大小及形状对磨削加工过程和被磨削表面的影响,结果得出磨粒径大小影响到砂轮表层的磨粒中实际参加切削的磨粒数目,磨粒粒径越小,被加工表面粗糙度越小,由大大小小不同粒径磨粒的成的砂轮与单一粒径磨粒的砂轮相比,其被加工表面粗糙度要小得多,磨粒几何形状和磨粒表面微观粗糙度的被加工表面粗糙度影响不大。  相似文献   

陶瓷CBN砂轮的修整对磨粒分布状态和磨削效果的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陶瓷CBN砂轮的修整对磨粒分布状态和磨削效果的影响450007机械部郑州磨料磨具磨削研究所崔恒泰,夏悦,邱丽花,刘一来陶瓷结合剂CBN砂轮具有气孔,易于修整,因此普遍认为只需采用金刚石笔像对普通磨料陶瓷砂轮那样进行修整即可,也有一些学者认为修整后再用...  相似文献   

树脂结合剂CBN砂轮的磨削性能取决于砂轮表面磨粒裸露高度,即从磨粒顶端到底部结合剂之间的距离。本文在实验研究基础上得出在一定的磨削条件下此值的合适范围,并从理论上探讨了进行正常磨削时此高度值与磨削诸条件之间的关系,指出:最佳裸露高度值不是一个定值,它是随磨削条件变化而改变的量。  相似文献   

本文研究了常见规则几何形状金刚石磨粒的切削位置概率,加权2θc角和可能磨损面的平均原子密度。推导出金刚石砂轮单位面积有效磨刃数Nef与磨粒尺寸b及砂轮浓度x的关系式,并对7种不同浓度、粒度配比的金刚石砂轮块作SEM分析。结果表明合理选择使用磨粒尺寸小的砂轮能够经济有效地改善砂轮磨削特性。  相似文献   

金属结合剂金刚石砂轮的磨粒突出高度极大地影响砂轮的磨削性能。磨粒突出高度大小容易导致砂轮堵塞从而使磨削力增大;磨粒突出高度太大则容易导致磨粒脱落从而使砂轮磨损加快。然而,迄今为止,精确测量磨粒突出高度的方法尚未见诸报道。本文提出了一种用立体照片对测量磨粒突出高度的方法,即所谓“3D法”,并对磨削Si_3N_4时,磨粒突出高度对砂轮磨削性能的影响进行了实验研究。砂轮的修整用杯形砂轮修整器完成。主要结论如下:(1)砂轮表面修整后,磨粒突出于金属结合剂基面,并且在磨粒后方存在一三角洲状结合剂残留物。磨粒突出高度分布近似为正态分布。(2)磨削力随磨削次数单调增加。(3)通过研究磨削力、工件表面粗糙度及砂轮磨损同磨粒突出高度的关系,对最佳磨粒突出高度进行了一些讨论。  相似文献   

超声振动螺线磨削过程中,砂轮表面微观形貌的变化复杂.为准确表征其特征,采用功率谱密度分析方法,将砂轮表面的微观结构分解为不同频率、振幅和相位的谐波,对比分析不同磨削行程时普通磨削和超声振动螺线磨削砂轮表面的磨损行为.结果表明:砂轮表面功率谱密度曲线的斜率k随着磨削行程的增大而逐渐减小,即k越小砂轮表面磨损越严重.其中,...  相似文献   

本文分析了回转曲面砂轮修整时,砂轮修整器安装高度误差对修整后砂轮截面形状精度的影响,分析结果表明:在两轴插补修整时,修整后砂轮半径的误差与砂轮修整器安装高度误差的平方成正比,与两者中心距的水平投影成反比,在实用范围内,此误差很小;在三轴联动修整时,修整后砂轮半径的最大误差等于两轴插补修整时误差的1.3倍左右;而砂轮截面形状误差更小。  相似文献   

