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While attachment loss currently is the best field examination indicator that periodontal disease has progressed, this measure is not disaggregated enough to differentiate between attachment loss that results in deeper pockets and attachment loss that results primarily in recession of the gingiva. If these two conditions have different etiologies, then efforts at predicting who will experience the condition from a single, general risk assessment model will be difficult. The purpose of this paper is to determine whether the characteristics of people who experience attachment loss primarily as increased probing depths are different from those people who experience attachment loss primarily as gingival recession. Baseline and 18-month follow-up periodontal measures were gathered on a representative sample of community-dwelling adults aged 65+. Based on measurement errors obtained one week apart on a reliability subsample, a threshold level of 3+mm was set to define attachment loss. Attachment loss was further characterized as resulting from mostly increased probing depth or from mostly increased gingival recession. In mesio-buccal sites, 58% of the people had attachment loss mostly due to increased probing depth with 42% having attachment loss mostly due to gingival recession. For buccal sites, the figures were 24% and 76% respectively. The logistic regression models for both sites indicated that people who had their attachment loss in the form of increased probing depths had different characteristics than people who had most of their attachment loss in the form of gingival recession. These epidemiologic data indicate that different processes may be involved in people who experience attachment loss due to deeper probing depths as compared to people whose attachment loss is due more to gingival recession and not separating the two types of attachment loss may be a reason for inacuracies in risk prediction.  相似文献   

The width of plaque-free zones on stained surfaces of extracted primary molars showing attachment loss was measured. The teeth were divided into 4 groups: maxillary first and second molars, mandibular first and second molars. 30 measurements were made under a stereomicroscope on each of the 4 surfaces in every group. The plaque-free zone had a mean width of 1.75 +/- 0.49 mm and a range of 1.0-4.3 mm. The plaque-free zone was significantly (P less than 0.001) wider on the proximal surfaces (1.94 +/- 0.56 mm) than on the combined buccal and lingual surfaces (1.56 +/- 0.32 mm). There was no difference between the 2 proximal surfaces while the lingual surfaces gave higher values than the buccal ones. On the second and on the lower primary molars, the plaque-free zones were wider than on the first and on the upper molars.  相似文献   

The aim of the present investigation was to study the influence of an increased tooth mobility on the resistance offered by the periodontal tissues to probing. 6 beagle dogs were used. At the start of the experiment, the animals had clean teeth and normal gingival and periodontal conditions. In each dog, a device was installed in the lower left jaw quadrant to expose the third premolar (P3) to jiggling forces which would enhance the mobility of this "test" tooth. The contralateral tooth served as the non-jiggled control. During the 3 months of experimentation, the teeth of the dogs were cleaned on a regular basis. Clinical examinations including tooth mobility measurements were performed on days 0 and 90. After the examination on Day 90, a probe was inserted in the buccal "pocket" of the mesial root of 3P and P3. The probe was retained with composite. Biopsies including the test or control tooth with adjacent buccal periodontal tissues were harvested, fixed and decalcified. Each biopsy was divided in one mesial and one distal portion (root). The distal portion was embedded in Epon, sectioned and stained in PAS and toluidine blue, while the mesial portion, following probe removal was embedded in paraffin, sectioned and stained in hematoxylin-eosin. The sections were exposed to histometric and morphometric measurements. The findings demonstrated that tissue alterations which occur at mobile teeth may reduce the resistance offered by the periodontal tissues to clinical probing. Such alterations include (i) reduced height of the alveolar bone, (ii) reduced amount of collagen, and increased vascularity in the enlarged supracrestal connective tissue.  相似文献   

23 subjects were followed prior to treatment for 5 to 12 months in an attempt to relate attachment loss during this period to attachment level, probing depth, gingival redness and bleeding on probing. The subjects were divided into 3 groups based on amount and distribution of prior attachment loss: minor periodontitis, predominantly molar periodontitis and generalized periodontitis. The % of sites that exhibited attachment loss during the study period in the minor periodontitis, predominantly molar periodontitis and generalized periodontitis groups, were 1.3, 8.1 and 5.4, respectively. Subjects with minor periodontitis and predominantly molar periodontitis exhibited attachment loss more frequently in molar sites, proximal sites and sites with attachment level greater than or equal to 4 mm. In subjects with generalized periodontitis, attachment loss was related to tooth surface and attachment level, but not to tooth type. The relationship between the clinical parameters and attachment loss was improved compared with previous studies by using more homogeneous subject groups, more sensitive methods of analyzing attachment change and multivariate data analysis. However, the clinical parameters could not be used as diagnostic tests to predict attachment loss at individual sites.  相似文献   

