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An estimation of the magnitude of non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOCs) emitted by vegetation in Catalonia (NE of the Iberian Peninsula, Spain), in addition to their superficial and temporal distribution, is presented for policy and scientific (photochemical modelling) purposes. It was developed for the year 2000, for different time resolutions (hourly, daily, monthly and annual) and using a high-resolution land-use map (1-km2 squared cells). Several meteorological surface stations provided air temperature and solar radiation data. An adjusted mathematical emission model taking account of Catalonia's conditions was built into a geographic information system (GIS) software. This estimation uses the latest information, mainly relating to: (1) emission factors; (2) better knowledge of the composition of Catalonia's forest cover; and (3) better knowledge of the particular emission behaviour of some Mediterranean vegetal species. Results depict an annual cycle with increasing values in the March-April period with the highest emissions in July-August, followed by a decrease in October-November. Annual biogenic NMVOCs emissions reach 46.9 kt, with monoterpenes the most abundant species (24.7 kt), followed by other biogenic volatile organic compounds (e.g. alcohols, aldehydes and acetone) (16.3 kt), and isoprene (5.9 kt). These compounds signify 52%, 35% and 13%, respectively, of total emission estimates. Peak hourly total emission for a winter day could be less than 10% of the corresponding value for a summer day.  相似文献   

《Building and Environment》2004,39(2):179-187
An environmental test chamber with controlled temperature, relative humidity and airflow rate has been used to evaluate emissions of total volatile organic compounds (TVOCs) from 11 new carpets. The quantity of TVOCs emissions was measured by a gas chromatography/flame ionisation detector.The TVOCs emissions of each product were tested as a function of time. The results showed that the time dependence of TVOCs concentrations and the change of emission rates with time can be described by a double-exponential model. With this double-exponential model, the initial emission rates (E10 and E20) and emission decay constants (k1 and k2) in evaporation- and diffusion-dominated phases were simulated. These emission parameters could be used in estimation of TVOCs concentrations in an indoor environment. Model evaluation studies indicate that the Highclass carpet has the smallest model accuracy while the Double-diamond and Classic design carpets have the largest model accuracy.  相似文献   

Air quality studies need to be based on accurate and reliable data, particularly in the field of the emissions. Biogenic emissions from forests, crops, and grasslands are now considered as major compounds in photochemical processes. Unfortunately, depending on the type of vegetation, these emissions are not so often reliably defined. As an example, although the silver fir (Abies alba) is a very widespread conifer tree in the French and European areas, its standard emission rate is not available in the literature. This study investigates the isoprene and monoterpenes emission from A. alba in France measured during the fieldwork organised in the Fossé Rhénan, from May to June 2003. A dynamic cuvette method was used. Limonene was the predominant monoterpene emitted, followed by camphene, alpha-pinene and eucalyptol. No isoprene emission was detected. The four monoterpenes measured showed different behaviours according to micrometeorological conditions. In fact, emissions of limonene, alpha-pinene and camphene were temperature-dependant while eucalyptol emissions were temperature and light dependant. Biogenic volatile organic compounds emissions were modeled using information gathered during the field study. Emissions of the three monoterpenes previously quoted were achieved using the monoterpenes algorithm developed by Tingey et al. (1980) [Tingey D, Manning M, Grothaus L, Burns W. Influence of light and temperature on monoterpene emission rates from slash pine. Plant Physiol 1980;65: 797-801.] and the isoprene algorithm [Guenther, A., Monson, R., Fall, R., 1991. Isoprene and monoterpene emission rate variability: observations with eucalyptus and emission rate algorithm development. J Geophys Res 26A: 10799-10808.]; [Guenther, A., Zimmerman, P., Harley, P., Monson, R., Fall, R., 1993. Isoprene and monoterpene emission rate variability: model evaluation and sensitivity analysis. J Geophys Res 98D: 12609-12617.]) was used for the eucalyptol emission. With these methods, simulation results and observations agreed fairly well. The standard emission rate (303 K) and beta-coefficient averaged for limonene, camphene and alpha-pinene were respectively of 0.63 microg gdw-1 h-1 and 0.06 K-1. For eucalyptol, the standard emission rate (T=303 K and PAR=1000 micromol m-2 s-1) was 0.26 microg gdw-1 h-1. This classified A. alba as a weak monoterpenes emitter.  相似文献   

