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本文将讨论汽车控制系统负载提供点(POL)调节功率所采用的技术,以及这些技术的优缺点。  相似文献   

在我国科学技术和经济水平不断发展的同时,我国的电力系统也在逐渐地发展,并且发生了很大的变化。电力系统中比较核心的一个部分就是电力通信电源。因此,电力系统想要更加稳定地运行就需要电源在供电的过程中具有很好的稳定性和可靠性。现阶段,信息技术广泛应用在电力通信电源中,这样就使得电力通信电源的可靠性和稳定性越来越高,在某种程度上推动了我国电力行业的发展和进步。  相似文献   

The effect of contamination, especially particles and organic materials in cleanrooms, on future device manufacturing was estimated. The number of particles deposited on wafer surfaces was calculated based on particle size distribution in real cleanrooms and the reported data on particle deposition velocity. DRAM yield trend was then calculated taking only particles from the cleanroom environment into account. Killer particle size is assumed to be one-third of the feature size according to the SIA roadmap. In the Gigabit era, a class 0.1-0.01 level environment will be necessary even with a shortened TAT (turn around time). The lower limit of particle density in conventional cleanroom air was estimated to be class 0.1-1 Level by particle generation by people, suggesting the use of a mini-environment fab system to produce high-grade cleanliness. A mini-environment system is also preferable for eliminating other contaminants such as organic compounds. However, box material and additions must be reexamined from the viewpoint of organic contamination control because some organic materials generated from wafer box easily adsorb on silicon surfaces and change the surface conditions  相似文献   

信息安全问题倍受政府和社会的广泛关注和重视。因此而带来了社会对信息安全专业人员的需求逐年增加。据统计,国内承担信息安全方面国家科研项目的专业人员仅有3500余人,社会需求与人才供给之间还存在着很大差距,人才问题已经成为当前严重制约信息安全产业发展的瓶颈。众所周知,信息安全产业的竞争,其中非常重要的一个内容,就是人才的竞争。因此,怎样培养信息安全领域的专门人才,并确保现有信息安全从业人员的职业素质等成为信息安全产业发展中需要迫切解决的重要问题之一。伴随着中国加入WTO,各行各业信息化建设步伐也越来越快,随之而来…  相似文献   

为了杜绝部分司机在油罐车运输途中,私自从储油罐中卸油,以STC12C5A60S2单片机为核心,结合阀门开关监测、油量监测、SD卡录像等模块,开发了多功能、智能化的油罐车工况监测仪器。主要介绍了油罐车工况监测仪的硬件和软件设计。按该方案设计的监测仪已投入实际应用,实现了油罐车运输过程中违规卸油的监测和记录,以小票形式打印记录的参数。该监测仪具有良好的功能和性能,界面良好.工作稳定,记录参数稳定可靠,可以满足预期要求。  相似文献   

This paper deals with a lateral controller design for active 2WS vehicles in ITS applications. First, the vehicle dynamics for typical lateral maneuvers are rigorously described by Newton's formulation. Next, based on a linear perturbed model, a robust controller via μ (mu)-synthesis is designed. Due to the characteristics of D–K iteration, the resulting high-order controller has to be reduced for implementation. Then the frequency- and time-domain responses of the robust controller are extensively evaluated through numerical simulations. Further, we present performance comparisons between full-order controller and reduced-order controller. Finally, the automated steering control presented here is shown to be robust to the prescribed levels of uncertainty for highway maneuvers.  相似文献   

Two types of world models and their main properties are discussed briefly: the steady-state model and the simplest relativistic models. In some world models there is a horizon which principally limits any observation within a certain distance. The question investigated is what requirements must be met by observation (and theory) in order to distinguish between different world models. A comparison of various observational methods and their requirements shows that the most promising method seems to be observing angular source diameters and distances between double sources by lunar occultations of radio sources. (The resolution given by the edge of the Moon is better than 1 sec of arc.) This method requires a single, fully steerable dish of more than 300 ft diameter, and a fast calculating machine. Because of the traveling time of light, one must always look back into the past if one wishes to look out into space; one would see the most distant sources almost at age zero with a large antenna. Thus, a theory is needed to describe the formation and development of strong radio sources. Without it, no conclusions about world models could be derived from observations.  相似文献   

