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Based on hydrological and climatic data and land use/cover change data covering the period from 1957 to 2009, this paper investigates the hydrological responses to climate change and to human activities in the arid Tarim River basin (TRB). The results show that the surface runoff of three headstreams (Aksu River, Yarkant River and Hotan River) of the Tarim River exhibited a significant increasing trend since 1960s and entered an even higher-runoff stage in 1994. In the contrary, the surface runoff of Tarim mainstream displayed a persistent decreasing trend since 1960s. The increasing trend of surface runoff in the headstreams can be attributed to the combined effects of both temperature and precipitation changes during the past five decades. But, the decreasing trend of surface runoff in the mainstream and the observed alterations of the temporal and spatial distribution patterns were mainly due to the adverse impacts of human activities. Specifically, increasingly intensified water consumption for irrigation and the associated massive constructions of water conservancy projects were responsible for the decreasing trend of runoff in the mainstream. And, the decreasing trend has been severely jeopardizing the ecological security in the lower reaches. It is now unequivocally clear that water-use conflicts among different sectors and water-use competitions between upper and lower reaches are approaching to dangerous levels in TRB that is thus crying for implementing an integrated river basin management scheme.  相似文献   

Eco-hydrological research in arid inland river basins has been a focus of geologists and ecologists as it is crucial for maintaining the sustainable development of socio-economy, particularly in ecologically vulnerable areas. Based on the research work carried out in the Tarim River basin of Xinjiang, northwestern China, this paper summarizes synthetically the climate change and associated responses of water resources in the mountainous area, land use and land cover in the oasis, and plants responding to environmental stresses in the desert area of the river basin. Research gaps, challenges, and future perspectives in the eco-hydrological studies of the Tarim River basin are also discussed.  相似文献   

Based on analysis of groundwater hydrochemical and isotopic indicators, this article aims to identify the groundwater flow systems in the Yangwu River alluvial fan, in the Xinzhou Basin, China. Groundwater δ2H and δ18O values indicate that the origin of groundwater is mainly from precipitation, with local evaporative influence. d-excess values lower than 10% in most groundwaters suggest a cold climate during recharge in the area. Major ion chemistry, including rCa/rMg and rNa/rCl ratios, show that groundwater salinization is probably dominated by water–rock interaction (e.g., silicate mineral weathering, dissolution of calcite and dolomite and cation exchange) in the Yangwu River alluvial fan, and locally by intensive evapotranspiration in the Hutuo River valley. Cl and Sr concentrations follow an increasing trend in shallow groundwater affected by evaporation, and a decreasing trend in deep groundwater. 87Sr/86Sr ratios reflect the variety of lithologies encountered during throughflow. The groundwater flow systems (GFS) of the Yangwu River alluvial fan include local and intermediate flow systems. Hydrogeochemical modeling results, simulated using PHREEQC, reveal water–rock interaction processes along different flow paths. This modeling method is more effective for characterizing flow paths in the intermediate system than in the local system. Artificial exploitation on groundwater in the alluvial fan enhances mixing between different groundwater flow systems.  相似文献   

黄山市新安江流域水环境质量评价与管理措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新安江是我国江南跨省级行政区的一条重要河流,其水质和水量对下游浙江省的生态安全和资源支持具有重要作用。针对安徽省黄山市境内新安江流域内存在的主要水环境问题,采用尼梅罗水质指数和超标加权法对新安江流域水环境质量进行了评价和分析。结果表明,新安江流域水环境质量整体较好,达到Ⅱ、Ⅲ类标准,大部分河段均能满足地表水环境功能要求;下游河段水质略差,但符合地表水Ⅲ类标准。在此基础上,提出了新安江流域水环境管理措施。  相似文献   

针对塔里木河中游输水堤防修建与生态保育的问题,结合对沙子河和阿其河两个断面地下水质的监测资料的分析,对输水堤防修建后堤防外地下水质的时空变化进行了探讨,揭示了在输水堤防影响下堤防外地下水质变化的初步规律.结果表明:沙子河断面和阿其河断面洪枯期地下水矿化度的变化规律由于堤防的修建而被改变,同样在堤防外侧,由于无地表水经过,沙子河断面地下水矿化度远高于在有生态闸定期放水的阿其河断面,因此,生态闸建设对抑制由于输水堤防影响而导致的水质修建具有积极作用.  相似文献   

