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通过对温湿度的控制促使芝麻萌动,对不同萌动期芝麻的主要组分及萌动芝麻油的主要质量指标、脂肪酸组成、维生素E、芝麻木酚素含量进行测定,研究萌动对芝麻及芝麻油品质的影响。结果显示:控制萌动时间在6 h之内,芝麻的粗脂肪含量和粗蛋白含量降低幅度都很小,不会对出油率造成明显影响,同时对萌动芝麻油酸值和过氧化值的影响也不大。不同萌动期芝麻油脂的主要脂肪酸组成及含量相差不大,随萌动时间的延长,芝麻油中维生素E含量增加(9 h和17 h时,维生素E含量分别提高10%和20%),芝麻素、芝麻林素含量稍有降低,芝麻油的氧化诱导时间延长;萌动芝麻经高温焙炒水代法提取的芝麻油中芝麻酚含量明显提高(增幅30%以上)。芝麻经适度萌动和焙炒后所提取的芝麻油品质更优,特别是在芝麻酚和维生素E含量上显示出优势。  相似文献   

芝麻品种和制油工艺对芝麻油品质的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对以黑、白芝麻为原料,采用水代法、螺旋压榨法、液压压榨法工艺所得芝麻油的理化指标、脂肪酸组成、芝麻油中VE、芝麻素、芝麻酚含量和氧化稳定性进行了测定。结果显示:水代法所得芝麻油的酸值(KOH)和磷脂含量最低,而水分及挥发物含量最高;所有芝麻油样品均含有丰富的抗氧化成分芝麻素、芝麻酚和VE;所有芝麻油样品的脂肪酸组成接近,其中油酸和亚油酸含量高达83.4%;白芝麻油氧化稳定性明显优于黑芝麻油,水代法所得芝麻油氧化稳定性最好,液压压榨芝麻油次之,螺旋压榨芝麻油最差。  相似文献   

Oxidative stability of sesame oil (SO) prepared from sesame seeds roasted at 213, 230, and 247 °C for each 14, 21, or 28 min was determined at 180 °C heating condition by 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), conjugated dienoic acid (CDA) value, headspace oxygen analysis, and profile changes of sesamol and sesamolin. As sesame seeds were roasted with longer time and higher temperature, more sesamol was found in SO. SO from sesame seeds roasted at 247 °C for 28 min had the highest oxidative stability based on the results of CDA and headspace oxygen. Absorbance of DPPH from SO roasted at 230 and 247 °C showed different patterns compared to those from SO at 213 °C during thermal oxidation. Sesamol was continuously generated with the decrease of sesamolin in SO from 230 to 247 °C while sesamol in SO from 213 °C did not increase during 180 °C heating. Higher oxidative stability of SO may be related with the continuous generation of sesamol from the degradation of sesamolin during thermal oxidation rather than the initial antioxidant content.  相似文献   

研究芝麻主要组分对芝麻酱的贮藏稳定性的影响,进而建立芝麻酱加工适宜性评价模型。以来自河南、安徽和湖北三个芝麻主产区较大规模种植的10个芝麻品种为研究对象,采用相关性分析,重点考察不同芝麻组分与贮藏稳定性指标的影响规律。结果表明:灰分、粗脂肪含量与离心析油率、沉降析油率呈较强的正相关,不利于芝麻酱体的稳定,而可溶性糖、粗蛋白含量与离心析油率、沉降析油率呈负相关,有利于芝麻酱体的稳定。根据各组分与芝麻酱贮藏稳定性的相关性大小,建立了基于芝麻组分含量的芝麻酱加工适宜性的评分模型,计算出适宜加工芝麻酱排名前三的芝麻品种依次为:鄂芝4号、郑太芝13号、皖芝3号。   相似文献   

