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Anthropogenic alterations to aquatic ecosystems have greatly reduced and homogenized riverine habitat, especially those used by larval and juvenile fishes. Creation of shallow‐water habitats is used as a restoration technique in response to altered conditions in several studies globally, but only recently in the USA. In the summer of 2012, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers sampled larval and juvenile fishes at six paired sites (mainstem and constructed chute shallow‐water habitats) along a section of the Missouri River between Rulo, NE and St. Louis, MO, USA. From those samples, we enumerated and identified a total of 7622 fishes representing 12 families. Community responses of fishes to created shallow‐water habitats were assessed by comparisons of species richness and diversity measures between paired sites and among sampling events. Shannon entropy measures were transformed, and gamma diversity (total diversity) was partitioned into two components, alpha (within community) and beta (between community) diversity using a multiplicative decomposition method. Mantel test results suggest site location, time of sampling event and habitat type were drivers of larval and juvenile community structure. Paired t‐test results indicated little to no differences in beta diversity between habitat types; however, chute habitats had significantly higher alpha and gamma diversity as well as increased abundances of Asian carp larvae when compared with mainstem shallow‐water habitat. Our results not only show the importance of created shallow‐water habitat in promoting stream fish diversity but also highlight the role space and time may play in future restoration and management efforts. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Habitat management is a crucial aspect of fisheries management. Without knowledge of habitat associations, fisheries scientists are unable to effectively make habitat conservation or restoration recommendations. This becomes especially prominent when trying to manage commercially harvested populations and protect threatened or endangered species. To determine juvenile fishes habitat associations in the Middle Mississippi River, we analysed mini‐trawl catch data of six common juvenile fish species: blue catfish (Ictalurus furcatus), channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus), channel shiner (Notropis wickliffi), freshwater drum (Aplodinotus grunniens), paddlefish (Polyodon spathula), and shovelnose sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus platorynchus). Overall, we conducted 2251 mini‐trawl sampling efforts between 2002 and 2013, resulting in the capture of 23,742 target specimens. Catch per unit effort was evaluated by structural habitat (i.e. velocity, depth, and substrate). Overall, these data suggest that juvenile fish species are more prevalent in shallow water and slower velocities. Ultimately the information garnered during this evaluation should be incorporated when considering habitat modifications, especially those modifications that impact the availability of shallow‐low velocity habitats. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A rapid process of water reform in Australia has seen governments rely heavily on ‘expert’ or ‘scientific’ panel advice for river condition and environmental flow assessments. These multi‐disciplinary teams of scientists have enabled a quick and relatively inexpensive injection of science into what is often a data‐poor decision process. However, expert panels suffer from several important drawbacks including a lack of transparency and repeatability, and unquantified uncertainty. In the case of the Snowy Mountains hydro‐electric scheme, a government initiative to corporatize the government‐owned authority led to the establishment of the Snowy Water Inquiry (SWI) that was required by law to propose and evaluate (within a six month period) a range of options for future river regulation, diversion and environmental flows. A Scientific Reference Panel (SRP) was therefore established to assess current (1998) river condition and to assess the likely environments benefits of a range of environmental flow options. The SRP attempted to overcome a number of the typical shortcomings of the expert panel approach by (i) integrating available data with expert opinion in its assessments, and (ii) developing a composite River Condition Index (RCI) underpinned by a conceptual framework that links habitat and biotic condition and comprises several sub‐indices that translate qualitative assessments (relative to a pre‐disturbance reference condition) into numeric values in a transparent and repeatable manner. The SRP estimated the level of uncertainty associated with its various assessments, and used these to quantify uncertainty estimates on RCI values. In this paper the RCI is described and its use is illustrated through presentation of the assessments of current (1998) river condition and the associated uncertainty analyses that were made for the rivers in the Snowy Mountains area. The results suggest that in spite of high levels of uncertainty associated with individual assessments, the SRP was able to demonstrate significant difference in current condition between rivers, and in likely future condition between different environmental flow scenarios. Although further investigations and lengthy negotiations occurred subsequent to the SWI to achieve corporatization, the environmental assessments made in the SWI provided the most comprehensive source of information available to governments and the community regarding the likely environmental outcomes of the proposed changes. Subsequent to the SWI the scenario‐based approach to environmental flow assessment has become increasingly common internationally, and major Australian river condition assessments have adopted a similar conceptual framework to the RCI. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Saint‐Sauveur dam was built in 1992 in the middle section of the Buëch River. Downstream of the dam, a channel incision by several meters was observed. A gravel replenishment operation was planned in order to restore the active channel. An equivalent of two times the mean annual bedload‐transport capacity (43,500 m3) was replenished downstream of the dam in September 2016. The aim of this paper is to quantify morphological change associated with sediment remobilization in order to evaluate the efficiency of the restoration works. The monitoring was based on a combination of (a) change detection using sequential high‐resolution digital elevation models (from airborne LiDAR data), (b) bedload tracing using active ultrahigh‐frequency radio‐frequency identification technology, and (c) complementary field surveys of channel grain‐size distribution and morphology for bedload‐transport computation. Field monitoring allows us to capture a net aggradation along a 2‐km reach after the first post‐replenishment flood. A sediment balance analysis was performed to back‐calculate bedload supply coming from the sluicing operation during the flood. Although the sediment replenishment operation clearly had a positive impact on the morphological conditions of the starved river reach, the effective bedload supply from artificial berms (22,650 m3) was insufficient to initiate substantial channel shifting along the restored reach and a subsequent amplification of the sediment recharge. The combination of high‐resolution topographic resurveys and sediment tracing was successful to evaluate the downstream propagation of sediment replenishment effects.  相似文献   