Carroll, Rosemary W.H., Greg Pohll, David McGraw, Chris Garner, Anna Knust, Doug Boyle, Tim Minor, Scott Bassett, and Karl Pohlmann, 2010. Mason Valley Groundwater Model: Linking Surface Water and Groundwater in the Walker River Basin, Nevada. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 46(3):554-573. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752-1688.2010.00434.x Abstract: An integrated surface water and groundwater model of Mason Valley, Nevada is constructed to replicate the movement of water throughout the different components of the demand side of water resources in the Walker River system. The Mason Valley groundwater surface water model (MVGSM) couples the river/drain network with agricultural demand areas and the groundwater system using MODFLOW, MODFLOW’s streamflow routing package, as well as a surface water linking algorithm developed for the project. The MVGSM is capable of simulating complex feedback mechanisms between the groundwater and surface water system that is not dependent on linearity among the related variables. The spatial scale captures important hydrologic components while the monthly stress periods allow for seasonal evaluation. A simulation spanning an 11-year record shows the methodology is robust under diverse climatic conditions. The basin-wide modeling approach predicts a river system generally gaining during the summer irrigation period but losing during winter months and extended periods of drought. River losses to the groundwater system approach 25% of the river’s annual budget. Reducing diversions to hydrologic response units will increase river flows exiting the model domain, but also has the potential to increase losses from the river to groundwater storage.  相似文献   

西藏高寒湿地在生态平衡、生态建设和经济社会发展中发挥着重要作用。本文以西藏拉萨河流域内各个典型高寒湿地为研究对象,通过系统聚类法和综合污染指数法,对流域内各项水质指标进行综合分析和评价。结果表明:各个湿地的总N、Cu元素含量都超出了Ⅰ类水质标准;总P、Zn没有超标;Mn元素含量除了塘嘎郭湿地超标3倍外,其他均小于国家标准;Fe元素含量除了塘嘎郭湿地超标7倍外,其他均小于标准。总N、总P、pH值、Cu、Fe等因子对拉萨河流域内各个高寒湿地水质污染贡献最大。拉萨河水体有机污染较重,其余各个湿地有水体富营养化的趋势,同时流域内湿地独特的自然因素造成该流域内重金属污染偏高。对策建议包括应加大对城市污水的治理,加强流域内及周边矿藏资源的开发管理等。  相似文献   

Increased water-dependent development and utilization have led to significant environmental and hydrological degradation of the Tarim River in western China and its dependent ecosystems. Between the 1950s and 1970s, 350 km of the lower reaches were drained and between 1960 and 1980 the water-table fell from between −2 and −3 m to between −8 and −10 m. Subsequently, riparian ecosystems were seriously degraded. In 2000, the Chinese government launched a program to restore the lower reaches of the river. Four environmental flows of 1034×106 m3 were released from 2000 to 2002. This paper interprets and discusses the ecological significance of changes following the releases and identifies the relationship between water-table dynamics and vegetation responses. Short-term objectives for river restoration are proposed with possible monitoring parameters suggested.  相似文献   

A case study was conducted on the forest ecosystem in the Baishuijiang River basin of China to reveal the influences of environmental factors and human disturbance on the floristic characteristics and biodiversity patterns. Field surveys of the floristic composition, environmental factors, and disturbance factors were conducted along an elevation gradient, and the relationships between biodiversity pattern and environmental factors were analyzed using CCA (canonical correspondence analysis). The results showed that the floristic composition of higher plants consisted of 197 families, 796 genera, 2165 species, 19 subspecies, 239 varietas, and 12 forma, and it was characterized by the multi-geographic composition and by the transition from tropical to temperate zones. Along an elevation gradient, the variations in α and β diversity were best described by a bimodal curve, and the peak values occurred at middle elevations. The CCA indicated that the elevation had the greatest influence on the biodiversity pattern, followed by the topographic index, slope direction, slope, slope position, slope shape, and vegetation coverage. In addition, human disturbance has greatly impacted the floristic composition and biodiversity patterns, and the biodiversity indices were higher with intermediate disturbance at middle elevations compared to higher and lower disturbances at low and high elevations, respectively. This reflected a disturbance–diversity pattern and thus revealed the obvious importance to maintain the intermediate disturbance for biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   

Abstract: Analyses of major elements, environmental isotope ratios (δ18O, δ2H), and PHREEQC inverse modeling investigations were conducted to understand the processes controlling the salinization of groundwater within the Datong Basin. The hydrochemical results showed that groundwater with high total dissolved solid (TDS) concentrations was dominated by sodium bicarbonate (Na‐HCO3), sodium chlorite (Na‐Cl), and sodium sulfate (Na‐SO4) type waters, whereas low‐TDS groundwater from near mountain areas was dominated by calcium bicarbonate (Ca‐HCO3) and magnesium bicarbonate (Mg‐HCO3) type waters. The characterization of the major components of groundwater and PHREEQC inverse modeling indicated that the aluminosilicate hydrolysis, cation exchange, and dissolution of evaporites (halite, mirabilite, and gypsum) governed the salinization of groundwater within the Datong Basin. The environmental isotope (δ18O, δ2H) and Cl?/Br? ratios revealed the impact of fast vertical recharge by irrigation returns and salt‐flushing water on the groundwater salinization. According to the analyses of major hydrochemical components and PHREEQC inverse modeling, evaporite dissolution associated with irrigation and salt‐flushing practice was probably the dominant controlling factor for the groundwater salinization, especially in the central part of the basin. Therefore, groundwater pumping for irrigation and salt‐flushing should be controlled to protect groundwater quality in this area.  相似文献   

