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When galvanic interactions between pyrite and chalcopyrite occur in solution, pyrite, with the higher rest potential, acts as a cathode and is protected whereas chalcopyrite, with the lower rest potential, acts as an anode and its oxidation is increased. In this work a three-electrode system was used to investigate the corrosion current density and mixed potential of a galvanic cell comprising a pyrite cathode and a chalcopyrite anode in a flowing system. The results showed that with increasing concentration of ferric ion in the solution, with increasing acidity, and with increasing flow rate of the solution, the corrosion current density increased and the mixed potential of the galvanic cell became more positive. These experimental results are of direct significance to the control of environmental pollution in mining activity. By using the galvanic model, mixed potential theory, and the Butler–Volmer equation, the experimental results were explained theoretically.  相似文献   

Reactions of CO2 with carbonate and silicate minerals in continental sediments and upper part of the crystalline crust produce HCO3 in river and ground waters. H2SO4 formed by the oxidation of pyrite and reacting with carbonates may produce CO2 or HCO3. The ratio, ψ, of atmospheric or soil CO2 consumed in weathering to HCO3 produced depends on the mix of CO2 and H2SO4, and the proportions of the carbonates and silicates in the source rock. An average sediment has a CO2 uptake potential of ψ = 0.61. The potential increases by inclusion of the crystalline crust in the weathering source rock. A mineral dissolution model for an average river gives ψ = 0.68 to 0.72 that is within the range of ψ = 0.63 to 0.75, reported by other investigators using other methods. These results translate into the CO2 weathering flux of 20 to 24 × 1012mol/yr.  相似文献   

Mine tailings discharged to river systems have the potential to release significant quantities of major and trace metals to waters and soils when weathered. To provide data on the mechanisms and magnitudes of short- and long-term tailings weathering and its influence on floodplain environments, three calendar year-long column leaching experiments that incorporated tailings from Potosí, Bolivia, and soil from unaffected downstream floodplains, were carried out. These experiments were designed to model 20 cycles of wet and dry season conditions. Two duplicate columns modeled sub-aerial tailings weathering alone, a third modeled the effects of long-term floodplain tailings contamination and a fourth modeled that of a tailings dam spill on a previously contaminated floodplain. As far as was practical local climatic conditions were modeled. Chemical analysis of the leachate and column solids, optical mineralogy, XRD, SEM, EPMA, BCR and water-soluble chemical extractions and speciation modeling were carried out to determine the processes responsible for the leaching of Al, Ca, Cu, K, Na, Mg, Mn, Sn, Sr and Ti. Over the 20 cycles, the pH declined to a floor of ca. 2 in all columns. Calcium, Cu, Mg, Mn and Na showed significant cumulative losses of up to 100%, 60%, 30%, 95% and 40%, respectively, compared to those of Al, K, Sr, Sn and Ti, which were up to 3%, 1.5%, 5%, 1% and 0.05%, respectively. The high losses are attributed to the dissolution of relatively soluble minerals such as biotite, and oxidation of chalcopyrite and Cu-sulfosalts, while low losses are attributed to the presence of sparingly soluble minerals such as svanbergite, cassiterite and rutile. These results strongly suggest that the release of tailings to floodplains should be limited or prohibited, and that all tailings should be removed from floodplains following dam spills.  相似文献   

