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Identification and characterization of small extraterrestrial samples, such as small Antarctic meteorites <~1 cm, require the development of convenient laboratory‐based nondestructive analytical techniques using X‐ray diffraction (XRD). We explore the characterization criteria using an X‐ray diffractometer with a Gandolfi attachment using sub‐mm small fragments and powder aggregates for various kinds of stony meteorites and develop a new analytical technique. We primarily focus on olivine and pyroxene because they are the most abundant and important minerals for stony meteorite classification. A new calibration is performed to estimate the FeO content of the olivine in unequilibrated ordinary chondrites, which is useful for determining the meteorite chemical group irrespective of powder aggregate diameter but dependent on fragment grain diameter. This is because X‐ray intensity absorption is more effective for grains than for powders. Clinoenstatite (Cen) and orthoenstatite (Oen) were distinguished using the presence or absence of the isolated Oen 511 index peak. The method is also applied to other stony meteorites including carbonaceous chondrites and achondrites. The XRD results are consistent with studies based on polished sections involving textural observations by scanning microscope and chemical compositions of the constituent minerals. The new measurement technique presented here is convenient because of its use in air by the laboratory‐based X‐ray diffractometer, which makes it useful for the initial analyses of restricted extraterrestrial sample characterization.  相似文献   

In the near future, a new generation of sample return missions (Hayabusa2, OSIRIS‐REx, MMX, etc.) will collect samples from small solar system bodies. To maximize the scientific outcome of laboratory studies and minimize the loss of precious extraterrestrial samples, an analytical sequence from less destructive to more destructive techniques needs to be established. In this work, we present a combined X‐ray and IR microtomography applied to five Itokawa particles and one fragment of the primitive carbonaceous chondrite Paris. We show that this analytical approach is able to provide a 3‐D physical and chemical characterization of individual extraterrestrial particles, using the measurement of their 3‐D structure and porosity, and the detection of mineral and organic phases, and their spatial co‐localization in 3‐D. We propose these techniques as an efficient first step in a multitechnique analytical sequence on microscopic samples collected by space missions.  相似文献   

Studies of shock metamorphism of feldspar typically rely on qualitative petrographic observations, which, while providing invaluable information, can be difficult to interpret. Shocked feldspars, therefore, are now being studied in greater detail by various groups using a variety of modern techniques. We apply in situ micro‐X‐ray diffraction (μXRD) to shocked lunar and terrestrial plagioclase feldspar to contribute to the development of a quantitative scale of shock deformation for the feldspar group. Andesine and labradorite from the Mistastin Lake impact structure, Labrador, Canada, and anorthite from Earth's Moon, returned during the Apollo program, were examined using optical petrography and assigned to subgroups of the optical shock level classification system of Stöffler (1971). Two‐dimensional μXRD patterns from the same samples revealed increased peak broadening in the chi dimension (χ), due to strain‐related mosaicity, with increased optical signs of deformation. Measurement of the full width at half maximum along χ (FWHMχ) of these peaks provides a quantitative way to measure strain‐related mosaicity in plagioclase feldspar as a proxy for shock level.  相似文献   

