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Stream temperature dynamics within a New Zealand glacierized river basin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Knowledge of river thermal dynamics for glacierized basins is limited, despite the high sensitivity of these systems to climatic change/variability. This study examined spatio‐temporal water column and streambed temperature dynamics within a New Zealand glacierized river basin over two melt seasons. Water column temperature was recorded at three sites along the mainstem channel and four hillslope/groundwater‐fed tributaries. Air temperature, precipitation and stream discharge were monitored to characterize hydroclimatological conditions. Streambed temperature was monitored at the upper and lower main river sites at 0.05, 0.2 and 0.4 m depth. Water column temperature rose on average 0.6°C km?1 along the glacier‐fed mainstem. Temperature was elevated during warmer periods but the downstream increase was reduced due to greater meltwater production (consequently a larger total stream flow volume for atmospheric heating) plus a proportional reduction in warmer groundwater contributions. Hillslope/groundwater‐fed tributaries yielded a range of temperature patterns, indicating variable sourcing (meltwater or rainfall) and residence times. In the upper basin, streambed temperature was warmer than the water column, suggesting groundwater upwelling; however, during high runoff events, water column and streambed temperature converged, indicating downwelling/heat advection by channel water. At the lower site, streambed temperature mirrored the water column, suggesting greater surface water/atmospheric influences. Key drivers of stream thermal regime were: (1) relative water source contributions, (2) prevailing hydroclimatological conditions, (3) distance from source, (4) total stream flow volume and (5) basin factors (specifically, valley/channel geomorphology and riparian forest). High magnitude precipitation events produced a contrasting stream thermal response to that reported elsewhere. In contrast to European alpine research, streams showed a reduced thermal range owing to the relatively mild, wet melt season climate. This New Zealand case study highlights the importance of understanding basin‐specific modification of energy and hydrological fluxes for accurate prediction of stream thermal dynamics/habitat and ecological response to climatic variability and change. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Despite the importance of river nutrient retention in regulating downstream water quality and the potential alterations to nutrient fluxes associated with climate‐induced changes in Arctic hydrology, current understanding of nutrient cycling in Arctic river systems is limited. This study adopted an experimental approach to quantify conceptual water source contributions (meltwater, groundwater), environmental conditions and uptake of NO3?, NH4+, PO43? and acetate at 12 headwater rivers in Svalbard and so determine the role of changing hydrology on nutrient uptake in these Arctic river systems. Most rivers exhibited low demand for NO3? and PO43?, but demand for NH4+ and acetate was more variable and in several rivers comparable with that measured in sub‐Arctic regions. The proportion of meltwater contributing to river flow was not significantly related to nutrient uptake. However, NH4+ uptake was associated positively with algal biomass, water temperature and transient storage area, whereas acetate uptake was associated positively with more stable river channels. Mean demand for NH4+ increased when added with acetate, suggesting NH4+ retention may be facilitated by labile dissolved organic carbon availability in these rivers. Consequently, nutrient export from Arctic river systems could be influenced in future by changes in hydrological and environmental process interactions associated with forecasted climate warming. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

熊明  邹珊  姜彤  李其江 《人民长江》2018,49(14):48-54
基于长江源区沱沱河流域1977~2015年月平均气温、河流水温同步资料,采用线性趋势分析和小波分析方法,研究了沱沱河5~10月气温与水温的年际变化趋势及周期性特征,并进一步分析了水温与同期气温的线性相关性。结果表明:近40 a来,沱沱河流域5~10月气温和水温均呈现出升温趋势,2011~2015年较1977~1980年气温分别升高0.6,1.3,1.3,1.0,1.3,2.0℃,水温分别升高0.6,1.6,1.7,1.1,1.0,0.2℃;水温上升趋势突变发生时间普遍滞后于气温,突变点分别在1997~2003年和2005~2007年之间;7~10月水温与气温变化均存在明显的28 a时间尺度的主周期,而5,6月气温与水温周期不一致;水温与气温的相关关系密切,可以认为气温变化是影响水温变化的主要原因之一。  相似文献   