张少颖  张华锋 《岩石学报》2017,33(6):1872-1892
热液蚀变过程中的元素活动性与流体性质对深入理解矿物稳定性和成矿作用具有重要的意义。本文以华北克拉通中北部山西五台地区的白云叶蜡石矿为例,研究了蚀变过程中元素迁移特征和流体性质。该矿体围岩以绿片岩相酸性火山岩为主,岩性为绢云钠长石英片岩并夹有少量的绿泥钠长片岩。矿区内蚀变分带明显,可分为早期的黄铁绢英岩化(绢云母-石英-黄铁矿)和晚期叠加的叶蜡石化(叶蜡石-伊利石-高岭石-石英),而金矿化则主要发育于黄铁绢英岩化带内。Log fo2-pH相图模拟结果显示,早期黄铁绢云岩化蚀变热液具有弱酸性至偏中性(pH=5.24~5.87)和较低氧逸度(位于黄铁矿+黄铜矿稳定相区内)特征;而引起叶蜡石化蚀变的热液具有强酸性(pH=2.07~2.20)和高氧逸度(位于HM缓冲线以上)特征。质量平衡迁移分析结果显示,随着叶蜡石化蚀变作用的增强,叶蜡石矿石中的Al2O3行为较稳定,SiO2、Na2O和K2O含量相对于围岩绢云钠长石英片岩呈不同程度的迁入,而其余氧化物大量活化迁出。微量元素Nb、Ta、Th、U、Rb和Ga含量相对升高,Th/U比值略有升高;Sr、Ba、Zr、Hf明显亏损,Zr/Hf比值从34~41下降到17~22。稀土元素均发生一定程度的活化迁移,且轻稀土迁出程度更高。Y/Ho比值(28~32)高于球粒陨石的Y/Ho(26~28),表明Y-Ho在叶蜡石化蚀变过程中表现出不同的地球化学行为。Eu负异常明显增大,这可能与长石的分解关系密切。围岩绢云钠长石英片岩中金属元素含量较高且Au与As含量之间呈明显正相关性,但在叶蜡石矿石中大部分金属元素含量均低于检出限,说明金属元素在叶蜡石化蚀变作用过程中发生了强烈的活化迁移,这与岩相学上叶蜡石矿石中可见港湾状细粒赤铁矿而缺乏黄铁矿的特征吻合。本文研究结果表明叶蜡石化过程中,大量的所谓不活动元素(如P、Ti、Zr、Hf、Y和Ho等)发生了显著迁移并导致Zr/Hf和Y/Ho比值的解耦,并伴随着大量金属元素的迁出,说明叶蜡石化不利于金矿化的形成。  相似文献   

云浮黄铁矿利用过程中微量毒害元素的环境化学活动性   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:13  
为了解云浮黄铁矿利用过程中微量毒害元素的环境地球化学行为,客观评价它们对环境质量的影响,利用元素结合形态的连续提取实验方法,分析了云浮黄铁矿及其工业废渣中Co,Ni,Cu,Zn,As,Se,Cd,Sn,Sb,Pb和Tl等11种毒害元素的形态及化学活动性。结果表明,黄铁矿中大部分微量毒害元素都有着极强的化学活动性,各元素活动态浸出比例依次为Co96.3%,Se91.9%,Cu90.3%,Cd90.0%,Pb89.7%,Zn88.6%,Sb82.5%,Ni80.6%,Sn70%,Tl55.1%和As31.9%,元素As和Tl主要赋存于硫化物和硅酸盐矿物相中,另有少量的Cu,Pb和Sb可能赋存于碳酸盐矿物相中,其他元素则主要赋存于硫化物矿物相中。与黄铁矿相比,飞灰和灰渣中各元素可交换态和碳酸盐结合态所占的比例明显减少。废渣中各元素的化学活动性表现出很大的差别,其中Cu,Zn和Cd的化学活动性最强,活性态浸出比例在90%以上;其次是Co,Ni,Se,Pb和Tl,浸出比例在50%左右;Sb,As和Sn的稳定性较高,浸出比例分别为1%、5%和14%左右;飞灰中微量毒害元素的活动性均高于灰渣。  相似文献   