本文采用热解析一气:阳色谱质谱联用法对石膏板中的挥发性有机化合物进行测定。本方法以质谱定性,外标法定量,最低检出限为0.001mg/kg,相对标准偏差小于5%。该方法本底低,操作简单,快捷,灵敏度高。  相似文献   

This paper characterizes and compares emissions during heating of different dust samples relevant to the indoor environment. Characterization includes emission of volatile organic compounds when dust samples were heated to 150 and 250 degrees C (gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer), weight loss during heating to 450 degrees C (thermogravimetric analysis), and the number of particles emitted during heating towards 200 degrees C (condensation nucleus counting). Element analyses were performed for non-heated dust (inductively coupled plasma discharge instrument). Emissions of volatile organic compounds from heated dust from different sources were surprisingly similar. However, the temperature at which the emission of volatiles started varied with the dust source. For most of the samples studied, the emissions were considerable already at 150 degrees C, and increased in number of peaks and peak area at 250 degrees C. Particle emissions started around 70 degrees C regardless of the dust source. Particle emissions seemed to be affected by the content of organic material.  相似文献   

A method for the analysis of volatile halogenated hydrocarbons in biological samples has been developed. Extraction efficiencies for various C1 and C2 halocarbons were found to be in the range of 63–82%, and recoveries were faitly good. The detection limits lie in the sub-ppb range (0.1–1 ppb).The method has been used to analyse fish samples from both unpolluted and polluted areas in Norway. The compounds most frequently found were chloroform, trichloroethylene and tetrachloroethylene in concentrations ranging from 10–1000 ppb. From one area, corresponding water and fish samples were analysed which made it possible to estimate accumulation factors for chloroform and trichloroethylene, which were found to be 200–500 and 1400 respectively.  相似文献   

A weekly monitoring campaign of volatile organic compounds (VOC), with single sampling of 24 h, was carried out in non-residential indoor environments such as libraries, pharmacies, offices, gymnasiums, etc., in order to evaluate the VOC concentrations to which people are exposed. Moreover, an outdoor sample was coupled to each indoor site to point out the influence of indoor sources. They were sampled with Radiello diffusive samplers for thermal desorption and analyzed by GC-MS. As already described in other papers, the VOC levels of most of the indoor sites were higher than that observed in the corresponding outdoor sites. For example, some sites showed a level of pollution that is ten times higher than their corresponding outdoor site. The monitored environments that had higher concentrations of the investigated VOC were the pharmacies, a newspaper stand, a copy center, and the coffee shops. Analysis of the weekly average concentrations of each pollutant and the use of literature allowed pointing out some site-specific characteristics that singled out possible sources of VOC. These results were verified analyzing the indoor-outdoor ratio (I/O) too. Newspaper stands were characterized by very high concentrations of toluene and pharmacies were characterized by high concentrations of aromatic compounds. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: Indoor air pollution caused by volatile organic compounds (VOC) might affect human health at home as well as in public and commercial buildings. The main VOC sources in indoor environments are human activities, personal care products, smoking, house cleaning products, building products, and outside pollution. To preserve human health it is necessary to evaluate the average concentrations of VOC to which people are exposed and to identify the main sources of indoor pollution by means of suitable indoor monitoring campaigns in several environments. These investigations allow pointing out the characteristic critical situations of some indoor environments or some other types of environments.  相似文献   

