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热带太平洋和印度洋海温年际变化的均方差分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
运用1951~1997年热带(20°N~20°S,50°E~80°W)海温(SST)资料求出其各月的均方差,结果表明:太平洋海温变化相对印度洋海温变化要明显,特别是赤道中东太平洋附近 (165~90°W,6°N~6°S)的海温变化比较显著,其海温的变化范围在2~4°C左右,3~4月份海温年际变化小,11~12月海温年际变化大;“暖池”附近洋面海温年际变化也小。而印度洋海域的海温变化范围在1~2°C左右,在印度洋南半球洋面海温变化比北半球洋面海温变化相对较大。同时,根据上述海温变化特征确定了几个海温年际变化最大的关键区。  相似文献   

袁媛  李崇银 《大气科学》2009,33(2):325-336
热带印度洋海温异常两种主要的模态分别是春季最强的全区一致型海温变化和秋季发展成熟的东西反位相偶极型模态, 本文主要分析了这两种海温模态对当年南海夏季风爆发的不同影响机制。对热带印度洋全区一致增暖和变冷年份的合成分析表明: 热带印度洋的增暖 (变冷) 通过海气相互作用激发印度洋-西太平洋异常的Walker环流圈, 加强 (减弱) 西太平洋副热带高压的强度, 进而有利于南海夏季风爆发的推迟 (提早)。由于热带印度洋全区一致型海温变化滞后响应于前冬ENSO事件, 因此, 作者提出热带印度洋的这种海温模态对维持ENSO对第二年南海夏季风爆发的影响起到了重要的传递作用。作者进一步通过1994年个例研究了热带印度洋偶极型海温模态对南海夏季风爆发的可能影响。1994年的热带印度洋偶极子在初夏就表现出很强的强度, 显著削弱了印度洋的夏季风环流, 尤其是索马里急流和赤道印度洋西风气流的强度。南海上游季风气流的减弱以及热带印度洋异常反气旋的发展阻碍了印度洋西南季风向南海的推进, 从而使得这一年南海夏季风爆发偏晚大约2候。  相似文献   

南海暖池的季节和年际变化及其与南海季风爆发的关系   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:16  
用LEVITUS和NCEP/NCAR OISST资料,分析了南海暖池的季节和变化特征及其与西太平洋暖池和印度洋暖池的关系,讨论了南海暖池强度指数的年际变化与南海季风爆发时间的联系,结果指出,南海暖池有明显的季节变化牲,12~2月隆冬季节最弱,3~4月迅速发展北上,6~9月达其盛期,整个南海均为高于28℃的暖水,10~11月迅速减弱南退:在南海暖池盛期,整个南海均为高于28℃的暖水最大厚度达55m,  相似文献   

热带印度洋海温的年际变化与ENSO   总被引:22,自引:3,他引:22  
文中讨论了热带印度洋海表温度距平空间分布的年际变化与赤道中东太平洋海温的关系。EOF分析的结果表明 ,印度洋海温的变化主要存在全区符号一致的单极型和西部与东南部符号相反的偶极型 ,它们具有显著的年际变化。小波凝聚谱揭示了单极、偶极的变化与Nino3区海表温度距平存在密切关系 ,印度洋海温距平从偶极到单极的变化对应着ElNi no事件从发展到衰减的过程。平均而言 ,印度洋偶极超前Nino3区海温距平约 4个月 ,单极滞后约 6个月。整个热带印度洋 -太平洋地区海气耦合特征的演变表明 ,与ElNino从发展到衰减相联系的热带西太平洋海气耦合相互作用在印度洋海温距平从偶极到单极的演变过程中起着非常重要的作用。  相似文献   

热带环流演变与南海季风爆发   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用1958-1997年的NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,分析了南、北半球中低纬环流的气候特征,并讨论了南海夏季风爆发与大尺度环流的关系。研究发现阿拉伯海经向环流管的上升气流和南半球纬向环流管的上升气流在5月份同时到达南海,经向环流管低层的偏西风和纬向环管低层的偏南风共同组成西南风,于是5月份西南季风在南海地区首先爆发。此外,由于青藏高原地形及各经度海陆分布的影响,造成太阳辐射加热不均,是热带夏季风爆发的直接原因,也是南海季风早于印度风爆发的重要原因。  相似文献   