为获得营养成分保留充分、稳定性高的芝麻油,在低温压榨制取芝麻油基础上探讨采用复合酶解、超声和微波精炼制备芝麻油。得到的最佳工艺条件为:复合酶(枯草芽孢杆菌蛋白酶、果胶酶和中性纤维素酶比例1∶3∶5)用量1 000 U/g(以芝麻毛油质量计),超声功率密度0.5 W/cm2,超声时间1 h,微波功率800 W。在最佳条件下,得到的芝麻油氧化诱导时间为5.5 h。与普通低温压榨芝麻油相比,该方法所得芝麻油营养成分含量没有显著差异,磷脂含量和植酸盐含量均降低,氧化稳定性提高了17%。  相似文献   

Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) is considered as the most potent liver carcinogen for humans. A method for determination in sesame seeds was developed. AFB1 was extracted by methanol-water, cleaned by immunoaffinity columns and determined by high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection. The recovery factor and the limit of detection (LOD) of AFB1 in sesame seeds were 111.5% and 0.02 ng g?1, respectively. Thirty samples of sesame products were examined for the presence of AFB1. After analysis, 77.6% of samples were found to be contaminated. Eight samples exceeded the European Union (EU) limit (2 µg AFB1 kg?1). In 15 samples, AFB1 was below the EU limit. Seven samples remained below the LOD. The most contaminated (14.49 ng AFB1 g?1) sample was unpeeled packaged sesame seeds. In all samples, aflatoxigenic Aspergilli fungi as well as the risk for AFB1 presence in sesame seed was investigated.  相似文献   

Sesame paste (tahin) is produced by milling hulled, roasted, sesame seeds. In this study, a hot‐air roasting process for the production of sesame paste was optimised by response surface methodology (RSM) over a range of air temperatures (120–180 °C) for various times (30–60 min). The colour parameters (L, a and b values), browning index (BI), hardness, fracturability and moisture content of the seeds were used as response parameters to develop predictive models and optimise the roasting process. Increases in roasting temperature and time caused increases in the a and b values and in the BI. The hardness and fracturability of seeds also decreased with increasing roasting temperature and time. The quadratic and linear models developed by RSM adequately described the changes in the colour values and textural parameters, respectively. The result of RSM analysis showed that all colour parameters and textural parameters should be used to monitor the roasting of sesame seeds in a hot‐air roaster. To obtain the desired colour and texture, the optimum roasting range for production of sesame paste was determined as 155–170 °C for 40–60 min. Copyright © 2006 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

芝麻奶的工艺及其稳定性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以芝麻酱为原料,研制出了一种风味型乳饮料一芝麻奶。通过试验确定了产品的工艺流程及最佳配方,并从产品不稳定现象出发.研究了芝麻奶的稳定性问题。结果表明,质量分数No.12%的分子蒸馏单甘酯和0.16%蔗糖酯S-13与质量分数为0.24%的CMC—Na和0.02%的黄原胶为芝麻奶稳定剂的最佳组合。  相似文献   

电子鼻在芝麻油及芝麻油香精识别中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用电子鼻时芝麻油、芝麻油香精和其他油脂样品进行了分析.对所获得的数据进行主成分分析(Principal Component Analysis,PCA)、判别因子分析(Discriminant Factor Analysis,DFA)和统计质量控制分析(Statistical Quality Control,SQC),结果表明:电子鼻能够有效识别芝麻油、芝麻油香精和其他油脂,且电子鼻对芝麻油和其他油脂的识别比对芝麻油和芝麻油香精的识别效果更好;2号芝麻油香精和芝麻油样品的香气较为相似,其香气的模拟比较成功;电子鼻能够识别不同储存时间的芝麻油样品,随着储存时间的延长,样品在PCA图中呈现规律性的变化,这可能与芝麻油在储存过程中发生氧化有关.  相似文献   

吐温是一种水溶性表面活性剂,对蛋白乳状液的稳定性有显著影响。将吐温用于水剂法提取芝麻油和芝麻蛋白的研究,期望提高产品提取率。研究发现吐温类表面活性剂对芝麻油提取率都有显著影响,但对芝麻蛋白提取率影响不显著。利用正交实验优化吐温20辅助水剂法提取条件,得到最佳工艺条件为:pH 11,料液比1∶6,浸提时间30 min,浸提温度50℃,吐温20添加量1%。在最佳工艺条件下芝麻油提取率为(60. 97±2. 43)%,显著高于单纯水剂法的提取率(45. 90±2. 12)%,芝麻蛋白提取率为(63. 53±1. 79)%。  相似文献   

