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住建部实施的城乡规划督察工作,是强化城乡规划工作监督的重要手段.自2009年起对常州实施城乡规划督查工作以来,我们深刻领会到这项工作对于提高规划工作水平、促进城市科学发展具有十分重要的意义. 实施城乡规划督察,有利于维护城乡规划权威,增强城乡规划严肃性.结合督察工作的深入开展,市委市政府高度重视,主要领导作出批示意见,明确工作要求.市政府及时组织召开全市城乡规划管理工作会议和多次专题会议、培训,切实提高执行规划刚性的自觉性和工作力度,狠抓督察责任落实.一是抓严空间管制,严格执行总规划定的“建设用地范围”,从严落实总规及各类法定规划的强制性要求;二是抓牢源头防治,强化各级各部门的责任意识,不符合规划的项目一律禁止引进和办理各类许可;三是抓实宣传培训,营造了规划督察制度实施到边、到底的浓厚氛围.实践证明,以督察制度为保障,规划的强制性得到了显著增强,严肃性得到了切实保障.  相似文献   

杨俊宴  杨扬 《规划师》2009,25(5):5-9
推行"阳光规划",能进一步增强城乡规划工作的透明度,有效地监督城乡规划的实施,维护百姓的正当利益.当前规划公示过程中存在的诸多问题,是由于阳光规划制度与体制上存在不足,从机制建设上完善科学合理的阳光规划制度,旨在全面有力地推进我国城市规划决策的公开化、民主化、科学化进程.  相似文献   

城乡规划督察员是住房和城乡建设部完善行政监督体制的制度创新,为落实《城乡规划法》提供了重要保障。《城乡规划法》用四分之一的篇幅专门阐述了规划的监督检查和法律责任,强调了中央对地方、上级对下级的监督检查;强调了规划部门有权立即直接拆除违法建设,不需要通过法院来执行;强调了国家住房和城乡建设部有权撤销任何一个地方违法作出的“一书两证”,这是以往从来没有过的。城乡规划督察员,是从制度上落实《城乡规划法》对强化规划执行监督检查的要求。规划督察目的是通过对规划的编制和执行情况进行监督检查,防患于未然,将矛盾和问题化解在萌芽状态,避免重大损失,保证城乡规划的严格实施。  相似文献   

城乡规划管理审批是城乡规划实施过程中,规划行政主管部门依据《中华人民共和国城乡规划法》而进行的各类建设项目的规划管理工作,目的是对区域内各项建设用地和建设工程实行统一规划管理,确保城乡规划的实施。一、动态管理按照《中华人民共和国城乡规划法》的要求,我国实行"一书两证"的规划审批制度,即项目建设应取得城乡规划主管部门核发的选址意见书、建设用地规划  相似文献   

城乡规划管理实际上就是实施城乡规划的管理。强化规划管理,切实解决目前城乡规划实施中存在的问题,监督是关键。必须进一步健全规划管理的法律法规,强化法规监督:完善规划编制内容,强化实体监督:健全监督网络,完善监督机制,强化规划实施事前、事中、事后内部和外部的程序监督,确保经批准实施的城乡规划最终得到全面落实和有效体现。  相似文献   

论述了2015年中央城市工作会议对城乡规划改革创新的极端重要性,提出了“依法治城、弹性管理、规划先行——建设人与自然和谐共生的幸福家园”规划目标主题;并提出了针对贯彻会议精神及若干意见的城乡规划改革创新的若干建议:一是分析了落实中国梦等战略对城市工作的新要求,指出城乡规划肩负着建设美丽城乡幸福家园的重大责任和神圣使命,肩负着落实“两个一百年”、“五位一体”等国家战略的艰巨任务;二是提出了以一张法治蓝图绘到底、建设美丽城乡幸福家园为工作中心,突出严谨规划、严格实施、严肃监督的“三严”规划先行工作主线,实现向市场规制、公共政策转变的城市规划管理新方略;三是围绕城乡规划技术、管理、监督、保障等四方面,提出了适应生态文明模式、适应国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的“依法合规编制规划、依法依规审批规划、依法依规监督规划”的若干具体建议.  相似文献   

根据《国务院办公厅关于印发住房和城乡建设部主要职责内设机构和人员编制规定的通知》,城乡规划司是住房和城乡建设部的内设机构,主要职责是:拟订城乡规划的政策和规章制度;组织编制和监督实施全国城镇体系规划;指导城乡规划编制并监督实施;指导城市勘察、市政工程测量、城市地下空间开发利用和城市雕塑工作;承担国务院交办的城市总体规划、省域城镇体系规划的审查报批和监督实施;承担历史文化名城(镇、村)保护和监督管理的有关工作;制定城乡规划编制单位资质标准并监督实施。  相似文献   

