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The aim of the present work is to investigate whether the degree of freedom (DOF) of a floating body has a notable effect on the maximum impact pressure due to green water on deck. The analysis is carried out for a box-shaped floating structure with a deckhouse, using experimental and numerical means to model the green water load. Green water on deck and impact on the deckhouse is generated by the impingement of a focusing wave group on a floating structure. Computations are performed using a two-dimensional constrained interpolation profile-based model solving the Navier–Stokes (N–S) equations with free surface boundary condition to deal with nonlinear water–structure interactions. The free surface is captured by a volume of fluid (VOF)-type tangent of hyperbola for interface capturing/slope weighting (THINC/SW), which is more accurate than the original THINC scheme. The verifications of the simulation through a series of model-to-model comparisons are performed in a two-dimensional glass-wall wave tank. Experimental water surface elevations, body motions and impact pressure are compared satisfactorily with the computed results for different DOFs cases. As a result, the peak impact pressure due to green water decreases rapidly with the increasing DOF.  相似文献   

为研究裂纹损伤对典型船体结构振动特性的影响,选择加筋板作为典型船体结构,选择穿透性裂纹作为典型损伤形式。首先利用数值仿真和模型试验对带有裂纹的结构模型固有频率计算方法进行了研究,在此基础上针对边裂纹和中间裂纹2种形式进行了大量的仿真计算,得到模型各阶固有频率、频率变化率随裂纹位置和长度变化的规律。研究结果表明,结构各阶固有频率以及频率变化率对裂纹较为敏感,可以作为裂纹识别的特征参数。同时,试验和仿真计算结果数据也可以为裂纹损伤识别研究提供训练样本和验证样本。  相似文献   

An extension of the Tail-Equivalent Linearization Method (TELM) to the frequency domain is presented. The extension defines the Tail-Equivalent Linear System in terms of its frequency-response function. This function is obtained by matching the design point of the nonlinear response with that of the linearized response, thus guaranteeing the equivalence of the tail probability of the latter and the first-order approximation of the tail probability of the nonlinear response. The proposed approach is particularly suitable when the input and response processes are stationary, as is usually the case in the analysis of marine structures. When linear waves are considered, the Tail-Equivalent Linear System possesses a number of important properties, such as the capability to account for multi-support excitations and invariance with respect to scaling of the excitation. The latter property significantly enhances the computational efficiency of TELM for analysis with variable sea states. Additionally, the frequency-response function of the Tail-Equivalent Linear System offers insights into the geometry of random vibrations discretized in the frequency domain and into the physical nature of the response process. The proposed approach is applied to the analysis of point-in-time and first-passage statistics of the random sway displacement of a simplified jack-up rig model.  相似文献   

Maintenance is playing an important role in integrity management of marine assets such as ship structures, offshore renewable energy platforms and subsea oil and gas facilities. The service life of marine assets is heavily influenced by the involvement of numerous material degradation processes (such as fatigue cracking, corrosion and pitting) as well as environmental stresses that vary with geographic locations and climatic factors. The composition of seawater constituents (e.g. dissolved oxygen, salinity, temperature content, etc.) is one of the major influencing factors in degradation of marine assets. Improving the efficiency and effectiveness of maintenance management strategies can have a significant impact on operational availability and reliability of marine assets. Many research studies have been conducted over the past few decades to predict the degradation behaviour of marine structures operating under different environmental conditions. The utilisation of structural degradation data – particularly on marine corrosion – can be very useful in developing a reliable, risk-free and cost-effective maintenance strategy. This paper presents an overview of the state-of-the-art and future trends in asset maintenance management strategies applied to corroded steel structures in extreme marine environments. The corrosion prediction models as well as industry best practices on maintenance of marine steel structures are extensively reviewed and analysed. Furthermore, some applications of advanced technologies such as computerized maintenance management system (CMMS), artificial intelligence (AI) and Bayesian network (BN) are discussed. Our review reveals that there are significant variations in corrosion behaviour of marine steel structures and their industrial maintenance practices from one climatic condition to another. This has been found to be largely attributed to variation in seawater composition/characteristics and their complex mutual relationships.  相似文献   

加筋圆柱壳体支撑结构振动传递特性试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
支撑结构型式和布置位置对加筋圆柱壳体内振动传递特性具有重要影响。文中设计了加筋圆柱壳体试验模型装置,内含壳体支撑结构、平台支撑结构和舱壁支撑结构,开展了加筋圆柱壳体模型的振动模态试验和传递特性试验。以振动传递函数为评价指标,研究了不同频率下支撑结构至加筋圆柱壳体表面的振动传递特性,得出振动传递特性在低频时很大程度上受到壳体结构振动模态的影响。提出等效振动传递函数概念,分析了支撑结构的型式及布置对加筋圆柱壳体传递特性的影响。试验研究结果有助于控制动力机械设备的中低频振动传递,对加筋圆柱壳体内支撑结构的声学设计具有参考价值。  相似文献   