The Denver Basin Aquifer System (DBAS) is a critical groundwater resource along the Colorado Front Range. Groundwater depletion has been documented over the past few decades due to the increased water use among users, presenting long‐term sustainability challenges. A spatiotemporal geostatistical analysis is used to estimate potentiometric surfaces and evaluate groundwater storage changes between 1990 and 2016 in each of the four DBAS aquifers. Several key depletion patterns and spatial water‐level changes emerge in this work. Hydraulic head changes are the largest in the west‐central side of the DBAS and have decreased in some areas by up to 180 m since 1990, while areas to the northwest show increases in hydraulic head by over 30.5 m. The Denver and Arapahoe aquifers show the largest groundwater storage losses, with the highest rates occurring in the 2000s. The results highlight uncertainty in the volumetric predictions under various storage coefficient calculations and emphasize the importance of representative aquifer characterization. The observed groundwater storage depletions are due to a combination of factors, which include population growth increasing the demand for water, variable precipitation, and drought influencing recharge, and increased groundwater pumping. The methods applied in this study are transferable to other groundwater systems and provide a framework that can help assess groundwater depletion and inform management decisions at other locations.  相似文献   

基于塔里木河流域生态系统特征,分析塔里木河流域生态系统管理面临的主要问题.①农业开发大量挤占生态用水,威胁流域生态系统安全;②流域农药使用量增长1.78倍,化肥使用量增长2.06倍,工业SO2排放量增长5.93倍,城镇污水量增长0.23倍,下游水质严重超标;③水资源利用效率仅为6.79元/m3,远低于新疆平均水平;④人口和种植规模年均增长11%以上,突破流域水资源承载力.从综合生态管理体制、生态资源市场交易机制、生态立法三方面提出塔里木河流域生态系统管理新方向.  相似文献   

Abstract: Dry weather runoff in arid, urban watersheds may consist entirely of treated wastewater effluent and/or urban nonpoint source runoff, which can be a source of bacteria, nutrients, and metals to receiving waters. Most studies of urban runoff focus on stormwater, and few have evaluated the relative contribution and sources of dry weather pollutant loading for a range of constituents across multiple watersheds. This study assessed dry weather loading of nutrients, metals, and bacteria in six urban watersheds in the Los Angeles region of southern California to estimate relative sources of each constituent class and the proportion of total annual load that can be attributed to dry weather discharge. In each watershed, flow and water quality were sampled from storm drain and treated wastewater inputs, as well as from in‐stream locations during at least two time periods. Data were used to calculate mean concentrations and loads for various sources. Dry weather loads were compared with modeled wet weather loads under a range of annual rainfall volumes to estimate the relative contribution of dry weather load. Mean storm drain flows were comparable between all watersheds, and in all cases, approximately 20% of the flowing storm drains accounted for 80% of the daily volume. Wastewater reclamation plants (WRP) were the main source of nutrients, storm drains accounted for almost all the bacteria, and metals sources varied by constituent. In‐stream concentrations reflected major sources, for example nutrient concentrations were highest downstream of WRP discharges, while in‐stream metals concentrations were highest downstream of the storm drains with high metals loads. Comparison of wet vs. dry weather loading indicates that dry weather loading can be a significant source of metals, ranging from less than 20% during wet years to greater than 50% during dry years.  相似文献   

Abstract: Stream and riparian managers must effectively allocate limited financial and personnel resources to monitor and manage riparian ecosystems. They need to use management strategies and monitoring methods that are compatible with their objectives and the response potential of each stream reach. Our objective is to help others set realistic management objectives by comparing results from different methods used to document riparian recovery across a diversity of stream types. The Bureau of Land Management Elko Field Office, Nevada, used stream survey, riparian proper functioning condition (PFC) assessment, repeat photographic analysis, and stream and ecological classification to study 10 streams within the Marys River watershed of northeast Nevada during all or parts of 20 years. Most riparian areas improved significantly from 1979 to 1992‐1993 and then additionally by 1997‐2000. Improvements were observed in riparian and habitat condition indices, bank cover, and stability, pool quality, bank angle, and depth of undercut bank. Interpretation of repeat photography generally confirmed results from stream survey and should be part of long‐term riparian monitoring. More attributes of Rosgen stream types C and E improved than of types B and F. A and Gc streams did not show significant improvement. Alluvial draws and alluvial valleys improved in more ways than V‐erosional canyons and especially V‐depositional canyons. Stream survey data could not be substituted for riparian PFC assessment. Riparian PFC assessments help interpret other data.  相似文献   

