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城市公园游憩体验的研究对于解决多样化的游憩需求与有限的游憩资源之间的矛盾具有重要意义。将游憩机会谱理论应用于城市公园游憩体验质量改善,提出环境–活动游憩机会谱模型(E-A ROS)。以广州珠江公园为例,采用问卷调查法和SPSS统计分析法,从物质、社会、管理3个方面构建珠江公园环境质量评价的指标体系和指标量化方法,从人口统计学特征、行为特征和行为偏好3个方面进行活动因子研究,探讨珠江公园使用者活动规律,构建珠江公园游憩机会谱。从而为城市公园环境–活动游憩机会谱模型的应用提供了详细的操作指引。  相似文献   

城郊景观动态模型研究:以沈阳市东陵区为例   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:13  
基于渗透理论、马尔柯夫过程理论,采用中性模型方法,建立了3个不同的城郊景观动态模型,模型中分别介入不同自然因子和决策因子.利用模型对研究区景观进行了动态变化模拟.对模拟结果进行了评价,评价方法与指标包括:1)多分辨率拟合分析;2)最近邻概率;3)斑块大小和数目.结果发现,综合介入决策因素和自然因子的模型具有最好的效果.  相似文献   

目的:评估校园种菜的成本 效益,探讨其在农村学生营养改善中的作用,为农村学校因地制宜地开展校园经济提供参考依据。方法:采用问卷调查收集校园种菜的成本、产量和收益等信息;通过与校长访谈,了解开展校园种菜的总体情况;实地考察学校食堂和菜地,了解学生就餐情况以及在校园种菜项目中的受益情况。结果:校园种菜可降低学校食堂的经费支出。种植0.07hm2蔬菜需投入成本为3 970元,净效益为1 030元。种菜学校提供200g蔬菜的成本为0.3元,比直接购买节省0.3元。每0.07hm2能满足31名学生一学年、每日400g的蔬菜需求。用近0.87hm2的地种菜,能满足大规模学校(800人)学生一学年、每人每日200g的蔬菜需要。结论:在农村学校开展蔬菜种植,既能减少学校食堂的经费支出,还能增加学生新鲜蔬菜的摄入量,弥补其微量营养素摄入不足,可在农村学校开展并推广。  相似文献   

分析了校园养猪模式的成本—效益,探讨了校园养猪在农村学生营养改善中的应用,为农村学校开展校园经济提供参考依据。  相似文献   

李秀梅  赵强  邱兴晨  郭健 《生态科学》2015,34(1):168-171
以济南市泉城公园为例, 探讨旅行费用法和条件价值法在评估免收门票旅游资源游憩价值中的适用性。泉城公园客源集中、游客重游率高, 具有采用个人旅行费用法的条件, 但研究表明游客的旅游次数和旅游成本不相关, 个人旅行费用法不适合评价泉城公园的游憩价值。条件价值法既可用于评估资源的使用价值, 也可用于评估非使用价值,适用范围广。采用条件价值法获得了泉城公园合理的旅游支付意愿值, 2009 年的人均支付意愿是82.6 元, 2012 的人均支付意愿是90.3 元。泉城公园2009 年的游憩价值为1.9 亿元, 2012 年的游憩价值为2.3 亿元。  相似文献   

“三生”空间的优化布局,有赖于对"三生"空间变化所产生的地域功能效应的认识,社会生态服务价值分析为这一效应评价提供了新的途径。以邛海国家湿地公园为例,采用参与式制图与半结构化访谈方法调查当地居民感知的社会生态服务价值变化类型,最终获取有效问卷与填图393份,提取空间数据点1830个。通过质性空间分析等方法研究湿地公园建设以来"三生"空间变化对社会生态服务价值的影响,探讨地域功能的尺度特征及其变化趋势与效应。研究表明:(1)湿地公园建设以来"三生"空间格局变化剧烈,主要表现为生产空间转换为生态空间与生活空间,前者占据主导地位,呈带状分布在邛海湿地周围,后者则呈斑块状分布在各村落周边;(2)利用Nvivo11软件进行质性分析,将归纳出的6种社会生态服务价值与区域性、地方性地域功能相联系,发现在城郊保护地"三生"空间变化中,区域性地域功能增益明显,而地方性地域功能表现出增益与贬损交织的复杂变化特征,不同尺度地域功能间存在协同与冲突的多重关系;(3)研究指出区域"三生"空间配置过程中,既要关注地域功能在地域间的水平综合均衡,也要兼顾不同尺度地域功能间的垂直综合均衡,才能实现区域效益的最优化。城郊保护地在受到外部结构化力量和社区内部适应能力的双重作用下发生地域功能转化,社区参与的质性空间评价则为认识地域功能转化过程、效应及调控策略提供了途径。  相似文献   

