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Conventional information science generally considers an information process, but traditionally uses the probability measure for random events, and Shannon’s entropy measure as an uncertainty function of the states. The cutting process on separated states decreases quantity information concealed in the states correlation, holding hidden process information.

Up to now, “information process” has not had a scientifically conclusive definition nor its implicit structure.

The presenting information process performs logical operations with discrete information units (Bits) to achieve a goal, integrating the discrete mutually connected sequence of symbols and the extracting process’ hidden information in the structure of an information Observer. The probing time-space observation develops the unit of space-time geometry-memorizing logic.

The defined information process starts generating observations of a random process via the logic of probing impulses, sequentially cutting the process entropy measure and creating the discrete information units whose integration enfolds the information geometrical structure of an Observer. Found composite stages of the information process and the synthesized optimal process trajectory minimize observation time in an artificially designed information Observer with intellectual searching logic. The analytical modeling, computer simulations, and experimental applications validate the results.  相似文献   

This article reports the findings of AI4People, an Atomium—EISMD initiative designed to lay the foundations for a “Good AI Society”. We introduce the core opportunities and risks of AI for society; present a synthesis of five ethical principles that should undergird its development and adoption; and offer 20 concrete recommendations—to assess, to develop, to incentivise, and to support good AI—which in some cases may be undertaken directly by national or supranational policy makers, while in others may be led by other stakeholders. If adopted, these recommendations would serve as a firm foundation for the establishment of a Good AI Society.  相似文献   

In their joint paper entitled “The Replication of the Hard Problem of Consciousness in AI and BIO-AI” (Boltuc et al. Replication of the hard problem of conscious in AI and Bio- AI: An early conceptual framework 2008), Nicholas and Piotr Boltuc suggest that machines could be equipped with phenomenal consciousness, which is subjective consciousness that satisfies Chalmer’s hard problem (We will abbreviate the hard problem of consciousness as “H-consciousness”). The claim is that if we knew the inner workings of phenomenal consciousness and could understand its’ precise operation, we could instantiate such consciousness in a machine. This claim, called the extra-strong AI thesis, is an important claim because if true it would demystify the privileged access problem of first-person consciousness and cast it as an empirical problem of science and not a fundamental question of philosophy. A core assumption of the extra-strong AI thesis is that there is no logical argument that precludes the implementation of H-consciousness in an organic or in-organic machine provided we understand its algorithm. Another way of framing this conclusion is that there is nothing special about H-consciousness as compared to any other process. That is, in the same way that we do not preclude a machine from implementing photosynthesis, we also do not preclude a machine from implementing H-consciousness. While one may be more difficult in practice, it is a problem of science and engineering, and no longer a philosophical question. I propose that Boltuc’s conclusion, while plausible and convincing, comes at a very high price; the argument given for his conclusion does not exclude any conceivable process from machine implementation. In short, if we make some assumptions about the equivalence of a rough notion of algorithm and then tie this to human understanding, all logical preconditions vanish and the argument grants that any process can be implemented in a machine. The purpose of this paper is to comment on the argument for his conclusion and offer additional properties of H-consciousness that can be used to make the conclusion falsifiable through scientific investigation rather than relying on the limits of human understanding.  相似文献   

“Women’s web sites,” such as Oxygen and iVillage are for the most part absent from discussions of rhetoric and electronic communication. However, these sites accumulate a significant number of the hours women log online. This article argues that it is important to recognize the exchange and creation of knowledge by and for women that is taking place at women’s online resource venues. We also offer productive ways of viewing and discussing these sites as pedagogical tools in the writing classroom.  相似文献   

