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We consider a simple predator-prey model of coevolution. By allowing coevolution both within and between trophic levels the model breaks the traditional dichotomy between coevolution among competitors and coevolution between a prey and its predator. By allowing the diversity of prey and predator species to emerge as a property of the evolutionarily stable strategies (ESS), the model breaks another constraint of most approaches to coevolution that consider as fixed the number of coevolving species. The number of species comprising the ESS is influenced by a parameter that determines the predator's niche breadth. Depending upon the parameter's value the ESS may contain: 1) one prey and one predator species, 2) two prey and one predator, 3) two prey and two predators, 4) three prey and two predators, 5) three prey and three predators, etc. Evolutionarily, these different ESSs all emerge from the same model. Ecologically, however, these ESSs result in very different patterns of community organization. In some communities the predator species are ecologically keystone in that their removal results in extinctions among the prey species. In others, the removal of a predator species has no significant impact on the prey community. These varied ecological roles for the predator species contrasts sharply with the essential evolutionary role of the predators in promoting prey species diversity. The ghost of predation past in which a predator's insignificant ecological role obscures its essential evolutionary role may be a frequent property of communities of predator and prey.  相似文献   

Evolutionary trade-offs often are expected to arise between traits that share similar functions or resources. Such costs are well known from a variety of coevolutionary systems, but examples are conspicuously absent from predator-prey interactions. We present evidence of a trade-off between two disparate functions—predatory and anti-predatory ability—in a species of garter snake that has evolved resistance to the neurotoxin of its prey. Patterns of among-family variation suggest a genetic basis to the trade-off. Both resistant and nonresistant populations of snakes exhibit the trade-off, suggesting that it stems from a fundamental aspect of organismal performance. This cost may help to explain the geographic mosaic of predator exploitative ability and prey defense that exists in this system.  相似文献   

Should animals operating at great speeds and accelerations use fast or slow muscles? The answer hinges on a fundamental trade‐off: muscles can be maximally fast or forceful, but not both. Direct lever systems offer a straightforward manifestation of this trade‐off, yet the fastest organisms use power amplification, not direct lever action. Power‐amplified systems typically use slow, forceful muscles to preload springs, which then rapidly release elastic potential energy to generate high speeds and accelerations. However, a fast response to a stimulus may necessitate fast spring‐loading. Across 22 mantis shrimp species (Stomatopoda), this study examined how muscle anatomy correlates with spring mechanics and appendage type. We found that muscle force is maximized through physiological cross‐sectional area, but not through sarcomere length. Sit‐and‐wait predators (spearers) had the shortest sarcomere lengths (fastest contractions) and the slowest strike speeds. The species that crush shells (smashers) had the fastest speeds, most forceful springs, and longest sarcomeres. The origin of the smasher clade yielded dazzlingly high accelerations, perhaps due to the release from fast spring‐loading for evasive prey capture. This study offers a new window into the dynamics of force–speed trade‐offs in muscles in the biomechanical, comparative evolutionary framework of power‐amplified systems.  相似文献   

Understanding the effects of sex and migration on adaptation to novel environments remains a key problem in evolutionary biology. Using a single‐cell alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, we investigated how sex and migration affected rates of evolutionary rescue in a sink environment, and subsequent changes in fitness following evolutionary rescue. We show that sex and migration affect both the rate of evolutionary rescue and subsequent adaptation. However, their combined effects change as the populations adapt to a sink habitat. Both sex and migration independently increased rates of evolutionary rescue, but the effect of sex on subsequent fitness improvements, following initial rescue, changed with migration, as sex was beneficial in the absence of migration but constraining adaptation when combined with migration. These results suggest that sex and migration are beneficial during the initial stages of adaptation, but can become detrimental as the population adapts to its environment.  相似文献   

Summary When foraging has costs, it is generally adaptive for foragers to adjust their foraging effort in response to changes in the population density of their food. If effort decreases in response to increased food density, this can result in a type-2 functional response; intake rate increases in a negatively accelerated manner as prey density increases. Unlike other mechanisms for type-2 responses, adaptive foraging usually involves a timelag, because foraging behaviours do not often change instantaneously with changes in food density or risks. This paper investigates predator-prey models in which there are explicit dynamics for the rate of adaptive change. Models appropriate to both behavioural and evolutionary change are considered. Both types of change can produce cycles under similar circumstances, but under some evolutionary models there is not sufficient genetic variability for evolutionary change to produce cycles. If there is sufficient variability, the remaining conditions required for cycles are surprisingly insensitive to the nature of the adaptive process. A predator population that approaches the optimum foraging strategy very slowly usually produces cycles under similar conditions as does a very rapidly adapting population.  相似文献   