目的:了解校园豆腐加工的成本—效益,探讨其在学生营养改善中的应用,为农村学校开展学生营养改善措施提供参考依据。方法:通过问卷调查和访谈方式了解校园豆腐加工的成本、产量和收益等情况;实地考察干预学校的食堂和豆腐加工场地,了解和分析学生就餐及其通过豆腐加工项目的受益情况。结果:校园加工豆腐可降低学校食堂的经费支出。每加工10kg豆腐的成本为21.0元,如果按市场价计算,可节省9元/10kg。校园加工豆腐每提供10g蛋白质的成本价为0.3元,低于直接购买的成本(0.4元)。一套豆腐生产设备,每年可生产豆腐21 000kg,基本能满足大规模学校(800人)学生一学年的优质蛋白质需求(25g/d)。结论:在农村学校开展豆腐加工项目,既能减少学校食堂的经费支出,还能为学生提供生长发育所必需的优质蛋白质,可在有条件的农村学校推广。  相似文献   

李业涵  周媛  吴雪飞 《生态学报》2024,44(13):5629-5645
游憩服务(RS)是自然对人类的贡献(NCP)之一,也是区域尺度下主要的人类需求,由于其具有无形、主观、非物质等特点,量化RS一直是当前研究的难点与热点。既往研究的评估方法依赖于利益相关者的认知,缺乏通用性,并多为对各类土地类型或植被的RS潜在供应能力进行"一刀切"式直接赋值,鲜有考虑地域特征。研究旨在探究景观特征及其要素如何影响RS供给,从而提出一种因地制宜的RS潜在供应量客观评估方法。以"亚热带湿润淮阳低山景观区"为例,首先将风景资源点分为5类,利用核密度分析量化各类RS实际供应;然后利用地理探测器分类评估景观特征的RS贡献度;再基于随机森林模型对景观特征要素与RS潜在供应能力进行关联量化分析;最后测算出各景观类型的RS潜在供应量。研究结果表明:(1)不同景观特征的RS贡献度具有差异,不同景观特征要素具备不同的RS潜在供应能力;(2)景观特征的RS贡献度和景观特征要素的RS潜在供应能力在不同地理气候条件下具有空间分异特征,应当因地制宜进行评估;(3)景观特征的贡献度和景观特征要素的RS潜在供应能力取决于RS的类型,在评估RS潜在供应量时,应对RS进行分类探讨;(4)由于景观类型是景观特征要素的聚类簇,基于景观类型测算RS潜在供应量可以反映出若干景观特征要素RS潜在供应能力的协同性。强调了景观特征及其要素在RS评估方面的关键作用,所提出的量化方法突破了主观性的局限,具有客观优势,最终可为全域旅游规划和风景资源点建设选址提供参考。  相似文献   

土地利用/覆被变化与土壤保持能力存在着强烈的耦合关系.基于3S技术,应用马尔科夫矩阵、美国通用水土流失方程( USLE)、市场价值法、影子工程法、机会成本法,探究1980-2005年黄土高原南部土地利用变化特征并定量测算了不同土地利用方式下土壤保持物质量及其经济效益.结果表明:研究区耕地和建设用地变化显著,1123.80 km2的耕地转为建设用地.1980和2005年黄土高原南部地区的土壤保持总量分别为20.43×108和19.94×108t,各地类单位面积土壤保持量排序为建设用地<耕地<未利用地<草地<林地.1980年和2005年区域土壤保持总经济效益分别为674.27亿元、1064.80亿元,林地、草地、耕地在区域土壤保持功能中占主导地位.  相似文献   

许智钇  严力蛟 《生态学报》2010,30(18):4928-4939
滨海地区生态林工程是我国生态建设的重要内容,是滨海地区防灾减灾体系建设、海洋经济与对外贸易科学发展的重要组成部分。探究现有滨海地区林业工程低投入高产出的效益模式具有重要意义。文章应用超效率数据包络分析(SDEA)模型,选取能体现滨海地区生态林工程建设综合效益与特征的4个投入指标和3个输出指标,对浙江省台州市玉环县9个乡镇的15个具有25a林龄的生态林工程综合效益的相对有效性进行了评价。根据19842008年的评价结果表明,截至2008年,玉环县滨海地区15项生态林工程综合效益呈现出阶段不稳定、整体上升趋势。其中7项工程的综合效益相对有效;8项工程的综合效益相对无效。研究揭示生态林工程建设能产生重大综合效益。其研究结果对于我国滨海地区的可持续发展政策制定,高效益生态林数字化经营管理以及滨海地区生态系统价值和生态系统服务价值的研究均具有一定的理论意义和实用价值。  相似文献   

