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Free-living (FLC) and particle-associated (PAC) bacterial communities contribute differentially to the cycling of matter in the environment. In this work we have for the first time studied the taxonomic composition and diversity of FLC and PAC in the oligotrophic freshwater Lake Baikal during the under-ice plankton peak. The communities on the bottom ice surface and in the water column under the ice were studied. Analysis by light microscopy showed that the bottom surface of the ice was dominated by green algae Chlorella spp. A complex of microalgae developed in the water column: green algae Monoraphidium griffithii, Monoraphidium contortum, Chlorella spp., chrysophyte Dinobryon cylindricum, haptophyte Chrysochromulina parva, and diatom Synedra acus. Algal abundance on the ice sub-surface was several orders of magnitude higher than that in the water column. According to pyrosequencing data of the bacterial 16S rRNA V3-V4 region, diversity of FLC (as measured by Shannon, Simpson, Chao1 and ACE indices) was higher than that of PAC. Proteobacteria (Burkholderiaceae) dominated the FLC associated with ice; FLC of the water column under ice were dominated by Actinobacteria (Sporichthyaceae and Ilumatobacteraceae) and Verrucomicrobia (Methylacidiphilaceae). PAC associated with ice were dominated by Bacteroidetes (Flavobacteriaceae), while water column-associated PAC were dominated by Verrucomicrobia (FukuN18_freshwater_group, Methylacidiphilaceae) and cyanobacteria (Cyanobiaceae). The difference between free-living and particle-associated, as well as between water column and ice sub-surface bacterial communities, were explored on operational taxonomic unit (OTU) and phylotype levels.  相似文献   

We investigated the diversity of benthic algal communities as well as phytoplankton in Lake Baikal. The structure of benthic algal communities changed in comparison to the period before 2000 due to intense development of filamentous algae, particularly Spirogyra. Percent cover of filamentous algae in different areas of the coastal zone varied from 0 to 100%. The lowest Spirogyra biomass was recorded in the surf and wave-breaking zones, whereas the highest biomass was observed in the area of the bottom less affected by waves. Fragments of Spirogyra thallomes were also recorded in the phytoplankton community of Lake Baikal's southern basin which is a new phenomena not previously recorded in the lake. Hydraulic characteristics of Spirogyra were similar to those of planktonic diatoms. Currents and wave effects on the bottom favored transfer and distribution of Spirogyra from locations with intense development to the coastal area of Lake Baikal. Spirogyra is now found throughout Lake Baikal.  相似文献   

Benthic macroinvertebrates were examined over a two-year period in nonregulated, regulated, and semiregulated reaches of the Clearwater River in northern Idaho. Macroinvertebrate communities in the nonregulated reach above Dworshak Reservoir were taxonomically diverse at all stations. In contrast, the macroinvertebrate community in the regulated reach of the North Fork of the Clearwater River (NFCR) was severely altered with high macroinvertebrate abundance and low taxa richness (2 to 8 taxa). Orthoclad chironomids dominated this reach composing between 68 and 99 per cent of total benthic invertebrate numbers. The mayfly Ephemerella infrequens was the only other macroinvertebrate to be abundant in the regulated reach. The major factors contributing to the simplified macroinvertebrate community are reduced habitat diversity, fluctuating water levels, altered thermal regime, and possibly an altered food supply. The effects of the dam were mitigated in the semiregulated Mainstem of the Clearwater River (MSCR) due to the merger of a nonregulated fork entering 2.5 km downstream from the dam. The macroinvertebrate community in the semiregulated MSCR was more complex than the regulated reach with a community structure resembling that found above the reservoir.  相似文献   

This paper combines predictions of the effects of anthropogenic impacts on the plankton of Lake Baikal with models of ecosystem disturbance. Increases in mineralization, non‐toxic organic matter, nutrients, phenolic compounds, oil products and heavy metals were simulated. Significantly higher sensitivity of the community below the ice to external influences was demonstrated compared to the summer–autumn community, when there was no ice layer. Models of the distribution of aquatic pollutants demonstrate the occurrence of deviations from ecosystem state parameters in the bottom layer under the influence of pollutant input with precipitation and the distribution of perturbations over greater (up to 500 km) distances. Simulation of pollutant input at present levels shows that Lake Baikal is already perturbed. This is indicated by increases in bacterial and summer phytoplankton biomass and nutrient concentration, and by fluctuations in the zooplankton biomass.  相似文献   