This paper documents vegetation changes in a floodplain area lying next to a newly constructed reservoir on the River Yamuna (near Delhi), about a kilometre downstream of an older, silted‐up reservoir. The study site was a rectangular depression bounded by dykes on three sides and agricultural fields on the fourth. The composition and abundance of species in the plant community were observed over a ten year period (1986–1996) and changes in water level both at the study site and in the reservoir were followed. Site hydrology was governed by water level changes caused by reservoir operation with effect from 1990, when it was first filled to capacity and water began to seep through the dyke. The study area experienced increasing depth, duration and frequency of flooding. Species richness peaked in 1992, and the plant community developed four distinct zones closely associated with the hydrological gradient. Patchiness also increased though Typha angustata patches merged over time to form a continuous expanse. The microtopography of the study site, and hydrological and plant‐induced changes were largely responsible for community changes. Dyke compaction over time resulted in cessation of seepage and the study site gradually dried up by 1998, with a consequent loss of plant species. The study concludes that the hydrological regime, rather than physical connectivity with the river, may play the dominant role in developing and maintaining plant community structure in floodplain wetlands. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

As global climate change affects recharge and runoff processes, stream flow regimes are being altered. In the American Southwest, increasing aridity is predicted to cause declines in stream base flows and water tables. Another potential outcome of climate change is increased flood intensity. Changes in these stream flow conditions may independently affect vegetation or may have synergistic effects. Our goal was to extrapolate vegetation response to climate‐linked stream flow changes, by taking advantage of the spatial variation in flow conditions over a 200 km length of the San Pedro River (Arizona). Riparian vegetation traits were contrasted between sites differing in low‐flow hydrology (degree of stream intermittency) and flood intensity (stream power of the 10‐year recurrence flood). Field data indicate that increased stream intermittency would cause the floodplain plant community to shift from hydric pioneer trees and shrubs (Populus, Salix, Baccharis) towards mesic species (Tamarix). This shift in functional type would produce changes in vegetation structure, with reduced canopy cover and shorter canopies at drier sites. Among herbaceous species, annuals would increase while perennials would decrease. If flood intensities increased, there would be shifts towards younger tree age, expansion of xeric pioneer shrubs (in response to flood‐linked edaphic changes), and replacement of herbaceous perennials by annuals. Woody stem density would increase and basal area would decrease, reflecting shifts towards younger forests. Some effects would be compounded: Annuals were most prevalent, and tree canopies shortest, at sites that were dry and intensely flooded. Vegetational changes would feedback onto hydrologic and geomorphic processes, of importance for modeling. Increased flood intensity would have positive feedback on disturbance processes, by shifting plant communities towards species with less ability to stabilize sediments. Feedbacks between riparian vegetation and stream low‐flow changes would be homeostatic, with reduced evapotranspiration rates ameliorating declines in base flows arising from increased aridity. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An analysis of island and active corridor dynamics is presented for a 16 km island‐braided reach of the gravel‐bed Tagliamento River (Italy) based upon information extracted, geocorrected and registered to a common base from three map (1803, 1833, 1927) and nine aerial photograph sources (1944/6, 1954, 1970, 1986, 1991, 1996, 1997, 1999, 2005). The active corridor width showed a general decline over the study period but with some recent widening. Adjustments in active corridor width were achieved through processes of floodplain avulsion, island attachment and progressive encroachment of the edge of the active corridor across gravel areas. These adjustments were accompanied by the preferential creation of dissection (floodplain avulsion) islands during periods of widening and the construction of mid islands within the corridor during periods of narrowing. Changes in island extent were achieved by rapid island turnover, which reached a maximum rate of over 50% per annum when corridor narrowing was most rapid between 1970 and 1991. Very few island surfaces were found to persist for more than 24 years. Despite this enormous dynamism and apparent cyclic behaviour, between 1944/6 and 2005 the ratio of island area to active corridor area remained relatively constant at around 0.08 and supported a consistently high bankfull shoreline to downstream length ratio of around 6 km · km?1. These intrinsic properties of the dynamics of the study reach and other island‐braided channels need to be recognized and maintained by river managers because they represent a characteristic habitat dynamism that is crucial to the maintenance of ecological integrity. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The mean annual flow of the lower Ebro river has reduced by 29% during this century (592 to 426 m3 s−1). The main causes are increased water use and evaporation from reservoirs in the river basin. The losses due to irrigation explain 74% of the decrease, whereas losses by evaporation in the reservoirs explain another 22%. Decreased flow in the lower Ebro river caused an increase in the salt wedge in the estuary. During the study period, the permanent low river flows from July 1988 to April 1990 caused the continuous presence of the salt wedge for 18 months. Historical data for sediment transport in the Ebro river are scarce and incomplete. Limited data before the construction of reservoirs in the Ebro basin allow only an estimate of the order of magnitude of annual suspended sediment transport (3·0 × 107 Mt yr−1). Before the construction of large reservoirs in the lower Ebro at the end of the 1960s, the sediment transport was estimated to be around 1·0 × 107 Mt yr−1. This amount was reduced to around 0·3 × 106 Mt yr−1 after construction of the dam. Currently, this amount ranges from 0·1 to 0·2 × 106 Mt yr−1, which represents a reduction of more than 99% in sediment transport. On a seasonal scale, the effects of the dams have been the standardization of the river flow and the virtual suppression of peaks in sediment transport. In the estuary, the salt wedge dynamics changed and its presence increased. River regulation and hydropower generation also changed the hydrology of the river on a daily scale. The effect of local storms on the river flow and the sediment transport has been suppressed. At present, these changes are related to hydropower generation.  相似文献   