目的探究山东、河北、湖南3省芝麻中铅(Pb)、镉(Cd)、砷(As)的污染状况,为芝麻的安全生产提供科学依据。方法选取山东、河北、湖南3省的代表性种植区域的芝麻籽粒作为样品,测定其中的Pb、Cd、As含量,采用单项污染指数法和综合污染指数法对芝麻样品中的Pb、Cd、As进行污染评价。结果山东和湖南2省个别采样地块的芝麻样品中,Cd为中度污染和重度污染水平,河北省是综合污染指数最低的区域。各采样区域内芝麻中的Pb含量、山东和河北2省芝麻中的Cd、As含量均属中等变异程度;湖南省所产芝麻中的Cd、As含量均属强变异程度,且湖南省所产芝麻中的Cd超标率最高;各采样区域内,芝麻籽粒的Cd超标率高于Pb和As的超标率。结论在各采样区域内,Pb、Cd、As的单项污染指数和综合污染指数评价均为未受污染,Cd为综合污染的主要贡献因子,As的污染指数最低,Cd的污染指数最高。  相似文献   

芝麻中木脂素的组成、结构及其生理功能   总被引:17,自引:4,他引:17  
介绍了芝麻中木脂素类物质(lignans):芝麻素、芝麻林素、芝麻酚以及芝麻林素酚等生物活性物质的结构、含量以及其所具有的抗氧化、抗癌、保护肝脏、降低血浆中的胆固醇、调节脂质代谢等诸多生理功能特性.  相似文献   

为了有效处理高含水率且黏度很大的湿芝麻渣,对不同温度条件下(50~120℃)湿芝麻渣的干燥特性以及干燥后芝麻渣氨基酸组成及含量的变化进行了研究。结果表明:干燥温度越高,有效水分扩散系数越大,干燥速率越快;温度从50℃升高到120℃,有效水分扩散系数从5. 47×10~(-10)m~2/s升高到4. 29×10~(-9)m~2/s,表观活化能为32. 84 kJ/mol,而且50℃和120℃两种温度下干燥后的芝麻渣氨基酸组成及含量并没有太大差异。通过扫描电镜观察芝麻渣的表面结构,发现120℃下干燥的芝麻渣比50℃下干燥的芝麻渣水通道更多,结构更疏松。  相似文献   

本文对黑芝麻色素的提取条件及光稳定性、热稳定性、pH值的影响、抗氧化还原性、耐糖耐盐以及金属离子的影响等理化性质进行了研究 ,为黑芝麻色素的开发利用提供了一些参数  相似文献   

The quality characteristics and composition of sesame oils prepared at different roasting temperatures (160–250°C) from sesame seeds using a domestic electric oven were evaluated as compared to an unroasted oil sample: only minor increases (P<0·05) in characteristics, such as peroxide value, carbonyl value, anisidine value and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances, of sesame oils occurred in relation to increasing roasting temperature and time between 160 and 200°C, but colour units of oils increased markedly over a 220°C roasting temperature. Significant decreases (P<0·05) were observed in the amounts of triacylglycerols and phospholipids in the oils prepared using a 250°C roasting temperature. The amounts of γ-tocopherol and sesamin still remained over 80 and 90%, respectively, of the original levels after roasting at 250°C. In the oil prepared using a 250°C roasting temperature, sesamol was detected at 3370 mg per kg oil, but sesamolin was almost depleted after 25 min of roasting. Burning and bitter tastes were found in the oils prepared at roasting temperatures over 220°C. The results suggested that a high-quality product would be obtained by roasting for 25 min at 160 or 180°C, 15 min at 200°C and 5 min at 220°C when compared with the other samples. © 1997 SCI.  相似文献   

核桃黑芝麻奶的研制与开发   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以核桃粉和黑芝麻酱为原料,研制出一种风味奶--核桃黑芝麻奶.通过试验确定了产品的工艺流程及最佳配方,并探讨了稳定剂种类及添加量对产品稳定性的影响.  相似文献   

