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Modern and sophisticated wind generators rated at up to 5 MW are in use on- and offshore in many European and other countries. They are made by a large and financially strong industry. In 2006, there were 1672 wind turbines in use in the UK, making up 2.5% of UK's electricity-generating capacity but producing under 1% of its electricity. The UK uses only about 1% of its wind power potential. Making use of more wind will involve developing new materials, new techniques and new mathematical modelling methods. The machines will need to be more reliable and robust, and will require a more flexible electricity system to feed into. In the longer term, there may be bigger machines of up to 10 MW, perhaps used in tandem with advanced electricity-storage technology. The growth of a European rather than UK power grid may allow renewables, including wind, to play a larger role.  相似文献   

Pumped hydro storage (PHS) systems which are located at isolated regions and are able to exploit the rejected wind energy amounts produced by local wind farms, seem to gain interest worldwide and to become essential in regard to higher shares of renewable-generated electricity. Despite the high wind potential encountered in many Greek island regions, the wind energy contribution to the electrification of these areas is significantly restricted due to imposed electrical grid limitations. In this context, the current work examines the economic viability of a wind-based PHS system (wind-hydro solution) which provides the local electrical grid of an Aegean Sea island, Lesbos, with guaranteed energy amounts during the peak load demand periods. Based on the maximization of the project’s net present value, the optimum system configuration is proposed while many other feasible solutions are revealed. According to the results obtained the implementation of this project demonstrates excellent technical and economic performance, while at the same time renewable energy sources (RES) contribution is doubled reaching almost 20% of the Lesbos island electrical energy consumption.  相似文献   

Average market prices for intermittent generation technologies are lower than for conventional generation. This has a technical reason but can be exaggerated in the presence of market power. When there is much wind smaller amounts of conventional generation technologies are required, and prices are lower, while at times of little wind prices are higher. This effect reflects the value of different generation technologies to the system. But under conditions of market power, conventional generators with market power can further depress the prices if they have to buy back energy at times of large wind output and can increase prices if they have to sell additional power at times of little wind output. This greatly exaggerates the effect. Forward contracting does not reduce the effect. An important consequence is that allowing market power profit margins as a support mechanism for generation capacity investment is not a technologically neutral policy.  相似文献   

Wind energy potential in various parts of Turkey is becoming economical due to reductions in the wind turbine costs, and in fossil fuel atmospheric pollution. The global change program imposes restrictions for use of alternative renewable and environmentally friendly energy sources. Wind energy is among such energy potentials and its practical and economical use gain significance day by day. The first wind energy turbine site investigation and wind power application possibility have been presented for the Akhisar area within the eastern provinces of Turkey. Different wind turbine technologies are assessed according to the local wind speed variations. Locally and technologically suitable wind turbines are selected. Finally their locations are decided by expert views and field measurements with the usage of well known WASP software. It is calculated that a minimum of 31436 MWh/year wind can be generated in this site. In the calculations 10% error possibility is allowed.  相似文献   

Within an existing transmission network, this paper considers the problem of identifying the wind power plants to be built by a wind power investor to maximize its profit. For this analysis a future target year is considered and the loads at different buses are represented by stepwise load–duration curves. The stochastic nature of both load and wind is represented via scenarios. The considered electric energy system operates under a pool-market arrangement and each producer/consumer is paid/pays the Local Marginal Price (LMP) of the bus at which it is located. The higher the wind penetration is, the lower the resulting LMPs. To tackle this problem a stochastic bilevel model is proposed, whose upper-level represents the wind investment and operation decisions with the target of maximizing profits; and its lower-level represents the market clearing under differing load and wind conditions and provides LMPs. This model can be recast as a mixed-integer linear programming problem solvable using commercially available branch-and-cut solvers. The proposed model is illustrated using an example and two case studies.  相似文献   

Wind power has a strong position at the Danish electricity market, mainly caused by high feed-in tariffs in the 1990s. Investments in new wind-power installations on land, however, have declined dramatically after the Danish electricity market was liberalised in 1999. First, the paper describes how policy measures directed towards wind power have been redesigned to match the liberalised market. Then, we estimate the impact of the redesigned tariffs on the electricity prices. Finally, we assess whether the new tariffs make an incentive to invest in wind power. The paper concludes that the new tariffs not by itself make evidence for the actual Danish recession in new wind-power installations after the electricity reform. The main causes could include a combination of problems in spatial planning, high risk aversion of new wind turbine investors and perhaps more favourable support schemes in other countries.  相似文献   