为解决含内部结构的水下圆柱壳振动声辐射快速预报问题,提出一种解析-数值混合方法.将整个结构分为水下圆柱壳和内部结构两部分,采用轴对称边界元法得到圆柱壳表面声阻抗,结合Flügge壳体理论,建立水下圆柱壳的数理模型;采用有限元法建立内部结构的动力学模型.根据圆柱壳与内部结构接触点的位移协调和内力平衡条件,建立整个结构的动力学方程,求解方程得到壳体表面振动速度,再采用边界元法得到声场中任意一点的辐射声压.通过与数值软件计算结果对比,验证了本文方法的正确性.本文方法在改变内部结构进行多方案对比分析时具有显著的计算速度优势.  相似文献   

船舶的研发与设计过程非常的浩大而复杂,为了提高船舶的研发效率,同时减少船舶制造过程的下水实验次数,船舶工业领域投入大量精力研制船舶模拟控制平台。通过模拟各种海况,在实验室模拟和仿真船舶在海洋中的姿态和运动,从而降低开发成本和周期。本文对船舶六自由度模拟控制器平台进行系统的运动学分析,并基于运动模型设计船舶模拟控制器的仿真系统,进行船舶横摇角度的仿真分析。  相似文献   

ANSYS在港工结构中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
分析港工结构的受力特点和作用机理,指出现有常规计算软件的不足,对常用的ANSYS单元和建模技巧进行归纳整理,综合介绍ANSYS在港工结构中的应用.  相似文献   

  目的  海底和海面边界条件不同导致声场能量分布不均匀,浅海声传播的最佳频率在深度方向也存在较大差异。为了研究最佳频率在深度方向分布的规律,  方法  采用简正波方法研究浅海声传播最佳频率的深度特性,通过改变海水深度、海底参数、海面粗糙度和声速剖面,研究声源位于海水中间层及其他位置时不同深度接收点的最佳频率的变化规律。  结果  结果表明,当声源位于海水中间层附近时,海水中间层存在一段最佳频率随接收点深度变化且保持不变的区域,该区域厚度在海水深度变化时近似为海水深度的一半,与海底参数和海面粗糙度关系较小。  结论  研究结果说明浅海存在一个梯形区域,该区域内的最佳频率不随声源和接收点相对位置的变化而变化,所得结论可以对水声通信技术和潜艇隐身性能的发展提供一定的帮助。  相似文献   

采用能量法分析了流场中环肋圆柱壳的自由振动问题,讨论肋骨布置型式、流场压力对环肋圆柱壳自由振动频率的影响,给出了附加质量和振动波数之间的关系曲线.  相似文献   

船舶在海上航行的运动状态具有很多不确定性,会发生俯仰、偏转和横向摆动等多种运动,这种动态环境对船载机械设备的正常运行有许多不利影响。多自由度摇摆平台结合伺服液压系统和机械传动系统,在平台稳定性和动态性能上表现突出。本文利用并联六自由度机构,设计一种模拟舰船动态环境的摇摆平台,该平台可实现纵摇、横摇和上下升沉复合摇摆状态控制。  相似文献   

A classical time-varying signal,the multi-component Chirp signal has been widely used and the ability to estimate its instantaneous frequency(IF) is very useful. But in noisy environments,it is hard to estimate the IF of a multi-component Chirp signal accurately. Wigner distribution maxima(WDM) are usually utilized for this estimation. But in practice,estimation bias increases when some points deviate from the true IF in high noise environments. This paper presents a new method of multi-component Chirp signal IF estimation named Wigner Viterbi fit(WVF) ,based on Wigner-Ville distribution(WVD) and the Viterbi algorithm. First,we transform the WVD of the Chirp signal into digital image,and apply the Viterbi algorithm to separate the components and estimate their IF. At last,we establish a linear model to fit the estimation results. Theoretical analysis and simulation results prove that this new method has high precision and better performance than WDM in high noise environments,and better suppression of interference and the edge effect. Compared with WDM,WVF can reduce the mean square error(MSE) by 50% when the signal to noise ration(SNR) is in the range of -15dB to -11dB. WVF is an effective and promising IF estimation method.  相似文献   

三自由度模拟运动平台在船舶运动性能检测、治疗晕船病等方面具有重要的应用,引起了研究人员的广泛关注。船舶运动平台的三自由度是指纵摇、横摇和垂荡等运动,3个方向的自由度结合方程求解和反求解,可以得到确切的机械结构位置、速度、加速度等参数。本文结合传统的船舶三自由度运动模拟平台,研究和设计基于液压伺服驱动系统的运动模拟平台,并对其进行力学和运动的求解。  相似文献   