郭洋  杨飞龄  王军军  武瑞东 《生态学报》2020,40(13):4351-4361
游憩是一项重要的文化生态系统服务类型。以"三江并流"区为研究区,选择景观多样性、自然度、河流湖泊元素、景点等级、可达性和服务设施等6项指标,从游憩潜力和游憩机会两方面进行评估,得到该地区现有和潜在的游憩文化生态系统服务量,并划分为5个等级。结果表明:游憩潜力与机会共同影响游憩服务量,"三江并流"区游憩潜力与机会在空间分布上并不匹配,游憩潜力较高的地区占17.09%,主要分布于怒江州、大理州、德钦县、丽江古城区及玉龙县的部分区域;10.06%的地区游憩机会极低,主要包括贡山县、德钦县以及香格里拉北部地区;具有高等级潜在游憩服务量的地区,集中分布于大理州、丽江古城区、玉龙县和香格里拉的部分地区,占研究总面积的17.64%。具有较高游憩潜力的景点,大多数现有服务量也比较高。服务量为4级以上的景点数量占44.68%,集中分布在大理州、玉龙县、香格里拉、德钦等地,与高等级潜在游憩服务量的地理分布十分相似,说明现有游憩服务的开发在一定程度上符合自然规律。  相似文献   

森林旅游资源评价中的空气负离子研究   总被引:73,自引:2,他引:71  
空气负离子被喻为空气维生素或生长素,对人体健康有利。自英国学者威尔逊与法国学者埃尔斯特和格特尔证实空气负离子的存在,人们对空气负离子的研究经历了近百年的发展、应用阶段1)。在我国,解放区战地医院曾采用了空气雾疗法,50年代有关文献中出现了空气负离子的...  相似文献   

一个农户庭院经济的效益及其能流分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
方达福 《生态学杂志》1997,16(1):40-44,77
一个农户庭院经济的效益及其能流分析方达福(湖北省阳新县农业环境保护站435200)AnalysisoftheEconomicBenefitsandEnergyCyclingoftheEcologicalandEconomicYardinaFarmer...  相似文献   

旅游开发对东灵山亚高山草甸的影响   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
旅游开发对东灵山亚高山草甸的影响刘鸿雁崔海亭张金海向国良(北京大学城市与环境学系,100871)EffectsofRecreationalDevelopmentontheSubalpineMeadowinDonglinMountain.LiuHong...  相似文献   

蛋白质是人类最基本最重要的营养需求,研究蛋白质生产效率可为制定食物发展战略,建立合理的膳食结构提供参数与依据。食物蛋白质生产效率在国外研究较多,在国内报道还不多。作者从密云县整体系统水平对动植物蛋白生产力和蛋白质生产的能量、氮素效率进行了研究,并深入探讨了不同膳食结构的蛋白人口承载力。  相似文献   

The consequences of poor breed management and inbreeding can range from gradual declines in individual productivity to more serious fertility and mortality concerns. However, many small and closed groups, as well as larger unmanaged populations, are plagued by genetic regression, often due to a dearth in breeding support tools which are accessible and easy to use in supporting decision‐making. To address this, we have developed a population management tool (BCAS, Breed Conservation and Management System) based on individual relatedness assessed using pedigree‐based kinship, which offers breeding recommendations for such populations. Moreover, we demonstrate the success of this tool in 16 years of employment in a closed equine population native to the UK, most notably, the rate of inbreeding reducing from more than 3% per generation, to less than 0.5%, or that attributed to genetic drift, as assessed over the last 16 years of implementation. Furthermore, with adherence to this program, the long‐term impact of poor management has been reversed and the genetic resource within the breed has grown from an effective population size of 20 in 1994 to more than 140 in 2020. The development and availability of our BCAS for breed management and selection establish a new paradigm for the successful maintenance of genetic resources in animal populations.  相似文献   