An inventory describing the fluxes of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), isoprene and monoterpenes, and other VOCs (OVOCs) from the biosphere to the atmosphere, has been constructed within the framework of the ESCOMPTE project (fiEld experimentS to COnstrain Models of atmospheric Pollution and Transport of Emissions). The area concerned, located around Berre-Marseilles, is a Mediterranean region frequently subject to high ozone concentrations. The inventory has been developed using a fine scale land use database for the year 1999, forest composition statistics, emission potentials from individual plant species, biomass distribution, temperature and light intensity. The seasonal variations in emission potentials and biomass were also taken into account. Hourly meteorological data for 1999 were calculated from ALADIN data and these were used to predict the hourly isoprene, monoterpene and OVOC fluxes for the area on a 1 kmx1 km spatial grid. Estimates of annual biogenic isoprene, monoterpene and OVOC fluxes for the reference year 1999 were 20.6, 38.9 and 13.3 kt, respectively, Quercus pubescens, Quercus ilex, Pinus halepensis and garrigue vegetation are the dominant emitting species of the area. VOC emissions from vegetation in this region contribute approximately 94% to the NMVOC (non-methane volatile organic compounds) of natural origin and are of the same order of magnitude as NMVOC emissions from anthropogenic sources. These results complete the global ESCOMPTE database needed to make an efficient strategy for tropospheric ozone reduction policy.  相似文献   

The adsorption equilibriums of 7 volatile organic chlorinated compounds to 10 wet soils were investigated by continuous flow adsorption experiments. The adsorption equilibriums for the wet soils could be expressed by the Henry equation. The most part of the adsorbed amount existed on the organic substances in the soil, and the soil-water adsorption equilibrium constant could be estimated from the organic carbon content of the soil. The adsorption coefficient to the organic carbon of the chloroethylenes and chloroethanes could be expressed by the functions of the n-octanol/water partition coefficient, respectively. The adsorbed amounts could be estimated using equations relating the organic content and the water content of each soil, and the n-octanol/water partition coefficient and the Henry constant for the gas-water equilibrium of each compound. The estimated results agreed well with the measured data.  相似文献   

Source apportionment of ambient volatile organic compounds in Hong Kong   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were measured at four stations with different environments in Hong Kong (HK) during two sampling campaigns. Positive matrix factorization was applied to characterize major VOC sources in HK. Nine sources were identified, and the spatial and seasonal variations of their contributions were derived. The most significant local VOC sources are vehicle and marine vessel exhausts or liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) at different stations. Vehicle- and marine vessel-related sources accounted for 2.9-12.7 ppbv in 2002-2003 and increased to 4.3-15.2 ppbv in 2006-2007. Different from the emission inventory, solvent-related sources only contributed 11- 19% at both sampling campaigns. Therefore, emission control from transport sector should be prioritized to alleviate ambient local VOC levels. Additionally, the contribution of aged VOC, which roughly represents contributions from regional and super-regional transport, also showed moderate increase during the four years, indicating cooperation with environmental authorities in the Pearl River Delta and beyond should be strengthened.All the anthropogenic sources contribute most to Yuen Long and least to Tap Mun. However, Tap Mun exhibited different trends in comparison with the other three stations, especially for sources of vehicle and marine vessel exhausts, LPG and paint solvents. When the local source contributions were incorporated with wind data to derive the directional dependences of sources, we may conclude that the rapid development of Yantian Container Terminal, the associated emissions from marine vessels around the Terminal and the on-site activities were likely responsible for the distinct VOC features at Tap Mun. The current impact from the Terminal is mainly concentrated in the northeastern corner of HK; however, it has the potential threat to other locations if the Terminal continues to expand in such a rapid speed in the coming years. More stringent VOC control measures on activities related to the operation of the Terminal is therefore highly recommended.  相似文献   

选取苯、甲苯、乙苯和二甲苯(BTEX)为挥发性有机化合物的代表,采用美国环保署的致癌风险评价和非致癌风险评价模型,对BTEX在飞机座舱中对乘客可能造成的致癌风险和非致癌风险进行了计算。浓度数据来自于对14架航班飞机座舱的实际测试,暴露参数主要来源于针对中国人群的相关文献。针对不同人群(儿童、少年、成年和老人)的计算结果表明,所有人群的致癌风险和非致癌风险均低于美国环保署的限值。  相似文献   