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and n-alkanes were found in five different types of oil-containing samples emanating from deep oil seeps in Lake Baikal, the deepest and oldest lake in the world containing 20% of the world’s surface freshwater. The n-alkanes were the dominant component of the seeped oil on the water surface. PAHs were minor compounds of the oil, but this group is included in a priority series of organic contaminants that are subject to environmental regulation. The set of studied samples from the seep included: (i) freshly-emitted oil on the lake surface, (ii) oil at the lake bottom, (iii) samples of asphalt towers at the lake bottom, (iv) oil from voids within the sediment core and (v) samples of water from different depths. High variability in the concentrations of n-alkanes and PAHs suggested the presence of oil fractionation at the sediment-water interface. A light fraction of oil enriched by n-alkanes migrates to the surface of the lake’s water column, where n-alkanes are biodegraded by the Baikal microbial community while heavy oil fractions remain at the lake bottom and form asphalt towers in which PAHs with maximum toxicity accumulate. In the lake’s photic water layer, PAHs from light oil can be accumulated by phytoplankton. In the lake’s water column, benzo[a]pyrene was not detected over their detection limit (0.1 ng/L). The Toxic Equivalent (TEQ) value of PAHs identified in the Baikal water ranged from 0.001 to 0.012 ng/L.  相似文献   

The Canada-U.S. State of the Strait Conference is a biennial forum with a 22-year history of assessing ecosystem status and providing advice to improve research, monitoring, and management of the Detroit River and western Lake Erie. The 2019 conference focused on assessing ecosystem health based on 61 indicators. Although there has been considerable improvement in the Detroit River since the 1960s, much additional cleanup is needed to restore ecosystem health. Western Lake Erie is now at risk of crossing several potential tipping points caused by the interactions of a variety of drivers and their stresses. This assessment identified eight environmental and natural resource challenges: climate change; population growth/transportation expansion/land use changes; chemicals of concern; human health/environmental justice; aquatic invasive species; habitat loss/degradation; nonpoint source pollution; and eutrophication/harmful algal blooms. Specific recommendations for addressing each challenge were also made. Climate change is the most pressing environmental challenge of our time and considered a “threat multiplier” whereby warmer, wetter, and more extreme climatic conditions amplify other threats such as poor air quality effects on vulnerable residents, species changes, and nonpoint source runoff and combined sewer overflow events that contribute to eutrophication and can manifest as harmful algal blooms. Our assessment found that investments in monitoring and evaluation are insufficient and that the region's intellectual and environmental capital is not being leveraged sufficiently to address current challenges. Continued investment in this transnational network is essential to support ecosystem-based management.  相似文献   

Lake Erie has experienced multiple anthropogenic-driven changes in the past century, including cultural eutrophication, phosphorus abatement initiatives, and the introduction of invasive species. The benthos of Lake Erie has been studied infrequently over nine decades and can provide not only insights into the impact of environmental changes but can also be used to examine ecosystem recovery through time. We used multivariate analyses to examine temporal changes in community composition and to assess the major drivers of long-term changes in benthos. Eutrophication, water quality improvement, and dreissenid introduction were the major drivers of changes in benthos in the western basin, while hypoxia was a major factor in the central basin, and dreissenid introduction was most important in the eastern basin. Non-dreissenid community composition of the western basin has changed dramatically over 90 years from benthic species indicative of good water quality in the 1930s, with a diverse community dominated by Hexagenia, to one of low diversity dominated by oligochaetes and other pollution-tolerant species in the 1960s, followed by recovery in the early 2000s to a state similar to that reported in 1930. In contrast, the non-dreissenid benthic community of the central basin over 60 years was consistently dominated by low oxygen-tolerant taxa, signifying the persistence of hypoxia, the major community driver in this basin. The eastern basin community also changed dramatically, including the disappearance of Diporeia after the introduction of Dreissena in the 1990s and more recent declines in oligochaetes, amphipods, gastropods, sphaeriid clams, and leeches.  相似文献   

