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Dwarka River Basin is one of the fluoride affected river basin in Birbhum, West Bengal. In the present research work, various controlling factors for fluoride contamination in groundwater i.e., geology, aquifer type, groundwater table, soil, rainfall, geomorphology, drainage density, land use land cover, lineament and fault density, slope and elevation were considered to delineate the potential fluoride contamination zones within Dwarka River Basin in Birbhum. Assigning weights and ranks to various inputs factor class and their sub-class respectively was carried out on the basis of knowledge driven method. Weighted overlay analysis was carried out to generate the final potential fluoride contamination zones which are classified into two broad classes i.e., ‘high’ and ‘low’, and it is observed that major portion of the study area falls under low fluoride contamination category encompassing 88.61% of the total area which accounts for 759.48 km2 and high fluoride contaminated region accounts for 11.40% of the total study area encompassing an area of about 97.67 km2. Majority of high fluoride areas fall along the flood plain of Dwarka River Basin. Finally, for validation 197 reported points within Dwarka having fluoride in underground water are overlaid and an overall accuracy of 92.15% is observed. An accuracy of 83.21% and 84.24% is obtained for success and prediction rate curve respectively.  相似文献   

Hydrogeomorphological, hydrogeological and geophysical investigations were carried out in the Pageru River basin of Cuddapah district, Andhra Pradesh, to delineate potential zones for future groundwater exploration. The study area is underlain by Proterozoic formations of the Indian Peninsula comprising limestones and shales as the sedimentary cover. Limestone and shale formations of the Cuddapah Super group that are later overlain by the Kurnool group (shale, limestone and quartzite) are exposed extensively. The high drainage density (2.61 km/km2) in the western region also suggests that the area is characterized by low permeable zones compared with low drainage density (1.04 km/km2) of the flood plains, which form the potential aquifers in the east. The hydro-geomorphological data are further supported from evidence of the water-table fluctuation in wells and resistivity of the saturated formations. The results indicate that the favourable, moderately favourable and poor zones characterized geomorphologically, have water-level fluctuations in the range of 0–2, 2–6 and above 6 m, respectively. The resistivities of these zones are also in the range of 1–26, 40–466, and >1,900 ohm-m. A few pumping tests have also been conducted to assess the broad range in the values of aquifer parameters. Based on these data, good to poor potential zones for obtaining groundwater have been delineated in the study area.
Resumen Se llevaron a cabo investigaciones hidrogeomorfológicas, hidrogeológicas y geofísicas en la cuenca del Río Pageru del distrito Cuddapah, Andhra Pradesh, con objeto de delimitar zonas potenciales para exploración futura de aguas subterráneas. El área de estudio consiste de formaciones Proterozoicas de la Península India con calizas y lutitas como cubierta sedimentaria. Las formaciones de caliza y lutita del Grupo Cuddapah Superior afloran extensamente y están cubiertas por el Grupo Kurnool (lutita, caliza, y cuarcita). La alta densidad de drenaje (2.61 km/km2) en la región occidental también indica que el área se caracteriza por zonas de baja permeabilidad en comparación con las planicies de inundación de baja densidad (1.04 km/km2) que forman los acuíferos potenciales del oriente. Los datos hidrogeomorfológicos tienen apoyo adicional a partir de evidencia proveniente de la fluctuación del nivel freático en pozos y resistividad de las formaciones saturadas. Los resultados indican que las zonas caracterizadas geomorfológicamente como zonas favorables, moderadamente favorables, y pobres tienen fluctuaciones de niveles de agua en el rango de 0–2, 2–6, y mayor de 6 m, respectivamente. Las resistividades de estas zonas también se encuentran en el rango de 1–26, 40–466, y mayores de 1,900 ohm-m. Se realizaron algunas pruebas de bombeo para evaluar los amplios rangos que tienen los valores de los parámetros de los acuíferos. Basado en esta información se delimitaron zonas con potencial bueno a pobre para obtener agua subterránea en la zona de estudio.