为探究原木跌水结构对河流潜流带温度场的影响,应用有限元软件COMSOL Multiphysics构建了地表水-地下水二维耦合模型,分析原木跌水结构的高度、间距及数量等参数变化对河流潜流带温度场的影响规律。结果表明:河道中原木跌水结构的添加会改变潜流带局部的压力分布,增加原木高度、间距和数量都会使河床压力最大值增大;随着原木跌水结构高度增加,原木下方区域温度受地表水水温的影响范围扩大;随着原木跌水结构间距和数量的增加,潜流带热缓冲作用增强。原木跌水结构设置参数的变化将不同程度影响潜流带温度场的变化和热缓冲作用,引起潜流带内部的热异质性,从而增加底栖生物和水生生境的多样性。  相似文献   

We examined impacts of future climate scenarios on flow regimes and how predicted changes might affect river ecosystems. We examined two case studies: Cle Elum River, Washington, and Chattahoochee–Apalachicola River Basin, Georgia and Florida. These rivers had available downscaled global circulation model (GCM) data and allowed us to analyse the effects of future climate scenarios on rivers with (1) different hydrographs, (2) high future water demands, and (3) a river–floodplain system. We compared observed flow regimes to those predicted under future climate scenarios to describe the extent and type of changes predicted to occur. Daily stream flow under future climate scenarios was created by either statistically downscaling GCMs (Cle Elum) or creating a regression model between climatological parameters predicted from GCMs and stream flow (Chattahoochee–Apalachicola). Flow regimes were examined for changes from current conditions with respect to ecologically relevant features including the magnitude and timing of minimum and maximum flows. The Cle Elum's hydrograph under future climate scenarios showed a dramatic shift in the timing of peak flows and lower low flow of a longer duration. These changes could mean higher summer water temperatures, lower summer dissolved oxygen, and reduced survival of larval fishes. The Chattahoochee–Apalachicola basin is heavily impacted by dams and water withdrawals for human consumption; therefore, we made comparisons between pre‐large dam conditions, current conditions, current conditions with future demand, and future climate scenarios with future demand to separate climate change effects and other anthropogenic impacts. Dam construction, future climate, and future demand decreased the flow variability of the river. In addition, minimum flows were lower under future climate scenarios. These changes could decrease the connectivity of the channel and the floodplain, decrease habitat availability, and potentially lower the ability of the river to assimilate wastewater treatment plant effluent. Our study illustrates the types of changes that river ecosystems might experience under future climates. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