Divergent selection pressures across environments can result in phenotypic differentiation that is due to local adaptation, phenotypic plasticity, or both. Trinidadian guppies exhibit local adaptation to the presence or absence of predators, but the degree to which predator‐induced plasticity contributes to population differentiation is less clear. We conducted common garden experiments on guppies obtained from two drainages containing populations adapted to high‐ and low‐predation environments. We reared full‐siblings from all populations in treatments simulating the presumed ancestral (predator cues present) and derived (predator cues absent) conditions and measured water column use, head morphology, and size at maturity. When reared in presence of predator cues, all populations had phenotypes that were typical of a high‐predation ecotype. However, when reared in the absence of predator cues, guppies from high‐ and low‐predation regimes differed in head morphology and size at maturity; the qualitative nature of these differences corresponded to those that characterize adaptive phenotypes in high‐ versus low‐predation environments. Thus, divergence in plasticity is due to phenotypic differences between high‐ and low‐predation populations when reared in the absence of predator cues. These results suggest that plasticity might initially play an important role during colonization of novel environments, and then evolve as a by‐product of adaptation to the derived environment.  相似文献   

Predation is an important selective force that influences animal color patterns. Some larval populations of the streamside salamander, Ambystoma barbouri, inhabit streams with fish predators. Other larval salamanders are found in shallow, ephemeral streams that are predator-free. Quantitative melanophore cell counts and estimates of percent body area pigmented indicated that larval coloration is strongly correlated with stream type. Larvae that coexist with fish tend to be lighter than larvae from streams that are Ashless and ephemeral. Two approaches demonstrated that lightly pigmented salamander larvae better match the common background in relatively permanent streams and are less conspicuous to fish than dark larvae. First, using a model based on the spectral sensitivity of the fish and reflectance properties of salamanders and natural stream backgrounds, we showed that light larvae are three times more cryptic than dark larvae on rocks. Second, lighter larvae had higher survival than darker salamanders on rocks in a predator- choice experiment. It is not clear why larvae in ephemeral streams are darker. Larvae in ephemeral streams should be active to feed and develop rapidly and reach sufficient size to metamorphose before seasonal drying. Several hypotheses may explain why larvae tend to be darker in ephemeral streams, such as increased thermoregulatory ability, better screening of ultraviolet radiation (in these shallower streams), or better background matching to terrestrial predators. Among populations where salamander larvae coexist with fish, there are differences in relative crypsis. Larvae from populations with fish and relatively high gene flow from ephemeral populations (where larvae are dark) tend to be darker (with more melanophores) and more conspicuous to predators than those from more genetically isolated populations, where larvae are lighter and more cryptic. These differences illustrate the role of gene flow as a constraint to adaptive evolution.  相似文献   

Trait evolution in predator–prey systems can feed back to the dynamics of interacting species as well as cascade to impact the dynamics of indirectly linked species (eco-evolutionary trophic cascades; EETCs). A key mediator of trophic cascades is body mass, as it both strongly influences and evolves in response to predator–prey interactions. Here, we use Gillespie eco-evolutionary models to explore EETCs resulting from top predator loss and mediated by body mass evolution. Our four-trophic-level food chain model uses allometric scaling to link body mass to different functions (ecological pleiotropy) and is realistically parameterized from the FORAGE database to mimic the parameter space of a typical freshwater system. To track real-time changes in selective pressures, we also calculated fitness gradients for each trophic level. As predicted, top predator loss generated alternating shifts in abundance across trophic levels, and, depending on the nature and strength in changes to fitness gradients, also altered trajectories of body mass evolution. Although more distantly linked, changes in the abundance of top predators still affected the eco-evolutionary dynamics of the basal producers, in part because of their relatively short generation times. Overall, our results suggest that impacts on top predators can set off transient EETCs with the potential for widespread indirect impacts on food webs.  相似文献   

