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Tadmor  Z. 《Spectrum, IEEE》1998,35(5):39-42
Foreseeing a need for far more engineers and scientists than its universities were turning out, Israel's government, military, and academia worked in concert to entice students into technical fields. Appeals to patriotism were part of the mix. The national initiative clarified to high school graduates and young people who had done their military service the understanding that both their personal and the nation's future success lies in technology and science, and it urges everyone with the qualifications to study engineering and science. Special emphasis was placed on attracting women, who form Israel's largest untapped human resource in these fields. The national drive proved a resounding success. Today, enrollment in the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa, the country's major and leading technological research university, is 40 percent higher than just two years ago. The other two engineering schools in the country, at the Tel-Aviv University and Ben Gurion University in Be'er Sheva, enjoyed similar surges in enrollment. At the same time, many colleges in Israel began educating students in disciplines pertaining to high-tech industries. In view of not one but two consecutive years of far greater enrollment nationwide, we would appear to have succeeded in reversing the decade-long decline in young people's interest in engineering and related studies  相似文献   

The history of engineering education in Brazil from 1792, when the Royal Academy of Artillery, Fortification, and Drawing was created, to the present is reviewed. In addition to the development of the Royal Academy of Artillery, Fortification, and Drawing, the evolution of the Military Royal Academy, the Central School, the Polytechnical School, and Ouro Preto School of Mines are described. The expansion of engineering teaching in Brazil in the 20th century and the current state of engineering education in Brazil are discussed  相似文献   

随着社会经济发展和进步推动着我国高等教育的改革与创新,尤其在应用型人才培养的方面更显现出巨大的潜力和价值。视觉传达专业的高等教学已经逐渐引起人们的重视和关注,随着高等院校的不断扩招,导致大批扩招师生的层次以及质量较低,进而影响到专业人才的培养,本文主要通过介绍视觉传达专业高等教学来阐述人才培养过程的问题与对策。  相似文献   

高职软件技术专业培养学生实际的动手编程能力,综合实训是培养、锻炼和检验学生专业水平的重要教学环节。文章根据软件技术专业培养目标和培养方案给出了实训体系的总体架构、设计目标和选题标准,并在实践中检验修订。  相似文献   

Millennials interact with technology like no other generation before them and this is affecting how they want to be taught in higher education and how they want to lead and expect to be led in organizations, after graduating. Though stating that they want to be enlightened in academia, some qualitative comments from millennials indicate the opposite, namely that they want to be prepared but also to be kept naïve as to what business really entails. This is expected to help keep motivation levels high, as motivation is seen to be the key element to success in life. Millennials expect also to be led authentically and to be treated as valued human beings. This is in contrast to the current autocratic leadership profile found predominantly in Portuguese organizations, at the time of writing. This study had a sample of one hundred and eleven millennial students who answered a survey on attitudes towards leadership and their desired approach to higher education. Three interviews with seasoned executives were also performed, to establish a contrast and see other perspectives.With this research, we conclude that we may be in the presence of a hard working millennial generation, contrary to previous research findings which has indicated that they are lazy. Finally, information technology (IT) is a precious partner in class, in particular Padlet.com, Moodle, and online News Forums, as well as the challenge to create original videos about course content. Future research should focus on how technology has made society more transparent with employees wanting more democratic leaders in times when hierarchies are seen to hinder rather than aid productivity levels.  相似文献   

智慧牧场是运用现代物联网技术管理的牧场,属于智慧农业的范畴。智慧牧场的养殖过程和加工销售过程全部建立了食品安全跟踪体系,保障了消费者的饮食安全和管理便捷性。文章以智慧牧场牲畜动态智能感知系统设计为切入点,论述系统实现的方式,给出核心支持技术、主要作业流程等内容,并通过模拟和典型应用分析,对系统应用价值进行论证。  相似文献   

近些年来,计算机技术以及互联网信息技术水平不断提高,信息化的教学方法也在进一步优化与发展,教学领域中出现了很多诸如翻转课堂、MOOCs、微课等在线学习方法,并且逐渐受到人们的关注与重视。文章研究了基于云服务的高职院校智慧教室建设。  相似文献   