Indoor volatile organic compound (VOC) data obtained in 100 Hong Kong homes were analyzed to investigate the nature of emission sources and their contributions to indoor concentrations. A principal component analysis (PCA) showed that off-gassing of building materials, household products, painted wood products, room freshener, mothballs and consumer products were the major sources of VOCs in Hong Kong homes. The source apportionments were then evaluated by using an absolute principal component scores (APCS) technique combined with multiple linear regressions. The results indicated that 76.5 ± 1% (average ± standard error) of the total VOC emissions in Hong Kong homes attributes to the off-gassing of building materials, followed by the room freshener (8 ± 4%), household products (6 ± 2%), mothballs (5 ± 3%) and painted wood products (4 ± 2%). Analysis on the source strength in the monitored homes revealed that although six indoor sources were identified and quantified in the Hong Kong homes, only some homes were responsible for the elevated concentrations of target VOCs emitted from these sources. The findings provide us the mechanism of reducing levels of indoor VOCs and ultimately lead to cost effective reduction in population exposures.  相似文献   

高彩凤  张欢  王斌  由世俊 《暖通空调》2006,36(7):106-109
为研究办公楼装修后室内挥发性有机物的释放特性,利用活性炭吸附采样与气相色谱分析相结合的方法,跟踪监测了天津市某办公楼四个典型房间的室内污染物浓度。得出了装修后室内污染物浓度的变化规律,即污染物浓度随时间推移而降低,其间可能会由于房间温度、相对湿度和气流组织的变化而出现短暂的起伏。  相似文献   

This study characterized indoor volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and investigated the effects of the dwelling characteristics, building materials, occupant activities, and environmental conditions on indoor VOC concentrations in 40 dwellings located in Melbourne, Australia, in 2008 and 2009. A total of 97 VOCs were identified. Nine VOCs, n‐butane, 2‐methylbutane, toluene, formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, d‐limonene, ethanol, 2‐propanol, and acetic acid, accounted for 68% of the sum of all VOCs. The median indoor concentrations of all VOCs were greater than those measured outdoors. The occupant density was positively associated with indoor VOC concentrations via occupant activities, including respiration and combustion. Terpenes were associated with the use of household cleaning and laundry products. A petroleum‐like indoor VOC signature of alkanes and aromatics was associated with the proximity of major roads. The indoor VOC concentrations were negatively correlated (P < 0.05) with ventilation. Levels of VOCs in these Australian dwellings were lower than those from previous studies in North America and Europe, probably due to a combination of an ongoing temporal decrease in indoor VOC concentrations and the leakier nature of Australian dwellings.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to assess the risks from exposure to 14 volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in selected groundwater sites in Taiwan. The study employs the multimedia environment pollutant assessment system (MEPAS) model to calculate the specific non-cancer and cancer risks at an exposure level of 1 μg/L of each VOC for a variety of exposure pathways. The results show that the highest specific non-cancer risk is associated with water ingestion of vinyl chloride (VC) and that the highest specific cancer risk is associated with indoor breathing of VC. The three most important exposure pathways for risk assessment for both non-cancer and cancer risks are identified as water ingestion, dermal absorption when showering, and indoor breathing. Excess tetrachloroethylene (PCE), trichloroethylene (TCE), dichloroethylene (DCE), and VC are detected in the groundwater aquifers of one dump site and one factory. However, the study suggests that the pollutants in the contaminated groundwater aquifers do not travel extensively with groundwater flow and that the resulting VOC concentrations are below detectable levels for most of the sampled drinking-water treatment plants. Nevertheless, the non-cancer and cancer risks resulting from use of the contaminated groundwater are found to be hundred times higher than the general risk guidance values. To ensure safe groundwater utilisation, remediation initiatives for soil and groundwater are required. Finally, the study suggests that the current criteria for VOCs in drinking water might not be capable of ensuring public safety when groundwater is used as the primary water supply; more stringent quality criteria for drinking water are proposed for selected VOCs.  相似文献   