变化环境下河流健康评价研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
全球以温度升高为主要特征的气候变化耦合人类活动影响,造成了全球性变化环境背景下大范围的水资源危机、水环境污染和水生态退化问题,威胁河流健康,已成为当今世界各国急需解决的难题。针对变化环境背景,分别从河流健康的概念和内涵、河流健康评价的内容、方法及应用等方面,评述近年来国内外河流健康评价的研究进展。将河流健康定义为,特定时期一定的社会公众价值体系下,在保障河流自身基本生存需求的前提下,能够持续地为人类社会提供高效合理的生态服务功能,并实现服务功能综合价值最大化。在前人研究基础上,指出变化环境下河流健康评价研究存在的主要问题,如河流健康概念及内涵仍存在争议,河流健康变化的驱动机制尚不明确,河流健康评价的理论及方法有待完善,河流健康评价实践滞后及评价结果未能有效指导河流管理等。提出变化环境下河流健康评价的发展趋势:以流域为基本空间尺度结合多时间尺度开展河流健康评价与调控研究,因地制宜开展河流健康评价指标体系及评价标准研究,开展基于3S等技术的河流健康评价研究,建立长期且全面的河流健康监测网络,科学界定河流健康的"基准点",以及开展河流健康评价与水资源调控的集成研究等。  相似文献   

Hydroelectric facilities impact water temperature; low velocities in a reservoir increase residence time and enhance heat exchange in surface layers. In this study, an unsteady three-dimensional model was developed to predict the temperature dynamics in the McNary Dam forebay. The model is based on the open-source code OpenFOAM. RANS equations with the Boussinesq approximation were used to solve the flow field. A realizable κ-ε model that accounts for the production of wind turbulence was developed. Solar radiation and convective heat transfer at the free surface were included. The result of the model was compared with the field data collected on August 18, 2004. Changes in diurnal stratification were adequately predicted by the model. Observed vertical and lateral temperature distributions were accurately captured. Results indicate that the model can be used as a numerical tool to assess structural and operational alternatives to reduce the forebay temperature.  相似文献   

长江镇扬河段近期河床演变趋势分析   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
 通过了解对镇扬河段近百年的演变过程及演变规律,采用原型观测资料分析法,分析了仪征水道、世业洲汊道、六圩弯道和畅洲汊道以及大港水道近期河床演变的特征及演变趋势,并提出了进一步治理的建议。  相似文献   

The effects of flow regulation on temperature behaviour in the River Exe, Devon, U.K. have been studied, and attention is given to the local impact of impoundment and its downstream persistence. Temperature levels and seasonal thermal regime are considered as well as diel temperature fluctuations and temperatures during extreme weather conditions. Variations in temperature during individual reservoir releases have also been monitored. The impact of impoundment has been to make the stream environment immediately below the dam more homothermous so that temperatures rearely rise above 17·5°C or fall below 2·0°C, and monthyl average diel ranges are < 3 and < 1°C in summer and winter months respectively. In contrast to other reservoirs in Britain and abroad, this effect has been largely caused by increased groundwater flow downstream from the reservoir following impoundment. Regulation has also affected downstream temperature behaviour and has moderated the thermal regime of the Exe mainstream. This influence is generally restricted to a distance of up to 20 km from the dam, but in conditions of hot weather and low flows it may extend to almost 40 km from the impoundment.  相似文献   

武清  李江  黄涛 《水利水电技术》2019,50(12):98-105
近年来极端气候变化频发,引发局地短时强降雨,易造成超标洪水,严重威胁山溪性河流上的水库安全,由此而导致的大坝漫(溃)坝案例已有发生,且危害巨大,防范和化解此类重大灾害是新时期水库设计和安全运行管理的关键问题。通过归纳总结已建土石坝工程实例,认为水库漫顶溃坝风险主要来源于水文资料短缺、洪水成因复杂和突发性强,水情监测预警预报不到位,抵御超标准洪水时调洪能力有限等不利因素。因此,关注设计洪水的合理性分析及安全性评价,建立对超标准洪水的分析预测和监测预警,合理规划泄洪建筑物的规模以及抗冲结构设置,加强水库排沙预泄措施和梯级水库的联调联控等综合调洪能力的提高,提升非常情况下的应急安全管理能力等,是病险水库除险加固以及新建水库工程设计及运行管理的必需措施。  相似文献   