When mapping large and high-throughput signal processing applications onto heterogeneous platforms, parts of these applications are assigned to re-configurable components. Automating such mappings without delving deep into details implies the (re-) use of IP components. When it comes to 1) relying on IP components in system-level and (re-configurable) platform-based design, and 2) porting of such designs across platforms, it is not well known how to integrate both IP libraries and portability requirements into the design flow. To investigate these uncertainties, we have conducted four case studies around the (re-)use and interfacing of IP components. One is focusing on the porting issue, one is dealing with a new automated task-level mapping method, one is evaluating a HW-SW commercially available co-design method, and one is about standardization of interfaces for IP wrapping. The case studies reveal the weakness of otherwise highly desirable system-level design methods when evaluated with respect to fast, accurate, and systematic IP integration. Jér?me Lemaitre is a Phd student at LERC (Leiden Embedded Research Center, Leiden University, The Netherlands). He graduated from the ESPEO (Ecole Supérieure des Procédés Electroniques et Optiques, Orléans university, France) and joined ASTRON (Dwingeloo, The Netherlands) in 2002. His research interests are primarily in NoC (Network on a Chip) and NoP (Network of platforms) for high throughput processing and control applications. Sylvain Alliot works at ASTRON (Dwingeloo, The Netherlands) in the research and development laboratory. He graduated from the ESPEO (Ecole Supérieure des Procédés Electroniques et Optiques, Orléans university, France) and completed his Phd Thesis at Leiden university (The Netherlands) in 2003 on the “architecture exploration of large scale array signal processing systems”. He participated to the GMRT integration (NCRA-TIFR, India) as an engineer in digital electronics in 1997–99 and joined ASTRON in 1999. He has participated in the design of several radio telescopes and prototypes (ALMA, LOFAR, THEA) and particularly on the system architecture of the embedded systems. His research interest include system architecting methods, distributed sensor networks and signal processing. Ed F. Deprettere was born in Roeselare Belgium, on August 10, 1944. He is a fellow of the IEEE. He received the MSc degree from the University of Ghent, Ghent, Belgium, in 1968, and the Ph.D. Degree from the Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, in 1981. From 1980–1999, he was professor at the department of Electrical Engineering, Circuits and Systems section, Signal Processing Group. From January 1st, 2000, he is professor at the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Sciences, Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands, where he is head of the Leiden Embedded Research Center. His current research interests are in system level design of embedded systems, in particular for signal, image and video processing applications, including wireless communications and multimedia. He is an editor and co-editor of 4 books and several special issues of international journals. He is on the editorial board of 3 journals.  相似文献   

初瑾 《世界电信》2002,15(2):38-41,44
面对数据量的迅速增加,企业在存储方面有一系列的问题要解决。首先是要满足企业在容量和速度上的需求,并按照不同的应用在两者之间作出协调和折衷;其次,出于多方面的考虑,中小企业将会选择外包的方式;再就是在存储系统的管理上,企业需求将促使管理工具出版商和存储设备商联手进行集成,使管理更简单;最后,企业在考虑存储系统时,不应忽略隐性费用;费用将越来越成为未来企业选择存储系统时的一个重要的标准。  相似文献   

张煦 《电信快报》1999,(11):3-5,30
阐述对同步卫星通信网发展方向提出的一些新要求:改进卫星ATM 宽带网结构和星上装置ATM 交换机,有效承担Internet 业务和采用按需提供带宽方式,提供数字电视广播和电视会议的应用  相似文献   

研究神经网络非线性系统的自适应建模和逆建模策略用于非线性的自动巡航系统的控制及可行性。通过对自适应逆控制方法与现行的反馈控制、模糊控制、PID控制进行对比,并在有干扰的情况下系统需要一定的收敛时间,通过运用Matlab软件进行仿真。根据仿真结果分析,当对象输出没有受到干扰时,其在线辨识对象模型和逆模型有十分好的效果;当对象输出存在一些干扰时,由于干扰的存在,需要一段时间来将两个辨识模型收敛。因此,基于动态神经网络的非线性自适应逆控制系统是十分可行的。  相似文献   