We studied a prey–predator system in which both species evolve. We discuss here the conditions that result in coevolution towards a stable equilibrium or towards oscillations. First, we show that a stable equilibrium or population oscillations with small amplitude is likely to occur if the prey''s (host''s) defence is effective when compared with the predator''s (parasite''s) attacking ability at equilibrium, whereas large-amplitude oscillations are likely if the predator''s (parasite''s) attacking ability exceeds the prey''s (host''s) defensive ability. Second, a stable equilibrium is more likely if the prey''s defensive trait evolves faster than the predator''s attack trait, whereas population oscillations are likely if the predator''s trait evolves faster than that of the prey. Third, when the adaptation rates of both species are similar, the amplitude of the fluctuations in their abundances is small when the adaptation rate is either very slow or very fast, but at an intermediate rate of adaptation the fluctuations have a large amplitude. We also show the case in which the prey''s abundance and trait fluctuate greatly, while those of the predator remain almost unchanged. Our results predict that populations and traits in host–parasite systems are more likely than those in prey–predator systems to show large-amplitude oscillations.  相似文献   

多斑岭鳅(Oreonectes polystigmus)是营洞穴生活的鱼类,嗅觉器官在其生活中发挥了重要作用。本文对保藏于中国科学院动物研究所鱼类标本馆的4尾多斑岭鳅标本进行解剖,利用扫描电镜观察多斑岭鳅嗅囊上皮超微结构,以期了解嗅觉器官适应洞穴黑暗环境而产生的形态适应。多斑岭鳅的嗅囊呈椭圆型,嗅囊长径平均为2.27 mm,嗅囊长径与眼径比平均为1.36,揭示其为"嗅觉"鱼类。其嗅轴为直线型,嗅囊腔内对称紧密排列2排嗅板,嗅板数为22~24个。单个嗅板呈卜状亚型,舌状突起较发达。观察发现,非感觉纤毛连续广布在嗅板各个部位,但在嗅板近嗅轴处较少,此处裸露的表皮多褶皱,其上分布很多细微小孔。感觉纤毛主要分布于非感觉纤毛分布较稀疏的地方。上皮表面微绒毛多,一般在非感觉纤毛下,前后两端嗅板上的微绒毛数量相对较少。多斑岭鳅嗅囊水动力机制应属嗅上皮纤毛运动机制。嗅孔分布不均,中间嗅板上的嗅孔较嗅轴前、后分布的嗅板为多,同一嗅板上近嗅轴处的嗅孔最多。由于纤毛分布不均,嗅上皮可分为裸露区和非裸露区,一般裸露区和非裸露区边界清晰,嗅轴上非感觉纤毛和微绒毛主要分布在非裸露区的凹槽里。嗅轴和嗅板近嗅轴处裸露区面积较大,嗅轴裸露区上皮被一系列的连续的微脊切割成多边形,多边形内具有许多隆起与小孔。嗅轴处正是嗅囊中水流回流的区域,为感受水中气味的重要位置,推测与洞穴生活的习性有密切关系。多斑岭鳅嗅囊形态属于G型,这类鱼类其嗅觉功能在鱼类生命活动中发挥了重要作用。同近缘的地表种相比,多斑岭鳅具有较多的嗅板数目、较多数量感觉纤毛和微绒毛,且其嗅囊长径与眼球径比值大于1,这些都揭示了其为"嗅觉"鱼类,表现出了对洞穴黑暗环境的适应。  相似文献   

We have previously reported a correlation between the life-history patterns of guppies and the types of predators with which they coexist. Guppies from localities with an abundance of large predators (high predation localities) mature at an earlier age and devote more resources to reproduction than those found in localities with only a single, small species of predator (low predation localities). We also found that when guppies were introduced from a high to low predation locality, the guppy life history evolved to resemble what was normally found in this low predation locality. The presumed mechanism of natural selection is differences among localities in age/size-specific mortality (the age/size-specific mortality hypothesis); in high predation localities we assumed that guppies experienced high adult mortality rates while in the low predation localities we assumed that guppies experienced high juvenile mortality rates. These assumptions were based on stomach content analyses of wild-caught predators and on laboratory experiments. Here, we evaluate these assumptions by directly estimating the mortality rates of guppies in natural populations. We found that guppies from high predation localities experience significantly higher mortality rates than their counterparts from low predation localities, but that these higher mortality rates are uniformly distributed across all size classes, rather than being concentrated in the larger size classes. This result appears to contradict the predictions of the age/size-specific predation hypothesis. However, we argue, using additional data on growth rates and the probabilities of survival to maturity in each type of locality, that the age-specific mortality hypothesis remains plausible. This is because the probability of survival to first reproduction is very similar in each type of locality, but the guppies from high predation localities have a much lower probability of survival per unit time after maturity. We also argue for the plausibility of two other mechanisms of natural selection. These results thus reveal mortality patterns that provide a potential cause of natural selection, but expand, rather than narrow, the number of possible mechanisms responsible for life-history evolution in guppies.  相似文献   

