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A successful water management scheme for irrigated crops requires an integrated approach, which accounts for water, soil, and crop management. SIMETAW# is a user friendly soil water balance model that assesses crop water use, irrigation requirements, and generates hypothetical irrigation schedules for a wide range of crops experiencing full or deficit irrigation. SIMETAW# calculates reference evapotranspiration (ETo), and it computes potential crop evapotranspiration (ETc), and the evapotranspiration of applied water (ETaw), which is the amount of irrigation water needed to match losses from the effective soil root zone due to ETc that are not replaced by precipitation and other sources. Using input information on crop and soil characteristics and the distribution uniformity of infiltrated irrigation applications in full or deficit conditions, the model estimates the mean depth of infiltrated water (IW) into each quarter of the field. The impact of deficit irrigation on the actual crop evapotranspiration (ETa) is computed separately for each of the four quarters of the cropped field. SIMETAW# simulation adjusts ETo estimates for projected future CO2 concentration, and hence the model can assess climate change impacts on future irrigation demand allowing the user to propose adaptation strategies that potentially lead to a more sustainable water use. This paper discusses the SIMETAW# model and evaluates its performance on estimating ETc, ETa, and ETaw for three case studies.  相似文献   

High and low stremflow values forecasting is of great importance in field of water resources in order to mitigate the impacts of flood and drought. Most of water resources models deal with the problem of not being flexible for modeling maximum and minimum flows. To overcome that shortcoming, a combination of artificial neural network (ANN) models is developed in this study for monthly streamflow forecasting. A probabilistic neural network (PNN) is used to classify each of the input-output patterns and afterward, the classified data are forecasted using a modified multi-layer perceptron (MMLP). In addition, the performance of the MLP and generalized regression neural network (GRNN) in streamflow forecasting are investigated and compared to the proposed method. The findings indicate that the R2 associated with the suggested model is 46 and 80% higher compared to MLP and GRNN models, respectively.  相似文献   

依托国家标准的雨水情数据库,采用新安江三层蒸散发模型和蓄满产流原理,结合旱情等级划分标准,建立了适合湘西自治州的逐日"土壤含水量"动态分析模型,对自治州的旱情发展进行分析预测,结果与实际情况较吻合.同时,系统通过调用Surfer绘图软件绘制干旱色斑图和计算各干旱等级的面积,在一定程度上实现了旱情信息的可视化、形象化和实时化,为抗旱决策提供科学依据,具有一定的技术价值和应用价值.  相似文献   

Zhou  Jiawei  Chen  Xiaohong  Xu  Chuang  Wu  Pan 《Water Resources Management》2022,36(6):1937-1953

Socioeconomic drought occurs when a water shortage is caused by an imbalance between the supply and demand of water resources in natural and human socioeconomic systems. Compared with meteorological drought, hydrological drought, and agricultural drought, socioeconomic drought has received relatively little attention. Hence, this study aims to construct a universal and relatively simple socioeconomic drought assessment index, the Standardized Supply and Demand Water Index (SSDWI). Taking the Jianjiang River Basin (JJRB) in Guangdong Province, China, as an example, we analyzed the socioeconomic drought characteristics and trends from 1985 to 2019. The return periods of different levels of drought were calculated. The relationships among socioeconomic, meteorological, and hydrological droughts and their potential drivers were discussed. Results showed that: (1) SSDWI can assess the socioeconomic drought conditions well at the basin scale. Based on the SSWDI, during the 35-year study period, 29 socioeconomic droughts occurred in the basin, with an average duration of 6.16 months and average severity of 5.82. Socioeconomic droughts mainly occurred in autumn and winter, which also had more severe droughts than other seasons. (2) In the JJRB, the joint return periods of “∪” and “∩” for moderate drought, severe drought, and extreme drought were 8.81a and 10.81a, 16.49a and 26.44a, and 41.68a and 91.13a, respectively. (3) Because of the increasing outflow from Gaozhou Reservoir, the occurrence probability of socioeconomic drought and hydrological drought in the JJRB has declined significantly since 2008. Reservoir scheduling helps alleviate hydrological and socioeconomic drought in the basin.