A brief overview of some highlights of high spectral resolution X‐ray observations of AGN is given, mainly obtained with the RGS of XMM‐Newton. Future prospects for such observations with XMM‐Newton are given. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Abstract– A new method for assessing the shock stage of enstatite chondrites has been developed, using in situ micro‐X‐ray diffraction (μXRD) to measure the full width at half maximum (FWHMχ) of peak intensity distributed along the direction of the Debye rings, or chi angle (χ), corresponding to individual lattice reflections in two‐dimensional XRD patterns. This μXRD technique differs from previous XRD shock characterization methods: it does not require single crystals or powders. In situ μXRD has been applied to polished thin sections and whole‐rock meteorite samples. Three frequently observed orthoenstatite reflections were measured: (020), (610), and (131); these were selected as they did not overlap with diffraction lines from other phases. Enstatite chondrites are commonly fine grained, stained or darkened by weathering, shock‐induced oxidation, and metal/sulfide inclusions; furthermore, most E chondrites have little olivine or plagioclase. These characteristics inhibit transmitted‐light petrography, nevertheless, shock stages have been assigned MacAlpine Hills (MAC) 02837 (EL3) S3, Pecora Escarpment (PCA) 91020 (EL3) S5, MAC 02747 (EL4) S4, Thiel Mountains (TIL) 91714 (EL5) S2, Allan Hills (ALHA) 81021 (EL6) S2, Elephant Moraine (EET) 87746 (EH3) S3, Meteorite Hills (MET) 00783 (EH4) S4, EET 96135 (EH4–5) S2, Lewis Cliff (LEW) 88180 (EH5) S2, Queen Alexandra Range (QUE) 94204 (EH7) S2, LaPaz Icefield (LAP) 02225 (EH impact melt) S1; for the six with published shock stages, there is agreement with the published classification. FWHMχ plotted against petrographic shock stage demonstrates positive linear correlation. FWHMχ ranges corresponding to shock stages were assigned as follows: S1 < 0.7°, S2 = 0.7–1.2°, S3 = 1.2–2.3°, S4 = 2.3–3.5°, S5 > 3.5°, S6—not measured. Slabs of Abee (EH impact‐melt breccia), and Northwest Africa (NWA) 2212 (EL6) were examined using μXRD alone; FWHMχ values place both in the S2 range, consistent with literature values. Micro‐XRD analysis may be applicable to other shocked orthopyroxene‐bearing rocks.  相似文献   

Some terrestrial areas have climatic and geomorphologic features that favor the preservation, and therefore, accumulation of meteorites. The Atacama Desert in Chile is among the most important of such areas, known as DCA. This desert is the driest on Earth, one of the most arid, uninhabitable localities with semiarid, arid, and hyper‐arid conditions. The meteorites studied here were collected from within the DCA of San Juan and Pampa de Mejillones, located, respectively, in the Central Depression and the Coastal Range of the Atacama Desert. 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy was used for quantitative analysis of the degree of weathering of the meteorites, through the determination of the proportions of the various Fe‐bearing phases and in particular the amount of oxidized iron in terrestrial alteration products. The abundance of ferric ions in weathered chondrites can be related to specific precursor compositions and to the level of terrestrial weathering. The aim of the study was the identification, quantification, and differentiation of the weathering products in the ordinary chondrites found in the San Juan and the Pampa de Mejillones areas of the Atacama Desert. The 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy study was complemented by synchrotron radiation X‐ray diffraction and magnetic susceptibility measurements. The results allow a clear differentiation of the rate of weathering in meteorite samples collected from the San Juan versus the Pampa de Mejillones areas of the Atacama Desert.  相似文献   

Abstract— Carbonaceous chondrites are among the most analyzed geological materials on Earth. However, despite this attention, and unlike most terrestrial rocks, little is known on the abundance of individual phases within them. Here, we show how a combination of several novel X‐ray diffraction (XRD) techniques (including a high‐brightness X‐ray MicroSource®), and Mössbauer spectroscopy, allows a complete modal mineralogy to be ascertained from even the most highly unequilibrated, fine‐grained chondrites for all minerals of abundance >1 wt%. Knowledge of the modal mineralogy of a sample also allows us to calculate grain density. We analyzed Allende, Murchison, Tagish Lake, and Orgueil. Based on our modal data, the grain density estimates for Allende, Murchison, and Orgueil are close to literature values. In the case of Tagish Lake, there is no published grain density, although a bulk density measurement does exist. Taking our estimate of grain density, and the measured bulk density, we calculate an exceptionally high porosity of 41% for this meteorite, similar to some chondritic IDPs and in line with a porosity calculated from an entry model for the Tagish Lake fireball. Although it is an oxidized CV, magnetite is present in Allende at a level of <0.5 wt% or <0.3 vol%, a result that is substantiated by several other instrumental studies. This may be an oxidized meteorite, but that oxidation is not manifested in abundant magnetite. In addition, we note appreciable fayalitic olivine in Orgueil, detected by both XRD and Mössbauer. We employed MicroSource® XRD to look at heterogeneity in mineral abundance in Orgueil and found substantial variation, with phyllosilicates varying inversely with olivine. The data suggest that Orgueil was initially composed primarily of anhydrous materials, which have been partially, but not completely, altered. Although the data are preliminary, comparison between our XRD modal assessment, bulk chemistry, grain density, and Mössbauer data, suggests that our estimates of mineral abundance are robust. The advent of MicroSource® XRD allows similar modal data to be acquired from samples as small as a few hundred micrograms.  相似文献   