王昆 《电子测试》2016,(15):96-98
文章分析了新媒体带给高职学生思想政治教育的机遇与挑战和建设“管统育合、文化熏陶、多措并举、多元共生”高职思想政治教育体系的依据和作用,对施教者、受教者实施机制,载体融合对接、拓展延伸机制和反馈机制进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Sensing and processing for smart structures   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It has been only recently that research and development on smart structures has been identified as an interdisciplinary area of activity in its own right. One of the key functionalities required for a structure to be termed “smart” is an ability to sense. Recent developments in fiber optic sensing, noncontact sensor power/interrogation, and long gauge length sensors configured as matched filters will be critical to the successful development of the smart structures of the future. A formal definition of a smart structure is provided and sensing requirements and potential sensing alternatives are discussed. Some data processing options are then covered and near term application areas identified  相似文献   

随着社会经济的快速发展,我国教育事业得到了质的飞跃,但高职教育教学中依然存在着一些不足,在一定程度上制约了教育事业的可持续发展。为此,在高职教育教学中,一定要加强虚拟化技术的应用,弥补不足,从而提高教学质量与效率。文章主要对服务器虚拟化、应用虚拟化、桌面虚拟化在高职教育教学中的实践及发展前景进行分析。  相似文献   

吴永祥 《电子测试》2014,(22):38-39,42
随着我国教育体制的不断改革,高教教育行政管理工作的重要性越来越突出。随着网络技术的飞速发展,计算机网络在社会各个领域中的应用越来越广泛,在高校教育行政管理中也得到了广泛应用。由于我国高校教育行政管理中运用计算机网络较晚,在应用过程中还存在一定的问题。本文就计算机网络在高校教育行政管理中的现状进行分析,探讨了计算机网络对高校教育行政管理的意义作用,提出了计算机网络在高校教育行政管理中的应用策略,以便提高高校教育行政管理工作效率。  相似文献   

文章从虚拟技术的核心与作用入手,讨论研究虚拟技术的应用对高职计算机实验教学的作用,从而提出虚拟技术应用到高职计算机实验教学中有效方案与措施,以供高职院校计算机实验教学借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

首先,文章提出一种有效提高教学质量的方法,介绍虚拟现实技术的特点;其次,论述虚拟现实技术在电机、供配电技术、机械制图等机电类专业教学改革中的应用;最后,总结出虚拟现实技术应用在机电类教学中有明显的优点以及存在的现实问题。  相似文献   

随着移动互联网时代的到来,高职教育教学模式也发生了较大的变化,教育教学效率得到了很大的提高。互联网信息技术的使用,使得教育教学能够实现课前、课中、课后的全过程跟踪。文章先阐述了移动互联网时代背景下,高职教育教学产生的变化与受到的冲击,并逐一分析了基于移动互联网的不同教育教学模式,最后,探讨了基于移动互联网的智慧课堂教学模式的建立、教学目标实现、课堂平台搭建与教学全面评价。  相似文献   

近年来,随着科学技术快速发展,虚拟现实技术被广泛应用到高等职业教育实践教学中,得到教师与学生认可、好评,并在教育教学领域中占据重要地位。文章主要从虚拟现实技术对高等职业教育实践教学的促进作用出发,对虚拟现实技术在高等职业教育实践教学的应用措施进行了分析,希望能为高等职业教育实践教学提供借鉴。  相似文献   

循环结构是C语言程序设计课程的重点和难点。基于多年教学实践,该单元的教学设计采用了任务驱动的方式来展现不同循环结构的应用场景,从简单任务开始,围绕示例,阶梯式地引入各种循环语句,并将难点分散到不同的教学单元。教学实践表明这种方式取得了较好的教学效果。  相似文献   

徐洪磊  张园 《电信科学》2017,33(12):157-163
介绍了中国电信随选网络在智慧园区中的解决方案,分析了园区环境中租户的网络需求和痛点,介绍了中国电信随选网络系统组成、业务模型以及随选网络系统在园区环境中的特点和优势。  相似文献   

随着近年来高校扩招、教育改革等措施的不断实施,我国学生受到了更加优质的教育,其中高职计算机教育也受到了社会各界的广泛关注。文章通过查阅相关资料,简要介绍了高职计算机教育网络化管理现状,并提出了行之有效的优化高职计算机教育网络化管理的相关措施,以期能够为我国高职计算机教育网络化管理方面的发展提供有价值的参考。  相似文献   

随着社会的发展和进步,计算机的应用已深入到了各行各业,人们对计算机的需求也越来越多。因此在当今这个大数据时代的背景下,高职院校的计算机基础教育教学如何适应职业教育优化发展的新理念、新观点、新思想和新举措,是我们所面临的问题和挑战。文章针对计算机基础教学过程中如何进行优化设计进行了简要的分析和研究,希望所得的结果能对计算机基础教学工作有所帮助。  相似文献   

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