Résumé Des investigations hydrogéomorphologiques, hydrogéologiques et géophysiques ont été menées sur le bassin de la rivière Pageru du district de Cuddapah, Andhra Pradesh, pour délimiter les zones potentielles dans la future recherche deaux souterraines. La zone étudiée est, à la base, constituée par les formations protérozoïques de la péninsule indienne comprenant les calcaires et les shales de la couverture sédimentaire. Les calcaires et les shales du Super Groupe Cuddapah qui sont recouverts par le Groupe Kurnool (shale, calcire, quartzite) sont exposés de manière extensive. La densité importante de drainage (2.61 km/km2) dans la région ouest montre également que la zone est caractérisée par des perméabilités faibles par comparaison avec les plaines dinondation (densité de drainage: 1.04 km/km2), formant les aquifères potentiels de lEst. Les données hydrogéomorphologiques vont également dans le sens des données de fluctuation de la nappe et de résistivité des formations saturées. Les résultats indiquent que les zones caractérisées géomorphologiquement comme favorables, moyennement favorables et pauvres, possèdent des fluctuations respectives de lordre de 0 à 2, 2 à 6 et de plus de 6 m. La résistivité de ces zones est également de lordre de 1 à 26, 40 à 466 et de plus de 1900 ohm-m. Quelques pompages dessais ont également été conduits pour déterminer les valeurs moyennes des paramètres de laquifère. En se basant sur ces données, des zones potentielles bonnes à pauvres pour lexploitation des eaux souterraines ont été délimitées.

Groundwater resources in the semi-arid regions of southern India are under immense pressure due to large-scale groundwater abstraction vis-à-vis meager rainfall recharge. Therefore, understanding and evaluating the spatial distribution of groundwater is essential for viable utilization of the resource. Here, we assess groundwater potential at the watershed scale, in a semi-arid environment with crystalline aquifer system without a perennial surface water source using remote sensing, geophysical, and GIS-based integrated multi-parameter approach. GIS-based weighed overlay analysis is performed with input parameters, viz., geology, geomorphology, lineament density, land use, soil, drainage density, slope, and aquifer thickness. The watershed is categorized into four zones, namely, “very good” (GWP4), “good” (GWP3), “moderate” (GWP2), and “low” (GWP1) in terms of groundwater potential. Overall, ~?70% of the study area falls under moderate to low groundwater potential, indicating a serious threat to the future availability of the resource. Therefore, serious measures are required for maintaining aquifer resilience in this over-exploited aquifer (e.g., restricting groundwater withdrawal from GWP1 and GWP2 zones). Further, as the aquifer is under tremendous anthropogenic pressure, rainwater harvesting and artificial recharge during monsoon are advocated for sustainable aquifer management. Due to the direct dependence of crop production vis-à-vis farmer economy on groundwater, this study is an important step towards sustainable groundwater management and can be applied in diverse hydrological terrains.  相似文献   

The hydrogeochemistry of groundwater in rural parts of Birbhum district, West Bengal, India, has been studied to understand the contaminants and prime processes involved in their enrichment with a focus on F? concentration. The lithological units consist of Quaternary alluviums with underlying Rajmahal basaltic rocks of Middle Jurassic age. Groundwater occurs in the alluviums, weathered residuum and fracture zone of Rajmahal rocks. Studies show elevated concentration of Cl?, SiO2, Fe and F?; excess Cl? is attributed to anthropogenic inputs, SiO2 is ascribed to high degree of weathering of silica rich host rocks, and high Fe is due to the interaction of water with Fe-rich sediments under reducing condition. The F? concentration is found high (>1.20 mg/L) mainly in water from Rajmahal rocks revealing a lithological control on F? enrichment. The weathering of silicates and ion exchange are the leading controlling processes for major ions in groundwater. The F? enrichment is due to the dissolution of F?-bearing minerals and perhaps also through anion exchange (OH? for F?) on clay minerals at high alkaline conditions; precipitation of CaCO3 favours CaF2 dissolution leading to elevated F? concentration. CaHCO3, the dominant water type, contains low F? while NaHCO3 and NaCl types exhibit high F? concentrations. Among the three spatial associations, Cluster-1 and Cluster-2 are CaHCO3 type; Cluster-3 shows NaHCO3 and NaCl waters with low Ca2+ and Mg2+ and high Na+ contents. Cluster-1 and Cluster-2 waters are, in general, drinkable barring the elevated Fe content, while Cluster-3 water is unsafe for drinking due to the high F? concentration.  相似文献   