We present new radial velocities of the high‐mass X‐ray binary star 4U 2206+54 based on optical spectra obtained with the Coudé spectrograph at the 2 m RCC telescope of the Rozhen National Astronomical Observatory, Bulgaria in the period November 2011–July 2013. The radial velocity curve of the He I δ6678 Å line is modeled with an orbital period Porb = 9.568 d and an eccentricity of e = 0.3. These new measurements of the radial velocity resolve the disagreements of the orbital period discussions. (© 2014 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

X‐ray microcomputed tomography and synchrotron X‐ray microcomputed tomography (μCT) are becoming popular tools for the reconnaissance imaging of chondrites. However, there are occasional concerns that the use of μCT may be detrimental to organic components of a chondrite. Soluble organic compounds represent ~2–10% of the total solvent extractable carbon in CI and CM carbonaceous chondrites and amino acids are among the most abundant compounds in the soluble organic fraction. We irradiated two samples of the Murchison CM2 carbonaceous chondrite under conditions slightly harsher (increased beam exposure time) than those typically used for x‐ray μCT imaging experiments to determine if detectable changes in the amino acid abundance and distribution relative to a nonexposed control sample occurred. After subjecting two meteorite portions to ionizing radiation dosages of 1.1 kiloGray (kGy) and 1.2 kGy with 48.6 and 46.6 keV monochromatic X‐rays, respectively, we analyzed the amino acid content of each sample. Within analytical errors, we found no differences in the amino acid abundances or enantiomeric ratios when comparing the control samples (nonexposed Murchison) and the irradiated samples. We show with calculations that any sample heating due to x‐ray exposure is negligible. We conclude that a monochromatic synchrotron X‐ray μCT experiment at beamline 13‐BM‐D of the Advanced Photon Source, which imparts ~1 kGy doses, has no detectable effect on the amino acid content of a carbonaceous chondrite. These results are important for the initial reconnaissance of returned samples from the OSIRIS‐REx and Hayabusa 2 asteroid sample return missions.  相似文献   

Abstract— Three‐dimensional structures and elemental abundances of four impact tracks in silica aerogel keystones of Stardust samples from comet 81P/Wild 2 (bulbous track 67 and carrot‐type tracks 46, 47, and 68) were examined non‐destructively by synchrotron radiation‐based microtomography and X‐ray fluorescence analysis. Track features, such as lengths, volumes and width as a function of track depth, were obtained quantitatively by tomography. A bulbous portion was present near the track entrance even in carrot‐type tracks. Each impact of a cometary dust particle results in the particle disaggregated into small pieces that were widely distributed on the track walls as well as at its terminal. Fe, S, Ca, Ni, and eight minor elements are concentrated in the bulbous portion of track 68 as well as in terminal grains. It was confirmed that bulbous portions and thin tracks were formed by disaggregation of very fine fragile materials and relatively coarse crystalline particles, respectively. The almost constant ratio of whole Fe mass to track volume indicates that the track volume is almost proportional to the impact kinetic energy. The size of the original impactor was estimated from the absolute Fe mass by assuming its Fe content (CI) and bulk density. Relations between the track sizes normalized by the impactor size and impact conditions are roughly consistent with those of previous hypervelocity impact experiments.  相似文献   

