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Petrological evidence is provided for anatexis of ultrahigh‐pressure (UHP) metamorphic quartzite in the Sulu orogen. Some feldspar grains exhibit elongated, highly cuspate shapes or occur as interstitial, cuspate phases constituting interconnected networks along grain boundaries. Elongated veinlets composed of plagioclase + quartz ± K‐feldspar also occur in grain boundaries. These features provide compelling evidence for anatexis of the UHP quartzite. Zircon grains from impure quartzite are all metamorphic growth with highly irregular shape. They contain inclusions of coesite, jadeite, rutile and lower pressure minerals, including multiphase solid inclusions that are composed of two or more phases of muscovite, quartz, K‐feldspar and plagioclase. All zircon grains exhibit steep REE patterns, similar U–Pb ages and Hf isotope compositions with a weighted mean of 218 ± 2 Ma. Most grains have similar δ18O values of ?0.6 to 0.1‰, but a few fall in the range ?5.2 to ?4.3‰. Thus, these grains would have grown from anatectic melts at various pressures. Zircon O isotope differences indicate that anatectic melts were derived from different sources with contrasting O isotopes, but similar Hf isotopes, that is, one from the quartzite itself and the other probably from the country‐rock granitic gneiss. Zircon grains from pure quartzite contain relict magmatic cores and significant metamorphic overgrowths. Domains that contain eclogite facies minerals exhibit flat HREE patterns, no Eu anomalies and concordant U–Pb ages of c. 220 Ma. Similar U–Pb ages are also obtained for domains that contain lower pressure minerals and exhibit steep REE patterns and marked negative Eu anomalies. These observations indicate that zircon records subsolidus overgrowth at eclogite facies conditions but suprasolidus growth at lower pressures. Zircon enclosed by garnet gave consistent U–Pb ages of c. 214 Ma. Such garnet is interpreted as a peritectic product of the anatectic reaction that involves felsic minerals and possibly amphibole and titanite. The REE patterns of epidote and titanite also record multistage growth and metasomatism by anatectic melts. Therefore, the anatexis of UHP metamorphic rocks is evident during continental collision in the Triassic.  相似文献   

A combined petrological, geochronological and geochemical study was carried out on felsic veins and their host rocks from the North Qaidam ultrahigh‐pressure (UHP) metamorphic terrane in northern Tibet. The results provide insights into partial melting of deeply subducted continental crust during exhumation. Partial melting is petrograpically recognized in metagranite, metapelite and metabasite. Migmatized gneisses, including metagranite and metapelite, contain microstructures such as granitic aggregates with varying outlines, small dihedral angles at mineral junctions and feldspar with magmatic habits, indicating the former presence of felsic melts. Partial melts were also present in metabasite that occurs as retrograde eclogite. Felsic veins in both the eclogites and gneisses exhibit typical melt crystalline textures such as large euhedral feldspar grains with straight crystal faces, indicating vein crystallization from anatectic melts. The Sr–Nd isotope compositions of felsic veins inside gneisses suggest melt derivation from anatexis of host gneisses themselves, but those inside metabasites suggest melt derivation from hybrid sources. Felsic veins inside gneisses exhibit lithochemical compositions similar to experimental melts on the An–Ab–Or diagram. In trace element distribution diagrams, they exhibit parallel patterns to their host rocks, but with lower element contents and slightly positive Eu and Sr anomalies. The geochemistry of these felsic veins is controlled by minerals that would decompose and survive, respectively, during anatexis. Felsic veins inside metabasites are rich either in quartz or in plagioclase with low normative orthoclase. In either case, they have low trace element contents, with significantly positive Eu and Sr anomalies in plagioclase‐rich veins. Combined with cumulate structures in some veins, these felsic veins are interpreted to crystallize from anatectic melts of different origins with the effect of crystal fractionation. Nevertheless, felsic veins in different lithologies exhibit roughly consistent patterns of trace element distribution, with variable enrichment of LILE and LREE but depletion of HFSE and HREE. There are also higher contents of trace elements in veins hosted by gneisses than veins hosted by metabasites. Anatectic zircon domains from felsic veins and migmatized gneisses exhibit consistent U–Pb ages of c. 420 Ma, significantly younger than the peak UHP eclogite facies metamorphic event at c. 450–435 Ma. Combining the petrological observations with local P–T paths and experimentally constrained melting curves, it is inferred that anatexis of UHP gneisses was caused by muscovite breakdown while anatexis of UHP metabasites was caused by fluid influx. These UHP metagranite, metapelite and metabasite underwent simultaneous anatexis during the exhumation, giving rise to anatectic melts with different compositions in various elements but similar patterns in trace element distribution.  相似文献   