Birbhum district in West Bengal, India, is one of the most severely affected districts by fluoride-contaminated groundwater. Fluoride content as high as 20.4 mg/L has been reported. Several cases of fluoride-related disorder such as dental fluorosis and skeletal fluorosis have been reported to be endemic in the district. Proper management of groundwater is very crucial. This contribution has been carried out for delineating potential fluoride-contaminated zones (PFCZ) in Birbhum district with the implementation of weighted overlay analysis in GIS environment. Twelve different potentially influential environmental parameters are integrated and evaluated. The final output map was categorised into two subclasses, i.e. ‘low’ and ‘high’, where the low region represents fluoride concentration of 1.5 mg/L and below and the high region represents fluoride concentration above 1.5 mg/L. The outcome reveals that approximately 24.35% of the study area falls under PFCZ, whereas about 75.65% of the study area falls under the safe zone with respect to potential fluoride contamination. On validation of the PFCZ, the reported fluoride contamination data in groundwater shows an overall 87.50% accuracy in prediction via superimposition method and 89.06 and 85.85% success and prediction rates, respectively, when validated with success and prediction rates.  相似文献   

The southern regions of Madagascar have the country’s lowest water supply coverage and are highly vulnerable to drought. Access to potable drinking water is a major challenge for the local population. Chronic droughts lead to annual emergency appeals to save the lives of acute malnourished children. UNICEF’s response consisting in providing potable drinking water through the drilling of boreholes has been challenged by the complex hydrogeology, the low yield of boreholes and high-level salinity of water, the lack of reliable groundwater data and the weak capacity of the drilling sector. These constraints result in a high rate of drilling failure. To improve drilling success and provide more potable drinking water to local communities, it is vital to undertake reliable groundwater investigation.UNICEF Madagascar and the European Union delegation in Madagascar collaborated on the use of satellite imagery to improve sector knowledge and access to safe and clean water for local communities in southern Madagascar. The methodology relies on produce thematic layers of groundwater potential areas. Later, these thematic layers were overlaid with ground-based hydrogeological data to map the groundwater potential zones (GWP) and identify the most suitable sites for borehole siting and drilling. Findings of this study are very encouraging, and the integrated approach used has proven its applicability in mapping groundwater potential areas in the eight drought-affected areas of south Madagascar. The groundwater potential zone map is being used by UNICEF and partners to plan water supply projects and identify the best sites for positioning new boreholes and reduce the likelihood of drilling failure. Additionally, the project developed a database of groundwater resources, which will improve knowledge of the regional hydrogeological context and strengthen the capacity of the water sector. Lessons learnt from this study show that an integration of the groundwater potential zone map with demographics and water demand information will help identifying priority areas for detailed studies. Moreover, a capacity building activity is required for knowledge/technology transfer to the Ministry of Energy, Water and Hydrocarbons (MEEH), allowing the possibility of scaling-up this integrated approach to the rest of Madagascar. Finally, strengthening the capacity of the MEEH and refining this approach as suggested above will certainly help in the pursuit to improve equitable access to safe and clean water for households located in the drought-affected areas of southern Madagascar, allowing them to be more resilient to the effects of climate change.  相似文献   

During the last three decades, remotely sensed data (both satellite images and aerial photographs) have been increasingly used in groundwater exploration and management exercises. An integrated approach has been adopted in the present study to delineate groundwater recharge potential zones using RS and GIS techniques. IRS-1C satellite imageries and Survey of India toposheets are used to prepare various thematic layers viz. geology, soil, land-use, slope, lineament and drainage. These layers were then transformed in to raster data using feature to raster converter tool in ArcGIS 9.3 software. The raster maps of these factors are allocated a fixed score and weight computed from Influencing Factor (IF) technique. The weights of factors contributing to the groundwater recharge are derived using aerial photos, geology maps, a land use database, and field verification. Subjective weights are assigned to the respective thematic layers and overlaid in GIS platform for the identification of potential groundwater recharge zones within the study area. Then these potential zones were categories as ‘high’, ‘moderate’, ‘low’, ‘poor’. The resulted map shows that 19 % of the area has highest recharge potential, mainly confined to buried pediplain, agriculture land-use and river terraces (considerable amount of precipitated water percolates into subsurface), 28 % of the area has moderate groundwater recharge potentiality and rest of the area has low to poor recharge potentiality. The residual hills and linear ridges with steep slopes are not suitable for artificial recharge sites. Finally, 13 % of total average annual precipitated water (840 mm) percolates downward and ultimately contributes to recharge the aquifers in the Kovilpatti Municipality area. The paper is an attempt to suggest for maintaining the proper balance between the groundwater quantity and its exploitation.  相似文献   

