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The external morphology and internal cell fine structure of a new species of Tovelliaceae, Tovellia rubescens n. sp., is described. Phylogenetic analyses based on partial LSU rDNA sequences place the new species in a clade containing Tovellia species that accumulate red pigments and identify T. aveirensis as its closest known relative. Cells of T. rubescens n. sp. were mostly round and had the cingulum located near the middle, with its ends displaced about one cingular width. Small numbers of distinctly flat cells appeared in culture batches; their significance could not be determined. Cells of the new species in culture batches progressively changed from a yellowish‐green, mainly due to chloroplast colour, to a reddish‐brown colour that appeared associated with lipid bodies. The switch to a reddish colour happened earlier in batches grown in medium lacking sources of N or P. Pigment analyses by HPLC‐MS/MS revealed the presence of astaxanthin and astaxanthin‐related metabolites in the new species, but also in T. aveirensis, in which a reddish colour was never observed. The chloroplast arrangement of T. rubescens n. sp. resembled that of T. aveirensis, with lobes radiating from a central pyrenoid complex. The flagellar apparatus and pusular system fell within the general features described from other Tovelliaceae. A row of microtubules interpretable as a microtubular strand of the peduncle was present. Spiny resting cysts with red contents and an ITS sequence identical to that of cultured material of the new species were found in the original locality.  相似文献   

Ostreopsis is a genus of dinoflagellates that includes species producing palytoxin and structurally related compounds. The distribution of Ostreopsis species in Australia is largely unknown, but they have been reported from north Queensland (18° S) to Tasmania (41–43° S). Ostreopsis spp. have been recurrently reported from estuaries around New South Wales, with persistent occurrences in Merimbula Lake inlet throughout the year. We isolated and characterized a strain of Ostreopsis cf. siamensis using light and scanning electron microscopy as well as molecular sequences of small subunit (SSU), large subunit (LSU) and ITS regions of ribosomal DNA. The strain grew significantly faster in low nutrient concentrations. Palytoxin‐like compounds were produced by the strain, as determined by chemical analysis, and the LD 50 of the cell extract by intraperitoneal injection in mice was 25.1 mg kg?1. This is the first comprehensive molecular, morphological and toxicological study of an Ostreopsis species from Australian waters. Increasing reports of Ostreopsis from temperate waters suggest an empirical need to expand the knowledge of their diversity and distribution to aid aquaculture monitoring in Australian estuaries.  相似文献   

The freshwater red algal order Thoreales has triphasic life history composed of a diminutive diploid “Chantransia” stage, a distinctive macroscopic gametophyte with multi‐axial growth and carposporophytes that develop on the gametophyte thallus. This order is comprised of two genera, Thorea and Nemalionopsis. Thorea has been widely reported with numerous species, whereas Nemalionopsis has been more rarely observed with only a few species described. DNA sequences from three loci (rbcL, cox1, and LSU) were used to examine the phylogenetic affinity of specimens collected from geographically distant locations including North America, South America, Europe, Pacific Islands, Southeast Asia, China, and India. Sixteen species of Thorea and two species of Nemalionopsis were recognized. Morphological observations confirmed the distinctness of the two genera and also provided some characters to distinguish species. However, many of the collections were in “Chantransia” stage rather than gametophyte stage, meaning that key diagnostic morphological characters were unavailable. Three new species are proposed primarily based on the DNA sequence data generated in this study, Thorea kokosinga‐pueschelii, T. mauitukitukii, and T. quisqueyana. In addition to these newly described species, one DNA sequence from GenBank was not closely associated with other Thorea clades and may represent further diversity in the genus. Two species in Nemalionopsis are recognized, N. shawii and N. parkeri nom. et stat. nov. Thorea harbors more diversity than had been recognized by morphological data alone. Distribution data indicated that Nemalionopsis is common in the Pacific region, whereas Thorea is more globally distributed. Most species of Thorea have a regional distribution, but Thorea hispida appears to be cosmopolitan.  相似文献   