《Information & Management》1996,30(5):211-221
In today's society, the development of new technologies generally outpaces the laws and regulations created to protect them. This is precisely what has happened in copyright cases involving the copyrightability of the “look and feel” of a program (the visual displays and specific command keystrokes that make a computer program unique). Currently, regulatory agencies and judicial interpretation of copyright law is not precise, leading to uncertainty and a lack of uniformity. Until the courts and/or agencies reach some consistency in their rulings, software developers and individual programmers are left in a quandary as to when charges of copyright infringement might be served. Although it may be difficult to achieve consistent interpretation, US case law does provide some guidance that can aid US developers in not only protecting their work, but also avoiding charges of copyright infringement. This paper examines the current US copyright laws and limitations with special attention to “look and feel.” International copyright aspects, as outlined in the Berne Convention, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) are also addressed. It also reviews several cases that deal with (or have somehow impacted) questions surrounding “look and feel,” along with commentaries on their individual impacts, evaluates where copyright laws stand today, and discusses some possible alternatives for software developers based on the results of recent cases.  相似文献   

在这场没有硝烟的新冠肺炎疫情防控阻击战中,社会各方面都在积极行动,为抗击疫情贡献力量。许多人工智能企业纷纷响应工业和信息化部关于充分发挥人工智能赋能效用、协力抗击疫情的倡议,以科技为武器,基于自身优势,短时间内研发、投放各类支持抗疫的AI系统、平台和产品,在疫情防控工作中发挥了不可替代的积极作用。  相似文献   

Jan Bury 《Cryptologia》2016,40(2):113-140
The article discusses a Cold War offensive operation conducted in the 1960s and 1970s by communist Polish military counterintelligence (WSW) against U.S. military intelligence in Europe and North America. Double agents, including Romeo spies, were deployed by Polish WSW in West Germany and the United States to lure U.S. intelligence into a trap. The text emphasizes secret communications and codebreaking issues, including the ciphers and secret writing techniques developed by U.S. party for use by their assets. The operation involved significant communications intelligence and codebreaking efforts by the Cold War Poles.  相似文献   

AI的安全问题 今天的AI至少面临三个层面的挑战: 第一个层面,是AI技术本身内在的安全风险.要知道,AI所依赖的机器学习实际上是将传统上我们所依赖的正常的逻辑变成“黑箱操作”,我们只知道决策输出的结果,而对于神经网络内在工作的逻辑并不是完全掌握的,这是AI与传统上的“自动控制”最大的区别.如果在这个过程中,机器学习的...  相似文献   


This is a scanned image of the original Editorial Board page(s) for this issue  相似文献   

<正>行业知识和技术实践是企业级A I成功的关键,Chat GPT技术在企业中的应用同样如此,选择合适的场景,采用受控的企业流程,通过开放的架构,ChatGPT才能在企业中安全落地。  相似文献   

Constitutional design and redesign is constant. Over the last 200 years, countries have replaced their constitutions an average of every 19 years and some have amended them almost yearly. A basic problem in the drafting of these documents is the search and analysis of model text deployed in other jurisdictions. Traditionally, this process has been ad hoc and the results suboptimal. As a result, drafters generally lack systematic information about the institutional options and choices available to them. In order to address this informational need, the investigators developed a web application, Constitute [online at http://www.constituteproject.org], with the use of semantic technologies. Constitute provides searchable access to the world’s constitutions using the conceptualization, texts, and data developed by the Comparative Constitutions Project. An OWL ontology represents 330 “topics”–e.g. right to health–with which the investigators have tagged relevant provisions of nearly all constitutions in force as of September of 2013. The tagged texts were then converted to an RDF representation using R2RML mappings and Capsenta’s Ultrawrap. The portal implements semantic search features to allow constitutional drafters to read, search, and compare the world’s constitutions. The goal of the project is to improve the efficiency and systemization of constitutional design and, thus, to support the independence and self-reliance of constitutional drafters.  相似文献   