Children are particularly vulnerable to many classes of the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) detected in indoor environments. The negative health impacts associated with chronic and acute exposures of the VOCs might lead to health issues such as genetic damage, cancer, and disorder of nervous systems. In this study, 40 VOCs including aldehydes and ketones, aliphatic hydrocarbons, esters, aromatic hydrocarbons, cyclic terpenes, alcohols, and glycol ethers were identified and qualified in different locations at the University of Missouri (MU) Child Development Laboratory (CDL) in Columbia, Missouri. Our results suggested that the concentrations of the VOCs varied significantly among classrooms, hallways, and playground. The VOCs emitted from personal care and cleaning products had the highest indoor levels (2-ethylhexanol-1, 3-carene, homomenthyl salicylate with mean concentration of 5.15 µg/m3, 1.57 µg/m3, and 1.47 µg/m3, respectively). A cancer risk assessment was conducted, and none of the 95th percentile dose estimates exceeded the age-specific no significant risk levels (NSRL) in all classrooms. Dimensionless toxicity index scores were calculated for all VOCs using a novel web-based framework called Toxicological Prioritization Index (ToxPi), which integrates multiple sources of toxicity data. According to the method, homomenthyl salicylate, benzothiazole, 2-ethylhexyl salicylate, hexadecane, and tridecane exhibited diverse toxicity profiles and ranked as the five most toxic indoor VOCs. The findings of this study provide critical information for policy makers and early education professionals to mitigate the potentially negative health impacts of indoor VOCs in the childcare facilities.  相似文献   

A numerical and an analytical model were developed to predict the volatile organic compound (VOC) emission rate from dry building materials. Both models consider the mass diffusion process within the material and the mass convection and diffusion processes in the boundary layer. All the parameters, the mass diffusion coefficient of the material, the material/air partition coefficient, and the mass transfer coefficient of the air can be either found in the literature or calculated using known principles.

The predictions of the models were validated at two levels: with experimental results from the specially designed test and with predictions made by a CFD model. The results indicated that there was generally good agreement between the model predictions, the experimental results, and the CFD results. The analytical and numerical models then were used to investigate the impact of air velocity on emission rates from dry building materials. Results showed that the impact of air velocity on the VOC emission rate increased as the VOC diffusion coefficient of the material increased. For the material with a diffusion coefficient >10−10 m2/s, the VOC emission rate increased as the velocity increased; air velocity had significant effect on the VOC emission. For the material with a VOC diffusion coefficient <10−10 m2/s, the VOC emission rate increased as the velocity increased only in the short-term; <24 h. In the medium to long-term time range, the VOC emission rate decreased slightly as the air velocity increased; velocity did not have much impact on these materials. Furthermore, the study also found that the VOC concentration distribution within the material; the VOC emission rate and the VOC concentration in the air were linearly proportional to the initial concentration. However, the normalized emitted mass was not a function of the initial concentration: it was a function of the properties of the VOC and the material.  相似文献   

Airborne dust samples from damp (n = 9) and control (n = 9) residences were analyzed for microorganisms (molds and bacteria), bacterial markers (3-hydroxy fatty acids and muramic acid), and adsorbed volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The number of mold species was greater in the damp residences than in the controls (23 vs.18) and nine mold species were found only in damp residences. The levels of 3-hydroxy fatty acids and muramic acid correlated better in damp residences than in controls, indicating that damp conditions affect the bacterial flora of airborne dust. Identifications made by culture and microscopy of the major molds found, i.e. Aspergillus, Cladosporium, and Penicillum, coincided with the identification of VOCs known to be produced by these species. A number of additional VOCs irritating to the skin, eyes, or respiratory tract were also found. The results from this pilot study illustrate the diversity of microorganisms and VOCs present in the indoor environment and suggest that analysis of airborne dust may help to assess human exposure to microorganisms and chemical compounds.  相似文献   

调研了建筑类涂料产品挥发性有机化合物(VOC)的国家、行业及地方标准,对比研究了VOC限量值、测试方法及注意事项等方面的异同,对系统了解我国建筑类涂料VOC测定方法具有指导意义。  相似文献   

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