西南三江地区镇沅金矿载金黄铁矿稀土与微量元素特征   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
赵岩  黄钰涵  梁坤  张岐能 《岩石学报》2015,31(11):3297-3308
镇沅金矿(也称老王寨金矿)是西南三江地区哀牢山金矿带超大型金矿床之一。前人研究表明黄铁矿的稀土与微量元素含量可以反映成矿流体与成矿物质来源的特征,本次采用电感耦合等离子质谱仪(ICP-MS)技术对镇沅金矿主要载金矿物黄铁矿进行研究。通过野外实地调查及室内显微镜下观察,将镇沅金矿载金黄铁矿分为四个阶段:Ⅰ阶段脉状黄铁矿;Ⅱ阶段团块状黄铁矿;Ⅲ阶段与辉锑矿等硫化物共生浸染状黄铁矿;Ⅳ阶段破碎状黄铁矿。矿区内多种地层均有矿化现象,矿石类型包括变砂岩型、炭质板岩型、蚀变大理岩型、蛇绿岩套型、蚀变花岗岩型、煌斑岩型等。ICP-MS测定结果显示Ⅰ阶段黄铁矿富集高场强元素Th、U、Ta、Nb、Zr、Hf,亏损大离子亲石元素;其后三阶段黄铁矿该特征则不明显。黄铁矿总体稀土元素含量较低,∑REE含量为4.72×10-6~48.96×10-6,平均为24.93×10-6。稀土配分曲线显示黄铁矿总体呈较平缓的右倾型轻稀土元素富集配分模式;存在负δEu异常,基本无δCe异常。各阶段黄铁矿稀土配分模式存在微弱差异,Ⅰ阶段黄铁矿总体REE含量较高,部分具有LREE/HREE比值较低的特征,与超基性岩REE配分模式相近;Ⅱ阶段黄铁矿REE含量明显偏低,LREE/HREE比值较高;Ⅲ阶段黄铁矿∑REE含量较低,但较Ⅱ阶段要高;Ⅳ阶段黄铁矿∑REE含量低,有与Ⅱ阶段黄铁矿REE相近特征。黄铁矿中Au与As伴生现象明显。Co/Ni值反映黄铁矿具有沉积与热液黄铁矿成因特征,另外黄铁矿的稀土微量元素特征还反映出成矿流体为含F-的还原性流体。研究认为镇沅金矿至少存在两期金成矿作用,早期载金黄铁矿呈脉状产出,并可能与印支期古特提斯洋闭合中含超基性岩的增生楔形成有关;晚期载金黄铁矿与辉锑矿、黄铜矿等硫化物共生,与新生代区域范围内红河剪切带活动及扬子板块的俯冲导致的广泛变质作用有关。  相似文献   

山东省小清河沿岸土壤重金属污染分布及迁移规律   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
通过对山东省小清河流域土壤重金属污染现状的调查研究,查明土壤重金属污染状况,元素来源和分布迁移规律,从而为该区土壤重金属污染的科学治理提供有效依据。研究发现,小清河沿岸地区的重金属污染主要表现为As、Cd、Cr、Ni等元素的污染;依据内梅罗污染指数评价方法发现研究区存在重金属污染的土壤总面积为880.5 km2,未受到重金属污染的土壤面积为1 822.1 km2,分别占全区总土壤面积的32.58%和67.42%,其中上游的济南市城区北园镇至华山镇区域的小清河两岸是重污染区。对小清河流域土壤重金属来源的探析表明,大气干湿沉降是土壤重金属污染的主要来源;土壤重金属的生物有效性评价显示重金属元素Cd的活动态比例高达56.17%,活化迁移能力强,是该区对生态环境危害性最大的污染因子。此外,As、Cd、Cr、Pb等重金属元素的活动态含量明显受pH值和Corg含量的制约,在低pH值、高Corg含量的土壤区应高度重视As和Cd的污染问题。  相似文献   