Surveys to locate and monitor bubble gas seeps in Lake Baikal have been conducted mainly using the active echolocation methods since the 2000s. This paper compares the active acoustic method with a newly developed optical and passive acoustic methods using the example of the shallow-water gas seep Istok in the Selenga shoal. The optical method is based on processing of underwater video records of ascending bubbles while the passive acoustic uses spectral analysis of gas jet noise recorded using a hydrophone. Optical and passive acoustic methods enables estimation of the bubble size distribution function, which is necessary for the calculation of the bubble gas flux. The latter can be evaluated from active echolocation or optical data. By applying these methods, their possibilities and limitations are revealed as well as benefits of their combined use and ways to improve their accuracy in future.  相似文献   

The effects of restoration of channel meandering and of groyne structures on physical variables and river‐dwelling macroinvertebrates were examined in a lowland river, the Shibetsu River in Northern Japan. The lowland segment of the Shibetsu River, which previously meandered, was straightened by channelization and groynes installed on some portions of the channelized reach. In 2002, the channelization works were partly reversed to improve the degraded river ecosystem. Physical environment variables and macroinvertebrate community structure and composition were compared among reconstructed meanders and channelized reaches with and without groynes. The shear stress of the river edge in reconstructed meanders and groyne reaches was lower than that in a channelized reach. In addition, the edge habitat near the stream bank created by the reconstructed meander and groyne reaches had higher total density and taxon richness of macroinvertebrates than those of the channelized reach. Restoration provided a relatively stable edge habitat, contributing to the recovery of macroinvertebrate communities in such channelized lowland rivers. The placement of groynes can be an effective method of in‐stream habitat restoration for macroinvertebrates. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Channelization and the construction of 12 dams on the Lower Rhǒne during the last 30 years increased the morphological and biological effects of 19th century embanking along the river. These trends were demonstrated on the main channel, i.e. the central axis of the alluvial floodplain, by the synchronic study of the benthic macrofauna of six lowhead hydroelectric impoundments. The variability of the most significant taxa was investigated by an ANOVA, and the data-samples matrix was processed with a Principal Components Analysis in order to analyse the communities organization and their significance. The benthic macroinvertebrate communities of the channel include some lentic potamic species topographically related with this kind of river (metapotamon), as well as eurytopic and pollution-tolerant species. Thus, the Lower Rhǒne has become a slow potamic river, in the same way as other large mid-European rivers. Flow velocity appears to be the most important structural factor in a large regulated river. The homogeneity of the macroinvertebrate communities and the absence of longitudinal typology show that, in a very intensely regulated river, the River Continuum Concept is too theoretical, and the disturbing effects of dams on longitudinal changes and species response to regulation must be taken into account.  相似文献   

River plumes form in coastal areas where tributaries mix with their receiving waters. Plume waters are enriched with terrestrial-derived nutrients from their watersheds creating hotspots of biological productivity. The biological importance of plumes scales with the size and persistence of the plume; therefore, large, persistent plumes are more important than small, transient plumes. To date, most studies of plumes have focused on assimilation of terrestrial-derived energy by aquatic species or lower-level food web effects, primarily in marine systems. Few studies have described fish communities near plume habitats and compared them to non-plume areas, especially for the numerous small plumes in the Laurentian Great Lakes. Here we demonstrate that small plumes in the main basin of Lake Michigan enhance local primary productivity and influence distribution and abundance of nearshore Great Lakes fishes. We found that plume fish communities were relatively depauperate and did not support higher biological diversity of fishes compared to non-plume areas. However, individual species including rainbow smelt Osmerus mordax, spottail shiner Notropis hudsonius, and white sucker Catostomus commersonii were more abundant around plumes. Our results demonstrate that small plumes in the main basin of Lake Michigan support highly localized hotspots of biological productivity and fish abundance, primarily within 2?km of river mouths.  相似文献   