利用1951-1988年10°S-50°N太平洋的SST资料对热带西太平洋海表温度的变化及其与赤道东太平洋海表温度变化的关系进行了分析,发现热带西太平洋SST存在准两年周期的变化。这种变化与ENSO活动相联系:El Nino年的SST距平值位于谷值;反El Nino年的SST距平值位于峰值。热带西太平洋与赤道东太平洋的SST变化存在弱的反相关关系。两者间存在位相差,前者的变化比后者超前几个月甚至1  相似文献   

丁硕毅  温之平  陈文 《大气科学》2016,40(2):243-256
南海夏季风爆发日期在1993/1994年出现年代际偏早的转变,利用海温和再分析资料的研究证实西北太平洋增暖和两类海温型的年代际差异可能是导致此种变化的重要成因。进一步的研究揭示出在南海夏季风爆发出现年代际变化的背景下,南海夏季风爆发日期与太平洋海温的关系也出现明显的变化:1993/1994年之前的第一年代东太平洋(EP)型海温异常起主导作用,而1993/1994年之后的第二年代两类海温型均影响了季风爆发,但以中太平洋(CP)型海温异常为主。第一年代,东太平洋型增温(EPW)通过抑制西北太平洋-孟加拉湾的对流活动,在菲律宾海、孟加拉湾西部激发出两个距平反气旋,使越赤道气流建立偏晚、孟加拉湾低槽填塞、西北太平洋副热带高压增强,进而导致南海夏季风爆发偏晚,且其影响可从4月维持到5月;而中太平洋型增温(CPW)对季风爆发前期的流场无显著影响。第二年代,CPW通过抑制菲律宾-孟加拉湾东部的对流活动,在菲律宾-孟加拉湾激发出一个距平反气旋,使孟加拉湾低槽填塞、南海地区副高增强,进而阻碍季风爆发,且显著影响仅出现在4月;EPW对4月大气环流场的影响与第一年代较为接近,在菲律宾-孟加拉湾一带产生的风场、对流场异常稍弱于CPW,但其影响无法持续到5月。  相似文献   

范伶俐 《广西气象》2005,26(A01):19-20
用Nino3指数、印度洋单极、偶极子指数表示热带两洋SST的年际异常,分季节分析表明:冬季Nino3区与热带印度洋SSTA相互关系表现为单极,且1976年以后两者的相互关系减弱,其可能原因,一是冬季是ENSO事件的盛期;二是冬季西太平洋暖水区东移,造成两洋的垂直纬向环流耦合减弱。夏季两者相互关系表现为偶极,1976年以后两者的相互关系加强,其可能原因,一是夏季是偶极子盛期,ENSO事件的发展期;二是夏季西太平洋暖水区虽然东移,但暖水区位置偏北,且东南印度洋的上升支强度增大,造成两洋的纬向环流耦合更强烈。  相似文献   

南海和印度洋海温异常对东亚大气环流及降水的影响   总被引:27,自引:11,他引:27  
利用英国气象局全球海温资料和NCEP再分析资料以及我国160个标准站降水资料,进行合成分析和SVD分析。结果表明,当南海、孟加拉湾和阿拉伯海春季(3~5月)海温为一致正(负)异常时,夏季(6~8月)副高偏南(北)偏西(东)偏强(弱),我国长江流域降水偏多(少),华南和华北降水偏少(多)。  相似文献   

南海季风区地面温度变化特征及其与季风爆发的联系   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
分析1979年1月至1995年12月17a南海季风区修平均地面温度资料的时空变化特征发现,中南半岛西北部和印度半岛分别为地面修平均温度标准差的大值区,其位置和强度在南海季风爆发前后月份具有显著差异。从候平均温度纬圈偏差的时间演变来看,中南半岛地区纬圈温度偏差由正转负的时间早于印度半岛地区,并分别与南海夏季风和印度夏季风爆发的时间其本对应。在夏季风爆发之前,印度半岛和中南半岛地区的地面温度是逐候增加的,季风爆发以后地面温度迅速降低,而海洋上的表面温度增温幅度明显小于与其相邻地陆地,此外,从南海季风爆发早晚年中南半岛与南海地区表面温度距平差和各自温度距平的时间演变看,中南半岛地区地面温度的变化在触发南海季风爆发及其年际变化过程中可能起主导作用。  相似文献   