轴系纵振对双层圆柱壳体水下声辐射的影响研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
曹贻鹏  张文平 《船舶力学》2007,11(2):293-299
采用有限元/边界元方法(FEM/BEM)对推进轴系纵振引起的双层圆柱壳水下辐射噪声特性进行研究.使用ANSYS有限元软件建立了流固耦合的有限元模型,计算了流-固耦合状态下结构振动位移响应.利用边界元技术对结构水下辐射噪声特性进行研究,并对推力轴承的布置位置和结构进行了改变,从而改变了激振力的大小及传递途径,对轴系纵振引起的结构水下辐射噪声起到了一定的改善.  相似文献   

对于水下结构,流体对结构模态频率的影响主要体现在预应力效应与流固耦合效应两方面.为研究水下壳结构固有频率对这2种效应的敏感度,本文首先计算某水下壳体在空气中的模态,然后研究壳结构在不同水深工作产生的静水压对其固有频率的影响,最后使用声固耦合的方法计算了流固耦合效应下的壳体湿模态.计算结果表明:流固耦合效应占主导因素,但随着壳体工作水深(预应力)的增大,预应力效应对水下壳体频率的影响也逐渐显著.因而,在开展水下结构动力学设计时,不仅要重点考虑流固耦合效应对结构固有频率的影响,还应关注结构实际工作环境下的应力状态,分析其对结构固有频率的影响.  相似文献   

对于水下结构,流体对结构模态频率的影响主要体现在预应力效应与流固耦合效应两方面。为研究水下壳结构固有频率对这2种效应的敏感度,本文首先计算某水下壳体在空气中的模态,然后研究壳结构在不同水深工作产生的静水压对其固有频率的影响,最后使用声固耦合的方法计算了流固耦合效应下的壳体湿模态。计算结果表明:流固耦合效应占主导因素,但随着壳体工作水深(预应力)的增大,预应力效应对水下壳体频率的影响也逐渐显著。因而,在开展水下结构动力学设计时,不仅要重点考虑流固耦合效应对结构固有频率的影响,还应关注结构实际工作环境下的应力状态,分析其对结构固有频率的影响。  相似文献   

基于灰色理论的水下双层壳体振动与声辐射统计能量分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文采用统计能量分析对一双层圆柱壳体在水下的流固耦合振动和声辐射进行分析计算.首先对各系统的模态参数采用理论方法计算,与实验结果对比表明,误差较大.为此,本文提出用灰色理论预测各子系统模态参数,通过计算结果与实验结果进行对比,表明提出的方法可行,可以显著降低计算误差,为水下结构振动和声辐射计算提供了一个新思路.  相似文献   

基于传递矩阵法给出了流场中变截面加筋柱壳结构在受集中力和声压作用下振动与声辐射的求解过程,并在确定模态截断算法有效性的基础上开展对结构振动特性的研究,分析了环板-圆柱壳加筋柱壳结构的损耗因子、流体介质、壳体厚度、环肋数目对其声振特性的影响.结果表明,流体介质的存在使结构振动减小,辐射声压增加;损耗因子增加,振动和辐射声压在中高频段降低;壳体厚度增大,壳体的振动响应减小,低频段辐射声压降低,高频段辐射声压交叉波动;环肋数目增加,结构振动减小,在中高频段,辐射声压降低.  相似文献   

轴系整体减振系统横向低频振动传递特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡泽超  施亮 《船舶力学》2022,26(2):274-281
为降低螺旋桨传递至艇体的振动,利用轴系整体减振系统对各轴承及主辅机进行弹性支撑,通过改变桨-轴-艇体的振动传递路径使振动能量衰减,从而实现减振降噪的目的。提出了轴系整体减振系统的概念,建立了桨轴系统的力学模型,采用解析法和有限元法分析了系统横向振动的动态特性。以轴承处位移响应和力传递率为指标,对比分析了传统支撑和弹性支撑两种不同方式的隔振效果。结果表明,轴系整体弹性支撑下的轴承处位移响应小于传统支撑方式,在15~100 Hz内整体弹性支撑方式的隔振效果提高了10.9 dB,低频减振效果明显,验证了整体减振系统设计方法的可行性,为潜艇艉部耦合系统减振降噪的设计提供了一种新方法。  相似文献   

张能  何琳  李彦 《船舶力学》2021,25(1):128-135
本文研究了以圆柱壳体为基础的主被动隔振系统,改进了多通道窄带Fx-Newton算法以适用于误差传感器数目多于作动器数目的过定控制系统,开展了振动线谱控制试验.结果发现:采用误差传感器数目等于作动器数目的控制系统,基座和圆柱壳体的控制效果在某些频率不统一;而采用过定控制系统,能更有效地降低基座和圆柱壳体的振动线谱,提高全局控制效果.  相似文献   

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