This paper proposes the use of wind power as a source of electricity in a new city being developed in the Duqm area of Oman. Recent wind speed measurements taken at the Duqm metrological station are analyzed to obtain the annual and monthly wind probability distribution profiles represented by Weibull parameters. The monthly average mean wind speed ranges between 2.93 m/s in February and 9.76 m/s in July, with an annual average of 5.33 m/s.A techno-economic evaluation of a wind power project is presented to illustrate the project's viability. Given Duqm's wind profile and the power curve characteristics of a V90-1.8 turbine, an annual capacity factor of 0.36 is expected. For the base-case assumptions, the cost of electricity is about $0.05 and $0.08 per kWh for discount rates of 5% and 10%, respectively. These values are higher than that of the existing generation system, due to the subsidized prices of domestically available natural gas. However, given high international natural gas prices, the country's long-term LNG export obligations, and the expansion of natural gas-based industries, investments in wind power in Duqm can be justified. A feed-in tariff and capital cost allowance policies are recommended to facilitate investments in this sector.  相似文献   

The capacity of the Chinese wind power sector has increased rapidly over the past half-decade, essentially doubling every year since 2005. The purpose of this paper is to describe the industry’s recent development and to discuss some of the policies and policy challenges related to the particular business environment in China. Three issues are highlighted: pricing policies, transmission capacity, and the structure of the equipment manufacturing industry, where substantial overcapacity is emerging as a serious problem.  相似文献   

Demand of electricity is rising all over the world, both in developing and developed countries due to escalation in world population and economic growth. The exploitation of renewable energy is imperative to mitigate energy crisis and to avoid the environmental downfall. The stochastic nature of many renewable energy sources sets techno-economic and functional limitations in their application for covering most types of energy needs. These limitations can be surmounted if a renewable and a conventional energy source are combined to formulate a hybrid generation power system.This paper examines the techno-economic feasibility of four hybrid power generation systems applied to cover the demand of a typical off-grid residence for a 20 years period. Each one of these hybrid power solutions should involve at least one renewable energy source technology and be able to cover all load needs. Four applications are investigated for each hybrid system, accounting to different geographical areas in Greece with diverse solar and aeolic profile. A comparative analysis is followed to set off the optimal solution based on a minimal total cost criterion.  相似文献   

As a result of the increasing wind power penetration on power systems, the wind farms are today required to participate actively in grid operation by an appropriate generation control. This paper presents a comparative study on the performance of three control strategies for DFIG wind turbines. The study focuses on the regulation of the active and reactive power to a set point ordered by the wind farm control system. Two of them (control systems 1 and 2) are based on existing strategies, whereas the third control system (control system 3) presents a novel control strategy, which is actually a variation of the control system 2. The control strategies are evaluated through simulations of DFIG wind turbines, under normal operating conditions, integrated in a wind farm with centralized control system controlling the wind farm generation at the connection point and computing the power reference for each wind turbine according to a proportional distribution of the available power. The three control systems present similar performance when they operate with power optimization and power limitation strategies. However, the control system 3 with down power regulation presents a better response with respect to the reactive power production, achieving a higher available reactive power as compared with the other two. This is a very important aspect to maintain an appropriate voltage control at the wind farm bus.  相似文献   

我国大规模风电接入电网面临的挑战   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
魏晓霞 《中国能源》2010,32(2):19-21
我国风电大规模接入电网,电网规划和运行面临着诸多挑战。风能资源的开发利用,需要进行详细的风能资源调查,电网规划、电网调度与运行应考虑风电开发因素。提出了电网对风电大规模接入应在协调电网规划、风电与其他电源协调发展等方面采取的相应措施。  相似文献   

This paper attempts to assess the adequacy of wind power generation systems using the data collected from seven wind farms in Muppandal, Tamilnadu (India) with a total capacity of 37 MW. A Monte Carlo model simulation is incorporated in the algorithm to obtain the hourly power output of wind farms, which also takes into account the unavailability of wind turbines. A typical load demand profile is used to examine the chronological hourly wind power generation for each month. The reliability index of LOLE (loss of load expectation) is used to estimate the reliable contribution of wind farm power generation.  相似文献   

In this study, we present a statistical analysis of wind speeds at Tindouf in Algeria using Risoe National Laboratory's Wind Atlas Analysis and Application Program (WAsP). It requires information related to the sheltering obstacles, surface roughness changes and terrain height variations in order to calculate their effects on the wind. Wind data, consisting of hourly wind speed records over a 5-year period, 2002–2006, were obtained from SONELGAZ R&D Office; the average wind speed at a height of 17 m above ground level was found to range from 7.19 to 7.95 m/s. The Weibull distributions parameters (c and k) were found to vary between 8.0 and 8.9 m/s and 2.54–3.23, respectively, with average power density ranging from 318 to 458 W/m2. The dominant wind directions and the frequency distributions were also determined.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to predict the wind energy content over the campus area of Izmir Institute of Technology. The wind data were collected at 10 and 30 m mast heights for a period of 16 months. Mean wind speeds were 7.03 and 8.14 m/s at 10 and 30 m mast heights, respectively. The ‘WAsP’ and ‘WindPRO’ softwares were used for the wind statistics and energy calculations. Suitable sites were selected according to the created wind power and energy maps. Wind turbines with nominal powers between 600 and 1500 kW were established for annual energy production calculations and best fitted ones were used for the micrositting.  相似文献   