The abiotic oxidative dissolution behaviors of eight natural pyrite samples, five sedimentary and three hydrothermal, from various geological environments were compared under oxic conditions at pH 3 and 6 in a highly controlled batch reactor dissolution system. The three sedimentary pyrite samples associated with coal had greater specific surface areas and also exhibited greater apparent dissolution rates and extent than the other two sedimentary and three hydrothermal samples under both pH conditions. However, after normalizing for surface area, the dissolution rate constants for the different pyrite samples were similar; the greatest difference was between the two non-coal sedimentary pyrite samples. Pyrite morphology and the presence of trace metals could contribute to the differences in dissolution behavior as reflected in the normalized dissolution rates. The sulfur:iron ratio observed in the aqueous solution at pH 3 increased with time, but was always less than 2.0 (predicted from the stoichiometry of dissolution) for all the pyrite samples during the 24-h experimental duration. This can be explained by the disproportionation dissociation of thiosulfate, an initial product of pyrite dissolution, to elemental sulfur and sulfate which does not occur in a 1:1 ratio. The results of this work indicate the importance of extracting and using the specific pyrite(s) relevant to particular mining areas in order to understand pyrite dissolution rates and the influence of environmental conditions on those rates.  相似文献   

The geochemistry of dissolved and suspended loads in river catchments of two low mountain ranges in Central Europe allows comparison of pertinent chemical weathering rates. Distinct differences in lithology, i.e. granites prevailing in the Black Forest compared to Palaeozoic sediments in the Rhenish Massif, provide the possibility to examine the influence of lithology on weathering. Here we determine the origin of river water using the stable isotope ratio δ18OH2O and we quantify the geogenic proportions of sulphate from stable isotope ratios δ34SSO4 and δ18OSO4. Particularly in catchments with abundant pyrite, determination of the geogenic amount of sulphate is important, since oxidation of pyrite leads to acidity, which increases weathering. Our results show that spatially averaged silicate weathering rates are higher for the river catchments Acher and Gutach in the Black Forest (10–12 t/km2/yr) compared to the river catchments of the Möhne dam and the Aabach dam in the Rhenish Massif (2–6 t/km2/yr). Correspondingly, the CO2 consumption by silicate weathering in the Black Forest (334–395 × 103 mol/km2/yr) is more than twice as high as in the Rhenish Massif (28–151 × 103 mol/km2/yr). These higher rates for watersheds of the Black Forest are likely due to steeper slopes leading to higher mechanical erosion with respective higher amounts of fresh unweathered rock particulates and due to the fact that the sediments in the Rhenish Massif have already passed through at least one erosion cycle. Carbonate weathering rates vary between 12 and 38 t/km2/yr in the catchments of the Rhenish Massif. The contribution of sulphuric acid to the silicate weathering is higher in the catchments of the Rhenish Massif (9–16%) than in the catchments of the Black Forest (5–7%) due to abundant pyrite in the sediments of the Rhenish Massif. Three times higher long-term erosion rates derived from cosmogenic nuclides compared to short-term erosion rates derived from river loads in Central Europe point to three times higher CO2 consumption during the past 103 to 104 years.  相似文献   