针对伊利诺伊河流域的Emiquon区域以及肖托夸湖泥沙淤积问题。运用CHHMS耦合模型(Coupled Hydrology and Hydraulics Model System)对研究区域在不同泄洪开口组合的泥沙分布进行模拟,并根据不同流速状态下的颗粒流线图进行模拟得到沉淀物分布状况,结合湿地植物及鱼类生长需求对结果进行分析。研究发现CHHMS耦合模型在河流生态修复的模拟运用中具有很高的可开发性和实用性,经过模型模拟得到研究区域的合理规划方式,并且在成功利用河流到蓄滞洪区开口的情况下,水量以及泥沙沉淀物得到有效的控制,植被得到恢复,湿地的生态状况得到有效的改善。  相似文献   

河床式水电站厂房坝段温控措施研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用非线性有限元仿真分析方法,模拟水电站厂房坝段的实际工程情况,对厂房坝段施工期 及运行期温度场与应力场进行了仿真计算,分析了厂房坝段分块浇筑等措施的效果,结果表明:厂房 坝段顺河向分成4个浇筑块可大幅度降低最大温度应力值,通过合理设定不同浇筑块的施工次序,分 块浇筑措施可满足厂房坝段温控防裂要求。  相似文献   

Specific problems in connection with the sediment regime have arisen in the granite and gneiss area in the northern part of Austria due to the increased sediment supply of coarse sand and fine gravel as a product of rock weathering. One of the physical characteristics of these sediments is their high mobility in form of ripple bedforms along the surface. In these rivers, the microtopographical structures of the bed surface are hydraulically active, especially in the initial stages when ripples have not overtopped the largest elements of the bed's roughness elements. There is a lack of detailed studies of the impacts of these microtopographical structures on ripple dynamics. Thus, the aim of the present study was to investigate the impact of various microtopographic roughness elements on ripple movement. This study was performed using a 1:1‐scaled physical laboratory experiment. The results showed, in all repetitions of the experiment with variable grain sizes, that the higher the microtopographical variability of the river substrate and turbulence was, the higher the measured transport velocities of the ripples were. The expected hidden impacts on sediment transport were not documented. Important implications for sediment management were discussed, as river sections with high accumulation rates of coarse sand and fine gravel are prone to additional degradation as downstream transport decreases over smooth ripple–dune morphologies. Additionally, structural elements such as exposed rocks may increase the downstream transport due to the increased variability in turbulence.  相似文献   

以黄河什四份子弯道为研究对象,基于2019-2020年度的凌情监测影像及现场试验数据,分析了河流弯道冰水动力学行为特征。结果表明:上宽下窄的河道形态是造成弯道卡冰的主要原因,流凌-封河阶段,弯顶节点工程对水流的顶托作用促进了上游回流区的形成;受弯道离心力作用,河冰聚集于河道凹岸一侧,并在回流区堆积形成冰桥,从而缩小了断面过冰面积,河道逐渐封冻;弯顶下游流速大且来冰量少,形成清沟,主流向河中发展;冰塞堆积于弯顶上游凹岸主河槽内,水流被挤压至凸岸非冰塞区,弯道主流易位;在稳封期,河道冰水动力特征基本不再变化,在解冻开河期,凸岸非冰塞区流速较大,主流区冰盖优先解冻且沿主流输移,回流区冰盖最后消融,河道主流逐渐恢复至畅流阶段,整体呈复归式。  相似文献   

对两参数月水量平衡模型进行改进,加入融雪径流模块,经验证,模型适用于乌裕尔河流域。建立了以最高气温、最低气温、降雨和风速为变量的蒸发皿蒸发估算模型,实现了气候模型结果与水文模型的连接。利用CS IRO-M k2和CCSR/N IES两个模型模拟结果加权平均,模拟未来气候变化,探讨了水文要素对气候变化的响应。结果表明:在未来四种温室气体排放情景(SRES A 1,A 2,B 1,B 2)下,最高气温、最低气温和降水呈显著的上升趋势,而风速则呈显著下降趋势;径流深和径流系数在四种情景下都有显著上升趋势,置信水平排序为A 2>A 1>B 1>B 2;敏感性分析和趋势检验结果证明了降水是影响径流的最主要因素。  相似文献   

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