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目的 :了解陕北榆林地区突发公共卫生事件护理应急梯队人员灾害准备度现况及其影响因素,为灾害护理相关课程及培训方案的制定提供依据。方法 :于2021年7月—11月采取便利抽样法通过网络问卷的方式使用灾害准备度问卷、一般资料调查表对榆林市12个区县内37家医院的1 440名应急梯队护士进行问卷调查。结果 :陕北地区护理应急梯队人员灾害准备度得分为(4.42±0.84)分。均分最低的条目为“在灾害情景下,我会被认为是我社区中的关键领导人物”;均分最高的条目为“我认为,在灾害救援中,国家/地区/省市层面的政府支持是充足的”。影响护士灾害准备度的主要因素有:护士的职称、是否接受过灾害知识的继续教育、是否接受过灾害技能培训、是否有救灾经历、是否有发热门诊/新型冠状病毒感染隔离病房工作经历。结论 :陕北榆林地区护理应急梯队人员灾害准备度处于中等水平,需要加强对护理应急梯队人员进行灾害知识与技能的系统培训与学习,提升其应对突发灾害事故的能力。  相似文献   

薛超莉  赵丹丹  束余声 《全科护理》2021,19(11):1536-1539
介绍以色列灾害应急体系,分析中以灾害应急现况,提出中以在应急预案领域合作的相关工作计划,以对我国灾害应急体系的建立提供参考。  相似文献   

医院在灾害医学救援中具有不可替代的作用,急诊科是医院参与灾害救援中的重要组成部分,作为突发公共卫生事件应急反应后备医院的急诊科更是应该加强灾害医学教育。为了提高急诊科医务人员灾害医学救援水平,本文分析灾害医学教育的现状和不足,对灾害医学教育的必要性、方式、方法及内容进行探讨,指出急诊科医务人员灾害医学救治的意识及能力的提高已经刻不容缓。  相似文献   

卫生应急护士在灾害应急救援中的作用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的:探讨卫生应急护士如何在灾难应急中发挥作用。方法:通过总结卫生应急护士培训和演练的方法内容、重要性,卫生应急器材的储备与管理,卫生应急工作的内容和方法,从而阐明卫生应急护士的作用。结果:我院卫生应急医疗队作为一支训练有素的队伍,在雪灾、水灾、地震等灾难救援中有组织、有水平出色地完成了任务。结论:经过长期培训与演练的卫生应急护士,加上卫生应急器材与药品的长期战略性储备,能有效展开灾难救援工作。  相似文献   

防范化学毒物灾害医学应急救援策略的设想   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
据报道 ,1 975年以来 ,全世界已经发生化学恐怖案例 2 0 7起。“9· 1 1”以后 ,化学恐怖已成为国际安全的现实威胁。我国是一个化工、农药大国 ,也是化学毒物、农药、鼠药等化学中毒灾害高发生率的地区。随着国际恐怖活动扩散渗透的加剧 ,我国也出现了利用化学品、毒物制造群体伤害的恶性事件。加强防护 ,建立预警机制 ,提高对化学品、毒品危害的应急救治水平 ,对保证国家安全和社会稳定是不可缺少的方面。1 化学毒物灾害可能出现的方式1 .1 可以用作大规模化学毒物灾害的有毒化学物质包括 :1神经性毒剂 :塔崩、沙林、梭曼、GF、VX;2全…  相似文献   

肖香  曾立云  彭娟 《当代护士》2018,(3):185-186
总结综合性医院护士卫生应急救援能力的培养模式,认为设立导师与护士长负责制、成立危急救治专业小组、参与多种救援联合演练有助于储备应急救援护理力量,提高护士应急救援意识与救援实战能力。  相似文献   

目的 探讨上海市三甲综合医院急诊护士灾害准备度现状,分析其影响因素。 方法 在上海市三甲15家综合医院选取425名急诊护士,采取目的抽样方法,于2019年9月至2020年1月运用微信二维码方式网络调查进行研究。 结果 上海市三甲综合医院急诊护士灾害准备度得分处于中等水平,得分最低的维度是灾后管理能力,其中影响灾害知识得分的因素有年龄、最高学历、有无参与灾害课程培训,影响灾害技术得分的因素有工作年限、有无参与灾害课程培训、学历,影响灾后管理得分的因素有:年龄、职称、最高学历和有无灾害救援经验(P<0.05)。 结论 根据上海市三甲综合医院急诊护士灾害准备度得分情况,应针对各类不同灾害如传染病、多发伤、火灾、地震等制定多样化的培训方案,加强灾后管理能力培训,为不同灾害做好人力储备。  相似文献   

目的 分析中国护士灾害准备度现状及其影响因素。 方法 采用便利抽样法,以网络问卷调查的形式在全国 7 个行政区域的 146 所医院开展调查。 结果 调查回收有效问卷8852 份,护士灾害准备度问卷中位数得分 191.00 分,处于中等水平,护士救灾技能相对知识较为缺乏;护士的性别、年龄、学历、工作年限、救灾经历、定期救灾培训、医院级别、行政区域和科室是灾害准备度的影响因素。 结论 我国护士灾害准备度有待提升,需要通过完善灾害护理教育和培训体系来提升护士的灾害准备度。  相似文献   

国内外灾害医学救援现状分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
<正>世界人口的迅速增长和工业化程度的快速提升,使得全球气候逐渐变暖,社会矛盾急剧加深,各种自然与人为灾害随之日益频繁的发生,无论是2001年美国的9·11恐怖袭击,还是2004年  相似文献   