Abstract– Powder X‐ray diffraction (XRD) is used to quantify the modal abundances (in wt%) of 18 H, 17 L, and 13 LL unbrecciated ordinary chondrite falls, which represents the complete petrologic range of equilibrated ordinary chondrites (types 4–6). The XRD technique presents an effective alternative to traditional methods for determining modal abundances, such as optical point counting and electron microprobe phase (EMP) mapping. The majority of chondrite powders in this study were previously prepared for chemical characterization from 8 to 20 g of material, which is consistent with the suggested mass (10 g) necessary to provide representative sampling of ordinary chondrites. Olivine and low‐Ca pyroxene are the most abundant phases present, comprising one‐half to three‐fourths of total abundances, while plagioclase, high‐Ca pyroxene, troilite, and metal comprise the remaining XRD‐measured mineralogy. Pigeonite may also be present in some samples, but it is fitted using a high‐Ca pyroxene standard, so exact abundances cannot be measured directly using XRD. Comparison of XRD‐measured abundances with calculated Cross, Iddings, Pirsson, Washington (CIPW) normative abundances indicates that systematic discrepancies exist between these two data sets, particularly in olivine and high‐Ca pyroxene. This discrepancy is attributed to the absence of pigeonite as a possible phase in the CIPW normative mineralogy. Oxides associated with pigeonite are improperly allocated, resulting in overestimated normative olivine abundances and underestimated normative high‐Ca pyroxene abundances. This suggests that the CIPW norm is poorly suited for determining mineralogical modal abundances of ordinary chondrites.  相似文献   

Abstract– We have carried out a sample‐correlated spectroscopic and mineralogical investigation of samples from seven different collection sites of the Tagish Lake C2 chondrite. Rietveld refinement of high‐resolution powder X‐ray diffraction (XRD) data was used to determine quantitative major mineral abundances. Thermal infrared (400–4500 cm−1, 2.2–25.0 μm) spectra of the same samples were obtained using diffuse (biconical) reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy (DRIFTS). Our results are in good agreement with previous studies of the mineralogy of the Tagish Lake meteorite; we find however that Tagish Lake is more varied in major mineralogy than has previously been reported. In particular, we observed two new distinct lithologies, an inclusion‐poor magnetite‐ and sulfide‐rich lithology, and a carbonate‐rich, siderite‐dominated lithology in addition to the previously documented carbonate‐rich and carbonate‐poor lithologies. Grain density for each Tagish Lake sample was calculated from the measured mineral modal abundances and known mineral densities. For powders from three originally intact inclusion‐rich samples, the calculated grain density is 2.77 ± 0.05 g cm−3, in excellent agreement with those reported in the literature for other intact inclusion‐rich Tagish Lake samples. Tagish Lake disaggregated samples have a significantly higher calculated grain density due to their lower saponite‐serpentine content, likely a result of mineral separation in the meltwater holes from which they were collected; the disaggregated samples may not therefore adequately represent bulk samples of the Tagish Lake meteorite. The predominance of very fine‐grained material in the Tagish Lake samples investigated in this study is expected to produce infrared spectra representative of asteroidal regolith. Gypsum and talc have been found by XRD in powders from the inclusion‐rich, intact Tagish Lake samples in this study, and may have been present in the parent body; if present, these hydrous sulfates would complicate the interpretation of possible hydrated mineral features in asteroid infrared spectra.  相似文献   

Abstract— Previous X‐ray powder diffraction (XRD) studies revealed that shock deformed carbonates and quartz have broader XRD patterns than those of unshocked samples. Entire XRD patterns, single peak profiles and Rietveld refined parameters of carbonate samples from the Sierra Madera impact crater, west Texas, unshocked equivalent samples from 95 miles north of the crater and the Mission Canyon Formation of southwest Montana and western Wyoming were used to evaluate the use of X‐ray powder diffraction as a potential tool for distinguishing impact deformed rocks from unshocked and tectonically deformed rocks. At Sierra Madera dolostone and limestone samples were collected from the crater rim (lower shock intensity) and the central uplift (higher shock intensity). Unshocked equivalent dolostone samples were collected from well cores drilled outside of the impact crater. Carbonate rocks of the Mission Canyon Formation were sampled along a transect across the tectonic front of the Sevier and Laramide orogenic belts. Whereas calcite subjected to significant shock intensities at the Sierra Madera impact crater can be differentiated from tectonically deformed calcite from the Mission Canyon Formation using Rietveld refined peak profiles, weakly shocked calcite from the crater rim appears to be indistinguishable from the tectonically deformed calcite. In contrast, Rietveld analysis readily distinguishes shocked Sierra Madera dolomite from unshocked equivalent dolostone samples from outside the crater and tectonically deformed Mission Canyon Formation dolomite.  相似文献   