为了实现粗磨粒金刚石砂轮延性域磨削加工SiC陶瓷材料,采用碟轮对粒径为297~420μm的粗磨粒金刚石砂轮进行了精密修整。然后,使用经过修整好的粗磨粒金刚石砂轮对SiC陶瓷进行磨削加工。在此基础上,对不同的砂轮线速度、工件进给速度、磨削切深对SiC陶瓷表面粗糙度和表面形貌的影响进行了研究。试验结果表明:经过精密修整的粗磨粒金刚石砂轮是能够实现SiC陶瓷材料的延性域磨削的,表面粗糙度值Ra达到0.151μm;随着砂轮线速度增大、工件进给速度和磨削切深减小,SiC陶瓷表面的脆性断裂减小,塑性去除增加。  相似文献   

专利简介 在单晶CBN磨粒用玻璃质结合剂结合而成的陶瓷结合剂CBN砂轮制造时,该磨粒与玻璃质结合剂的接触面上依靠反应使之形成凹凸状态,以此为特征的陶瓷CBN高效磨削砂轮。  相似文献   

为研究砂轮磨粒排布样式对磨削结构化沟槽表面的影响,使用叶序、错位和阵列3种磨粒有序化排布的砂轮磨削工件平面。首先,建立3种有序化排布的数学模型;其次,根据结构化沟槽表面减阻的特性参数,设计砂轮磨削参数,并使用MATLAB软件进行磨削运动仿真,将仿真结果与理论计算值进行比较;最后,使用磨削试验验证数学模型与仿真结果的可靠性。结果表明:3种磨粒排布有序化的砂轮均能磨削出微沟槽表面,此时相邻两行磨粒的轴向间距分别为0.04 mm(叶序排布)、0.40 mm(错位排布)和0.80 mm(阵列排布),对应的磨削深度均为0.050 0 mm;磨粒阵列和错位排布的砂轮磨削出的沟槽表面更加稳定,但沟槽的参数比未能达到0.200~1.000的要求;磨粒叶序排布的砂轮加工出的沟槽,能满足表面减阻特性的要求。   相似文献   

采用扫描电镜,电子背散射衍射、X射线衍射、显微硬度计及三维表面轮廓仪等对磨削加工后的GCr15SiMn轴承钢的显微组织、硬度、残余应力及物相进行了研究。结果表明:磨削后GCr15SiMn轴承钢表面的硬度远高于基体,并且残留奥氏体发生分解,表面呈现压缩残余应力。试样表层组织存在由于塑性变形引起的几何必须位错密度(GND)增加的现象,这是轴承钢表面硬度上升的主要原因。将轴承服役过程以及磨削加工后的组织性能变化进行对比,发现有相似之处。磨削加工引起的表层变化可能是诱发裂纹在表面萌生的原因。  相似文献   

采用改进的凝胶注模技术制备多孔陶瓷结合剂超细金刚石砂轮,研究6种不同质量分数磨料(质量分数分别为27%、30%、33%、36%、39%、42%)的多孔金刚石砂轮的显微结构和磨削性能。结果表明:磨料的质量分数直接影响砂轮磨削时的磨削电流、砂轮磨损速率,进而影响硅片磨削后的表面一致性。使用磨料质量分数为39%的砂轮时,硅片磨削后可获得粗糙度为4.8 nm的光滑表面。   相似文献   

In this paper the effects of dynamic changes in the grinding force components due to changes in the grinding wheel wear flat area and the workpiece material on the vibration behavior of the grinding spindle are studied. The steady-state dynamics and vibration behavior of the grinding machine spindle is simulated by a five degree of freedom model. The results indicate that when grinding different materials using a grinding wheel with fixed wear flat area, different vibration behavior is noticed. As the grinding wheel flat area increases, the level of vibration increases for all the degrees of freedom, which indicates that there is an upper limit for the level of wear on the grinding wheel that can be tolerated, and after that level dressing operation must be conducted on the grinding wheel.  相似文献   