There has been a rise in mass casualty events over the past decade. The Stop the Bleed initiative aims to increase survivorship in these events by teaching the basics of bleeding control. This educational intervention was conducted to instruct nursing students on the basics of bleeding control and emergency preparedness. The ultimate result of this project is that 143 future nurses that now have the skills to stop life-threatening bleeding in an emergency situation.  相似文献   

ObjectiveEmergency preparedness is a developing specialty with a limited evidence base. Published literature primarily offers a retrospective view of experience, with few studies examining and understanding the individual lived experience of practitioners prospectively. This study explores paramedics’ lived experience of emergency preparedness and applies that learning.MethodsThirteen paramedics were recruited through purposive sampling. Face-to-face semi-structured interviews explored their individual experiences of emergency preparedness, in line with the idiographic focus of Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis.ResultsThrough data analysis, the following superordinate themes were identified for further discussion: self-determination, control, and experience-based practice. Participants appeared to value their role and the unpredictable environment in which they worked. Personal resilience, an area that they suggested is not covered effectively within individual preparation, was viewed as important. The participants articulated that risk, threat, uncertainty, safety, trust, and control were important concepts within individual preparedness. These paramedics valued practice-based knowledge and education as credible and transferrable to their clinical work.ConclusionEvidence from this study suggests that standard emergency preparedness, with the focus at organizational level, is not sufficient for the individual workers or for an overall effective response. Dimensions of individual preparedness are presented, with the paramedic central to the experience within a conceptual model (the DiEP model), creating a new form of emergency preparedness that reflects the individual paramedic’s experience.  相似文献   

Use of Resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta (REBOA) for control of non-compressible hemorrhage is a re-emerging technology that historically is employed by surgeons. We present a case in which REBOA was successfully placed by an emergency physician in a critical mass casualty patient awaiting transfer to the operating table. This case is an example in which emergency physicians, in collaboration with the surgeon, can utilize REBOA to temporize non-compressible hemorrhage when a surgeon is not immediately available.  相似文献   

大规模伤亡事件伤员分类的系统评价   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
目的了解目前全世界范围内大规模伤亡事件伤员分类方法及应用情况,为今后实施大规模伤员分类和制定统一分类方法提供参考。方法借鉴系统评价的原理和方法,系统收集MEDLINE(1950~2008),Cochrane图书馆(Issue2,2008)和CBM(创刊至2008年5月)数据库的中英文文献并分大规模伤亡事件伤员分类和地震伤员分类两类,提取大规模伤员分类方法的名称、等级次序、分类依据、主要特点及应用情况,提取地震伤员分类实施地点、实施人员、等级次序、方法特点,比较不同分类标记方法的颜色、代码和标记材料。结果最终纳入英文文献38篇,中文文献6篇。大规模伤员初级分类方法7种,均分4个等级,3种方法有文献报道应用情况;二次分类方法6种,分3~5个等级,未见文献报道应用情况。分类结果标记方法4种。地震伤员分类7个实例,2次发生在中国,均为二次分类。结论目前缺乏经信度和效度验证并普遍接受的大规模伤员分类方法,且未明确说明适用于所有大规模伤亡事件。未见专门针对地震伤员的分类方法,地震伤员分类实例与大规模伤亡事件伤员分类有很大差异。有待进一步研究大规模伤员分类方法的信度和效度,提供可靠依据,提高医学救援能力。  相似文献   

IntroductionDisasters of any kind can affect public health severely. A shortage of health care specialists, such as physicians and nurses, during a disaster is a challenge for health care systems. The use of technology is 1 emerging strategy for addressing the continually increasing demand for care. Moreover, nurses may use technology in their roles. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to identify the application of telehealth, and more specifically telenursing care, in incidents and disasters.MethodsThis systematic review study was conducted on the basis of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines. English language international databases (PubMed, Scopus, Embase, Web of Science, and Google Scholar) were searched through November 2018. The quality of the studies was assessed using the International Narrative Systematic Assessment tool.ResultsOf the 5,759 titles identified in this search, 17 studies met the inclusion criteria. The important findings of this study were grouped into 3 main categories: clinical teams, disaster and communication types, and key outcomes of the telehealth programs used in disasters and incidents. We did not find any articles in the field of telenursing care during incidents.DiscussionProviding health care during a disaster is essential, and technology is of vital importance for such care. Because of the shortage of specialized nurses in disaster areas, the presence of such a group in the telehealth program will provide a new window for care. Thus, telenursing offers a means of improving health care response.  相似文献   



The pediatric preparedness of Lebanese Emergency Departments (EDs) has not been evaluated.

Study Objectives

To describe the number, regional location, and characteristics of EDs in Lebanon providing care to children and to describe the staffing, equipment, and support services of these EDs.


We surveyed hospitals in Lebanon caring for children in an ED setting between September 2009 and September 2010. The survey was provided in English and Arabic and could be completed in person, by telephone, or on the Web.


We identified 115 EDs that cared for children in Lebanon; 72 (63%) completed the survey, most of which were urban (54%). Ninety-three percent of the EDs had <20,000 total patient visits annually; children (variably defined) accounted for <29% of the patients at 89% of the sites. Physicians caring for children in the EDs had varied medical training; and a pediatrician was “usually involved” in the management of pediatric patients in 95% of the EDs. Only 27% of EDs had attending physicians present 24 h/day to care for children. Half of the hospitals had an intensive care unit that could care for children (48%). Most EDs had endotracheal tubes (95%) and intravenous catheters (90%) in all pediatric sizes.


The emergency care of children in Lebanon is provided at numerous hospitals throughout the country, with a wide range of staffing patterns and available support services.  相似文献   

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