在对汾河水质、入河排污量监测的基础上,选取计算模型及相关参数,以掌握汾河复流前后水环境承载能力为主要目的,以各水功能区为基本计算单元,分析计算水功能区不同来水条件下的水域纳污能力,进而提出汾河复流后各行政分区的污染物限排总量及污染物削减率。结果表明:复流后各功能区COD和NH3-N限制排污总量分别为25 139 t/a和1 158 t/a,污染物削减量分别为24 704t/a和7 857 t/a,平均削减率分别为49.6%和87.2%。若各入河排污口达标排放后,COD、NH3-N仍要削减15 936 t/a和4 356 t/a。  相似文献   

减水河段水力生态修复措施的改善效果分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过二维水力模拟计算,对深槽和挡水堰不同组合的修复方案,即在河道横断面上设置深槽以及纵向上间隔设置挡水堰等工程措施,对减水河段的水力生态修复措施进行研究。以四川某山区河流一段120m长的河段为例,根据代表鱼类对水深、流速适应度的曲线,计算出权重可使栖息地面积(WUA),并使用其来分析生境改善效果,同时还对影响河段沿程增温率的水力参数进行了对比分析。计算结果表明:在河道流量为1.65m\+3/s(约为多年平均流量的5%)时,采用深槽修复可增加WUA约48%,再在深槽基础上设一道拦水堰后共可增加WUA约84%;同时深槽还可使河流沿程增温率下降,使水温更接近减水前的状况。采用多道拦水堰将有助于尽可能多地提高栖息地面积,但拦水堰间距也不应过小,该河段拦水堰间距在30m左右为宜。分析表明,采用深槽加多道拦水堰的水力生态修复措施可以起到明显改善减水河段生境状况的作用。  相似文献   