Groundwater is an important decentralized source of drinking water. Being underground, it is relatively less susceptible to contamination. In addition to domestic needs, it is extensively used for irrigation and industrial purposes. It is therefore necessary to implement groundwater recharge systems by capturing the rainwater runoff. In the present study, GIS-based hydrological assessment of watershed has been used to identify the potential sites for locating the groundwater recharge structures. Based on land use, soil and topography, rainfall runoff modelling was carried out in GIS for a sub-watershed of River Kanhan, in Nagpur District, Maharashtra State, India. Five potential sites with maximum flow accumulation were delineated using the rational method for peak runoff estimation. As the groundwater recharge potential also depends on the geological and geomorphological characteristics of land, analytic hierarchy process (AHP) with expert’s judgement was used for ranking the sites. The criteria considered in AHP were geological features, i.e. lineament density, depth to bedrock and soil cover; geomorphological features, i.e. drainage density, slope, landforms and land use/land cover; and water table level fluctuation. The site P5 with maximum flow accumulation and sandstone rock formation was ranked first. The site P1, where catchment has well-developed drainage and geological formation shows rock with secondary porosity, was ranked second.  相似文献   

A detailed geophysical investigation in the form of electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) was carried out using the SYSCAL Pro Unit at two locations with a dipole?Cdipole configuration in one of the private farms in Diriyah area of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia with the purpose of delineating the approximate depth of the water-bearing formations. The survey helped in delineating a superficial moist zone at the first site which was mainly due to the seepage from surface water pipes used for irrigating the date palms. At the second site, a potential water-bearing zone was detected starting from a depth of 23 to 46?m. However, an already existing bore well in close vicinity of the site of the second survey showed a water table depth of 85?m, indicating the presence of a layered aquifer. Finally, it was concluded that a shallow bore well drilled up to a depth of 50?C60?meters would be able to tap the water resources of shallow water-bearing horizon discovered at the second site during the survey; however, the yield of the bore well might not be sustainable over a longer period of time. The survey at the first site did not show any promising groundwater potential up to the investigated depth which was around 70?m. The study confirms the usage of ERT surveys for exploring sources of freshwater supplies in arid regions.  相似文献   

Identifying a good site for groundwater exploration in hard rock terrain is a challenging task. In hard rocks, groundwater occurs in secondary porosity developed due to weathering, fracturing, faulting, etc., which is highly variable within short distance and contributing to near-surface inhomogeneity. In such situations topographic, hydrogeological and geomorphological features provide useful clues for the selection of suitable sites. Initially, based on satellite imagery, topographical, geomorphological and hydrogeological features, an area of about 149 km2 was demarcated as a promising zone for groundwater exploration in the hard rock tract of Seethanagaram Mandal, Vizianagaram District, Andhra Pradesh, India. A total of 50 Vertical Electrical Soundings (VES) were carried out using Wenner electrode configuration. An interactive interpretation of the VES data sharpened the information inferred from geomorphological and hydrogeological reconnaissance. Ten sites were recommended for drilling. Drilling with Down-The-Hole Hammer (DTH) was carried out at the recommended sites down to 50 to 70 m depths. The interpreted VES results matched well with the drilled bore well lithologs. The yields of bore wells vary from 900 to 9000 liters per hour (lph).  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to identify the groundwater potential zones in Noyyal river basin using GIS and electrical resistivity. River Noyyal was perennial with good flow till early seventies. In recent years, the scene has changed drastically and the river has become practically seasonal and receives copious water during northeast monsoon from September to November. The rest of the years it remains more or less dry. Since the surface water resources in the area are inadequate to meet the local needs it is necessary to explore groundwater resources which has not been done properly. Hence various thematic maps have been used for the preparation of groundwater prospective map by integrating geology, geomorphology, slope, drainage and lineament of the study area. Electrical resistivity survey was conducted at 52 locations by using Schlumberger configuration. From this weathered thickness and depth to basement have been taken and overlaid for identifying groundwater potential sites and finally this result was compared with yield data. The interpretation shows that the entire study area has moderate to good category of groundwater potential.  相似文献   

Biswas  Priyanka  Das  Kousik  Das Chatterjee  Nilanjana 《GeoJournal》2021,86(3):1043-1072
GeoJournal - Application of geospatial technologies in criminological study is most relevant in present day context. Crime mapping with the help of Geographical Information System is being a very...  相似文献   