Abstract– We evaluate the chemical and physical conditions of metamorphism in ordinary chondrite parent bodies using X‐ray diffraction (XRD)‐measured modal mineral abundances and geochemical analyses of 48 type 4–6 ordinary chondrites. Several observations indicate that oxidation may have occurred during progressive metamorphism of equilibrated chondrites, including systematic changes with petrologic type in XRD‐derived olivine and low‐Ca pyroxene abundances, increasing ratios of MgO/(MgO+FeO) in olivine and pyroxene, mean Ni/Fe and Co/Fe ratios in bulk metal with increasing metamorphic grade, and linear Fe addition trends in molar Fe/Mn and Fe/Mg plots. An aqueous fluid, likely incorporated as hydrous silicates and distributed homogeneously throughout the parent body, was responsible for oxidation. Based on mass balance calculations, a minimum of 0.3–0.4 wt% H2O reacted with metal to produce oxidized Fe. Prior to oxidation the parent body underwent a period of reduction, as evidenced by the unequilibrated chondrites. Unlike olivine and pyroxene, average plagioclase abundances do not show any systematic changes with increasing petrologic type. Based on this observation and a comparison of modal and normative plagioclase abundances, we suggest that plagioclase completely crystallized from glass by type 4 temperature conditions in the H and L chondrites and by type 5 in the LL chondrites. Because the validity of using the plagioclase thermometer to determine peak temperatures rests on the assumption that plagioclase continued to crystallize through type 6 conditions, we suggest that temperatures calculated using pyroxene goethermometry provide more accurate estimates of the peak temperatures reached in ordinary chondrite parent bodies.  相似文献   

Abstract— The internal structures of type I spherules (melted micrometeorites rich in iron) have been investigated using synchrotron‐based computed microtomography. Variations from sphericity are small—the average ratio of the largest to the smallest semimajor axis is 1.07 ± 0.06. The X‐ray tomographs reveal interior cavities, four spherules with metal cores with diameters ranging from 57 to 143 μm and, in two spherules, high attenuation features thought to be nuggets rich in platinumgroup elements. Bulk densities range from 4.2 to 5.9 g/cm3 and average grain densities from 4.5 to 6.5 (g/cm3) with uncertainties of 10–15%. The average grain densities are those expected for materials containing mostly oxides of iron and nickel. The tomographic density measurements indicate an average void space of 5+8‐5%. The void spaces may be contraction features or the skeletons of bubbles that formed in the molten precursors during atmospheric passage.  相似文献   

Abstract— The crystal structure of druse clinopyroxene from the D'Orbigny angrite, (Ca0.944 Fe2+0.042 Mg0.010Mn0.004) (Mg0.469Fe2+0.317Fe3+0.035Al0.125Cr0.010Ti0.044) (Si1.742Al0.258) O6, a = 9.7684(2), b = 8.9124(2), c = 5.2859(1) Å, β = 105.903(1)°, V = 442.58 Å3, space group C2/c, Z = 2, has been refined to an R1 index of 1.92% using single‐crystal X‐ray diffraction data. The unit formula, calculated from electron microprobe analysis, and the refined site scattering values were used to assign site populations. The distribution of Fe2+and Mg over the M1 and M2 sites suggests a closure temperature of 1000 °C. Mössbauer spectroscopy measurements were done at room temperature on a single crystal and a powdered sample. The spectra are adequately fit by a Voigt‐based quadrupole‐splitting distribution model having two generalized sites, one for Fe2+with two Gaussian components and one for Fe3+with one Gaussian component. The two ferrous components are assigned to Fe2+at the M1 site, and arise from two different next‐nearest‐neighbor configurations of Ca and Fe cations at the M2 site: (3Ca,0Fe) and (2Ca,1Fe). The Fe3+/Fetot ratio determined by Mössbauer spectroscopy is in agreement with that calculated from the electron microprobe analysis. The results are discussed in connection with the redox and thermal history of D'Orbigny.  相似文献   