Conclusions are divided regarding the role of the variations of thermodynamics in the monsoon activity for the South China Sea region. In this study, primary eigenvectors are studied for the SSTA from East Asia to the tropical eastern Indian Ocean in May. The results show that temperature anomalies that center on Sumatra are closely related with the outbreak of the South China Sea monsoon. When the SST is warmer (cooler) than average year, it is likely that the monsoon set in late (early). It may be caused by the changes in meridional difference in thermodynamics between the Indochina Peninsula and its southern tropical oceans. Studying the temporal and spatial evolution of primary eigenvector distribution of the SSTA in the South China Sea-tropical eastern Indian Ocean from winter to summer, we find that the temperature anomalies that center around Sumatra in late spring and early summer can be traced back to the variations of the SST fields in the South China Sea in the preceding winter. Being well associated with the outbreak of the South China Sea monsoon, the latter is a signifi-cant index for it. The work helps understanding the atmospheric and oceanic background against which the South China Sea monsoon breaks out and behaves.  相似文献   

热带印度洋秋季偶极子模态与南海夏季风强度变化的关系   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
利用多年的Reynolds月平均海表温度资料和NCEP/NCAR全球大气再分析资料,采用经验正交函数(EOF)分析和滑动相关方法,研究了热带印度洋秋季偶极子模态和南海夏季风强度变化的关系。结果表明:(1)热带印度洋秋季海表温度距平(SSTA)的主要模态是全区一致型和偶极子(IOD)型,全区一致型模态主要代表了秋季SSTA全海盆一致的年代际及其以上时间尺度的变化,IOD型模态主要反映热带印度洋秋季SSTA年际时间尺度的变化。(2)当前期秋季热带印度洋存在正(负)IOD模态时,南海的夏季风强度减弱(增强)。二者年际变化的负相关关系在长期趋势的冷位相期不显著,而在暖位相期显著。(3)当南海夏季风强度增强(减弱)时,后期秋季热带印度洋出现正(负)IOD模态。二者年际变化的正相关关系在长期趋势的冷、暖位相期显著,在冷、暖位相转换期前后不显著。  相似文献   

The South China Sea warm pool interacts vigorously with the summer monsoon which is active in the region. However, there has not been a definition concerning the former warm pool which is as specific as that for the latter. The seasonal and inter-annual variability of the South China Sea warm pool and its relations to the South China Sea monsoon onset were analyzed using Levitus and NCEP/NCAR OISST data. The results show that, the seasonal variability of the South China Sea warm pool is obvious, which is weak in winter, develops rapidly in spring, becomes strong and extensive in summer and early autumn, and quickly decays from mid-autumn. The South China Sea warm pool is 55 m in thickness in the strongest period and its axis is oriented from southwest to northeast with the main section locating along the western offshore steep slope of northern Kalimantan-Palawan Island. For the warm pools in the South China Sea, west Pacific and Indian Ocean, the oscillation, which is within the same large scale air-sea coupling system, is periodic around 5 years. There are additional oscillations of about 2.5 years and simultaneous inter-annual variations for the latter two warm pools. The intensity of the South China Sea warm pool varies by a lag of about 5 months as compared to the west Pacific one. The result also indicates that the inter-annual variation of the intensity index is closely related with the onset time of the South China Sea monsoon. When the former is persistently warmer (colder) in preceding winter and spring, the monsoon in the South China Sea usually sets in on a later (earlier) date in early summer. The relation is associated with the activity of the high pressure over the sea in early summer. An oceanic background is given for the prediction of the South China Sea summer monsoon, though the mechanism through which the warm pool and eventually the monsoon are affected remains unclear.  相似文献   

南海季风试验与东亚夏季风   总被引:66,自引:14,他引:66  
南海季风试验是一次国际性大气与海洋的联合试验 ,旨在更好地了解南海季风的爆发、维持与变化 ,以改进东亚和东南亚地区的季风预报。 1998年 5~ 8月进行的外场试验取得了圆满成功 ,获得了大量气象与海洋资料。不少国家对这些资料进行四维资料同化 ,并改进数值模拟和预报 ;同时也为东亚与南海地区季风的研究提供了必要的资料集。文中总结了中国科学家在这方面的主要研究成果 ,共包括 6个方面 :(1)南海夏季风的爆发过程与机理 ;(2 )南海季风爆发过程中对流与中尺度系统的发展及其与大尺度环流的相互作用 ;(3)低频振荡与遥相关作用 ;(4 )南海海 气通量的测量及其与季风活动的关系 ;(5 )夏季风时期南海海洋的热力结构、环流和中尺度涡旋及其与ENSO事件的关系 ;(6 )南海与东亚季风的数值模拟。  相似文献   

Results of the definition of South China Sea summer monsoon onset date and East Asian summer monsoon index in recent years are summarized in this paper. And more questions to be resolved are introduced later.  相似文献   

