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用照相法测定了锚式搅拌槽中高粘弹性流体的流型和流速分布,另测定了搅拌功率消耗,结果发现:1.与牛顿流体相比,在低Re数下,粘弹性流体的切向速度较大,而径向速度则较小.2.转速相同时,在高剪切率区域,粘弹性流体的剪切率大于牛顿流体.由CEF方程导出功率计算式N_pRe_af_s~(1-n)=k_pf_vf_s~2[1+F_1avf_s~(m-n-3)Wi/K_s~2]用实验数据确定f_(?)和F_(1av),得到可适用于牛顿流体、假塑性流体和粘弹性流体的普适功率计算式,计算结果与实验值比较接近.  相似文献   

王凯  朱秀林 《化工学报》1989,40(6):710-719
用照相法测定了锚式搅拌槽中高粘弹性流体的流型和流速分布,另测定了搅拌功率消耗,结果发现:1.与牛顿流体相比,在低Re数下,粘弹性流体的切向速度较大,而径向速度则较小.2.转速相同时,在高剪切率区域,粘弹性流体的剪切率大于牛顿流体.由CEF方程导出功率计算式N_pRe_af_s~(1-n)=k_pf_vf_s~2[1+F_1avf_s~(m-n-3)Wi/K_s~2]用实验数据确定f_(?)和F_(1av),得到可适用于牛顿流体、假塑性流体和粘弹性流体的普适功率计算式,计算结果与实验值比较接近.  相似文献   

本文使用示踪粒子照相法对双螺带、框-螺带-锚、交叉桨式和MIG-锚搅拌器,测定了搅拌槽中高粘流体的流型和速度分布,用单个悬浮粒子测定了循环时问。结果表明在槽水平断面上,流体主要是切向流动,径向流动很弱,轴向循环流量系数N_q的大小显著地依赖于轴向泵送流体的叶片面积的大小。双螺带搅拌器的轴向流动速度和循环流量系数大于其它三种搅拌器。框-螺带-锚搅拌器的切向速度最大,而轴向速度很小,全槽范围的上下循环流动很弱。交叉桨叶的轴向速度在某些径向位置接近于零。本文结合速度分布讨论了高粘流体的混合机理和搅拌器结构对混合速度的影响。搅拌槽中流体的流型和速度分布信息对解析槽中流体的温度和浓度分布是非常重要的。一只高混合效率搅拌器,应该具有较强的剪切性能和良好的轴向循环性能。以往有关搅拌槽中流体力学的研究绝大多数是针对搅拌功率消耗、混合和循环时间,而流型和速度分布的研究只有少量报道。本文研究了四种搅拌器的流型和速度分布,结合早先的研究结果,评价了它们的剪切、混合和循环性能以及搅拌器结构的合理性,并为化工生产中选择和改进搅拌器提供依据。  相似文献   

潘勤敏  王凯 《化工学报》1990,41(3):340-345
实验测定了双轴表面更新型卧式釜中采用三种不同形式的搅拌桨、多种桨间距、广泛的粘度范围内牛顿流体和非牛顿流体的功率特性;统一关联了牛顿流体与非牛顿流体的搅拌功耗,得到:N_PRe=C(l/D_f)~(-1)(V_L/V~*)~D式中的C、D是搅拌桨的结构参数.实验结果还表明,该装置的Metzner常数是转速的函数.  相似文献   

用照相法测定了搅拌槽中粘弹性流体在框-螺带-锚、椭圆板-锚和MIG-锚等三种细合桨叶下的流型和流速分布。结果表明,在槽的水平断面内,流体主要作切向流动。与牛顿流体相比,粘弹性流体的切向速度较大,而轴向速度较小。对于椭圆板-锚和MIG-锚两种桨叶,与牛顿流体相比,粘弹性流体的循环流量分别降低了33%和50%。三种桨叶中,框-螺带-锚桨叶的切向速度和槽壁处的剪切变形最大,轴向循环最差,而椭圆板-锚桨叶的轴向循环优于其余两者。  相似文献   

高粘性非牛顿流体搅拌的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究了双螺带搅拌器和另外两种新型搅拌器(收缩桨式、交叉桨式)在非牛顿流体中的搅拌特性,试验比较认为,交叉桨为比较理想的桨叶形式。利用回归组合设计,找出了交叉桨式搅拌器无因次混合时间与几个设备参数之间的关系,通过优化运算得到了最佳参数,并研究了交叉桨在粘弹性流体中的搅拌特性。  相似文献   

通过计算机流体动力学(CFD))方法,建立一在役的PY型直叶涡轮搅拌槽的数值模拟模型。将计算机数值模拟的结果和LDV实验测量数据对比,结果比较吻合。对实际操作条件下的高粘度流体在搅拌槽中的流场模拟表明,搅拌叶轮位置,转速以及物料性质等因素对流场的分布影响较大。计算结果可为高粘度流体搅拌槽的设计,优化和管理使用提供依据。  相似文献   

本文提出用无因次量描述搅拌槽中高粘度液体温度场的不均匀性.对螺带桨搅拌液体作层流时的无因次微分方程进行分析得到(?)=f(Pe、Ec/Re).用实测的牛顿流体及假塑性流体槽液温度回归获得螺带-锚及螺带-螺旋轴-锚等五种组合桨(?)的关联式.内外螺带-锚(Ⅰ)桨是五种桨中最优良的桨型.  相似文献   