李家松  芶正康 《规划师》2005,21(1):70-72
“阳光”规划是实现以人为本、规划为民的前提,是实施《行政许可法》的必然要求,也是加强规划管理执政能力建设和创建规范化服务型政府的保障。城乡规划工作必须坚持公开、公正和透明的原则,积极推行规划编制、审批和监督“三分离”的制度,从源头上防治腐败。  相似文献   

汤洪源 《城市规划》2011,35(7):68-71
我国城乡规划督察员制度,是中央政府对地方政府在城乡建设开发领域实施的层级监督。对作为制度模板的英国规划督察制度进行比较分析,可以为解决我国相关制度面临的问题提供经验,在确立法律地位,建立规划督察组织,健全人事管理制度,强化法律约束力,打通内外监督渠道、增补救济功能,建立内部监督协调机制等六个方面完善我国城乡规划督察员制度。  相似文献   

城乡规划环评是规划环评制度在城乡规划体系中的落实,实施城乡规划环评有利于城乡规划的实施和管理、提高城乡规划编制的科学性,然而,当前我国城乡规划环评存在编制主体单一、介入时机滞后、评价方法局限、工作程序形式化和成果应用得不到保障等问题。因此,应建立一体化的城乡规划环评组织机制、推行一体化的城乡规划环评工作程序、完善一体化的城乡规划审批管理制度、开展多层次城乡规划与规划环评一体化实施试点,充分发挥城乡规划环评在城乡可持续发展中的作用。  相似文献   

This article is concerned with collaborative planning processes for the future use and management of a former military property in Wisconsin, USA. The article locates this story within both an historical account of conservation in the US and the theoretical and operational literature on collaborative planning. It argues that the effectiveness of the planning processes described is a direct result of its collaborative nature; that is, its focus on integrating conservation with community in a process of civic engagement. In particular, the article argues that three factors are crucial in explaining the effectiveness of the process. First, the inclusion of other types of knowledge, including local cultural attachments and stories as part of the information base; second, a focus on understanding the different values of all those who have something at stake in the issue rather than a steadfast focus on competing interests and the political calculus among them; and third, the commitment to a broadly democratic and deliberative process.  相似文献   

Collaborative planning is increasingly being advocated as a new paradigm because it generates commitment to commonly accepted objectives and fosters commitment to implementation. However, the long-term effects of implementation are seldom evaluated. In South East Queensland, Australia, a collaborative planning approach was used to manage regional growth. Based on six local government case studies, this research evaluates the consensus process and assesses the long-term implementation effects. I also evaluate the outputs of the collaborative planning process to reflect on its role in implementation. By adapting a policy implementation framework for the collaborative planning setting, I expound on the commonly cited criteria of a high-quality agreement and a structured approach to implementation.  相似文献   

城市规划的基本原理是常识   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
这里讨论三层理念:①城市规划的基本原理是常识.常识有地域性和时间性,必须与时俱进;(②常识是建立共识的基础.而共识是交流性及协作性规划的基础,只有回归常识.才有可能通过交流性及协作性规划实现共赢:③城市建设和规划中的大部分错误.不是由于不理解规划原理,而是由于忘记了常识.笔者呼吁:城市建设的基本理念应该回到常识上来,城市规划工作应该回到平常心来,规划要实现常识意义上的"好城市".体现普通市民的意愿,满足普通市民的基本需要,保证城市的基本功能,才能最终实现城市规划工作的根本目的.  相似文献   

落实科学发展观建设和谐城市   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
周建军 《规划师》2005,21(2):18-20
建设和谐城市是科学发展观对城市规划工作的具体要求。和谐城市规划作为个总的指导思想,落实到具体操作上,主要包括生态规划和景观规划两个方面,其具体实施措施有以下几个方面大力宣传和谐城市理论:加强科学的前期准备工作;进行城市总体景观设计,妥善处理城市的环境与资源的关系;改变能源结构与提高能源利用效率;加强科技与文化投入。  相似文献   

