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长江河口水下三角洲210Pb分布特征及其沉积速率   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对长江水下三角洲采集的十个沉积物柱状样中的放射性核素210Pb分析得知,长江水下三角洲表层210Pb放射性比度在2.15~4.22 dpm·g-1之间,210Pb沉降通量在1.50~11.21 dpm·cm-2 yr-1之间,过剩210Pb总量在>48.29~>361.68 dpm·cm-2之间;210Pb沉降通量以及过剩210Pb总量均高于理论值,这表明在沉积物中存在210Pb的净输入和聚集。由210Pb放射性比度剖面所反映的沉积速率可知长江水下三角洲泥质沉积区沉积速率介于1.36~4.11 cm·yr-1之间;总体上呈现近岸沉积速率较低,沿31°N纬线向20 m等深线沉积速率升高的趋势,从122°15′E到122°30′E范围为长江水下三角洲的泥质沉积物堆积中心,其平均沉积速率为3.51 cm·yr-1。  相似文献   

137Cs法和210Pb法对比研究鄱阳湖近代沉积速率   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:14  
叶崇开 《沉积学报》1991,9(1):106-114
本文报道了应用137Cs法和210Pb法对比研究鄱阳湖近代沉积速率。按黄海高程11.1-14.6m湖区的沉积速率在1.0-3.7mm·a-1之间,平均值为2.2mm·a-1。文中还讨论了用γ谱法验证137Cs法和210Pb法给出的沉积速率的结果。137Cs法给出的沉积速率与γ谱法的结果是一致的,而210Pb法给出的沉积速率比γ谱法和137Cs法的结果约偏低16%。  相似文献   

通过对乌伦古湖2个沉积柱样的210Pb和137Cs剖面的观测,运用210Pb过剩法和137Cs时标法估算了近几十年来的平均沉积速率。研究结果表明:210Pb过剩法的CRS模式测定的沉积速率的变化范围为0.018~0.071 g/(cm2·a),137Cs时标法测定沉积速率的变化范围为0.034~0060 g/(cm2·a),两者具有较高的一致性。20世纪60年代以前,人类活动对本区影响相对较小,湖泊的沉积速率主要受自然因素的影响;20世纪60年代以后,随着乌伦古河中、下游农业的发展和调水工程的实现,人类活动逐渐成为主导湖泊演化的因素,从而影响乌伦古湖沉积速率。  相似文献   

用210Pb年代学方法对辽东湾现代沉积速率的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
杨松林  刘国贤 《沉积学报》1993,11(1):128-135
本文报道了用210Pb年代学方法测定辽东湾10个站位沉积物柱样的沉积速率。210Pb法给出的辽东湾沉积速率值的分布显示出:自湾顶辽河口高值区向西南随水深增加而减少的规律。并结合B386号站210Pb剖面研究揭示出河口区的沉积事件,探讨了该湾现代沉积过程,这对环境背景值、污染历史研究和浅海开发工程都是十分重要的。  相似文献   

运用γ谱仪,对采自福建省兴化湾外近海海域的D37和FJ3-12孔进行了 210Pb 、226Ra和 137Cs 活度的测试,得到这3种核素活度随深度变化特征。分别运用 210Pb 法的CFCS模式(恒定通量恒定沉积模式,Constant Flux and Constant Sedimentation)和CRS模式(恒定供给速率模式,Constant Rate of Supply)以及 137Cs 时标法计算平均沉积速率,发现3种方式的计算结果存在一定差异。在排除粒度变化对核素剖面的影响后,对比不同取样深度的结果发现,指数衰减剖面不完整度(取样深度未达 210Pb 的本底值区)对运用CFCS和CRS模式计算平均沉积速率均有不利影响,其中对CRS模式的影响随剖面不完整性愈强而愈显著。为此提出了相关校正方法作为参考,即先根据CFCS模式估算平均沉积速率和相应的210Pbex累积量,再通过CRS法建立钻孔年龄框架,由此可计算得出D37和FJ3-12孔的平均沉积速率分别为2.76cm/yr和4.53cm/yr。  相似文献   

长江口沉积物210Pb分布及沉积环境解释   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
在长江河口潮滩、分流河道和水下三角洲共获得18个柱样,进行沉积学分析和210Pb测定,并对其中6根柱样进行137Cs测定。经研究发现,长江口外在水深25~30m,122°30′N,31°00′E附近存在一个泥质沉积中心,沉积速率达2.0~6.3cm/yr。另外,在潮滩和涨潮槽也获得较高沉积速率,其中南汇和横沙岛潮滩沉积速率(1.03~1.94cm/yr)高于崇明东滩(0.51~0.76cm/yr),涨潮槽沉积速率也达0.86cm/yr。此外,在石洞口、南汇、九段沙潮滩和三角洲前缘有部分柱样未获沉积速率,推测为沉积环境不稳定或沉积速率过快所致。  相似文献   