The genus Coelastrella was established by Chodat (Bull. Soc. Bot. Geneve, 13 [1922] 66), and was characterized as being unicellular or in few‐celled aggregations with many longitudinal ribs on the cell wall. Many species of this genus showed strong ability to accumulate carotenoids and oils, so they have recently attracted much attention from researchers due to its potential applicability in the energy and food industries. In this study, a total of 23 strains of Coelastrella were sampled from China, and three new species and two new varieties were described: C. thermophila sp. nov., C. yingshanensis sp. nov., C. tenuitheca sp. nov., C. thermophila var. globulina var. nov., C. rubescens var. oocystiformis var. nov. Besides 18S rDNA and ITS2 sequences, we have newly sequenced the tufA gene marker for this taxon. Phylogenetic analysis combined with morphological studies revealed four morphotypes within the Coelastrella sensu lato clade, which contained the morphotype of original Coelastrella, original Scotiellopsis, Asterarcys, and morphotype of C. vacuolata and C. tenuitheca sp. nov. The relationships between morphological differences and phylogenic diversity based on different markers were discussed. Our results support that 18S rDNA was too conserved to be used a species‐specific or even a genus‐specific marker in this clade. The topology of tufA gene‐based phylogenetic tree had a better match with the morphological findings.  相似文献   

The broad range in physiological variation displayed by Symbiodinium spp. has proven imperative during periods of environmental change and contribute to the survival of their coral host. Characterizing how host and Symbiodinium community assemblages differ across environmentally distinct habitats provides useful information to predict how corals will respond to major environmental change. Despite the extensive characterizations of Symbiodinium diversity found amongst reef cnidarians on the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) substantial biogeographic gaps exist, especially across inshore habitats. Here, we investigate Symbiodinium community patterns in invertebrates from inshore and mid‐shelf reefs on the southern GBR, Australia. Dominant Symbiodinium types were characterized using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis fingerprinting and sequencing of the ITS2 region of the ribosomal DNA. Twenty one genetically distinct Symbiodinium types including four novel types were identified from 321 reef‐invertebrate samples comprising three sub‐generic clades (A, C, and D). A range of host genera harbored C22a, which is normally rare or absent from inshore or low latitude reefs in the GBR. Multivariate analysis showed that host identity and sea surface temperature best explained the variation in symbiont communities across sites. Patterns of changes in Symbiodinium community assemblage over small geographic distances (100s of kilometers or less) indicate the likelihood that shifts in Symbiodinium distributions and associated host populations, may occur in response to future climate change impacting the GBR.  相似文献   

The aims of this work were to study cyanobacterial isolates resembling the genus Hydrocoryne using a combination of morphology and phylogeny of 16S rRNA and nifH sequences and to investigate genes involved in cyanotoxin and protease inhibitor production. Four new cyanobacterial strains, isolated from biofilm samples collected from King George Island, Antarctica, were studied. In terms of morphology, these new strains share traits similar to true Anabaena morphotypes (benthic ones), whereas phylogenetic analysis of their 16S rRNA gene sequences grouped them with the sequence of the type species Hydrocoryne spongiosa (H. Schwabe ex Bornet and Flahault 1886–1888), but not with sequences of the type species from the genus Anabaena. This cluster is the sister group of Anabaena morphotypes isolated only from the Gulf of Finland. In addition, this cluster is related to two other clusters formed by sequences of Anabaena isolated from different sites. Partial nifH genes were sequenced from two strains and the phylogenetic tree revealed that the Antarctic nifH sequences clustered with sequences from Anabaena. Furthermore, two strains were tested, using PCR with specific primers, for the presence of genes involved in cyanotoxins (microcystin and saxitoxin) and protease inhibitor (aeruginosin, and cyanopeptolin). Only cyanopeptolin was amplified using PCR. These four Hydrocoryne strains are the first to be isolated and sequenced from Antarctica, which improves our knowledge on this poorly defined cyanobacterial genus.  相似文献   

The benthic dinoflagellates in the genus Gambierdiscus produce toxins that bioaccumulate in tropical and sub‐tropical fish causing ciguatera fish poisoning (CFP). Other co‐occurring genera such as Coolia have also been implicated in causing CFP. Little is known about the diversity of the two genera Gambierdiscus and Coolia along the Thai coasts. The results of morphological analyses based on observation under light microscopy and scanning electron microcopy showed that strains of Gambierdiscus from Thailand displayed the typical Gambierdiscus plate formula: Po, 4′, 0a, 6″, 6c,?s, 5′′′, 0p and 2′′′′. Morphological examination of Thai Gambierdiscus enabled it to be identified as Gambierdiscus caribaeus: round and anterior‐posteriorly compressed cell shape, broad 2′′′′ plate, rectangular 2′ plate, and symmetrical 3″ plate. The phylogenetic analyses based on the large subunit (LSU) rDNA D8/D10 sequences of Gambierdiscus from Thailand confirmed the morphological identification. The thecal plate formula for all of the Coolia isolates from Thailand was Po, 4′, 0a, 6″,?c,?s, 5′′′, 0p and 2′′′′. Most, but not all, of these isolates could be identified morphologically as Coolia malayensis. An LSU rDNA D1/D2 phylogenetic analysis confirmed identity of C. malayensis isolates identified morphologically. The remaining unidentified isolates fell in the C. tropicalis clade.  相似文献   