The St. Marys River connects Lake Superior to Lake Huron, comprising the international border between Michigan, United States, and Ontario, Canada. This Great Lakes connecting channel naturally encompasses various habitats including lakes, wetlands, islands, tributaries, side channels, and main channels. The St. Marys River Rapids are shallow rock areas with high flow velocities (>1 m/s) in the upper river adjacent to the navigation locks and electric power generating stations, while the Little Rapids are shallow, recently restored rocky areas with lower velocities located about 7 km downstream. The St. Marys River Rapids provide important spawning habitat for several native and introduced fishes, but spawning by lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) was not previously documented. We sampled for lake sturgeon eggs and larvae in both locations during June and July 2018–2019 using weekly benthic egg mat lifts and overnight D-frame larval fish drift nets. Viable lake sturgeon eggs (11 in 2018, 45 in 2019) were collected in the tailrace of a hydroelectric power facility adjacent to the St. Marys River Rapids. Larval lake sturgeon (21 in 2018, 1 in 2019) were collected in the same area as the eggs. Neither lake sturgeon eggs nor larvae were collected at Little Rapids in either year. Our results are the first documentation of successful lake sturgeon spawning and larval drift in the upper St. Marys River. While our observations showed spawning in a human-made tailrace area, the fate of larvae produced here is unknown and warrants further research.  相似文献   

以最大日负荷量(TMDL)计划理念为基础,利用太湖新孟河流域水文水质、污染源资料,对照水功能区的水质要求,对基于月水平的流域最大日负荷量进行了计算分析,提出了基于TMDL值的污染控制措施。结果表明:该流域全年TMDL值变化幅度较大,面源为该区域水质的主要污染源;面源污染负荷量在不同月份差异明显;根据污染物削减量的计算结果提示,并非每个月都要按照统一的削减标准进行排污控制,可根据TMDL计划科学利用和调控水环境容量,既促进环境保护又推动社会经济的和谐发展。  相似文献   

为了量化鄱阳湖入江水道各监测断面的水质污染情况,探讨水质风险的变化规律,基于断面水质月际劣化速率对鄱阳湖入江水道的水质风险进行评估。选取吴城、都昌、老爷庙、星子和蛤蟆石断面的水质监测数据,推求出不同情景下水质“超标”的风险,并探讨水质风险在入江水道中的时空变化规律。结果表明:鄱阳湖水质月际劣化速率符合P-Ⅲ分布;本研究从有害事件发生概率的角度定义断面水质风险,科学描述了鄱阳湖入江水道面临的水质问题,设置的阈值能够合理刻划风险等级;导致鄱阳湖入江水道水质劣化的主要指标为TP、pH值和COD;蛤蟆石断面水质“超标”的控制指标为TP,超标概率为12.29%;吴城和老爷庙断面的控制指标为COD,超标概率分别是2.58%和2.73%;都昌和星子断面则为pH值,超标概率分别为1.82%和3.29%。基于该方法,可以预测相关水质指标的超标概率,确定断面水质风险等级,明确可能导致水质有害事件的主要指标,从而为目标水体水质的精准管理提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