内蒙古乌梁素海~(210)Pb和~(137)Cs测年与现代沉积速率   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
对乌梁素海沉积物柱心样品进行210Pb、137Cs测年分析表明,柱心剖面上有明显的1963年蓄积峰,这个蓄积峰对乌梁素海的现代沉积有明显的时标意义。根据210Pb的CRS模式,可以计算出每个样品深度所对应的年代,在该沉积柱心中与137Cs时标吻合较好。乌梁素海的沉积速率并不稳定,变化比较大,表明乌梁素海近113 a来沉积环境不稳定。210Pb、137Cs两种计年方法的结合有助于认识沉积速率变化较大的沼泽的沉积状况,也有助于对核素计年方法的理解。  相似文献   

在长江河口潮滩、分流河道和水下三角洲共获得18个柱样,进行沉积学分析和210Pb测定,并对其中6根柱样进行137Cs测定。经研究发现,长江口外在水深25~30m,122°30′N,31°00′E附近存在一个泥质沉积中心,沉积速率达2.0~6.3cm/yr。另外,在潮滩和涨潮槽也获得较高沉积速率,其中南汇和横沙岛潮滩沉积速率(1.03~1.94cm/yr)高于崇明东滩(0.51~0.76cm/yr),涨潮槽沉积速率也达0.86cm/yr。此外,在石洞口、南汇、九段沙潮滩和三角洲前缘有部分柱样未获沉积速率,推测为沉积环境不稳定或沉积速率过快所致。  相似文献   

渤海湾西岸210Pbexc、137Cs测年与现代沉积速率   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19  
根据渤海湾西岸潮间带上部与堤后盐沼区三个垂直于海岸线的长剖面(L、S和Q剖面)的11个样柱的210Pbexc、137Cs的放射性强度垂直分布特征、蓄积量,以及各样柱所处的微地貌部位对现代沉积过程的制约关系,发现该地区现代沉积速率从东向西(由海向陆)依次为1~3 cm/yr、0.35 cm/yr和0.1 cm/yr,并划分了三个相应的现代沉积亚区:开放高潮坪亚区、近端盐沼亚区和远端盐沼亚区.  相似文献   

沉积速率主要受上层海洋生物生产的影响,而在湾口浅滩区沉积速率则主要受底栖生物的影响。此外,水流、水体稳定度、冰封期长短和海底地形等条件也对沉积速率产生一定的利用中国第21次南极科学考察获得的普里兹湾海域的沉积物样品,运用沉积地层同位素210Pb测年技术,探讨了该海域沉积物的近现代沉积速率及其影响因素。研究结果表明,南极普里兹湾海域的近现代沉积速率变化范围在0.47~1.88 mm/a之间,平均值为1.06 mm/a,高于南极罗斯海而低于威德尔海,总体上与南、北极多个海区的沉积速率相当。在湾内和冰架边缘区影响,沉积速率的分布是多种因素共同控制的结果。在生物量较高、水体条件较为稳定的湾内中心区域,沉积速率较高,而冰架边缘区的沉积速率则较低  相似文献   

Depth distribution profiles of environmental radionuclides (137Cs and 210Pb) have been investigated in soil to elucidate the underlying environment of semi-natural temperate deciduous and/or coniferous forest soils in Slovenia (?irovski vrh, Idrija, Ko?evski Rog, Pohorie, Gori?nica and Rakitna). Surface enrichment of both nuclides was observed at all the sites investigated in this study, suggesting that the soils had undergone little natural or anthropogenic disturbance for at least the last several decades. Apparent annual burial rates of 137Cs (0.1–0.2 cm y??1) were estimated to be about 1.3 times higher than those of 210Pb at individual sites of different lithology, which suggests strong affinity of 210Pb to soil organic matter. Variability of the vertical distribution profiles of these nuclides depends not only on “in situ” pedology but also on geographical and meteorological conditions, especially precipitation and wind direction.  相似文献   

北京平原区元素的大气干湿沉降通量   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
从2005年11月到2006年11月,采用被动方式同时采集了北京市平原区10个地点的大气干、湿沉降样品共计39件。分析干、湿沉降样品中K、Na、Ca、Mg、Cd、Hg、Pb、As、B、Mo、Mn、Zn、Cu、Cr、Ni元素的含量,分别计算出各元素的年沉降通量。其中,有害金属元素Cd、Hg、Pb、As的年沉降通量的平均值分别为2.36、0.24、219.95、29.00(g/hm2·a)。对比后发现,研究区大气中Cd和Hg的年输入通量远远低于四川成都经济区,Cd和Hg的大气污染状况相对南方地区较轻,As和Pb的年输入通量相对成都经济区差异较小。研究区元素的大气沉降通量与同点位的土壤元素的相关分析表明,元素的沉降通量并不是农田生态系统中土壤元素的主要输入途径,大气沉降中的元素主要来自远源。  相似文献   