The Murray–Darling Basin in south‐eastern Australia contains over 70,000 km2 of wetlands and floodplains, many of which are in poor condition. In response, Australian governments have committed to a major restoration program, the Murray–Darling Basin Plan that includes management of 2,750 Gl of environmental water to protect and restore aquatic ecosystems. The restoration is being undertaken within an adaptive management framework that includes monitoring the outcomes of environmental flows in seven river valleys. This paper provides an overview of the 5‐year monitoring project and some preliminary results. Monitoring design considered the Basin Plan's environmental objectives, conceptual models of ecosystem responses to flow, and an outcomes framework linking flow responses to the environmental objectives. Monitoring indicators includes ecosystem type, vegetation, river metabolism, and fish. Responses are evaluated to identify the contribution of environmental flows to Basin Plan environmental objectives and continual improvements in management. The program is unique in that it seeks to monitor long‐term outcomes of environmental flows at the river basin scale. Despite many challenges, the monitoring has become a key part of the adaptive management of environmental flows in the Murray–Darling Basin.  相似文献   

Water regulation may alter hydraulic head gradients with consequences for the exchange of water between the river and the hyporheic zone. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of discharge on hyporheic water quality in a regulated Swedish boreal river during a 10‐day experimental period with a sequence of alternating high‐ and low‐flow episodes. A 250 m reach was instrumented with 28 piezometers placed at 150 and 300 mm below the river bed or below the mean groundwater level in the floodplain, and these piezometers were used to measure temperature, oxygen, electric conductivity and pH. High daily variation in air temperature during the first 3 days was transmitted vertically through the stream water into the hyporheic zone within hours. An oxygen saturation of 100% in the river water corresponded to 60–70% saturation at 150 mm depth and 30% at 300 mm depth. The hyporheic oxygen concentration at 150 mm depth decreased during the experimental period, falling into a range that is potentially harmful to incubating salmonid eggs. This was interpreted as a long‐term response to the overall regulation regime, rather than a response to short‐term water regulation during the experiment. Even though the effect of short‐term regulation on the quality of hyporheic water in the river bed was limited, there was a more pronounced effect on the quality of floodplain hyporheic water. Most of the driving forces for temporal variation of water quality in the river bed came vertically from the river water, rather than from the lateral exchange. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