李津 《电力与能源》2013,(6):657-660
从现有能源结构入手,分析风电并网的经济性.除了考虑风电的替代性效益,即从风电场接入系统后节省的常规火电厂燃料及用水费用、系统排放物减少带来的货币价值分析风电开发的经济性外,还从电力系统可靠性的视角,分析了风电并网后系统电量不足期望值减少带来的可靠性效益,从而整体衡量风电开发的经济性.给出了适合电网运行、计算简便的风电开发经济性计算的步骤,通过对系统进行随机生产模拟,可以分别计算不考虑或考虑风电场时系统的耗煤量、火电厂发电量、电量不足期望值等数据,计算各项经济效益并求和得到总的经济效益.  相似文献   

There is a trade-off between cost and emission minimizing objectives for electricity generation because of the measures needed to reduce emissions. For SO2 emissions reduction these are adjustment within the system which involve deviation from the least-cost generation schedule, changing power mix for future capacity and installation of abatement equipments, e.g. flue gas desulfurization unit. The linear programming modelling framework (INGRID) presented here brings out the nature of this trade-off for SO2 emissions reduction from the Indian power system for existing capacity and future capacity addition. The adjustment within the existing system can take place through integrated optimal operations of various electricity utilities by substituting generation of more polluting plants by less emitting efficient plants as long as the cost of reduction is lower than that of flue gas desulfurization.  相似文献   

Mainly because of environmental concerns and fuel price uncertainties, considerable amounts of wind-based generation capacity are being added to some deregulated power systems. The rapid wind development registered in some countries has essentially been driven by strong subsidizing programs. Since wind investments are commonly isolated from market signals, installed wind capacity can be higher than optimal, leading to distortions of the power prices with a consequent loss of social welfare. In this work, the influence of wind generation on power prices in the framework of a liberalized electricity market has been assessed by means of stochastic simulation techniques. The developed methodology allows investigating the maximal wind capacity that would be profitably deployed if wind investments were subject to market conditions only. For this purpose, stochastic variables determining power prices are accurately modeled. A test system resembling the size and characteristics of the German power system has been selected for this study. The expected value of the optimal, short-term wind capacity is evaluated for a considerable number of random realizations of power prices. The impact of dispersing the wind capacity over statistical independent wind sites has also been evaluated. The simulation results reveal that fuel prices, installation and financing costs of wind investments are very influential parameters on the maximal wind capacity that might be accommodated in a market-based manner.  相似文献   

Sri Lanka has a hydropower dominated power system with approximately two thirds of its generation capacity based on large hydro plants. The remaining one third are based on oil fired thermal generation with varying technologies, such as oil steam, Diesel, gas turbines and combined cycle plants. A significant portion of this capacity is in operation as independent power plants (IPPs). In addition to these, Sri Lanka presently has about 40 MWs of mini-hydro plants, which are distributed in the highlands and their surrounding districts, mainly connected to the primary distribution system. Further, there are a few attempts to build fuel wood fired power plants of small capacities and connect them to the grid in various parts of the country.

The study presented in this paper investigates the impact of these new developments in the power sector on the overall emissions and the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in particular. It examines the resulting changes to the emissions and costs in the event of developing the proposed coal power plant as an IPP under different investment and operational conditions. The paper also examines the impact on emissions with 80 MWs of distributed power in different capacities of wind, mini-hydro and wood fired power plants.

It is concluded that grid connected, distributed power generation (DPG) reduces emissions, with only a marginal increase in overall costs, due to the reduction in transmission and distribution network losses that result from the distributed nature of generation. These reductions can be enhanced by opting for renewable energy based DPGs, as the case presented in the paper, and coupling them with demand side management measures. It is also concluded that there is no impact on overall emissions by the base load IPPs unless they are allowed to change over to different fuel types and technologies.  相似文献   

Wind park power production in cold climate regions is significantly impacted by ice growth on turbine blades. This can lead to significant errors in power forecasts and in the estimation of expected power production during turbine siting. A modeling system is presented that uses a statistical modeling approach to estimate the power loss due to icing, using inputs from both a physical icing and a numerical weather prediction model. The physical icing model is that of Davis et al., 1 with updates to the simulation of ice ablation. A new approach for identifying periods of turbine blade icing from power observations was developed and used to calculate the observed power loss caused by icing. The observed icing power loss for 2years at six wind parks was used to validate the modeling system performance. Production estimates using the final production loss model reduce the root mean squared error when compared with the empirical wind park power curve (without icing influence) at five of the six wind parks while reducing the mean bias at all six wind parks. In addition to performing well when fit to each wind park, the production loss model was shown to improve the estimate of power when fit using all six wind parks, suggesting it may also be useful for wind parks where production data are not available. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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