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居居 《中华手工》2010,(3):70-70
<正>亲爱的宝贝,虽然你现在还在妈妈肚子里,但是你的到来使爸爸妈妈非常非常非常的幸福!我们希望你在妈妈肚子里的时候一定要吃得饱睡得好,明年的这个时候,让爸爸妈  相似文献   

一个小小的想法和创意,都可能对未来生活产生极大影响。你有想过走上云端,让风带你去旅行吗?你有想过在睡眠中自已造梦吗?你有想过运用投影技术随时改变家居风格吗?一个小小的想法和创意,都可能对未来生活的方方面面产生极大影响。  相似文献   

“火车驾驶员”的梦想破灭对于陆继明来说,竟然成就了另一个梦想——自己造火车。这不是痴人说梦,谁说普通人不能当上现代瓦特呢?  相似文献   

研究者正在开发比传统植物油源能生产比30%还多油的植物品种,研究将使这些工业上能信赖的资源获得巨大启动。采用从其它象富含月桂酸的椰子那样的标本实行基因转移,使获得甚至含更高月桂酸的工作也已在进行中。  相似文献   

有机化学实验毒性大、污染重,对传统的有机化学实验教学模式进行改革具有重要的意义。文章讨论了有机化学实验存在的主要问题,针对这些问题提出了实现有机化学绿色化的主要措施。  相似文献   

这就是可持续发展概念的一种陈述。未来生活不仅仅包括我们未来的生活,同时包括我们孩子的、我们孩子的孩子的……生活。  相似文献   

A workshop was held in 1990 in Muscle Shoals, Alabama to discuss current and future research on phosphorus in agriculture. Twenty four presentations were given in areas ranging from basic to applied research. For five of the research areas presented at the workshop, this paper presents a literature review, a review of presentations at the workshop, and a discussion of future research ideas.Presented at the FAO/IAEA Consultants meeting on Evaluation of the Agronomic Effectiveness of Phosphate Fertilizers Through the use of Nuclear and Related Techniques, May 10-12, 1993  相似文献   

挑战未来车身涂装工艺   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从优化工艺、节省成本、提高能源利用率,同时获得更优越的涂膜性能,以及在"纳米结构体系"领域寻找发展耐划擦涂料的方法几方面介绍了未来车身涂装工艺所面临的挑战.  相似文献   

《Electrochimica acta》2003,48(17):2542

环境友好催化技术发展趋势   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
20世纪发展的用以消除排放污染物的环境友好催化剂技术将在本世纪得到广泛重视并将应用于汽车及静态污染源。贫燃发动机的燃油效率高、温室气体排放量低。但贫燃条件下NOx 的还原对催化工作者提出了更大的挑战。催化传感器在监测汽车及静态污染源排放方面将扮演更为重要的角色。在 2 1世纪初期 ,运用被动催化技术 (passivecatalytictechnology)分解大气中的臭氧将得到更多的应用。光催化继续成为人们研究的主要对象之一 ,但其应用市场仍有待开发。在电催化及从碳氢化合物制造氢的燃烧过程研究中 ,对质子交换膜燃料电池的研究将成为一个主要的焦点。同时 ,低能耗、低污染的化学品生产技术仍将是制造商们追寻的目标 ,并将取得更大的成就  相似文献   

近几年来 ,国际油价高位振荡 ,起伏不定 ,国际能源地缘政治格局发生新的变化 ,业内外人士在关心石油安全稳定供应的同时 ,也比以往更加关注替代能源 ,尤其是未来道路运输用能源的前景问题。为此 ,本刊特组织编译了法国石油研究院发动机与能源部主任安德烈·道沃德在第 1 7届世界石油大会上所作的报告 ,以飨读者。该报告从降低CO2 排放、经济性、发动机技术与燃料的组合配置、政府税收政策支持等多角度分析了未来道路用能源的前景和发展方向。  相似文献   

朱传棨 《涂料工业》2004,34(9):40-40
《涂料工业》创刊45年了。衷心祝贺和欣喜于其壮大之余,思绪把我带回了45年前,已然仙逝的各位先贤,陈调甫、陈广顺、梁兆熊、杨成国、曹惠民等和依然健在的各位贤哲,周本励、路敏俊、夏曙蕾、竺玉书等的音容笑貌顿然清晰浮现眼前。是他们的创意、高瞻远瞩,给我们带来这么一本富有特色的刊物,留  相似文献   

据实验及近期文献介绍,本文详实地阐述了以稻壳为主要原料的四种化工及高科技产品的制造过程。并从原料来源、加工过程的难易程度、可制得的产品种类及其应用范围、经济效益等方面展望了稻壳综合利用的前景。  相似文献   

Electrohydrodynamic drying (EHD) is a promising technology to dehydrate biomaterials but needs further development for industrial use. Open questions in our understanding of EHD drying are discussed. These include the phenomena driving the EHD drying process, possible dryer configurations for industrial upscaling, and the specific energy consumption of corona discharge and peripheral equipment. Future opportunities for experimental and numerical analysis of EHD drying are also highlighted, including particle image velocimetry and X-ray/neutron tomography. Numerical modeling of EHD airflow and the associated vapor transport, coupled with the transfer processes within the drying material, are considered essential for further process optimization.  相似文献   

Theranostics involves finding the biomarkers of a disease, fighting them through site specific drug delivery and following them for prognosis of the disease. Microneedle array technology has been used for drug delivery and extended for continuous monitoring of analytes present in the skin compartment. We envisage the use of microneedle arrays for future theranostic applications. The potential of combining microneedle array-based drug delivery and diagnostics as part of closed-loop control system for the management of diseases and delivery of precision drugs in individual patients is reported in this paper.  相似文献   

The development of biomaterials that can be used to substitute metals in dental restorations represents the main challenge of future research activities until the year 2020. Therefore, the authors will focus on the presentation of two types of biomaterials for dental restoration: glass-ceramics and sintered ceramics. Dental biomaterials must have a highly aesthetic appearance that is comparable to that of natural teeth. Furthermore, they must be more durable than natural teeth and show good mechanical properties at ambient temperatures.Based on the state of the art and the latest research activities, the presentation is focused on glass-ceramics with high toughness, glass-ceramics with optical properties comparable to those of natural teeth and glass-ceramics that are processed with preferred techniques, for example, those which are moulded on different types of high-strength substrate materials. In addition, high-strength and high-toughness materials such as lithium disilicate glass-ceramics can be processed either by moulding or by a new method, that is, machining. Possible directions will be presented for moulding different types of glass-ceramics such as fluoroapatite containing glass-ceramics on high-toughness substrates made of glass-ceramics or very tough sintered ceramics.The focal point of this presentation is the demonstration of the high-strength and high-toughness sintered ceramics of the ZrO2 type. The preferred processing method of this type of biomaterials for dental restoration is machining using CAD/CAM technologies. Future activities will be focused on improving the quality of the ZrO2-type biomaterial. At present ZrO2 ceramics are white opaque. One of the main aims is to achieve optical properties comparable to those of natural teeth in ZrO2 ceramic. Therefore, the material has to be developed in special dental colours with the same mechanical properties and good durability as that of the white ZrO2. The authors will show future directions for developing coloured ZrO2 sintered ceramics.Future research activities will be focused on gaining a better understanding of the phenomena and mechanisms of toughening glass-ceramics and ceramics. With the acquired knowledge on the toughening mechanisms, new directions for developing ceramics until the year 2020 will be explored. The technology to achieve this goal will be applied nanotechnology.  相似文献   

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