A method is described for bringing a sediment sample into solution and subsequently carrying out analysis for 210Pb, 226Ra and 137Cs. Silica is removed from the sample by cyclic HNO3HF treatments. 137Cs is separated from 210Ra in a carbonate fusion, extracted by absorption on ammonium molybdophosphate, precipitated directly with BiI3 in presence of citric acid, and β-counted. 210Pb and 226Ra are separated out by 70–75% HNO3 precipitation. Further purification and mutual separation of the two radionuclides is achieved by solvent extraction and anion-exchange techniques. 210Pb and 226Ra are determined by β- and α- counting of their chromate precipitates, respectively, after allowing suitable ingrowth periods for their daughters. The procedural steps effectively eliminate possible interference from other natural or fall-out radioactivities.  相似文献   

The concentrations and physico-chemical states of 210Pb have been measured in Bikini Atoll and Washington State coastal waters, and 210Po in Washington coastal waters. Lead-210 concentrations of 113–133 dpm · m?3 were found in surface water collections near Bikini Atoll and 29–153 dpm · m?3 in Bikini Lagoon. The concentrations of 210Pb in near Bikini and in Washington State waters increased with depth in the upper 150m at a rate of 0.35–0.45dpm·m?3 · m?1. In the North Equatorial Current waters near Bikini Atoll 210Pb was found associated predominantly with the soluble (colloidal) fraction, but in Washington coastal waters 210Pb and 210Po were found associated with the paniculate (> 0.3 μm) fraction. The mean residence times of 210Pb, calculated from the atmospheric input to marine waters from precipitation and the concentrations measured in surface water, were consistent with the physico-chemical states of 210Pb found in samples collected in deep ocean and coastal waters. Approximate values of the mean residence times were calculated, for the upper 50 m, to be as follows: 58 days in the Strait of Juan de Fuca, 128 days at the 5-mile (8 km) station off Cape Flattery (Washington), 163 days at the 12-mile (19 km) station off Cape Flattery, and 2.6 yr near Bikini Atoll. It appears that 210Pb and 210Po can be used to trace particle removal rates in the upper layers of marine waters.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2005,20(1):207-220
Narraguinnep Reservoir has been identified as containing fish with elevated Hg concentrations and has been posted with an advisory recommending against consumption of fish. There are presently no point sources of significant Hg contamination to this reservoir or its supply waters. To evaluate potential historical Hg sources and deposition of Hg to Narraguinnep Reservoir, the authors measured Hg concentrations in sediment cores collected from this reservoir. The cores were dated by the 137Cs method and these dates were further refined by relating water supply basin hydrological records with core sedimentology. Rates of historical Hg flux were calculated (ng/cm2/a) based on the Hg concentrations in the cores, sediment bulk densities, and sedimentation rates. The flux of Hg found in Narraguinnep Reservoir increased by approximately a factor of 2 after about 1970. The 3 most likely sources of Hg to Narraguinnep Reservoir are surrounding bedrocks, upstream inactive Au–Ag mines, and several coal-fired electric power plants in the Four Corners region. Patterns of Hg flux do not support dominant Hg derivation from surrounding bedrocks or upstream mining sources. There are 14 coal-fired power plants within 320 km of Narraguinnep Reservoir that produce over 80 × 106 MWH of power and about 1640 kg-Hg/a are released through stack emissions, contributing significant Hg to the surrounding environment. Two of the largest power plants, located within 80 km of the reservoir, emit about 950 kg-Hg/a. Spatial and temporal patterns of Hg fluxes for sediment cores collected from Narraguinnep Reservoir suggest that the most likely source of Hg to this reservoir is from atmospheric emissions from the coal-fired electric power plants, the largest of which began operation in this region in the late-1960s and early 1970s.  相似文献   

210Po and 210Pb measurements of soils delineated uranium anomalies at three out of four test sites in Ontario, Canada. Measurements were made of 210Po in solutions produced by both complete digestion and partial leaching of soil samples. Direct plating of 210Po onto metal plates was followed by measuring the alpha activity. Subsequent plating of 210Po in-grown from 210Pb in solution several months later confirmed the anomalies.The 210Po and 210Pb anomalies at three of the test sites coincided with 226Ra and 222Rn anomalies. Samples from the fourth uranium occurrence associated with a known 222Rn anomaly failed to show either a 226Ra anomaly on the one hand, or 210Po or 210Pb anomalies on the other. This suggests that the 210Po and 210Pb anomalies were probably produced by the decay of 226Ra contained within secondary dispersion haloes.Although anomalies due to the 210Po and 210Pb products of 222Rn have now been documented, prospecting methods based on their use as direct tracers of the migration paths of 222Rn require much further development.  相似文献   