Since the wear of a grinding wheel has a direct effect on the workpiece vibration and both have effect on the workpiece quality, the main goal of this work is to study the relation between the process vibration signals and the workpiece quality (mean roughness, circularity and burning) as the grinding wheel gets worn, in an attempt to use these signals to decide the exact moment to dress the wheel. In order to reach this goal, several experiments were carried out in a plunge cylindrical grinding operation of an AISI 52100 quenched and tempered steel, having as input variables the dressing overlap ratio, the spark out time and the workpiece velocity. The output variables were the workpiece surface roughness and circularity and also the process vibration during both, the cutting phase and the spark out phase of the grinding cycle. The main conclusions were: (1) it is possible to have good workpiece quality even with a vibration level much higher than that obtained with a recently dressed wheel; (2) vibration during cutting phase and at the end of complete spark out can be used to monitor the wheel condition at least when high dressing overlap ratio is used; and (3) the decrease in the spark out time makes the vibration at the end of spark out increase a lot, but does not cause such a damage in surface roughness. This fact makes the use of partial spark out feasible in some situations.  相似文献   

对磨削法修磨复杂形面金刚石磨料工具的技术进行研究.使用光学影像磨床,采用形面组合法对典型复杂形面金刚石工具进行修磨应用试验;通过理论分析、试验以及对修磨形貌显微观察等手段分析修磨机理;对修磨基本工艺、修磨效率和修磨精度的影响进行试验研究,并确定其相关规律.研究结果表明:磨削法修磨去除机理是通过磨粒接触面内局部接触点产生...  相似文献   

New technological process consisting of hard turning (HT) followed by abrasive machining, in place of the widely used method in industry, i.e., hard turning versus grinding, has lately been launched in the automotive industry. This is because, many transmissions parts, such as synchronizing gears, crankshafts and camshafts require superior surface finish along with appropriate fatigue performance. This paper provides a comprehensive characterization of part surface finish produced in dry turning of a hardened AISI 52100 bearing steel using mixed ceramic (MC) and PCBN tools, and also its modification after special abrasive finishing operations including superfinishing (SF) and belt grinding (BG). In this investigation, some important 2D and 3D surface roughness parameters, as well as profile and surface characteristics, such as the amplitude distribution functions, bearing area curves, surface topographies and contour maps obtained for the four surface types selected, were determined and analyzed. Experimental data gained during measurements indicate that each of the finishing abrasive processes provides a specific set of surface topologies. The transformation of bearing properties of surfaces, generated through two optional PCBN HT-BG and MC HT-SF machining sequences, are highlighted. As a result, the modifications of surface profiles achieved by means of special abrasive machining operations can distinctly improve the bearing properties of previously hard turned surfaces, and exemplarily, they shorten the running-in period.  相似文献   

在精密卧式磨床M7132A上,研究磨削速度对42CrMo钢进行磨削淬火强化层硬度与组织的影响。结果表明:完全强化层的显微硬度值在724~824 HV0.1,与基体相比提高3~4倍,且随着磨削速度的提高,在工件表面的显微硬度也相应增加;完全强化层是混合型的马氏体组织,其中以条片状马氏体居多,且随着磨削速度的增加,强化层的组织细化;完全强化层的深度也随着磨削速度的增加而增加。  相似文献   

用相同粒度的CBN与刚玉砂带,分别磨削45号钢,分析并比较其磨削性能。结果表明:CBN砂带磨耗比为210.4,刚玉砂带磨耗比为18.9,CBN砂带耐磨性远远高于刚玉砂带;CBN砂带加工工件的表面质量要优于刚玉砂带,但两者磨削工件的表面粗糙度Ra相差不大,分别为0.127 μm、0.128 μm;CBN砂带磨料出刃高,初始磨削效率高;刚玉砂带树脂结合剂硬度低,磨削60 min后基本丧失了磨削能力,而CBN砂带金属镍结合剂与磨料硬度有很好的匹配性,180 min后仍能保持28.2 g/h磨削效率。   相似文献   

采用盘圆砂钢机对Q235钢进行了砂带磨削试验研究,对磨削后工件的材料去除率进行了分析,讨论了其最佳工艺参数组合。结果表明:在盘圆砂钢机砂带磨削Q235钢过程中,线材速度对材料去除率的影响最为显著,其次为工作台转速、砂带粒度,砂带张紧力的影响最小。仅考虑对材料去除率的影响时,最佳工艺参数组合为:砂带张紧力200 N,工作台转速500r/min,砂带粒度120#,线材速度为50m/min。此时得到的材料去除率为6.860 2g/s。  相似文献   

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