刘春晓 《中国油脂》2021,46(7):69-74
以芝麻多肽和精炼芝麻油为原料,利用美拉德生香源反应制备浓香芝麻油,研究不同水解度的芝麻多肽对浓香芝麻油感官综合评分的影响,采用高效液相色谱对浓香芝麻油感官综合评分最高的芝麻多肽进行相对分子质量分布分析,并对该芝麻多肽膜分离纯化工艺进行优化。结果表明:水解度为20%的芝麻多肽制备的浓香芝麻油感官综合得分最高,可达5.4分;水解度为20%的芝麻多肽中1 000 Da以下的芝麻多肽占83.33%,对美拉德生香源反应的影响最大;芝麻多肽最佳膜分离纯化工艺条件为酶解液pH 8.0、膜分离压力0.32 MPa、膜分离温度35.5 ℃、膜分离时间30 min,在此条件下膜通量可达89.20 g/(m2·min)。  相似文献   

Although sesame seed oil contains high levels of unsaturated fatty acids and even a small amount of free fatty acids in its unrefined flavored form, it shows markedly greater stability than other dietary vegetable oils. The good stability of sesame seed oil against autoxidation has been ascribed not only to its inherent lignans and tocopherols but also to browning reaction products generated when sesame seeds are roasted. Also, there is a strong synergistic effect among these components. The lignans in sesame seed oil can be categorized into two types, i.e. inherent lignans (sesamin, sesamolin) and lignans mainly formed during the oil production process (sesamol, sesamolinol, etc.). The most abundant tocopherol in sesame seed oil is γ‐tocopherol. This article reviews the antioxidant activities of lignans and tocopherols as well as the browning reaction and its products in sesame seed and/or its oil. It is concluded that the composition and structure of browning reaction products and their impacts on sesame ingredients need to be further studied to better explain the remaining mysteries of sesame oil. © 2014 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

选取黑芝麻和白芝麻各3个品种,研究黑、白芝麻籽、仁及皮的总酚、木脂素含量和抗氧化活性以及总酚、木脂素含量、抗氧化活性之间的相关性。结果表明:黑芝麻籽、仁及皮的总酚含量均高于白芝麻籽、仁及皮;黑芝麻和白芝麻各品种间芝麻籽、芝麻仁及芝麻皮中木脂素含量变化不大,且芝麻素和芝麻林素含量均较低(40 mg/100 g);黑芝麻籽及黑芝麻皮的总抗氧化能力均高于白芝麻籽及白芝麻皮,而黑、白芝麻仁的总抗氧化能力相差不大;黑、白芝麻皮对DPPH·清除率均显著高于芝麻籽及芝麻仁;黑、白芝麻籽及芝麻仁对·OH均表现出很弱的清除能力,而芝麻皮对·OH清除率均在60%以上;黑、白芝麻籽及芝麻皮总酚与总抗氧化能力呈极显著正相关(P0.01),与DPPH·清除率呈极显著(P0.01)或显著(P0.05)正相关。  相似文献   

利用红外技术对芝麻进行干燥,并采用压榨法制油,研究不同红外干燥参数对芝麻水分含量、发芽率、挥发性气体成分及芝麻油酸值、过氧化值的影响。结果表明:红外干燥对芝麻的发芽能力有显著的破坏作用,100℃红外干燥5 min发芽能力约下降至1/5,干燥25 min芝麻完全失去发芽能力。当红外干燥时间在10~25 min或干燥温度在70~130℃时,芝麻的水分含量均达到安全水分(7%)。随着干燥时间的延长或温度的升高,芝麻油酸值由21.35 mg KOH/g降低至4.11 mg KOH/g,过氧化值呈升高趋势(最大值0.71mmol/kg)。红外干燥的芝麻挥发性气体成分中含有烃类、酯类、醛类、醇类、酸类等,其数目依次降低;当干燥时间在15min以上或干燥温度在100℃以上时,酯类成分相对含量减少,而酸类和醇类成分相对含量有一定的增加。  相似文献   

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