张泽明  董昕  贺振宇  向华 《岩石学报》2013,29(5):1713-1726
喜马拉雅造山带是印度与亚洲大陆碰撞作用的产物,正在进行造山作用,是研究板块构造的天然实验室.高压和超高压变质岩分布在喜马拉雅造山带的核部.这些变质岩具有不同的形成条件、形成时间和形成过程,为印度与亚洲碰撞带的几何学、运动学和动力学提供了重要的限定.含柯石英的超高压变质岩产出在喜马拉雅造山带的西段,它们形成在古新世与始新世之间(53~46Ma),为印度大陆西北边缘高角度超深俯冲作用的产物,并经历了快速俯冲与快速折返过程.在约5 Myr内,超高压变质岩从>100km的地幔深度折返到了中地壳深度,且仅仅叠加角闪岩相退变质作用.高压榴辉岩产出在喜马拉雅造山带中段,形成时间约为45Ma,为印度大陆低角度深俯冲作用的产物,经历了至少20Myr的长期折返过程,叠加麻粒岩相退变质作用和部分熔融.高压麻粒岩产出在喜马拉雅造山带的东端,是印度大陆东北缘近平俯冲作用的产物,峰期变质作用时间约为35Ma,经历了约20Myr的长期折返过程,叠加了麻粒岩相和角闪岩相退变质作用,并伴随有多期部分熔融.因此,喜马拉雅造山带的变质作用具有明显的时间与空间变化,显示出大陆深俯冲与折返过程的差异性,以及大陆碰撞造山带形成机制的多样性.  相似文献   

The Shuanghe garnet-bearing paragneiss from the Dabie ultra-high–pressure (UHP) orogen occurs as an interlayer within partially retrogressed eclogite. A first UHP metamorphic stage at 680°C, 3.8–4.1 GPa is documented by Zr-in-rutile temperatures coupled with phengite inclusions (Si = 3.55) in clinozoisite and grossular-rich garnet. Relic matrix phengite and phengite inclusions in zircon rims display lower Si of 3.42. Combined with garnet compositions and Ti-in-zircon temperatures, they provide evidence for a second UHP metamorphic stage at 800–850°C, ~3.8 GPa. Such isobaric heating at UHP conditions has not been documented so far from the adjacent eclogites and other rock types in the Dabie orogen and indicates proximity to the hot, convecting mantle wedge. The dominant mineral assemblage consisting of plagioclase, epidote, biotite, and amphibole provides evidence for widespread retrogression during the exhumation of the UHP paragneiss. Several types of polyphase mineral inclusions were identified. Phengite inclusions hosted by clinozoisite are partially replaced by kyanite and K-feldspar, whereas inclusions in host garnet consist of relic phengite, K-feldspar, and garnet, indicating limited sub-solidus dehydration of phengite by the reaction Ph→Kfs+Ky±Grt+fluid. Tightly intergrown K-feldspar and quartz are preserved as inclusions with sharp boundaries and radial cracks in garnet. Analyses of whole inclusions also show small enrichments in light rare earth elements. These inclusions are interpreted to be derived from melting of an inclusion assemblage consisting of Ph+Coe±Czo. A third type of polyphase inclusion consists of typical nanogranite (Ab+Kfs+Qz±Ep) inclusions in recrystallized metamorphic zircon. Ti-in-zircon thermometry and the Si content of phengite included in these zircon domains indicate that melting occurred at 800–850°C and 3.8–4.0 GPa during isobaric heating at UHP conditions. The partial melting event led to an equilibration of trace elements in garnet, phengite, and apatite. Using published partition coefficients between these minerals and hydrous granitic melt, the trace element composition of the UHP anatectic melt can be constrained. The melts are characterized by high LILE contents and pronounced relative enrichments of U over Th and Ta over Nb. The REE are below primitive mantle values, likely due to the presence of residual clinozoisite and garnet during partial melting. So far, no major granitic bodies have been found that share the same trace element pattern as the partial melts from the UHP anatexis of the Shuanghe paragneiss.  相似文献   