Abstract 2 main concepts seem to exist for the progression of periodontitis: (1) a slow continuous process of attachment loss; (2) periodic bursts of activity followed by quiescence or remission. This study addresses this problem and presents data for 69 sites having experienced a net loss of probing attachment amounting to ≥3.0 mm over 42 months. The sites originated from 16 adult patients monitored after nonsurgical treatment of advanced chronic periodontitis. Probing attachment level recordings were obtained every 3rd month. The sequential probing attachment level data for each site were smoothed using cubic splines. Subjective evaluation of the raw and the smoothed data from the study sites suggested that the majority of the sites seemed to lose probing attachment in a continuous fashion, and over periods of 12 months or more. The smoothed curves were subjected to principal components analysis, which allowed the 69 sites to be ordered according to curve similarity. Nonparametric runs test failed to show that the shape of the curves for the sites was significantly associated with any of the following characteristics: patient, tooth type, tooth surface, initial probing depth, bleeding frequency, occurrence of suppuration, or a combination of inflammatory characteristics of sites.  相似文献   

Probing depth at implants and teeth   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract The aim of the present investigation was to assess the resistance offered by the gingiva at teeth and the peri-implant mucosa at osseointegrated titanium implants to mechanical probing. 5 beagle dogs were used in the experiment. The 2nd and 3rd premolars and the 1st molars of the right and left mandibular dentition were extracted. 2 titanium implants were installed in the edentulous right and left premolar- and motar-regions. Abutment connection was performed 3 months later. The remaining premolar in the left jaw (P4) was exposed to “experimental periodomitis” during a 4–momh period and, thus, the 4th premolar in the right jaw (4P) was representing healthy periodontium. The inflamed soft tissues at P4 were treated using a flap procedure. Following 2 weeks of healing, the main experiment was started, i.e., day 0. During the subsequent 360 days, the teeth and abutment parts of the implants were regularly exposed to plaque control (3 x /week). Radiographs of 4P-, P4- and the implant-regions were obtained on days 0 and 360. Mobility measurements were performed on days 0 and 360. Biopsies of the experimental teeth and the implants were sampled at the end of the study, The results of the present experiment demonstrated that differences in terms of tissue composition, organization and attachment between the gingiva and the root surface on one hand and between the peri-implant mocusa and the -implant surface on the other, make the conditions for probing depth measurements at teeth and implants different. It was observed that the resistance offered by the gingiva to probing was greater than that offered by the peri-implant mucosa, and consequently the probe penetration became more advanced at implants than at teeth.  相似文献   

Periodontal sites of shallow initial probing depth often seem to lose probing attachment following various types of periodontal therapy, including nonsurgical therapy. The susceptibility to this treatment-associated probing attachment loss may conceivably be related to gingival architecture as well as to the inflammatory status of the tissues. This study was designed to study the relationship of buccolingual gingival thickness and bleeding on probing in shallow buccal sites (less than or equal to 3.5 mm probing depth) to loss of probing attachment following nonsurgical therapy. 3 months following treatment consisting of oral hygiene instruction and supra- and subgingival debridement, thin (less than or equal to 1.5 mm), initially non-bleeding sites displayed a mean loss of probing attachment of 0.3 mm. Thick (greater than or equal to 2.0 mm), non-bleeding sites displayed a less noticeable mean loss of probing attachment, whereas bleeding sites of both categories of gingival thickness showed a tendency towards gains in probing attachment levels. It may be concluded that the mean loss in probing attachment levels, commonly seen for shallow sites post-therapy, may be primarily due to the changes in shallow, thin healthy areas.  相似文献   