Unlocking the 3‐D structure and properties of intact chondritic porous interplanetary dust particles (IDPs) in nanoscale detail is challenging, which is also complicated by atmospheric entry heating, but is important for advancing our understanding of the formation and origins of IDPs and planetary bodies as well as dust and ice agglomeration in the outer protoplanetary disk. Here, we show that indigenous pores, pristine grains, and thermal alteration products throughout intact particles can be noninvasively visualized and distinguished morphologically and microstructurally in 3‐D detail down to ~10 nm by exploiting phase contrast X‐ray nanotomography. We have uncovered the surprisingly intricate, submicron, and nanoscale pore structures of a ~10‐μm‐long porous IDP, consisting of two types of voids that are interconnected in 3‐D space. One is morphologically primitive and mostly submicron‐sized intergranular voids that are ubiquitous; the other is morphologically advanced and well‐defined intragranular nanoholes that run through the approximate centers of ~0.3 μm or lower submicron hollow grains. The distinct hollow grains exhibit complex 3‐D morphologies but in 2‐D projections resemble typical organic hollow globules observed by transmission electron microscopy. The particle, with its outer region characterized by rough vesicular structures due to thermal alteration, has turned out to be an inherently fragile and intricately submicron‐ and nanoporous aggregate of the sub‐μm grains or grain clumps that are delicately bound together frequently with little grain‐to‐grain contact in 3‐D space.  相似文献   

About 15 years ago, charge exchange (CX) X‐ray emission was discovered in comet observations, and was identified as the radiative decay of excited states of highly‐charge solar wind ions populated in collisions with neutral cometary material. This non‐thermal X‐ray emission mechanism is now generally acknowledged in planetary environments (e.g. Mars, Earth), as well as interstellar atoms sweeping through the heliosphere. In this paper I present the most recent improvements made in simulations of the heliospheric CX X‐ray emission. The model results are compared to X‐ray data from Suzaku, XMM‐Newton and Chandra spanning over a 10‐year period, and some conclusions are drawn on the heliospheric contribution to the diffuse soft X‐ray background. The solar system CX X‐ray sources can serve as prototypes in terms of modeling and diagnostics to more distant astrophysical objects where CX emission signatures are being discovered (© 2012 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

HERMES, a fibre‐fed high‐resolution (R = 85000) échelle spectrograph with good stability and excellent throughput, is the work‐horse instrument of the 1.2‐m Mercator telescope on La Palma. HERMES targets building up time series of high‐quality data of variable stellar phenomena, mainly for asteroseismology and binary‐evolution research. In this paper we present the HERMES project and discuss the instrument design, performance, and a future upgrade. We also present some results of the first four years of HERMES observations. We illustrate the value of small telescopes, equipped with efficient instrumentation, for high‐resolution spectroscopy. (© 2014 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Abstract— Calcite crystals within the Kaibab limestone in Meteor Crater, Arizona, are examined to understand how calcite is deformed during a meteorite impact. The Kaibab limestone is a silty finegrained and fossiliferous dolomudstone and the calcite crystals occur as replaced evaporite nodules with impact‐induced twinning. Twinning in the calcite is variable with deformational regimes based on abundances of crystals with twins and twin densities within crystals. The twins are similar to those that are seen in low tectonically deformed regimes. Low levels of shock are inferred from minor peak broadening of the X‐ray diffraction patterns (XRD) of the calcite crystals. In addition, electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy data also indicates low shock levels (<3.0 GPa). Quantitative shock pressures and correlation between the XRD and ESR results are poor due to the inferred low shock levels in conjunction with the analytical error associated in calculation of the shock pressures.  相似文献   

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