以峡东地区南华纪、震旦纪和寒武纪标准地层泥岩、冰碛泥岩、砂岩、灰岩和白云质灰岩及对应的风化土壤为研究对象, 分析了地层风化成土过程中不同元素的迁移行为, 根据剖面样品的Sr-Nd同位素组成变化, 探讨了其同位素体系的封闭性特征与应用意义.结果表明: (1) 不同岩性基岩在成土过程中的蚀变强度有明显的差异, 在相似地表条件下, 碳酸岩风化剖面的风化程度高于泥质岩和砂岩; (2) 通过对比稳定高场强Ti元素在基岩和风化剖面中的含量变化, 计算出土壤样品在风化过程中体积相对基岩发生的改变量, 进而计算出不同岩性基岩在风化过程中微量元素的绝对含量变化以探讨这些元素的活动规律.结果表明, 灰岩和白云质灰岩的风化剖面元素含量变化明显, 而在泥质岩风化过程中大多数元素保持了相对稳定, 说明沉积岩风化过程中元素的活动性特征明显地受到了原岩矿物组成的制约.风化过程中, 不同性质的元素的活动性差异明显, 其中亲硫元素(Cu、Zn、Pb、Mo) 和大离子亲石元素(Rb、K、Sr、Ba) 在不同岩性的风化剖面中均表现出明显的元素含量变化, 而高场强元素(Zr、Hf、Nb、Ta) 含量则相对稳定; (3) 泥质岩风化形成的土壤层REE含量变化较小, 而碳酸岩风化土壤层REE含量发生了明显下降, 且其风化形成的土壤表现出LREE和HREE相对于MREE的富集.无论是碳酸岩或泥质岩风化形成的土壤, 均出现了明显的Eu负异常和Ce的正异常, 但在其原岩中这些异常并不存在或不明显; (4) 基岩与土壤剖面间Sr同位素组成和Rb/Sr比值存在明显差异, Rb-Sr同位素组成发生了明显的开放.所形成土壤层的Sr同位素组成受到2种因素的约束: 原岩性质和外来组成的Sr同位素比值.因此在总体上, 风化土壤的Sr同位素组成已不能代表基岩的Sr同位素组成; (5) 沉积岩风化过程中, 碳酸岩和泥质岩形成的风化土壤基本保持了原岩的Sm-Nd同位素组成特点, 由其组成所获得的Nd同位素亏损地幔模式年龄等能反映其原岩信息, 而近源沉积形成的砂岩和含砾冰碛泥岩所形成的土壤, 其Nd同位素组成则存在不同程度的改变.   相似文献   

Plutonic and gneissic rocks of the Sila Massif in the uppermost portion of the Neto drainage basin (Calabria, Southern Italy) weather and erode under a humid Mediterranean climate. During the development of weathering profiles, a combination of chemical weathering and granular disintegration processes occurred. Chemical weathering involves a loss of both plagioclase (mainly during grus generation) and K-feldspar (mainly during soil formation). This loss is attributed to transformation of plagioclase to clay minerals and to leaching and dissolution of K-feldspar. Sand composition is quartzofeldspathic and nearly homogeneous along the main channel of the Neto River, even where the river cuts across a blanket of sedimentary cover. Thus, fluvial transport does not alter sand composition within the Neto drainage basin. Petrographic indices are effective in (1) discriminating between contributions from similar (granite and gneiss) source rocks (Qm/F); (2) relating the provenance of plutoniclastic and gneissiclastic sand found in the headwaters to grus horizons (Qm/F; Q/Rg); and (3) distinguishing between upstream first-cycle and downstream multicycle sand (Q/Rg). This last distinction is further emphasized by considering both aphanitic and phaneritic varieties of rock fragments (RgRmRs diagram). Chemical weathering is the main sand producer within the regolithic environment in northern Calabria. In addition, rapid erosion resulting from steep slopes removes weathered products, and rapid and short transport leads to minimal sediment maturation. In general, the F/Q index is climate and relief dependent; thus, it should be used in conjunction with palaeoclimatic and palaeophysiographic evidence for provenance interpretations of ancient quartzofeldspathic sandstones.  相似文献   