On meandering rivers with well‐developed floodplains, bankfull stage has geomorphological and ecological significance because it approximates the level of connection between the channel and the floodplain. As a river rises to bankfull stage, sediment begins to be deposited on the floodplain, wetlands are progressively inundated and organisms migrate between the channel and floodplain habitats. On many rivers large headwater dams have reduced the frequency and duration of floodplain inundation downstream. However, the lack of reliable pre‐regulation flow data has made it difficult to quantify the effects of river regulation. This study used historical regulated and modelled natural flow data to determine the effects of regulation on the frequency and duration of bankfull flows on the Murrumbidgee River, one of Australia's largest and most heavily regulated rivers. In combination with floodplain surveys the flow data show that regulation has halved the frequency and duration of bankfull flows. This reduction in channel–floodplain connection has implications for the ecological health of the Murrumbidgee River. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Elevated, more constant flows characterize the current flow regime of the Great Fish River (Eastern Cape province, South Africa) following the completion of an interbasin transfer scheme (IBT) in 1977, where prior to this the winter months were often characterized by zero flows. Changes in aquatic macroinvertebrate communities, and in particular outbreaks of the pest blackfly Simulium chutteri Lewis (Diptera: Simuliidae) have been documented in response to these altered flows. Integrated control measures of pest blackfly have been advocated based on flow reductions during the winter months. In this study, a site‐specific discharge threshold of 2 m3 s?1 was identified as a flow reduction target based on the amount of hydraulic habitat available to S. chutteri larvae within a particular rapid. Hydrological analyses showed that flow conditions have created ideal blackfly larval habitat in this rapid, with prolonged uninterupted periods (>3 months) exceeding this threshold. A model was developed to predict probabilities and severities of blackfly outbreaks, based on flow periods and water temperatures, both of which determine the success and duration respectively of the aquatic phase of S. chutteri. July was identified as the critical month for flow restriction to 2 m3 s?1 for a period of 38 days, in order to reduce the winter populations of S. chutteri in the Great Fish River at the study site and avoid the typical spring outbreaks of blackfly. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Riverine flow regimes are naturally dynamic, but become increasingly homogenized following anthropogenic flow alteration. Loss of dynamism disrupts naturally occurring structuring mechanisms within the associated biotic communities, at times causing shifts in composition. Here we considered how stream fish assemblages in two Central Texas rivers changed after alteration of flow regime by either construction of a mainstem, deep storage reservoir or flood‐retaining structures. Following impoundment, number of large and small floods increased from 0.81 to 1.07 floods per year (FPY) in the upper Guadalupe River, decreased from 0.84 to 0.42 FPY in the lower Guadalupe River and decreased from 0.87 to 0.7 FPY in the San Marcos River. Historical ichthyofauna data ranging from 1938 to 2006 were used to assess changes in assemblage composition and species abundance. Assemblages did not differ in the upper Guadalupe River (Bray–Curtis index = 37.4%; ANOSIM global R = 0.079, p = 0.08), but did differ in the lower Guadalupe River (25%; global R = 0.409, p < 0.01) and San Marcos River (27%; global R = 0.19, p < 0.01). In general, habitat generalist species dominated assemblages during periods of reduced flood frequencies (i.e. drought of record; following impoundment), whereas regionally endemic species (N = 3) and substrate and broadcast spawning species (N = 5) declined (b1 < 0; α = 0.05). Based on the results from this study, managing flows in the lower Guadalupe River to mimic historical timing of flood pulses might attenuate contemporary disruption of natural assemblage composition. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The effects of a dam closure (Porto Primavera Dam) on reproduction of the main species that use the floodplain located below a nursery area were determined. Specifically, we examined, before and after the closure of the dam, the spatial distribution of larvae and the differences in density according to life strategy (migratory and non‐migratory species). Fifteen points distributed along the channels of the Paraná, Ivinheima and Paranapanema rivers were sampled, between 1997 and 2001, (October 1997 to December 1998—pre; and between January 1999 to March 2001—post closure), during the spawning period of most fish species found in the region (October to March). Samplings were always conducted at night, using a conical‐cylindrical plankton net (0.5 mm mesh) with a flowmeter attached. There were significant differences in larvae densities between pre and post dam closure for several species. Also, there were significant differences between the pre and post‐closure periods for densities of migratory and non‐migratory species, and between sampling sites. These findings indicate decline in densities and number of taxa caught after the closure of the dam. Larvae of migratory species, formerly common in the entire study area, were registered only in points influenced by the non dammed rivers (such as the Ivinheima River), indicating that the closure of Porto Primavera caused negative impacts on fish reproduction downstream of the dam. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

黑河流域生态输水对下游植被变化影响研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
通过对2000—2009年的MODIS/NDVI序列分析,研究了黑河下游额济纳地区实施生态输水后该地区的植被时空变化格局。基于不同时空分辨率的遥感影像和实地考察资料,分析了形成植被变化空间差异的主要原因。研究结果表明:(1)研究区内80.4%的绿洲区植被和91.5%的荒漠区植被呈恢复趋势。绿洲区内季节累积植被指数序列趋势度大于0.14a-1的区域都存在农田开垦或弃耕地复播现象;荒漠植被的显著恢复主要发生在西河中、下游和东河下游地区。(2)研究区内19.6%的绿洲区植被和5.1%的荒漠区植被进一步退化,退化区主要分布在衬砌渠系两侧和一些干涸或径流减少的自然河流两岸,植被退化主要是乔木林的退化。(3)大范围的植被恢复主要原因在于地下水环境的整体好转,以及生态保护措施的实施;地下水环境的整体好转取决于黑河中游来水量的增加和下游输水方案的实施。(4)研究区内植被退化的直接原因在于目前输水方案实施后引起的局部地表水环境恶化。因此基于植被动态监测和局部植被对全局生态的重要性评价,确定合理的输水方案,对于区域生态环境演变进入良性循环意义重大。  相似文献   