Regional planning has long sought to manage places that extend across political boundaries. The international trend to decentralize governance and promote co-management of protected areas is consistent with emerging collaborative spatial planning theory (Healey, 1997, 1999, 2006), which suggests that through dialogue, parties assert multiple cultural perspectives, share knowledge, and forge shared landscape values as the basis of decisions. As a form of collaborative spatial planning, co-management specifies shared resource management power between national government and one or more local or indigenous communities. Both approaches assume decentralized governance systems. Although critics fault collaborative planning for glossing over historical and cultural contexts, and for ignoring power in decision making, few case studies ask why partners participate or how specific decentralized governance institutions affect plan implementation. This paper draws from a study of co-management at Mount Pulag National Park, the Philippines—a shared indigenous cultural landscape that was to be managed by a board representing multiple local, indigenous, and national jurisdictions. Tracing road decisions by two municipal partners, the paper summarizes how and why major stakeholders adopted and then circumvented protective policies by building duplicative road projects across fragile forests. In this context of changing indigenous rights, the same decentralization laws that enabled co-management also rewarded competition and strategic behavior that weakened the collaborative and fragmented the shared landscape. The case demonstrates the need to interrogate, rather than assume the benefits of decentralized governance and to study why stakeholders participate before relying on voluntary collaboration to manage regional landscapes. The initial version of this paper was presented to the 2006 annual meetings of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, Fort Worth, Texas.  相似文献   


This article reports on a longitudinal case study of stakeholders’ relating dynamics in the collaborative planning process concerning the urban regeneration of Katendrecht, an area located in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Findings challenge the focus – typical for collaborative planning literature – on an ‘ideal’ relational setting, characterized by consensus and joint-ness, as a necessary precursor for collaborative success. Analysis reveals the relevance of a ‘hybrid’ relational setting and the potential functionality of relational settings, which emphasize organizational autonomy. Also, analysis shows that relations change through the accumulation of different events, i.e. scaffolding, rather than by single, specific events. Finally, findings point out how in particular group composition/dynamics events impact on stakeholder relations.  相似文献   

基于公众参与的和谐规划探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王艳玲  丁芝  南海燕 《规划师》2007,23(4):53-55
公众参与是引导城市可持续发展的一种有效途径,对构建和谐规划具有重要的意义。在规划的过程中,城市政府、规划师、市民只有各司其职,坚持以人为本的理念,对当前的规划体制与模式进行变革,才能使规划走向和谐,共同促进社会的进步与发展。  相似文献   

Economists have opined that decentralization of governance promotes growth and development. The governance and development discourse continues to embrace citizen participation as a fundamental mechanism for building local capacity towards poverty reduction and socio-economic interface. The decentralization process – as well as the process of planning, in particular – has brought about dramatic changes in the context of central and local-level relationships, which in turn have generated a tremendous impact on local-level planning and development. The planning process has been continuously changing over different period of time since the independence of India. This paper attempts to analyse the planning decentralization and change in planning processes. The decentralization of planning results in the grass-root-level development with active as well as democratic participation of people in the planning process of local governments. The paper provides a generalized model for achieving development from grass-root level through an integrated plan which in combination will result in development at bigger spatial unit, popularly known as bottom-up planning.  相似文献   

以BIM技术全生命周期为核心理念,以实现隧道工程信息化管理为目标。覆盖隧道工程规划、设计、施工、运维各阶段,形成规划–设计–施工–运维一体化管理平台,促进业主、设计方、施工方、监理方等各工程参与方多方协同工作。针对BIM平台开发过程中BIM标准不统一、BIM软件众多、相互间数据交换困难等问题,初步提出了BIM全生命周期意义上的隧道工程协同管理平台,并从阶段、维度、功能、技术和用户多个层面详细阐述了BIM隧道协同管理平台的初步架构体系,为平台的进一步开发提供了一个基本思路和初期技术路线。  相似文献   

The role of planning support systems has become closely aligned with the dominant theoretical paradigms – primarily collaborative planning and communicative rationality – within the field of urban planning. However, scholars from Human-Computer Interaction have built a theoretical tradition drawing on Activity Theory, among others, to describe computer supported collaborative learning. Collaboration, from this perspective, represents a form of distributed learning situated within a social interaction. Individuals work with each other and technology to converge on shared conceptual understandings of the problem space and to develop a shared praxis for collaboratively addressing those problems. Instead of the tools talking, technology plays a critical role in helping stakeholders develop a common ground for planning and supporting an activity-aware praxis. I use empirical examples from a planning process on Cape Cod, Massachusetts to illustrate these features of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) for a planning audience. I focus, in particular, on how planning support systems mediate group judgments about space and scale to account for spatial scale mismatches between the Cape’s watersheds and towns.  相似文献   

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