Metamorphic dehydration and partial melting are two important processes during continental collision. They have significant bearing on element transport at the slab interface under subduction‐zone P–T conditions. Petrological and geochemical insights into the two processes are provided by a comprehensive study of leucocratic veins in ultrahigh‐pressure (UHP) metamorphic rocks. This is exemplified by this study of a polymineralic vein within phengite‐bearing UHP eclogite in the Dabie orogen. The vein is primarily composed of quartz, kyanite, epidote and phengite, with minor accessory minerals such as garnet, rutile and zircon. Primary multiphase solid inclusions occur in garnet and epidote from the both vein and host eclogite. They are composed of quartz ± K‐feldspar ± plagioclase ± K‐bearing glass and exhibit irregular to negative crystal shapes that are surrounded by weak radial cracks. This suggests their precipitation from solute‐rich metamorphic fluid/melt that involved the reaction of phengite breakdown. Zircon U–Pb dating for the vein gave two groups of concordant ages at 217 ± 2 and 210 ± 2 Ma, indicating two episodes of zircon growth in the Late Triassic. The same minerals from the two rocks give consistent δ18O and δD values, suggesting that the vein‐forming fluid was directly derived from the host UHP eclogite. The vein is much richer in phengite and epidote than the host eclogite, suggesting that the fluid is associated with remarkable concentration of such water‐soluble elements as LILE and LREE migration. Garnet and rutile in the vein exhibit much higher contents of HREE (2.2–5.7 times) and Nb–Ta (1.8–2.0 times) than those in the eclogite, indicating that these normally water‐insoluble elements became mobile and then were sunken in the vein minerals. Thus, the vein‐forming agent would be primarily composed of the UHP aqueous fluid with minor amounts of the hydrous melt, which may even become a supercritical fluid to have a capacity to transport not only LILE and LREE but also HREE and HFSE at subduction‐zone metamorphic conditions. Taken together, significant amounts of trace elements were transported by the vein‐forming fluid due to the phengite breakdown inside the UHP eclogite during exhumation of the deeply subducted continental crust.  相似文献   

Several types of multiphase solid (MS) inclusions are identified in garnet from ultrahigh‐pressure (UHP) eclogite in the Dabie orogen. The mineralogy of MS inclusions ranges from pure K‐feldspar to pure quartz, with predominance of intermediate types consisting of K‐feldspar + quartz ± silicate (plagioclase or epidote) ± barite. The typical MS inclusions are usually surrounded with radial cracks in the host garnet, similar to where garnet contains relict coesite. Barite aggregates display significant heterogeneity in major element composition, with total contents of only 57–73% and highly variable SiO2 contents of 0.32–25.85% that are positively correlated with BaO and SO3 contents. The occurrence of MS inclusions provides petrographic evidence for partial melting in the UHP metamorphic rock. The occurrence of barite aggregates with variably high SiO2 contents suggests the coexistence of aqueous fluid with hydrous melt under HP eclogite facies conditions. Thus, local dehydration melting is inferred to take place inside the UHP metamorphic slice during continental collision. This is ascribed to phengite breakdown during ‘hot’ exhumation of the deeply subducted continental crust. As a consequence, the aqueous fluid is internally buffered in chemical composition and its local sink is a basic trigger to the partial melting during the continental subduction‐zone metamorphism.  相似文献   