Summary We analyse dynamic models of the coevolution of continuous traits that determine the capture rate of a prey species by a predator. The goal of the analysis is to determine conditions when the coevolutionary dynamics will be unstable and will generate population cycles. We use a simplified model of the evolutionary dynamics of quantitative traits in which the rate of change of the mean trait value is proportional to the rate of increase of individual fitness with trait value. Traits that increase ability in the predatory interaction are assumed to have negative effects on another component of fitness. We concentrate on the role of equilibrial fitness minima in producing cycles. In this case, the mean trait of a rapidly evolving species minimizes its fitness and it is chased around this equilibrium by adaptive evolution in the other species. Such cases appear to be most likely if the capture rate of prey by predators is maximal when predator and prey phenotypes match each other. They are possible, but less likely when traits in each species determine a one-dimensional axis of ability related to the interaction. Population dynamics often increase the range of parameter values for which cycles occur, relative to purely evolutionary models, although strong prey self-regulation may stabilize an evolutionarily unstable subsystem.  相似文献   

We analyse dynamic models of the coevolution of continuous traits that determine the capture rate of a prey species by a predator. The goal of the analysis is to determine conditions when the coevolutionary dynamics will be unstable and will generate population cycles. We use a simplified model of the evolutionary dynamics of quantitative traits in which the rate of change of the mean trait value is proportional to the rate of increase of individual fitness with trait value. Traits that increase ability in the predatory interaction are assumed to have negative effects on another component of fitness. We concentrate on the role of equilibrial fitness minima in producing cycles. In this case, the mean trait of a rapidly evolving species minimizes its fitness and it is chased around this equilibrium by adaptive evolution in the other species. Such cases appear to be most likely if the capture rate of prey by predators is maximal when predator and prey phenotypes match each other. They are possible, but less likely when traits in each species determine a one-dimensional axis of ability related to the interaction. Population dynamics often increase the range of parameter values for which cycles occur, relative to purely evolutionary models, although strong prey self-regulation may stabilize an evolutionarily unstable subsystem.  相似文献   

The longstanding debate about the importance of group (multilevel) selection suffers from a lack of formal models that describe explicit selection events at multiple levels. Here, we describe a general class of models for two‐level evolutionary processes which include birth and death events at both levels. The models incorporate the state‐dependent rates at which these events occur. The models come in two closely related forms: (1) a continuous‐time Markov chain, and (2) a partial differential equation (PDE) derived from (1) by taking a limit. We argue that the mathematical structure of this PDE is the same for all models of two‐level population processes, regardless of the kinds of events featured in the model. The mathematical structure of the PDE allows for a simple and unambiguous way to distinguish between individual‐ and group‐level events in any two‐level population model. This distinction, in turn, suggests a new and intuitively appealing way to define group selection in terms of the effects of group‐level events. We illustrate our theory of group selection by applying it to models of the evolution of cooperation and the evolution of simple multicellular organisms, and then demonstrate that this kind of group selection is not mathematically equivalent to individual‐level (kin) selection.  相似文献   

华福花的解剖学特征及其同五福花的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文记载了华福花的地理分布,生长和繁衍的物理条件,详细描述了营养器官的解剖学特征和花粉形态。从四个方面比较了两种植物的共同点和不同点,强调了华福花和五福花相比处于更高的阶段,并在发展和分化中。  相似文献   

文[1]提出了单种生长的连续性文广义Logistic dx/dt=γx({K-x}/(K+px))其中γ>ο为种群的内禀生长率,K>0为环境容纳量,ν>-1表示种群对环境(包括营  相似文献   