This paper describes the association between the occurrence of necrotizing ulcerative gingival lesions and clinical attachment loss using multivariable logistic regression methods and data originating in an epidemiological study conducted among a random sample of adolescents (n = 9203). Results show that the presence of necrotizing ulcerative gingival lesions is strongly associated with the occurrence of clinical attachment loss, whether defined as the presence of clinical attachment loss > or= 1 mm in at least two teeth or as the presence of clinical attachment loss > or = 3 mm in at least one tooth. This contribution of necrotizing ulcerative gingival lesions appeared to occur independently of the contribution from known common risk factors. Our findings suggest that there are causes of necrotizing ulcerative gingival lesions, yet to be identified, which have a substantial impact on the occurrence of clinical attachment loss.  相似文献   

Abstract Periodontal sites which had undergone probing attachment loss were identified in 16 advanced periodontitis patients subjected to initial periodontal treatment and monitored every 3rd month for 42 months. Many sites with probing attachment loss showed no increase in probing depth and bled on probing at a few of the examinations during maintenance. Others showed increase in depth, frequent bleeding and suppuration. An arbitrary classification of ‘questionable periodontitis’ sites was used and included sites with the following characteristics: probing depth at 42 months 3.5 mm + bleeding on probing at no more than 5 of the 14 examinations 3-42 months + no suppuration on probing 3-42 months. The % sites in this category ranged from 21-35%, depending upon method used to determine probing attachment loss. Widely varying characteristics of sites identified with probing attachment loss were evident for all surface locations and all subgroups of initial probing depth. From a traditional viewpoint, a significant proportion of the losing sites might not have been afflicted with periodontitis. On the other hand, deterioration does not necessarily have to be coupled with obvious inflammation, particularly following therapy.  相似文献   

Abstract The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence and the development/progression of attachment loss and gingival recession at buccal tooth surfaces in a population sample with a high standard of oral hygiene. An additional aim was to study the relationship between attachment loss and gingival recession. The subject sample examined comprised 225 regular denial care attendants at 12 community dental clinics in Sweden. Ail subjects were subjected to a baseline examination in 1977–78 and were re-examined after 5 years and 12 years. The clinical examinations involved assessment of plaque, gingivitis, probing depth, probing attachment loss and gingival recession. A full-mouth set of intra-oral radiographs was obtained at each examination and used for determination of the height of periodontal bone support. The results of the cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses performed showed that in subjects with a high standard of oral hygiene (i) buccal gingival recession was a frequent finding, (ii) the proportion of subjects with recession increased with age. (iii) the prevalence as well as the incidence of recessions within the dentition showed different patterns depending on age, (iv) sites with recession showed susceptibility for additional apical displacement of the gingival margin and (v) loss of approximal periodontal support was associated with gingival recession at the buccal surface.  相似文献   

Abstract Pocket depth, attachment level and bone level assessments were carried out using flexible splints to produce readily identifiable reference points and to standardize the probing spot and the direction of probe insertion. The pocket depth and attachment level measurements were carried out twice at intervals of 3 weeks, both before and 3 months after periodontal treatment. The level of alveolar bone was measured by transgingival probing (“sounding”) and again following elevation of a mucoperiosteal flap. The measurements were made with a periodontal probe to the nearest higher millimeter. Complete agreement was found between the first and second measurements of pocket depths and attachment level for approximately 60% of the examined surfaces, both before and after periodontal treatment. A deviation of 1 mm or less was found for approximately 95% of the surfaces, and the difference between the first and second measurement never exceeded 3 mm. When transgingival probing measurements were compared to the measurements of the periodontal bone level assessed after elevation of a mucoperiosteal flap, complete agreement was found for 60% of the surfaces, and a deviation of 1 mm or less was found for 90% of the surfaces. No discrepancy exceeding 3 mm was observed. The results of this study indicate that readily identifiable reference points can be produced by flexible splints in assessments of pocket depth, attachment level and bone level alterations in studies on the effect of periodontal treatment.  相似文献   