The Weihai migmatite in the Sulu ultra-high-pressure (UHP) metamorphic terrane, eastern China, underwent partial melting in the Late Triassic during its exhumation. The primary partial melts experienced a decompressional fractional crystallization (DFC) process to produce plagioclase (Pl)-rich leucosome crystallized under eclogite to granulite facies conditions and K-feldspar (Kfs)-rich pegmatitic veins crystallized under amphibolite-facies conditions. In this study, our results demonstrate that the DFC process can cause decoupling between whole-rock Sr and Nd isotopes. The Pl-rich leucosome has εNd(t) values (–10.4 to ?15.0) and initial (87Sr/86Sr) ratios (0.708173–0.712476) very similar to those of the melanosome, but the Kfs-rich pegmatitic veins have homogeneous εNd(t) values (?14.8 to ?15.2) and significantly high initial (87Sr/86Sr) ratios (0.713882–0.716284). Our results also suggest that the DFC process can change zircon 176Yb/177Hf and 176Lu/177Hf isotopic ratios, with no effect on 176Hf/177Hf ratios or εHf (t) values. Zircon 176Yb/177Hf and 176Lu/177Hf ratios increase dramatically from the Pl-rich leucosome to the Kfs-rich pegmatitic veins, but zircon 176Hf/177Hf ratios (Pl-rich leucosomes = 0.282330 ± 0.000017; Kfs-rich pegmatitic veins = 0.282321 ± 0.000026) and εHf (t) values (Pl-rich leucosomes = ?10.9 ± 0.6; Kfs-rich pegmatitic veins = ?11.6 ± 0.8) remain almost unchanged. We propose that the isotopic decoupling between the Pl-rich leucosome and Kfs-rich pegmatitic vein might be caused by melt fractional crystallization occurring too rapidly to allow complete equilibrium between them.  相似文献   

在苏鲁超高压榴辉岩中,石榴石和绿辉石包含多种含钾长石的显微多晶包襄体.确定其中的钾长石是否经历过超高压变质不仅有助于限定这些长英质包裹体的成因机制,而且有助于深化理解在超高压变质过程中陆壳岩石的物理和化学行为.榴辉岩B174样品采自于中国大陆科学钻探主孔岩心.该样品的石榴石含多种单相和多相多晶包裹体,其中包括钾长石和方解石单相包裹体、钾长石+石英和钾长石+方解石多晶包裹体.激光拉曼光谱分析揭示了部分钾长石残留有超高压钾长石相--钾质钡铝沸石,表明(1)钾长石至少经历了从钾质钡铝沸石向钾长石的退变质相变;和(2)榴辉岩中含钾长石多晶包裹体形成于超高压变质条件下.  相似文献   

苏鲁造山带超高压变质岩岩石学、氧同位素、流体包裹体和名义上无水矿物的研究表明,流体-岩石相互作用在大陆地壳的俯冲与折返过程中起到多重的重要作用,并形成了复杂的流体演化过程:(1)大陆表壳岩通过与高纬度大气降水的交换作用被广泛水化,并获得了异常低的氧同位素成分;(2)在水化陆壳物质的俯冲过程中发生了一系列的进变质脱水反应,所释放的流体主要结合进了高压、超高压含水矿物和名义上无水超高压矿物;(3)在超高压变质过程中,以水为主的变质流体通过选择性的吸收使其盐度逐渐升高,并在峰期出现高密度、高盐度的H2O或CO2-H2O流体。有机质的分解反应在局部形成了以CO2、N2、CH4或它们的混合物为主要成分的变质流体;(4)名义上无水超高压矿物的结构水出溶是早期退变质流体的主要来源,并在局部富集形成了高压变质脉体;(5)透入性的中、低盐度水流体活动使超高压变质岩通过一系列的水化反应转变成角闪岩相变质岩;(6)沿韧性剪切带和脆性破碎带的强烈水流体活动为绿片岩相退变质作用和低压石英脉的形成提供了变质流体;(7)可变盐度的H2O或CO2-H2O流体是整个超高压变质岩形成与折返过程中的主要流体,但局部的流体.岩石相互作用形成了非极性的变质流体。  相似文献   

北大别经历了三叠纪高温超高压变质作用和多阶段折返历史,因而榴辉岩中广泛发育多期减压结构,极少保留早期的超高压变质记录,这为它们不同变质阶段的温度条件估算带来了巨大困难。然而,目前流行的微量元素温度计为北大别榴辉岩的峰期及之后的退变质阶段温度的确定提供了可能性。根据锆石中Ti和金红石中Zr温度计,结合传统矿物对温度计的计算数据,获得了北大别榴辉岩中多阶段高温(>900 ℃)条件的数据,证明研究区经历了从超高压榴辉岩相→石英榴辉岩相→高压麻粒岩相阶段的高温变质过程。并且,北大别经历了折返初期(207±4 Ma)的减压熔融和碰撞后燕山期(约130 Ma)的加热熔融作用。长时间的高温变质作用与多期部分熔融也许正是北大别长期难以发现柯石英和有关超高压变质证据等的重要原因。因此,这些成果有助于甄别北大别的岩石成因和演化过程以及大别山多岩片差异折返模型的建立和完善。  相似文献   