Rapid urbanization and industrialization in South China has placed a great strain on the environment and human health. In the present study, the total suspended particulate matter (TSP) in the urban and suburban areas of Hong Kong and Guangzhou, the two largest urban centres in South China, was sampled from December 2003 to January 2005. The samples were analyzed for their concentrations of major elements (Al, Fe, Mg and Mn) and trace metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, V and Zn), and for Pb isotopic composition. Elevated concentrations of metals, especially Cd, Pb, V and Zn, were observed in the urban and suburban areas of Guangzhou, showing significant atmospheric trace element pollution. Distinct seasonal patterns were observed in the heavy metal concentrations of aerosols in Hong Kong, with higher metal concentrations during the winter monsoon period, and lower concentrations during summer time. The seasonal variations in metal concentrations of the aerosols of Guangzhou were less distinct, suggesting the dominance of local sources of pollution around the city. The Pb isotopic composition in the aerosols of Hong Kong had higher ^206Pb/^207Pb and ^208Pb/^207Pb ratios in winter, showing the influence of Pb from the northern inland areas of China and the Pearl River Delta (PRD) region, and lower ^206Pb/^207Pb and ^208Pb/^207Pb ratios in summer, indicating the influence of Pb from the South Asian region and from marine sources.  相似文献   

Panov  A. V.  Heintzenberg  J.  Birmili  W.  Otto  R.  Chi  X.  Zrazhevskaya  G. K.  Timokhina  A. V.  Verkhovets  S. V.  Andrea  M.  Onuchin  A. A. 《Doklady Earth Sciences》2011,441(2):1710-1714
The possibility to obtain reliable data on the chemical and physical characteristics of aerosols and the regularities in the processes of their formation and transportation under the background natural-climatic conditions is a necessary requirement for verification of existing climate models [1, 2].  相似文献   

Continuous measurements of aerosol size distributions in the mid-point diameter range 20.5–500 nm were made from October 2005 to March 2006 at Pune (18°32′N, 73°51′E), India using Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer (SMPS). Volatilities of atmospheric aerosols were also measured at 40°, 125°, 175°, 300° and 350°C temperatures with Thermodenuder–SMPS coupled system to determine aerosol volatile fractions. Aerosols in nucleated, CCN and accumulated modes are characterized from the measured percentage of particles volatized at 40°, 125°, 175°, 300° and 350°C temperatures. Averaged monthly aerosol concentration is at its maximum in November and gradually decreases to its minimum at the end of March. The diurnal variations of aerosol concentrations gradually decrease in the night and in early morning hours (0400–0800 hr). However, concentration attains minimum in its variations in the noon (1400–1600 hr) due to higher ventilation factor (product of mixing height and wind speed). The half an hour averaged diurnal variation of aerosol number concentration shows about 5 to 10-fold increase despite the ventilation factor at higher side before 1200 hr. This sudden increase in aerosol concentrations is linked with prevailing conditions for nucleation bursts. The measurement of volatile fraction of ambient aerosols reveals that there are large number of highly volatile particles in the Aitken mode in the morning hours and these volatile fractions of aerosols at temperatures <150°C are of ammonium chloride and ammonium sulfate, acetic and formic acids.  相似文献   

Turbulent transport of aerosols and droplets in a random velocity field with a finite correlation time is studied. We derived a mean-field equation and an equation for the second moment for a number density of aerosols. The finite correlation time of random velocity field results in the appearance of the high-order spatial derivatives in these equations. The finite correlation time and compressibility of the velocity field can cause a depletion of turbulent diffusion and a modification of an effective mean drift velocity. The coefficient of turbulent diffusion in the vertical direction can be depleted by 25 % due to the finite correlation time of a turbulent velocity field. The latter result is in compliance with the known anisotropy of the coefficient of turbulent diffusion in the atmosphere. The effective mean drift velocity is caused by a compressibility of particles velocity field and results in formation of large-scale inhomogeneities in spatial distribution of aerosols in the vicinity of the atmospheric temperature inversion. Results obtained by Saffman (1960) for the effect of molecular diffusivity in turbulent diffusion are generalized for the case of compressible and anisotropic random velocity field. A mechanism of formation of small-scale inhomogeneities in particles spatial distribution is also discussed. This mechanism is associated with an excitation of a small-scale instability of the second moment of number density of particles. The obtained results are important in the analysis of various atmospheric phenomena, e.g., atmospheric aerosols, droplets and smog formation.  相似文献   

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