Phil Turner 《AI & Society》2014,29(4):497-505
Presence research can tell us why we feel present in the real world and can experience presence while using virtual reality technology (and movies and games) but has strikingly less to say on why we feel present in the scenes described in a book. Just how is it that the wonderful tangible detail of the real world or the complexity of digital technology can be matched and even surpassed by a story in a paperback book? This paper identifies a range of potential neurological solutions to this problem (and the “real world” and “dream” problems for good measure). We consider Jeannerod’s neural simulation of action, Grush’s emulation theory of representation and Rizzolatti’s work on mirror neurons as being candidate solutions to the “book problem”. We conclude by observing that these potential solutions further underline the “purpose” of presence is to act in the world whether it is real, virtual or solely in our imaginations.  相似文献   

The widespread tendency, even within AI, to anthropomorphize machines makes it easier to convince us of their intelligence. How can any putative demonstration of intelligence in machines be trusted if the AI researcher readily succumbs to make-believe? This is (what I shall call) the forensic problem of anthropomorphism. I argue that the Turing test provides a solution. This paper illustrates the phenomenon of misplaced anthropomorphism and presents a new perspective on Turing?s imitation game. It also examines the role of the Turing test in relation to the current dispute between human-level AI and ‘mindless intelligence’.  相似文献   


Data from a previous study of soldier driving postures and seating positions were analysed to develop statistical models for defining accommodation of driver seating positions in military vehicles. Regression models were created for seating accommodation applicable to driver positions with a fixed heel point and a range of steering wheel locations in typical tactical vehicles. The models predict the driver-selected seat position as a function of population anthropometry and vehicle layout. These models are the first driver accommodation models considering the effects of body armor and body-borne gear. The obtained results can benefit the design of military vehicles, and the methods can also be extended to be utilised in the development of seating accommodation models for other driving environments where protective equipment affects driver seating posture, such as vehicles used by law-enforcement officers and firefighters.

Practitioner Summary: A large-scale laboratory study of soldier driving posture and seating position was designed to focus on tactical vehicle (truck) designs. Regression techniques are utilised to develop accommodation models suitable for tactical vehicles. These are the first seating accommodation models based on soldier data to consider the effects of personal protective equipment and body-borne gear.  相似文献   

在AI和5G技术飞速发展的今天,智能摄像头市场究竟有多少“金矿”?家居厂商、科技巨头、安防“大佬”各自的打法和分工情况如何?在隐私安全这根弦面前,看似价低的智能家居市场真的是“低门槛”?  相似文献   

近日,综艺《歌手·当打之年》第三期开播。采用云录制完成的这档节目,在网络上引起了热烈的讨论,对此表示理解或称赞创新的不少,质疑比赛公平或吐槽节目效果的也很多。那么,云录制会成为未来综艺制作中的常态吗?歌手的云录制,是怎么玩的?《歌手·当打之年》的云录制,简单来说,就是让歌手在不同地区网络连线,分别录制,最后再剪辑到一起。  相似文献   

通过AI技术,将护士从高频率、高难度、低临床价值的采血工作中解放出来,实现采血自动化、智能化,这是刘子忠在创立迈纳士机器人时的初衷。成立5年后,迈纳士成功研发出全球首台可实现静脉采血全链条自动化的智能穿刺采血机器人,填补了该领域国内、国际空白。刘子忠坦言迈纳士的愿景是做“AI+医疗”诊断领域的世界级领军企业。  相似文献   

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people use computer mediated communication (CMC) in a variety of ways as they come to understand their sexual identity and begin to identify with larger communities. A Web-based survey gathered 75 responses from Web users who supplied information about their online experiences as LGBT people. They report using online resources to serve many functions in the coming out process: They gather information, try out new ways of self-expression, and an find audience of like-minded people with whom they interact. Online resources were reported as most useful for obtaining basic information, for offering the ability to express oneself on LGBT issues and as a LGBT person, and for connecting with a larger LGBT community. The ways people find, use, and interact with these resources are examples of online literacy, a set of skills that may parallel traditional academic literacies but which may be used in different ways and to different ends.  相似文献   

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