城市需水预测模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
需水量预测是供水决策,水利投资数额的重要参考指数,在水资源规划与管理中起着重要的作用。针对现有需水量预测方法存在局限性等问题,结合经济社会发展状况和水资源的特点,建立了城市需水预测模型。该模型能够较好地体现出社会经济、生态、环境和水资源各个系统之间的复杂关系。  相似文献   

以四川省绵阳市游仙区农村安全饮水工程为例,借助因子分析法与层次分析法构建了基于用户需求的农村安全饮水工程契合度评价模型。其中,二级指标对于一级指标的权重系数由因子分析提取公因子的贡献率确定,三级指标对于二级指标的权重系数由层次分析的主观权重和因子分析的客观权重最终确定。研究表明,水费定价收费标准的合理性、饮水资源获取的便捷性、工程建管质量的可靠性成为众多影响契合度因素中的主要因素。模型计算结果与实际调查结果大致吻合,这说明,考虑用户需求条件下的契合度评价模型对于指导农村安全饮水工程评价工作具有一定的适用性。  相似文献   

大量程步进式垂线坐标仪的研制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
步进式变形监测仪器具有长期测量、测值稳定、可靠性高、测试原理简单、适用范围广等优点,在中国的大坝安全监测领域得到了广泛应用,但大量程步进式变形监测仪器的研制很难。文中介绍了一种新型步进式垂线坐标仪,该垂线坐标仪在引入独特的结构设计、先进的电子测量技术和优化的电机驱动控制策略的基础上,很好地解决了大量程工况下的高精度测量问题。  相似文献   

湘中地区干旱预报模型及应用--以双峰县为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以现有的降雨、蒸发资料为依据,假设未来的降雨、蒸发,通过模型计算,输出未来逐日土壤含水量,作为干旱预报的依据,判断现有及未来的干旱状况,作为指导农业生产和水利工程供水的依据。  相似文献   

根据国家电网公司对电力能源的节约化和精益化管理要求,实现配变台区的自动采集。研制了一种集电能计量、负荷管理、公变监测、无功补偿为一体的新型电力需求侧管理终端,介绍了其总体设计思想、模块化的硬件设计、分层面向对象的软件设计,最后给出了典型应用方案。  相似文献   

Ziad Mimi  Mike Smith 《国际水》2013,38(3):464-468

The water balance in the West Bank shows a severe deficit. Scenarios and strategies are formulated in order to overcome the deficit problem. These include options for better management of the existing water resources and the enhancement of new resources. This paper focuses on demand modeling as one of the key issues for effective water management. Although past literature about demand modeling is comparatively rich for different regions in the world, this research provides a unique study, due to the past political situation in the Middle East, for water demand modeling in the West Bank. The developed statistical domestic water demand model will assess the factors which influence domestic water use, and determine the parameters that may help in demand management. Rammallah City is used as a case study to illustrate the proposed framework of the analysis. The developed model indicates that water utility authorities can use price as a tool to ration water or encourage reduced water consumption in households.  相似文献   

改进BP网络模型在年用水量预测中的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
考虑城市用水量受众多因素影响,具有系统稳定性和非线性的特点,利用人工神经网络理论建立了改进BP网络预测模型,通过实例证明了该模型是一种行之有效的用水量预测模型。  相似文献   

The model for prediction of drought magnitudes is based on the multiplicative relationship: drought magnitude (M) = drought intensity (I) × drought duration (L), where I, L, and M are presumed to obey respectively the truncated normal probability distribution function (pdf), the geometric pdf, and the normal pdf. The multiplicative relationship is applied in the standardized domain of the streamflows, named as SHI (standardized hydrological index) sequences, which are treated equivalent to standard normal variates. The expected drought magnitude E(M T ), i.e. the largest value of M over a sampling period of T-time units (T-year, T-month, and T-week) is predicted for hydrological droughts using streamflow data from Canadian prairies. By suitably amalgamating E(L T ) with mean and variance of I in the extreme number theorem based relationship, the E(M T ) is evaluated. Using Markov chain (MC), the E(L T ) is estimated involving the geometric pdf of L. The Markov chains up to order one (MC-1) were found to be adequate in the proposed model for the annual to weekly time scales. For a given level of drought probability (q) and a sampling period T-time units; the evaluation of E(M T ) requires only 3 parameters viz. lag-1 autocorrelation (ρ 1 ), first order conditional probability (q q , present instant being a drought given past instant was a drought) in SHI sequences and a parameter ø (value 0 to 1), which were estimated from historical data of streamflows. A major strength of the proposed model lies in the use of simple and widely familiar normal and geometric pdfs as its basic building blocks for the estimation of drought magnitudes.  相似文献   

Numerous definitions of droughts which are based on different climatological time series have been in use. In this paper, the development of drought indicators by using different time series is described. These drought indicators were developed for use by the Department of Natural Resources in the State of Indiana, U.S.A. The second part of the study deals with an analysis of the consistency of results obtained by using different time series, in order to select two or three of the commonly available series for drought analysis. Past drought data are used to test the performance of the drought indicators. As a result of this study, three month precipitation, monthly river flow and the Palmer Hydrologic Drought Index series are recommended for operational use.  相似文献   