文中设计了一种基于线性CCD图像传感器的两轮自平衡智能小车。该车通过加速度计测量小车倾角和陀螺仪测量车的倾角速度,两个数据融合得到车的姿态,进而控制其自身平衡,通过线性CCD检测赛道的信息实现行走及转向.经实验验证,该智能小车系统稳定,鲁棒性强,符合我们设计的要求。  相似文献   

不同功能无人机的集群作战已经成为现代战争的一个突出的发展趋势,集群作战对现有的无人机和控制站都从技术上、结构上和功能上等方面提出了新的要求。目前,国内外并没有较成熟的通用控制站。从调度与指挥、信息分发与共享、碰撞检测、频谱资源管理和航路规划等方面,对控制站的功能需求进行了深入分析,提出了控制站的建设方案和适用的技术。针对控制站和无人机的现状,提出了改进的建议和方法。  相似文献   

国内各出口认证机构基于ECE R10.05指令对整车电磁兼容认证试验方法的理解各不相同,认证机构和检测机构对试验方法的理解也不尽相同。针对上述问题,通过试验和理论分析,对E-mark认证测试中宽、窄带辐射发射以及辐射抗扰试验中参考点和场探头位置选择等问题进行了分析,确立比较完备的EMC出口认证试验方法。  相似文献   

This paper discusses power cycling as a method to evaluate the reliability of interconnections in power electronic devices. While the approach proved a reliable tool for investigating the potential of improvement for alternative interconnect technologies and rejecting design flaws, precise estimations about lifetime in the field are still challenging. Many questions are still in discussion, such as ultra-high cycle fatigue, applicability of Miner's rule, or the influence of on-time and cross-effects with mechanical shocks or humidity. This leaves application engineers with a blurred safety margin. In the following basic considerations of power cycling are described. The introduction shows two applications with different load profiles. Section 2 explains methods of temperature measurement. In Section 3 theoretical requirements for measurement accuracy are given, the obstacle minimal measurement delay and possible workarounds are evaluated. Finally aging effects and their acceleration in different devices are discussed in Section 4. In the conclusion suggestions for power cycling methods and a revision of the end-of-life criteria are made.  相似文献   

主要对基于业务建模的频谱需求预测方法和基于增长率预测频谱需求预测方法,从业务和无线接入技术模型、预测步骤和重要结论进行了总结,并对2种预测方法的特点、适用范围进行深入分析。  相似文献   

ASON网络业务及要求   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
张成良 《电信科学》2003,19(8):26-28
电信网发展正在由技术驱动向业务驱动演进。ASON第一次将控制层面引入了传送网,利用控制层面和分布在各传送设备的智能单元可以更方便地提供业务。本介绍了ASON的业务类型、业务等级、接入方法等属性,并重点介绍了几种业务模型实例及应用,对ASON管理平面对业务的管理进行了讨论,最后对业务的应用和ASON网络发展影响进行了探讨。  相似文献   

红外成像制导对探测器的需求   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对各类红外成像制导导弹所对应的目标和背景特性进行了总结,提出了精确制导对红外成像器性能的总体要求.结合实际工程的需要,确定了探测器的优先选用原则,即满足作战系统对战术技术指标和战场环境适应性的要求,同时充分考虑其性价比.提出了精确制导中探测器应达到的性能、功能和工程指标.另外,结合具体弹种的工作特点和作战环境,对探测器的工作波段进行了比较,对探测器的非均匀性、电荷积分能力、凝视和扫描型的选择等进行了分析.  相似文献   

现代电梯变频器的技术要求   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
武奇 《变频器世界》2009,(12):66-68
由于频率逆变器比普通驱动技术更加优越,异步电动机的变频控制系统已经广泛应用于曳引式电梯。本文将介绍现代变频器系统的原理,说明其典型性能及与电梯运行相关的功能。  相似文献   

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