Foliated (garnet-bearing) (FGB) granites are associated closely with and are usually the major wall rocks of the high-pressure (HP) and ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphic rocks in the Tongbai-Dabie region, the mid segment of the Qinling-Dabie-Sulu orogenic belt in central China. These granites appear either as small plutons or as veins, which commonly intrude into or surround the HP and UHP metamorphic eclogites or gneisses. The veins of FGB granites usually penetrate into the retrograded eclogites or gneisses along the foliations. Condensation rims can occasionally be found along the margins of granite veins. These granites are rich in Si and alkali with high Ga/Al ratios, and depleted in Ca, Mg, Al, Ti, Sc, V, Ni, Co, Cr and Sr, which are similar to A-type granites. In a chondrite normalized diagram, the samples are light rare earth elements enriched with different extent of negative Eu anomaly. Moreover, Rb, Nb, Ta, Sr, P and Ti show different degrees of negative anomalies, whereas Ba, K, La, Zr and Hf show positive anomalies in the primitive mantle normalized diagram. Negative anomalies of Eu and Sr indicate strong influence of plagioclase. In conventional discrimination diagrams, these FGB granites belong to the A-type granite, with geochemical characteristics affinitive to post-collisional granites. The εNd (230 Ma) values (−15.80 to −2.52) and T DM values (1.02–2.07 Ga) suggest that magma for the FGB granites were derived from a heterogeneous crustal source. Therefore, the FGB granites may provide clues for deciphering the formation of post-collisional granites. It is proposed that the magma of the FGB granites both in the HP and UHP units was formed in an extensional tectonic setting slightly post-dating the HP and UHP metamorphism, most likely as a result of decompressional partial melting of UHP retrograded eclogites during exhumation.  相似文献   

From Donghai County of Jiangsu Province to Rongcheng County of Shandong Province on the southern border of the Sulu orogen, there exposes an ultramafic belt, accompanied with an ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic zone. It can be further divided into the Xugou belt (the northern belt), and the Maobei-Gangshang belt (the southern belt). One grain of diamond has been discovered from the Zhimafang pyrope peridotite in the southern belt using the heavy mineral method. The diamond grain is 2.13 mm × 1.42 mm × 0.83 mm in size and weighs 9.4 mg. The occurrence of the diamond suggests that the Zhimafang pyrope peridotite xenolith is derived from the lithospheric upper mantle. The tectonic emplacement mechanism of the pyrope peridotite xenoliths in granite-gneisses is obviously different from those in kimberlite. The Sulu orogen was located on the active continental margin of the Sino-Korean craton in the Neoproterozoic. The relatively cold and water-bearing oceanic crustal tholeiite slab subducted beneath the lith  相似文献   

论述了大陆俯冲碰撞带中地幔橄榄岩的基本特征和成岩类型,并重点讨论柴北缘超高压变质带中不同性质的橄榄岩及其成因。根据岩石学特征,我们确定柴北缘超高压带中发育有两种类型的橄榄岩:(1)石榴橄榄岩,岩石类型包括石榴二辉橄榄岩、石榴方辉橄榄岩、纯橄岩和石榴辉石岩,是大陆型俯冲带的标志性岩石。金刚石包裹体、石榴石和橄榄石的出溶结构、温压计算等均反映其来源深度大于200km。地球化学特征表明该橄榄岩的原岩是岛弧环境下高镁岩浆在地幔环境下堆晶的产物。(2)大洋蛇绿岩型地幔橄榄岩,与变质的堆晶杂岩(包括石榴辉石岩、蓝晶石榴辉岩)和具有大洋玄武岩特征的榴辉岩构成典型的蛇绿岩剖面,代表大洋岩石圈残片。这两类橄榄岩的确定对了解柴北缘超高压变质带的性质和构造演化过程有重要意义。  相似文献   