The effects of flow regulation on macroinvertebrates and periphytic diatoms were examined in the Hawkesbury–Nepean River system in Australia. Regulated sites below eight dams or weirs were compared with unregulated sites above the impoundments and sites on two nearby unregulated streams. The management of the water supply during the study created two types of flow regulation, sites with water supply releases and sites with comparatively small or no releases. The macroinvertebrate communities in three habitats and periphytic diatoms below the storages and weirs differed from the biota at unregulated sites above the weirs and on unregulated systems. The number of macroinvertebrate taxa in riffle and pool‐rock assemblages was significantly lower at regulated sites when compared with unregulated sites and the number of stream edge macroinvertebrate and diatom taxa was unaffected by regulation. Riffle and pool‐rock macroinvertebrate assemblages differed between the two types of regulation. However, periphytic diatom and edge habitat macroinvertebrate assemblages did not differ between the two types of flow regulation. Examination of environmental variables associated with the change in the biota suggested that the principal effect of the management of the water supply system in the Hawkesbury–Nepean River was changed hydrology rather than altered water quality. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Naturally occurring chemical markers in otoliths offer a potential but untested means to identify source environment for fishes in the upper Illinois River system and Lake Michigan, including individuals that may breach or circumvent electrical barriers in the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal or be transferred via bait buckets between these formerly isolated drainages. The objectives of this study were to determine whether water and fish otolith stable isotopic and elemental compositions differ among Lake Michigan, the upper Illinois River, and three tributaries of the upper Illinois River (Fox, Des Plaines and DuPage Rivers) and to determine whether otolith isotopic and elemental signatures could be used to identify the water body from which individual fish were collected. Water and fish otolith samples were obtained from each site during 2007 and analyzed for δ18O and a suite of trace element concentrations; otoliths also were analyzed for δ13C. Otolith δ13C values for Lake Michigan fish were distinct from individuals collected in the Illinois River and tributaries. Fish collected in the Fox and Des Plaines Rivers could be distinguished from one another and from fish captured in the Illinois and DuPage Rivers using otolith Sr:Ca and Ba:Ca ratios. Otolith isotopic and elemental compositions may enable identification of source environment for fishes that move or are transferred between the Illinois River drainage and Lake Michigan; however, temporal variation in otolith chemical signatures should be assessed.  相似文献   

Restoration of lake trout Salvelinus namaycush stocks in Lake Huron is a fish community objective developed to promote sustainable fish communities in the lake. Between 1985 and 2004, 12.65 million lake trout were stocked into Lake Huron representing eight different genetic strains. Collections of bona fide wild fish in USGS surveys have increased in recent years and this study examined the ancestry and diet of fish collected between 2004 and 2006 to explore the ecological role they occupy in Lake Huron. Analysis of microsatellite DNA revealed that both pure strain and inter-strain hybrids were observed, and the majority of fish were classified as Seneca Lake strain or Seneca Lake hybrids. Diets of 50 wild age-0 lake trout were examined. Mysis, chironomids, and zooplankton were common prey items of wild age-0 lake trout. These results indicate that stocked fish are successfully reproducing in Lake Huron indicating a level of restoration success. However, continued changes to the benthic macroinvertebrate community, particularly declines of Mysis, may limit growth and survival of wild fish and hinder restoration efforts.  相似文献   

Rainbow trout were introduced to Lake Superior in the late 1800’s and exhibit a potamodromous life history and exhibit high variability in reproductive success. We examined reproductive variability in the Bois Brule River, WI (Lake Superior), through analyses of returns of wild first spawning (hereafter “maiden” returning) adults. We used classification and regression tree analyses to identify in-stream and in-lake (western Lake Superior) sources of variability and to identify the environment (stream or lake) that was most influential to the returns to each location. Among in-stream influences, high discharge rates in the spring period (March – May) during a pre-smolt’s first stream year were the strongest source of variability and were negatively correlated with returns. High discharge during the fall period from September to November in the pre-smolt first stream year was also negatively correlated with numbers of maiden returning steelhead from that year class. When variables associated with Lake Superior were considered, maiden returns were positively correlated with higher lake surface temperatures in Lake Superior. Returns were negatively correlated with the abundance of adult rainbow smelt and bloater suggesting a possible competitive interaction among those species. Finally, we also observed a conditional (minor) positive effect of age-0 smelt abundance indicating the importance of this prey for juveniles in colder years in western Lake Superior. Taken together, our findings indicate that both stream and lake conditions in their first lake year are important sources of variability and point to spates in the spring and fall as initial controlling variables.  相似文献   

为克服传统移民安置评估方法的缺点,选取引黄入冀补淀移民安置评估项目进行研究。评估结合项目特点和以往经验从收支、生产、居住以及人口素质四个方面,选取了12个常用指标建立了移民安置评估指标体系。在调查时,着重收集这些指标数据,评估时采用AHP法对所选取的评价指标进行权重计算并得出了指标重要程度的排序。最后,对这些关键指标的前后变化情况开展了比较分析。从分析结果上来看,AHP法所反映出来的重要指标同项目的特点及移民关注点吻合,分析过程客观。该方法可为移民安置评估工作提供参考。  相似文献   

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