The marine ciliate Nothoholosticha is characterized by having a Holosticha-like ciliature pattern but without migratory frontoterminal cirri. However, its systematic position and its relationship to other members of the Holosticha-complex have not yet been resolved. In order to gain deeper insights into these relationships, the small subunit rRNA (SSrRNA) gene and the rRNA internal transcribed spacer and 5.8SrRNA (ITS1–5.8S-ITS2) region of two marine Anteholosticha species, as well as the ITS1–5.8S-ITS2 region of N. fasciola, were sequenced, and molecular trees (BI, ML, NJ and MP trees) were constructed. Although our analyses failed to conclusively resolve the phylogeny of this assemblage, certain conclusions could be drawn. Firstly, Nothoholosticha is a valid genus that is more closely related to Pseudokeronopsis than to other Holosticha-complex genera. Secondly, sequence analyses and phylogenetic trees of several Anteholosticha species revealed a high molecular diversity, which does not support the monophyly of this genus. Thirdly, the current assignment of certain well-known genera, e.g. Holosticha, Anteholosticha, Apokeronopsis, Parabirojimia, Psammomitra, Diaxonella, Metaurostylopsis and Thigmokeronopsis, to the families Bakuellidae (sensu Berger 2006), Urostylidae (sensu Berger 2006) or Holostichidae (sensu Berger 2006) is challenged by the molecular data presented here. And fourthly, the families Holostichidae and Pseudokeronopsidae (sensu Lynn 2008) are probably paraphyletic, and their systematic assignments await further evaluation.  相似文献   

Symbiodinium reside intracellularly in a complex symbiosome (host and symbiont‐derived) within cnidarian hosts in a specific host‐symbiont association. Symbiodinium is a diverse genus with variation greater than other dinoflagellate orders. In this paper, our investigation into specificity examines antigenic variation in the algal mucilage secretions at the host‐symbiont interface. Cultured Symbiodinium from a variety of clades were labeled with one of two antibodies to symbiont mucilage (PC3, developed using a clade B alga cultured from Aiptasia pallida; BF10, developed using a clade F alga cultured from Briareum sp.). The labeling was visualized with a fluorescent marker and examined with epifluorescence and confocal microscopy. PC3 antigen was found in cultured Symbiodinium from clades A and B, but not clades C, D, E and F. The correlation between labeling and clade may account for some of the specificity between host and symbiont in the field. Within clades A and B there was variation in the amount of label present. BF10 antigen was more specific and only found in cultures of the same cp23S‐rDNA strain the antibody was created against. These results indicate that the mucilage secretions do vary both qualitatively and quantitatively amongst Symbiodinium strains. Since the mucilage forms the host‐symbiont interface, variation in its molecular composition is likely to be the source of any signals involved in recognition and specificity.  相似文献   

A single cell of the dinoflagellate genus Fukuyoa was isolated from the island of Formentera (Balearic Islands, west Mediterranean Sea), cultured, and characterized by morphological and molecular methods and toxin analyses. This is the first report of the Gambierdiscus lineage (genera Fukuyoa and Gambierdiscus) from the western Mediterranean Sea, which is cooler than its eastern basin. Molecular analyses revealed that the Mediterranean strain belongs to F. paulensis and that it bears LSU rDNA sequences identical to New Zealand, Australian, and Brazilian strains. It also shared an identical sequence of the more variable ITS‐rDNA with the Brazilian strain. Toxin analyses showed the presence of maitotoxin, 54‐deoxyCTX1B, and gambieric acid A. This is the first observation of the two latter compounds in a Fukuyoa strain. Therefore, both Gambierdiscus and Fukuyoa should be considered when as contributing to ciguatera fish poisoning. Different strains of Fukuyoa form a complex of morphologically cryptic lineages where F. paulensis stands as the most distantly related nominal species. The comparison of the ITS2 secondary structures revealed the absence of CBCs among strains. The study of the morphological and molecular traits depicted an unresolved taxonomic scenario impacted by the low strains sampling.  相似文献   

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