Population size is a central parameter for conservation; however, monitoring abundance is often problematic for threatened marine species. Despite substantial investment in research, many marine species remain data‐poor presenting barriers to the evaluation of conservation management outcomes and the modeling of future solutions. Such is the case for the white shark (Carcharodon carcharias), a highly mobile apex predator for whom recent and substantial population declines have been recorded in many globally distributed populations. Here, we estimate the effective number of breeders that successfully contribute offspring in one reproductive cycle (Nb) to provide a snapshot of recent reproductive effort in an east Australian–New Zealand population of white shark. Nb was estimated over four consecutive age cohorts (2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013) using two genetic estimators (linkage disequilibrium; LD and sibship assignment; SA) based on genetic data derived from two types of genetic markers (single nucleotide polymorphisms; SNPs and microsatellite loci). While estimates of Nb using different marker types produced comparable estimates, microsatellite loci were the least precise. The LD and SA estimates of Nb within cohorts using SNPs were comparable; for example, the 2013 age cohort Nb(SA) was 289 (95% CI 200–461) and Nb(LD) was 208.5 (95% CI 116.4–712.7). We show that over the time period studied, Nb was stable and ranged between 206.1 (SD ± 45.9) and 252.0 (SD ± 46.7) per year using a combined estimate of Nb(LD+SA) from SNP loci. In addition, a simulation approach showed that in this population the effective population size (Ne) per generation can be expected to be larger than Nb per reproductive cycle. This study demonstrates how breeding population size can be monitored over time to provide insight into the effectiveness of recovery and conservation measures for the white shark, where the methods described here may be applicable to other data‐poor species of conservation concern.  相似文献   

Contaminants that accumulate in fish may pose health risks and have raised concerns among consumers. Contaminated finfish and shellfish are possible routes of human exposure to toxic chemicals. Fish advisories are established to protect local populations from the consumption of contaminated commercial and non-commercially caught fish. Children, women of childbearing age, and subsistence fishermen or other highly exposed individuals who for socioeconomic or cultural reasons consume more fish than the general population are among the populations of concern from the ingestion of contaminated fish. Estimating exposure to a toxic chemical among fish-consuming populations requires knowledge about intake rates of fish and shellfish. Data on fish consumption rates come from various sources, including national, state, and local government studies. Although these data have their limitations, they serve as a source for deriving fish consumption rates that may be used by exposure assessors. Data on specific populations of concern are critical. Studies presented here show that ethnicity, age, and geographical region play an important role in fishing behavior and consumption. Results from studies on Native American populations show that this ethnic group eats fish at a higher rate than recreational anglers. This article summarizes data on fish consumption for various populations and provides a framework for evaluating data from these studies for exposure assessment applications.  相似文献   

To evaluate the extent of linkage disequilibrium in domestic pigs, we genotyped 33 and 44 unrelated individuals from two commercial populations for 29 and five microsatellite markers located on chromosomes 15 and 2 respectively. A high proportion of marker pairs up to 40 cM apart exhibited significant linkage disequilibrium in both populations. Pair-wise r(2) values averaged between 0.15 and 0.50 (depending on chromosome and population) for markers <1 cM apart and declined to values of 0.05 for more distant syntenic markers. Our results suggest that both populations underwent a bottleneck approximately 20 generations ago, which reduced the effective population size from thousands to <200 animals.  相似文献   

Ecotourism generates important revenue in many developing economies, but poorly regulated ecotourism can threaten the long‐term viability of key biological resources. We determined the effects of tourism, boat traffic, and natural disturbances on parrot geophagy (soil consumption) across seven riverine claylicks in the lowlands of Madre de Dios, Peru. Claylick use significantly decreased when visitors did not follow good practice guidelines and tourist numbers exceeded the capacity of the observation blinds. Otherwise, tourist presence and natural disturbance did not have a significant effect. However, large macaws, particularly Red‐and‐green Macaws (Ara chloropterus), avoided visiting claylicks during periods of peak tourist numbers. Where parrots had multiple geophagy sites to choose from, they preferred sites further from tourist groups. The effect of boat disturbance was greatest on a narrow river with infrequent boat events. On a wider river with heavier traffic, boat disturbance had less of an effect and this effect was inversely proportional to the distance of boats from the claylick. Where visitors followed good‐practice tourism guidelines, they had a low overall negative effect on parrot geophagy. We recommend that visitors respect the claylick observation guidelines to minimize anthropogenic disturbance on parrots and maintain these sites for the benefit of wildlife and humans alike.  相似文献   

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