Despite the long‐term research on the use of hydraulic‐hydrodynamic habitat models (HHMs) for predicting the response of aquatic biota to habitat alteration, their practical application in model‐based environmental flow assessments (EFAs) has been limited due to reasons mainly associated with cost‐effectiveness, time‐efficiency, required expertise, and availability of hydroecological information. In this study, we demonstrate a cost‐effective and time‐efficient application of a benthic‐invertebrate, two‐dimensional, fuzzy rule‐based EFA in a 277‐m long reach in the downstream route of a regulated river in western Greece. Apart from developing ecosystem‐based environmental flow (eflow) scenarios, we highlight the valuable features of HHMs, comment on their disadvantages, and propose working solutions to overcome them. The results of the study show that the hydrology‐based eflow of 0.2 m3/s, initially proposed by the managing authorities, is not sufficient to ensure the long‐term functionality of the downstream benthic communities, as the ecosystem‐based eflow ranged between 0.6 and 2 m3/s. As social resilience relies heavily on ecological resilience, ecosystem‐based approaches can ensure the sustainability of aquatic ecosystems. This study demonstrates, inter alia, that HHMs‐based EFAs can be implemented cost‐effectively and time‐efficiently to serve as an accurate scientific basis for water managers and stakeholders, in search of the fine balance between anthropogenic water demand and long‐term ecosystem integrity and functionality.  相似文献   

The effects of artificially low runoffs in the Sinnamary River, French Guiana, South America, on flow patterns and on richness and abundance of young fish in Venus Creek, one of its main downstream tributaries were examined. After Petit-Saut dam's gates were closed, the areas adjacent to this tributary were never once flooded for the entire duration of the rainy season. The daily maximal averages of water speed at the tributary's mouth were found to be significantly increased. Young fish sampled using light-traps were less abundant and less diverse after dam closure. Young Characiformes appeared to be the most affected by these flow disturbances. These findings enabled us to develop a conceptual model of the consequences of impoundment on young fish assemblages through the modifications of tributaries and associated floodplains hydrology. Because of flow reduction in the river during the first year of impoundment, young fish that previously had a tendency of being trapped in tributaries and flooded areas were then at risk of being flushed away. The pattern of flow release by dam operations is known to be very different from natural flow variations. The consequences for downstream tributaries will be similar to those of channelization: lack of adjacent flooding areas and higher rates of downstream water transfer. How the recovery of downstream fish assemblages will occur is discussed. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

以渭河为研究对象,依据渭河干流北道、林家村、魏家堡、咸阳、临潼、华县6个主要断面1971-2014年的水文实测资料,基于河流典型生态环境特征划分河流生态类型,并对其生态基流量进行优化计算,在此基础上揭示渭河生态基流时空分异特征及生态基流保障率。结果表明:选取北道、林家村、魏家堡、咸阳、临潼、华县断面枯水期的最小值作为相应断面的生态基流量推荐值,分别为5. 68、2. 51、11. 39、25. 33、77. 26和61. 86 m3/s;从时间变化看,各断面生态基流年内最大值均集中在汛期(7-9月),最小值集中在枯水期(12-次年3月)。除汛期外,各断面的生态基流月均值变化轨迹整体一致,各断面生态基流除8月与1、2、3、4、6、10、11、12月差异不显著(P>0. 05)外,其余各月两两之间差异均显著(P <0. 05);从空间分布来看,林家村断面1月生态基流量最小,华县断面8月生态基流量最大,体现出渭河上游生态基流量不足而下游河道泥沙淤积的生态环境特征;生态基流量总体上呈上游低下游高的特征,除魏家堡和华县断面月均生态基流量差异不显著(P> 0. 05)外,其余各断面之间差异均显著(P <0. 05)。  相似文献   