大别-苏鲁区超高压变质岩的多期构造变质演化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对大别-苏鲁地区超高压(UHP)变质岩的详细构造和岩石学研究揭示了其复杂的构造变质演化历史。除前超高压事件外,至少可识别出5个相继发育的构造变质事件或阶段(D_1-D_5)。D_1和 D_2同超高压事件与三叠纪(250~230Ma)中朝克拉通和扬子克拉通间的大陆深俯冲及碰撞有关,而超高压后的 D_3和 D_4韧性变形及其伴生的减压部分熔融作用和退变质作用事件,则是超高压岩石向中上地壳折返过程中(230~140Ma)发生的。碰撞后形成的 D_4构造,主导了大别-苏鲁超高压和高压变质带区域尺度的构造格架。第5阶段的构造以摩擦或摩擦-粘性过渡性变形机制为主,并伴随有大规模的未变形的花岗质岩体就位,该期构造热事控制了现今大别-苏鲁地区的地貌学特征。新的构造和岩石学资料并结合可利用的地质年代学和地球化学等资料,提出一个涉及中朝与扬子克拉通间三叠纪大陆深俯冲、碰撞及相继超高压变质岩石向地表的多期折返构造变质演化模式。  相似文献   

大别—苏鲁超高压变质带内的块状榴辉岩及其构造意义   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
大别—苏鲁超高压(> 27× 108Pa) 变质带内的榴辉岩, 在大陆深俯冲、碰撞和折返剥露过程中, 大都遭受了强烈的变形和变质作用的重置与再造.但是, 大型榴辉岩体核部以及包裹于大理岩和石榴橄榄岩体内部的块状榴辉岩, 往往保留其初始简单的矿物组合、中-细粒状变晶结构和块状构造.详细地分析了块状榴辉岩的几何学、岩相学及变质作用特征, 指出它们是超高压榴辉岩递进及多期变质变形分解作用的残留体, 位于尺度不同的弱应变域内, 是大陆深俯冲及碰撞作用的真正记录.   相似文献   

我们在10~800MPa的静水压力下测量了中国大陆科学钻探(CCSD)主孔岩心和采自苏鲁地区地表露头上的共68块典型超高压变质岩试样的地震波速,并建立了波速和围压的定量关系,成功地解释了描述这一定量关系方程中4个参数的物理意义。笔者相信,本文将为超高压变质岩地区以及新老俯冲带地震波资料的解释提供必不可少的理论和实验支撑。  相似文献   

An integrated study of U–Pb ages and trace elements was carried out for titanite and zircon from ultrahigh‐pressure (UHP) metagranites in the Sulu orogen, east‐central China. The results provide constraints on the composition of metamorphic fluids during the exhumation of deeply subducted continental crust. Titanite has two domain types based on REE patterns and trace element variations, Ttn‐I and Ttn‐II respectively. These two domains show indistinguishable U–Pb ages of 232 ± 14 to 220 ± 8 Ma, in general agreement with anatectic zircon U–Pb ages of 223 ± 4 to 219 ± 2 Ma for the partial melting event during early exhumation. The Ttn‐I domains have significantly higher REE, Th, Ta and Sr, and higher Th/U ratios than the Ttn‐II domains, indicating that the two domains have grown from metamorphic fluids with different compositions. For the Ttn‐I domains, Zr‐in‐titanite thermometry yields high temperatures of 773–851 °C at 2.5 GPa, and petrographic observations reveal the presence of melt pseudomorphs. Thus, they are interpreted to have grown from hydrous melts in the early exhumation stage. In contrast, the Ttn‐II domains were texturally equilibrated with amphibolite facies minerals such as biotite and plagioclase and contain inclusions of plagioclase and quartz. The Zr‐in‐titanite thermometry yields lower temperatures of 627–685 °C at 1.0 GPa. In combination with their REE patterns, they are interpreted to have grown from aqueous solutions at amphibolite facies metamorphic conditions during further exhumation. The differences in Th and Sr contents are prominent between the Ttn‐I and Ttn‐II domains, signifying the compositional difference between the hydrous melts and aqueous solutions. Therefore, the polygenetic titanite in the UHP metamorphic rocks provides insights into the geochemical property of metamorphic fluids during the continental subduction‐zone processes.  相似文献   

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