A multiplicative relationship, drought magnitude (M) = drought intensity (I) × drought duration or length (L) is used as a basis for predicting the largest expected value of hydrological drought magnitude, E(M T ) over a period of T-year (or month). The prediction of E(M T ) is carried out in terms of the SHI (standardized hydrological index, tantamount to standard normal variate) sequences of the annual and monthly streamflow time series. The probability distribution function (pdf) of I (drought intensity) was assumed to follow a truncated normal. The drought length (L c ) was taken as some characteristic duration of the drought period, which is expressible as a linear combination of the expected longest (extreme) duration, E(L T ) and the mean duration, L m of droughts and is estimated involving a parameter ø (range 0 to 1). The drought magnitude (deficit-sum, M) has been assumed to follow a gamma pdf, in view of the observed behavior of M. The model M = I × L has been invoked via two approximations, viz. Type-1 involves only mean of I and Type-2 involves both mean and variance of I through the theorem of extremes of random numbers of random variables. The E(L T ) were obtained using the Markov chain (MC) model of an appropriate order, which turned out to be zero order Markov chain (MC-0) at the annual time scale. At the monthly time scale, the E(L T ) was best represented by MC-0 for SHI sequences with low value of lag-1 autocorrelation (ρ?<?0.3) and first order Markov chain (MC-1) for SHI sequences with ρ?>?0.3. At low cutoff levels (q?≤?0.2), the trivial relationship E(M T ) = E(I) × E(L T ) i.e. without considerations of the extreme number theorem and the pdf of M yielded satisfactory results.  相似文献   


In a changing climate, drought indices as well as drought definitions need to be revisited because some statistical properties, such as the long-term mean, of climate series may change over time. This study aims to develop a Non-stationary Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (NSPEI) for reliable and robust quantification of drought characteristics in a changing climate. The proposed indicator is based on a non-stationary log-logistic probability distribution, assuming the location parameter of the distribution is a multivariable function of time and climate indices, as covariates. The optimal non-stationary model was obtained using a forward selection method in the framework of the Generalized Additive Models in Location, Scale, and Shape (GAMLSS) algorithm. The Non-stationary and Stationary forms of SPEI (i.e., NSPEI and SSPEI) were calculated using the monthly precipitation and temperature data of 32 weather stations in Iran for the common period of 1964–2014. The results showed that almost at all the stations studied, the non-stationary log-logistic distributions outperformed the stationary ones. The AICs of the non-stationary models for 97% of the stations were lower than those of the stationary models. The non-stationary models at 90% of the stations were statistically significant at the 5% significance level. While SSPEI identified the long-term and continuous drought and wet events, NSPEI revealed the short-term and frequent drought/wet periods at almost all the stations of interest. Finally, it was revealed that NSPEI, compared to SSPEI, was a more reliable and robust indicator of drought duration and drought termination in vegetation cover during the severest drought period (the 2008 drought). Therefore, it was suggested as a suitable drought index to quantify drought impacts on vegetation cover in Iran.


按生态文明与美丽中国的科学内涵,论述了水利工程在生态文明建设中的驱动作用,并通过新安江水电站、衡水湖区域的实例,分析了水利工程驱动的区域生态文明建设模式,为类似水利工程建设提供参考。  相似文献   

旱灾是山东省的主要自然灾害之一,旱灾损失居各种自然灾害之首,为此开发了山东省抗旱信息管理系统.首先提出了系统开发的总体目标和设计原则,并说明了系统的硬件环境和软件环境,具体分析了系统的功能和模块,最后阐述了系统开发的技术特点,即:(1)利用控件技术实现系统模块化和工具化;(2)系统在INTERNET/INTRANET上的运行问题.  相似文献   

In this study, attention is initially focussed on modelling finely sampled (1 min) residential water demand time series. Subsequently, the possibility of simulating the water demand time series relevant to different time intervals and many users is analysed by using an aggregation approach. A cluster Neyman-Scott stochastic process (NSRP) is proposed to represent the residential water demand and a parameterisation procedureis implemented to respect the cyclical behaviour usually observed in any working day. A validation is performed on the basis of the one-minute datacollected on the water distribution system of Castelfranco Emilia located in the province of Modena (I). The elaborations performed show the validity both of the NSRP model and the parameterisation procedure proposedto represent the residential demand with fine time intervals (up to 5–10 min). On the other hand, when a procedure of aggregation is applied to represent the water demand of a high number of users, the results are nolonger satisfactory since only the mean is preserved while the other statistics, and in particular the variance, are underestimated.  相似文献   

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