This study deals with the effects of climate fluctuations and anthropogenic impacts on fisheries of Paraná River over the last 100 years. It is the first attempt to appraise the influence of hydro‐climatic and anthropogenic variables on the population changes of the most important inland fisheries of Argentina. Datasets covering more than eight decades (1935–2016) of a number of frequent and abundant commercial species inhabiting the main channel as well as the large floodplain of Paraná River were used. Our results suggest that fish catches and structure changed over time. Long and short‐term changes and reductions were closely related to fluctuations of 18 hydro‐climatic variables. Positive effects on the ichthyofauna were recorded during humid periods (1930–1940 and 1970–2000), when the frequency of large spring–summer floods increased. An increase in anthropic impacts (accounted for with nine variables) were recorded during the last two decades. We highlight the usefulness of the approach to support the management of the resources, ensuring sustainability of commercial fish assemblages and the long‐term conservation of biodiversity in big rivers.  相似文献   

Flow‐dependent fish specialists require specific conditions for reproduction, so the success and reproductive intensity of these animals are determined by the flood regime. Thus, this study investigated the spatial and temporal reproductive patterns of fish, especially migratory Prochilodus species (flow‐dependent specialists) in an unusual period of low flow in the Pará River sub‐basin, one of the main tributaries of the upper São Francisco River. For this, ichthyoplankton collections were carried out between November 2013 and February 2014. Data were analysed considering the spatial and temporal variations in density of eggs and larvae for the upper, middle, and lower portions of the Pará River sub‐basin, and correlating this to some environmental variables. The results showed that the small headwater stretch of the Pará River is one relevant spawning area for migratory fish species. However, this area is isolated by the Cajuru reservoir, which makes it uncertain the recruitment of these embryos, due to interruption of natural drift between spawning/nursery areas caused for reservoirs. Larvae of newly hatched migratory species found in tributaries of the lower Pará River sub‐basin also indicate these species use these tributaries as spawning grounds and migratory routes. The period in which the research was conducted represented the most atypical low flow, one in the last 75 years, resulting in the low variability in the environmental parameters. Although few parameters increased briefly in this low flow period influenced by greater rainfall in December, this precipitation was possibly responsible for the final gonadal maturation and spawning of migratory species.  相似文献   

European settlement has led to increased loads of fine suspended sediment (SS) entering the River Murray, Australia's largest, and arguably, most important river. The River Murray's anthropogenic sediment history can be divided into four periods with varying source areas, sediment loads, and seasonal patterns. The Aboriginal period (before 1840) was characterized by clear water at summer low‐flows in the River Murray and its southern tributaries, with more sediment coming from the northern catchment than the southern, and the Darling River being turbid at all flows. There is little evidence that Aboriginal burning resulted in any measurable increase in SS. SS loads peaked in the 1870s and 1880s (the gold and gully period, 1850–1930) as valley floors were incised by gullies (mostly in northern tributaries), and gold sluicing flushed huge amounts of sludge into southern tributaries. Sedimentation in wetlands and on floodplains increased by 2–10 times in this period, and the biota in wetlands switched from clear water to turbid water communities. In the hiatus period (1930–1960) sediment supply from gullies and gold mining waned and low flow SS concentrations returned to low levels. Dam construction through the 1960s and 1970s (the regulation period, 1960 on) disconnected the River Murray from catchment derived sediment. Despite this, SS levels increased again: now largely derived from instream sources including bank erosion from long duration summer irrigation flows, the spread of bottom‐feeding carp (Cyprinus carpio), and wave erosion from boats. Erosion switched from winter to summer dominated. Significant investment in securing water for the environment in the Murray‐Darling Basin could be complemented by addressing in‐channel sediment sources in the River Murray itself to reduce turbidity. Overall, European era SS concentrations remain relatively low with small sediment delivery to the ocean (0.1 Mt per annum), despite high catchment erosion rates. This is due to poor sediment delivery efficiency through the low‐gradient landscape.  相似文献   

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