9 adult subjects with severe periodontitis were monitored following oral hygiene instruction and a single episode of crown and root debridement. Baseline recordings for probing attachment level were obtained both immediately pre-instrumentation and immediately post-instrumentation. Sites with gain, no change or loss of probing attachment level at 3 and 12 months compared to both pre- and post-instrumentation were identified. The classification was based upon the use of triplicate recordings at each time point, a site-specific standard deviation for measurement variability, and the requirement of a minimum of 1.0 mm change. The relative frequencies of gain, no change, and loss of probing attachment were then calculated for sites of various residual probing depths at 3 and 12 months. This was performed to evaluate if a given probing depth at re-evaluation, e.g., 7.0-7.5 mm, could be used as an indicator of the need for supplementary treatment following the initial therapy, based upon the observed probing attachment changes compared to baseline. As an example of the results of the present study, 60% of sites with residual probing depths of 7.0-7.5 mm showed probing attachment gain greater than or equal to 1.0 mm compared to the post-instrumentation baseline, and only 2% had undergone probing attachment loss greater than or equal to 1.0 mm. The overall results suggest that a relatively deep residual probing depth at re-evaluation following initial therapy, by itself, provides little evidence of lack of improvement compared to baseline. On this basis, the use of a specific probing depth at 3 or 12 months following treatment as a yardstick for the provision of supplementary treatment may not be justified.  相似文献   

To cite this article:
Int J Dent Hygiene 10 , 2012; 74–79
DOI: 10.1111/j.1601‐5037.2011.00509.x
Darby IB, Polster A, Gan JS, Guo Q, Henein N, Heredia A, Horina H, Sanduja D, Radvar M. Left‐to‐right distribution of periodontal disease. Abstract: Aim: Symmetry is a property established in many human biological systems and it is reasonable to expect that it may also exist in the mouth. The objective of this study was to examine whether there is a similar left‐to‐right distribution in periodontal disease. Method: Records of 197 patients from the Periodontics department of The Royal Dental Hospital of Melbourne were analysed. The clinical parameters recorded were pocket probing depth, recession, bleeding on probing, mobility and furcation involvement. Results: The average age of our sample group was 47.5 years old, with 34.5% men and 65.5% women. The results demonstrated significant left‐to‐right distribution with all the periodontal indices recorded. Conclusion: The findings support previous studies that show that a similar left‐to‐right distribution exists in the population studied.  相似文献   

Abstract . The aim of this retrospective study was to determine if a chairside assay for neutral protease activity in gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) could provide an early indication of site-specific disease activity, as defined by probing attachment loss. Clinical measures and assay data were collected at 6-month intervals over an average period of 26 months (range from 24 to 36 months). 38 subjects were selected from a pool of previously-treated chronic adult periodontitis patients who were in periodontal maintenance at intervals of 3 to 6 months. GCF samples were collected from a total of 71 tooth sites exhibiting prior attachment loss, and analyzed for neutral protease activity (NPA). Positive BOP and positive NPA scores were classified as true positives if sites subsequently lost at least 1 mm of attachment over the next 12 months, as confirmed by linear regression analysis. As a predictor of breakdown, the NPA assay had an accuracy of 94% and a risk ratio of 37.6 as compared to values of 58% and 1.5 for BOP. When only the subset of sites ≥7 mm were considered, the NPA assay had a calculated accuracy of 92% versus a value of 50% for BOP. These results indicate that the assay appears to differentiate between bleeding at sites exhibiting only chronic inflammation with no attachment loss and bleeding at sites undergoing active attachment loss.  相似文献   

176 extracted teeth restored with Class II amalgam fillings, having identical distribution regarding tooth type, jaw and proximal surface localization, were investigated. The loss of attachment was measured on stained teeth under a stereomicroscope fitted with an ocular micrometer. The cervical margins of restorations were examined with a probe. Defective cervical margins were found in 85.8% of the 176 restorations. The mean loss of attachment on the restored surfaces (1.4 mm) was significantly higher (P less than 0.001) than on the sound unrestored surfaces of the same teeth (0.9 mm). Little difference was found between mesial and distal surfaces. The restored surfaces of the lower molars showed less loss of attachment, when compared to similar surfaces of upper molars and lower premolars (P less than 0.05).  相似文献   

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