Twenty-nine dug well samples have been collected from the Gambhir River basin in the Bharatpur District of Rajasthan State in India for hydrogeochemical study to understand the sources of dissolved ions and assess the chemical quality of the water. Broadly speaking, the groundwaters have a chemical composition within the permissible limits suggested for drinking water. Nitrate is higher than the acceptable limit in some samples, due to the use of fertilizers. Graphical treatment of the major ion chemistry helps in deciphering the chemical characteristics of groundwaters, which may then be used for grouping the samples to identify the trends of the chemical alteration of the meteoric water. Four groups have been identified in the Gambhir River basin groundwater system: (1) HCO 3 enriched, (2) mixed type, (3) alkali-rich, high TDS type, and (4) HCO 3 deficient. Possible aqueous species have been identified for these four groups of samples. In groups I and II, the species are Ca (HCO 3) 2, Mg (HCO 3) 2, NaCl, Na 2SO 4 and NaHCO 3. Group III, in addition to these species, has abundance of KCl. Group IV has Ca (HCO 3) 2, NaCl, CaSO 4, and rather rare species such as CaCl 2, MgCl 2 and MgSO 4. Interpretation of the data reveals that feldspar and pyrite weathering reactions do not play a significant role in giving groundwaters their observed chemical characteristics. Groups I and II samples have evidently been derived by dissolution of surface salts, whereas groups III and IV groundwaters suggest dissolution of a marine evaporite sequence similar to the one known to exist to the west of the study area, unconformably overlying the rocks of the Delhi Super Group. There are indications that joints play an important role in segregating groundwaters with different chemical characteristics.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to analyze groundwater quality in selected villages of Nalbari district, Assam, India, where groundwater is the main source of drinking water. 40 groundwater samples collected from hand pumps and analyzed for pH, EC, TDS, Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, HCO3 , SO4 2−, Cl and F. Chemical analysis of the groundwater showed that mean concentration of cations in (mg/L) is in the order Ca2+ > Mg2+ > Na+ > K+ while for anions it is HCO3  > Cl > SO4 2− > F. Fluoride concentration was recorded in the range of 0.02–1.56 mg/L. As per the desirable and maximum permissible limits for fluoride in drinking water recommended by WHO and by Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), which is 1.5 mg/L, the groundwater of about 97% of the samples were found to be suitable for drinking purpose. The suitability of the groundwater for irrigation purpose was investigated by some determining factors such as sodium adsorption ratio, soluble sodium percentage, Kelly’s ratio and electrical conductivity. The value of the sodium absorption ratio and electrical conductivity of the groundwater samples were plotted in the US Salinity laboratory diagram for irrigation water. Most of the groundwater samples fall in the field of C2S1 and C3S1 indicating medium to high salinity and low sodium water, which can be used for irrigation on almost all types of soil with little doubt of exchangeable sodium. The hydrochemical facies shows that the groundwater is Ca-HCO3 type.  相似文献   

反映流域整体降水情势的面雨量一直是水文模型的重要输入参数之一,在泰森多边形雨量法的基础上考虑地理空间要素对降雨空间分布的影响,采用面向对象的遥感信息聚类方法提取出雅砻江流域2项形状因子(周长、面积)和5项地形因子(平均高程、平均坡度、平均坡向、高程差周长比和高程差面积比)。降雨—径流相关性分析结果表明:地形因子雨量法在月尺度上的降雨估算精度高于年尺度,且在月尺度上能更好地反映流域不同区段的降雨空间分布特征;在月、年际降雨变化趋势分析方面,年尺度上的降雨与径流一阶差分后平均相关系数为0. 903,高于月尺度的0. 629,主要由于水电站调蓄过程对流域径流异质性的影响,且影响度随着时间尺度缩小而放大。  相似文献   

Groundwater modelling is widely used as a management tool to understand the behaviour of aquifer systems under different hydrological stresses, whether induced naturally or by humans. The objective of this study was to assess the effect of a subsurface barrier on groundwater flow in the Palar River basin, Tamil Nadu, southern India. Groundwater is supplied to a nearby nuclear power plant and groundwater also supplies irrigation, industrial and domestic needs. In order to meet the increasing demand for groundwater for the nuclear power station, a subsurface barrier/dam was proposed across Palar River to increase the groundwater heads and to minimise the subsurface discharge of groundwater into the sea. The groundwater model used in this study predicted that groundwater levels would increase by about 0.1?C0.3?m extending out a distance of about 1.5?C2?km from the upstream side of the barrier, while on the downstream side, the groundwater head would lower by about 0.1?C0.2?m. The model also predicted that with the subsurface barrier in place the additional groundwater requirement of approximately 13,600?m3/day (3 million gallons (UK)/day) can be met with minimum decline in regional groundwater head.  相似文献   

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