This paper presents a study on the temporal and spatial variations of the precipitation over the area of the South China Sea (SCS) during the monsoon onset period. The data used are from the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) observations between April and June over the nine years from 1998 to 2006. This study focuses on the central and northern part of South China Sea (110-120°E, 10-20°N). Based on the observations, the 27th pentad is selected as the occurrence time of the SCS monsoon onset. The conclusions are as follows. (1) After the monsoon onset, the specific area, defined as the ratio of the number of pixels with certain type of precipitation to the number of total pixels, extends significantly for both convective and stratiform rain, with the latter having a larger magnitude. The specific rainfall, defined as the ratio of the amount of certain type of precipitation to the total amount of precipitation, decreases for convective rain and increases for stratiform rain. (2) Results also show significant increase in heavy rain and decrease in light rain after the monsoon onset. (3) Changes are also observed in the rainfall horizontal distributions over the SCS before and after the monsoon onset, manifested by the relocation of precipitation minima for both convective and stratiform rain. (4) After the monsoon onset, the variability in characteristics of precipitation vertical structure increases significantly, leading to more latent heat release and consequently deeper convection. Meanwhile, the bright-band altitude of stratiform precipitation is also elevated.  相似文献   

南海夏季风强度与我国汛期降水的关系   总被引:38,自引:24,他引:38       下载免费PDF全文
对4种南海夏季风强度指数(1951~1998年)进行了对比分析,发现尽管它们在某些年份有差异,但在年际变化总体趋势上仍表现一致,并且由它们所确定的季风强弱年也基本相同.统计分析了南海夏季风强度与我国汛期降水的关系,结果表明,南海夏季风强(弱)年,我国夏季雨带型呈Ⅰ(Ⅲ)类分布,长江中下游地区夏季(6~7月)少雨干旱(多雨洪涝),广东省后汛期降水以偏涝(正常和偏旱)为主.南海夏季风强度指数与夏季长江中下游区降水和淮河区降水有显著的反相关,与江南区降水和华南后汛期降水有显著的正相关.我国夏季出现的严重洪涝(如1998年长江流域特大洪涝和1994年华南特大暴雨)与南海夏季风的强度异常有关.此外,分析还表明,南海夏季风活动强弱造成的北半球东亚500 hPa位势高度场的经向波列型遥相关是影响中国夏季降水的一个重要机制.  相似文献   

东亚下垫面热力异常与南海夏季风爆发早晚和强弱的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用我国南方逐日降水资料及逐月温度资料,采用Mann-Kendall 突变检验方法,并计算极端降水的GPD(Generalized Pareto Distribution)重现值,讨论了气候变暖前后我国南方冬季极端降水事件的变化。结果表明,我国南方冬季气候变暖的突变发生在1991年前后,且气候变暖后我国南方冬季的极端降水强度普遍有所增加。利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料进一步分析气候变暖前后的环流场特征,发现东亚热带冬季风异常与我国华南、江南地区降水异常有显著的相关关系。东亚热带冬季风偏强(弱),华南、江南地区降水偏少(多)。气候变暖后中高纬度环流经向度加大,有利于北方的冷空气向南输送。此外, 气候变暖后我国南方地面气温升高,海陆热力差异减小,东亚热带冬季风减弱,有利于西太平洋的暖湿气流向我国大陆东南部输送,并在东南部形成异常的水汽通量辐合,有利于形成强降水。气候变暖后,中高纬度与中低纬度异常环流系统的相互作用是我国东南部降水强度增加的主要原因。  相似文献   

The activity of South China Sea southwest monsoon (SCSSM) has direct impacts on the anomalies of important weather in Guangdong province during the raining seasons. So it is necessary to explore thoroughly the activity pattern of SCSSM and its relationship with important weather anomalies in the province. In this paper, the methods of composite analysis and correlation statistics are used to study the relationship between the onset date and intensity of SCSSM and the important weather, such as precipitation trends in Guangdong province during the annually first and second raining seasons, the timing of the annually first and last typhoon and the number of typhoons landing in Guangdong province. The results show that the rainfall is less than normal during the first raining season, but more than normal during the second one and there are more tropical cyclones landing in Guangdong province in the years of early SCSSM onset. The rainfall is more than normal during the second raining season and there are more tropical cyclones landing in Guangdong province in the years of strong SCSSM. The relationship between the SST of April - June, July - September and previous winter (December - February) and 500 hPa geopotential height and the onset date and intensity of SCSSM is analyzed. Some mechanisms between the onset dates and intensity of SCSSM and the important weather anomalies in Guangdong province are preliminarily explored. The results can be used for reference in short-term climate forecast.  相似文献   

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