在高粘度非牛顿流体 CMC中,测定了 4种不同几何尺寸的锚式搅拌器在槽壁侧的传热膜系数及槽中的温度分布,得到总的传热关联式: a_jD/λ=2.60(d~2Np/μ_a)~(1/3)(C_pμ_a/λ)~(1/3)(μ_a/μ_(aw))~(0.2× ×(d/D)~(1.80)(h/D)~(0.72)(b/D)~(-0.24)得到此式的实验点为271个。采用该式时的平均相对偏差为11.1%,计算值和文献值相当吻合。当Re<10时,槽中温度的标准偏差△T高达 2℃,且随 Re的变化而剧烈改变。锚式搅拌器只宜在 Re>10的场合使用,此时,△T为0.2—0.5℃,并且随Re的变化较缓慢。  相似文献   

本文应用内外螺带-锚、双螺带-锚及螺带-螺旋轴-锚三种组合桨,研究了牛顿流体及假塑性流体,在层流域及过渡流域的传热关联式。分别获得了三种组合桨的传热膜系数关联式。为了得到三种组合桨的传热膜系数的通用关联式,本文采用了传热膜系数与单位质量功之间的关联。  相似文献   

The hydrodynamics and the flow field in an agitated vessel were measured using 2-D time resolved particle image velocimetry (2-D TR PIV). The experiments were carried out in fully baffled cylindrical flat bottom vessels 300 and 400 mm in inner diameter. The 300 mm inner diameter tank was agitated by a Rushton turbine 100 mm in diameter, and the 400 mm inner diameter tank was agitated by a Rushton turbine 133 mm in diameter. Three liquids of different viscosities were used as the agitated liquid: (i) distilled water (ν = 9.35 × 10–7 m2/s), (ii) a 28 vol % aqueous solution of glycol (ν = 2 × 10–6 m2/s), and (iii) a 43 vol % aqueous solution of glycol (ν = 3 × 10–6 m2/s). The velocity fields were measured at an impeller rotation speed in the range from 300 to 850 rpm, which covers the Reynolds number range from 50000 to 189000. This means that fullydeveloped turbulent flow was reached. The experiments were performed to investigate the applicability of the following relations: ε* = ε/(u4/ν) = const, vK/u = const, Λ/ηK = const, τΛK = const, ε* = ε/((Nd)4/ν) = const, Λ/d ∝ Re–1, ηK/d ∝ Re–1, vK/(Nd) = const, NτΛ ∝ R–1, NτK ∝ Re–1, and ε/(Nq) ∝ Re. These formulas were theoretically derived in our previous work, using turbulence theory, in particular, using turbulence spectrum analysis. The correctness of the proposed relations is investigated by statistical hypothesis testing.  相似文献   

A CFD model of heat transfer from power‐law fluids to helical cooling coils in the transitional flow regime of a baffled tank mixed with a pitched blade turbine was developed with FluentTM. The model captured local temperature and velocity gradients. Simulations were run, varying Re, Pr, K and n. The results indicate that a Sieder‐Tate type correlation, with the exponent on and the coefficient in front of the Reynolds number being a function of n, is recommended for estimating ho. Also, a new two coil bank design was found to be more efficient when 450 < Re < 650.  相似文献   

A common method to achieve a contact of two liquid phases – required for many chemical engineering operations – is the dispersion of one into the other by mechanical agitation. The drop size distribution in such an agitated dispersion is a result of the dynamic equilibrium existing between the breaking and coalescing drops. A comparison has been made of drop diameters produced by four disk type impellers differing only in blade height (DW = 1, 2, 4 and 6 cm). Measurements in situ at 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450 rpm and at holdup fractions 0.02, 0.05, and 0.07, showed that the Sauter mean drop diameters increased up to 140 % as the impeller blade height decreased from 6 to 1 cm. Plots of ln α32 vs. ln N, lnα32 vs. ln DT and ln α32 vs. ln αmax gave straight lines.  相似文献   

Numerical and experimental investigations were carried out to improve the knowledge of the flow field in solid/liquid suspensions in agitated vessels and to examine the ability of the commercial CFD, code CFX 4.2, for this application. The numerical results were compared with our own experimental results of time resolved Laser‐Doppler‐Velocimeter (LDV) and power input measurements with particle concentrations of up to 15 percent of the volume. To perform LDV measurements within the solid/liquid flow the refractive index matching method was used. Results of the CFD simulation show the necessity to use high grid resolution, the k‐ϵ turbulence model and an advanced discretization scheme to achieve a grid‐independent solution. Simplifications of the grid geometry were shown to be an acceptable way to minimize the time required for calculation. The comparison of experimental and numerical results shows good agreement for velocities and power input in the single‐ and in all two‐phase flow cases. Good agreement with regard to the kinetic energy k is also apparent, except in the region near the stirrer blades, where local maxima are underestimated by the simulation.  相似文献   

Although they are obtained under the same conditions, results on the flow field in an agitated vessel achieved using particle image velocimetry (PIV) may vary due to differences in the PIV conditions. The influence on turbulence characteristics of the main PIV setting parameters, i.e., PIV spatial resolution, sampling frequency, and recording time, was investigated. Tests were performed with three different liquids in a developed turbulent field for a Rushton turbine impeller using two‐dimensional time‐resolved PIV. To obtain the relevant velocity gradients, a minimum recording time is needed. No effect of sampling frequency was observed if the sampling frequency was higher than approximately 17 times the impeller frequency, which is about three times the impeller blade frequency.  相似文献   

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