Sexual signal evolution can be complex because multiple factors influence the production, transmission, and reception of sexual signals, as well as receivers’ responses to them. To grasp the relative importance of these factors in generating signal diversity, we must simultaneously investigate multiple selective agents and signaling traits within a natural system. We use the model system of the radiation of Bahamas mosquitofish (Gambusia hubbsi) inhabiting blue holes to test the effects of resource availability, male body size and other life‐history traits, key aspects of the transmission environment, sex ratio, and predation risk on variation in multiple male color traits. Consistent with previous work examining other traits in this system, several color traits have repeatedly diverged between predation regimes, exhibiting greater elaboration in the absence of predators. However, other factors proved influential as well, with variation in resource levels, body size, relative testes size, and background water color being especially important for several color traits. For one prominent signaling trait, orange dorsal fins, we further confirmed a genetic basis underlying population differences using a laboratory common‐garden experiment. We illustrate a promising approach for gaining a detailed understanding of the many contributing factors in the evolution of multivariate sexual signals.  相似文献   

Relationships between evolutionary rates and gene properties on a genomic, functional, pathway, or system level are being explored to unravel the principles of the evolutionary process. In particular, functional network properties have been analyzed to recognize the constraints they may impose on the evolutionary fate of genes. Here we took as a case study the core metabolic network in human erythrocytes and we analyzed the relationship between the evolutionary rates of its genes and the metabolic flux distribution throughout it. We found that metabolic flux correlates with the ratio of nonsynonymous to synonymous substitution rates. Genes encoding enzymes that carry high fluxes have been more constrained in their evolution, while purifying selection is more relaxed in genes encoding enzymes carrying low metabolic fluxes. These results demonstrate the importance of considering the dynamical functioning of gene networks when assessing the action of selection on system‐level properties.  相似文献   

Four natural populations of Clarkia tembloriensis, whose levels of heterozygosity and rates of outcrossing were previously found to be correlated, are examined for developmental instability in their leaves. From the northern end of the species range, we compare a predominantly selfing population (t? = 0.26) with a more outcrossed population (t? = 0.84), which is genetically similar. From the southern end of the range, we compare a highly selfing population (t? = 0.03) with a more outcrossed population (t? = 0.58). We measured developmental stability in the populations using two measures of within-plant variation in leaf length as well as calculations of fluctuating asymmetry (FA) for several leaf traits. Growth-chamber experiments show that selfing populations are significantly more variable in leaf length than more outcrossed populations. Developmental instability can contribute to this difference in population-level variance. Plants from more homozygous populations tend to have greater within-plant variance over developmentally comparable nodes than plants from more heterozygous populations, but the difference is not significant. At the upper nodes of the plant, mature leaf length declines steadily with plant age, allowing for a regression of leaf length on node. On average, the plants from more homozygous populations showed higher variance about the regression (MSE) and lower R2 values, suggesting that the decline in leaf length with plant age is less stable in plants from selfing populations than in plants from outcrossing populations. Fluctuating asymmetry (FA) was calculated for four traits within single leaves at up to five nodes per plant. At the early nodes of the plant where leaf arrangement is opposite, FA was also calculated for the same traits between opposite leaves at a node. Fluctuating asymmetry is significantly greater in the southern selfing population than in the neighboring outcrossed population. Northern populations do not differ in FA. Fluctuating asymmetry can vary significantly between nodes. The FA values of different leaf traits were not correlated. We show that developmental stability can be measured in plants using FA and within-plant variance. Our data suggest that large differences in breeding system are associated with differences in stability, with more inbred populations being the least stable.  相似文献   

The growth rate, stationary cell concentration, and toxicity of Prymnesium parvum N. Carter were measured using a strain isolated from Texas inland waters. We used a multifactor experimental approach with multiple regression analysis to determine the importance of environmental factors, including temperature, light, and salinity to these algal measurements. Exponential growth rate was unimodal in relation to temperature, salinity, and irradiance, with an estimated maximal growth of 0.94 d?1 occurring at 27°C, 22 practical salinity units (psu), and 275 μmol photons·m?2·s?1. Stationary cell concentrations also had unimodal responses to temperature and salinity but increased with irradiance. Maximal cell concentrations were estimated to occur at 26°C and 22 psu. Both maximum growth rate and highest stationary cell concentrations were measured at levels of each factor resembling warm, estuarine conditions that differ from the conditions under which blooms occur in inland waters in the southwestern United States. Acute toxicity to fish was highest at the lowest salinity and temperature levels, conditions not optimal for exponential growth but similar to those under which blooms occur in inland waters. Our results imply that summer blooms could occur in inland waters of the southwestern United States. Generally, they have not, suggesting that factors other than those investigated in this research influence bloom dynamics.  相似文献   

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