倪萍  牛博 《新疆环境保护》2004,26(Z1):103-106
干旱区除存在唯一的真正森林-胡杨(Populuseuphratica)林外,植被普遍极其稀疏,以降水稀少,蒸发显著为特点的干旱区,荒漠植被的存在对于生态环境的保护和良性发展起到极大的作用,干旱区的荒漠植被表现出特有的生理特征,本文研究塔里木河流域胡杨林的特征及对生态环境的适应规律,进一步提出了扩展荒漠植被的可能性及其措施。  相似文献   

In China's west since the 1950s large-scale ecosystem degeneration has occurred through water diversions for agricultural purposes. Since 2000, 1038 x 10(6) m(3) of water have been released into the Tarim River with the result that water reached the terminal Taitema Lake for the first time in 30 years. This environmental flow raised water-table levels along 350 km of the river. To assess the response of the water-table, a comparison "pristine" site is compared with downstream monitored sites. The results show huge changes in water-table levels. The study verifies that the water-table is extremely responsive to environmental flows, that strong internal similarities exist along the length of the river, and that the effect on the water-table and hence likely riparian vegetation recovery can be tentatively predicted. The actual impacts of the restoration strategy are less than those originally expected politically, socially and within the scientific community. We make recommendations on more effective release strategies.  相似文献   

西北干旱区生态环境特征及开发利用建议   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
中国西北干旱区是我国进行西部大开发的重要区域之一,占据全国1/4的面积,资源相对丰富,是我国经济发展的后劲所在。然而,西北干旱区气候干旱、生态环境脆弱,人地关系较为复杂,矛盾突出,许多生态环境问题不得不给予足够的重视。本文从生态环境赖以形成的地质历史出发,分析了西北干旱区生态环境的特点及现存的若干问题,并提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

Conservation of groundwater resources is critical for maintaining the future productivity of irrigated land in the Ogallala Aquifer Region and beyond. This research explores motivations and behavior related to groundwater conservation among agricultural producers in the Colorado portion of the Republican River Basin, which is part of the Ogallala Aquifer. The empirical modeling uses data from a recently conducted survey to analyze how a common set of producer, farm, and resource characteristics influence groundwater values, concern for future groundwater availability, private conservation actions, and support for coordinated conservation efforts. We find two factors, producer age and land owner status, are consistently correlated with the key conservation‐related outcomes we evaluate. More generally, the results suggest considerable similarities in the characteristics that drive private conservation actions and support for coordinated conservation. This knowledge could be used to better target and incentivize future groundwater conservation efforts in the region. Editor's note : This paper is part of the featured series on Optimizing Ogallala Aquifer Water Use to Sustain Food Systems. See the February 2019 issue for the introduction and background to the series.  相似文献   

A Water Quality Index (WQI) is a numeric expression used to evaluate the quality of a given water body and to be easily understood by managers. In this study, a modified nine-parameter Scottish WQI was used to assess the monthly water quality of the Douro River during a 10-year period (1992–2001), scaled from zero (lowest) to 100% (highest). The 98,000 km2 of the Douro River international watershed is the largest in the Iberian Peninsula, split between upstream Spain (80%) and downstream Portugal (20%). Three locations were surveyed: at the Portuguese–Spanish border, 350 km from the river mouth; 180 km from the mouth, where the river becomes exclusively Portuguese; and 21 km from the mouth. The water received by Portugal from Spain showed the poorest quality (WQI 47.3 ± 0.7%); quality increased steadily downstream, up to 61.7 ± 0.7%. In general, the water quality at all three sites was medium to poor. Seasonally, water quality decreased from winter to summer, but no statistical relationship between quality and discharge rate could be established. Depending on the location, different parameters were responsible for the episodic decline of quality: high conductivity and low oxygen content in the uppermost reservoir, and fecal coliform contamination downstream. This study shows the need to enforce the existing international bilateral agreements and to implement the European Water Quality Directive in order to improve the water quantity and quality received by the downstream country of a shared watershed, especially because two million inhabitants use the water from the last river location as their only source of drinking water.  相似文献   

张树恒 《青海环境》2005,15(4):162-165
文章根据地下水调查的水质分析和动态监测资料,参照地下水质量标准和生活饮用水卫生标准,对柴达木盆地地下水水质状况进行了综合评价。结果表明,柴达木盆地地下水质量状况总体较好,但在一些局部地区地下水已受到污染。其中,可直接利用的地下水主要富集于盆地戈壁砾石带前缘地区,不可直接利用的地下水(咸卤水)主要分布于盆地中心地带,地下水污染呈点状或线状分布于人口密集的城镇及与工矿企业排污相关的地区。  相似文献   

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