Metamorphic dehydration and partial melting are two important processes during continental collision. They have significant bearing on element transport at the slab interface under subduction‐zone P–T conditions. Petrological and geochemical insights into the two processes are provided by a comprehensive study of leucocratic veins in ultrahigh‐pressure (UHP) metamorphic rocks. This is exemplified by this study of a polymineralic vein within phengite‐bearing UHP eclogite in the Dabie orogen. The vein is primarily composed of quartz, kyanite, epidote and phengite, with minor accessory minerals such as garnet, rutile and zircon. Primary multiphase solid inclusions occur in garnet and epidote from the both vein and host eclogite. They are composed of quartz ± K‐feldspar ± plagioclase ± K‐bearing glass and exhibit irregular to negative crystal shapes that are surrounded by weak radial cracks. This suggests their precipitation from solute‐rich metamorphic fluid/melt that involved the reaction of phengite breakdown. Zircon U–Pb dating for the vein gave two groups of concordant ages at 217 ± 2 and 210 ± 2 Ma, indicating two episodes of zircon growth in the Late Triassic. The same minerals from the two rocks give consistent δ18O and δD values, suggesting that the vein‐forming fluid was directly derived from the host UHP eclogite. The vein is much richer in phengite and epidote than the host eclogite, suggesting that the fluid is associated with remarkable concentration of such water‐soluble elements as LILE and LREE migration. Garnet and rutile in the vein exhibit much higher contents of HREE (2.2–5.7 times) and Nb–Ta (1.8–2.0 times) than those in the eclogite, indicating that these normally water‐insoluble elements became mobile and then were sunken in the vein minerals. Thus, the vein‐forming agent would be primarily composed of the UHP aqueous fluid with minor amounts of the hydrous melt, which may even become a supercritical fluid to have a capacity to transport not only LILE and LREE but also HREE and HFSE at subduction‐zone metamorphic conditions. Taken together, significant amounts of trace elements were transported by the vein‐forming fluid due to the phengite breakdown inside the UHP eclogite during exhumation of the deeply subducted continental crust.  相似文献   

 Volcan Popocatépetl is a Quaternary stratovolcano located 60 km southeast of Mexico City. The summit crater is the site of recent ash eruptions, excess degassing, and dacite dome growth. The modern cone comprises mainly pyroclastic flow deposits, airfall tephras, debris flows, and reworked deposits of andesitic composition; it is flanked by more mafic monogenetic vents. In least-degassed fallout tuffs and mafic scoria, transition metals are concentrated in phases formed before eruption, during eruption, and after eruption. Preeruptive minerals occur in both lavas and tephra, and include oxides and sulfides in glass and phenocrysts. The magmatic oxides consist of magnetite, ilmenite, and chromite; the sulfides consist of both (Fe,Ni)1-xS (MSS) and Cu–Fe sulfide (ISS). Syn- and posteruptive phases occur in vesicles in both lavas and tephra, and on surfaces of ash and along fractures. The mineral assemblages in lavas include Cu–Fe sulfide and Fe–Ti oxide in vesicles, and Fe sulfide and Cu–Fe sulfide in segregation vesicles. Assemblages in vesicles in scoria include Fe–Ti oxide and rare Fe–Cu–Sn sulfide. Vesicle fillings of Fe–Ti oxide, Ni-rich chromite, Fe sulfide, Cu sulfide, and barite are common to two pumice samples. The most coarse-grained of the vesicle fillings are Cu–Fe sulfide and Cu sulfide, which are as large as 50 μ in diameter. The youngest Plinian pumice also contains Zn(Fe) sulfide, as well as rare Ag–Cu sulfide, Ag–Fe sulfide, Ag bromide, Ag chloride, and Au–Cu telluride. The assemblage is similar to those typically observed in high-sulfidation epithermal mineralization. The fine-grained nature and abundance of syn- and/or posteruptive phases in porous rocks makes metals susceptible to mobilization by percolating fluids. The abundance of metal compounds in vesicles indicates that volatile exsolution prior to and/or during eruption played an important role in releasing metals to the atmosphere. Received: March 1997 · Accepted: 27 May 1997  相似文献   


The distinct basin and range tectonics in Southeast China were generated by crustal extension associated with subduction of the Palaeo-Pacific plate during the late Mesozoic. Compared with adjacent granitoids of the ranges, the redbeds of the basins have not been well characterized. In this article, provenance, source weathering, and tectonic setting of the redbeds are investigated by petrographic and geochemical studies of sandstones from the Late Cretaceous Guifeng Group in the Yongchong Basin, Southeast China. Detrital grains are subangular to subrounded, poorly sorted, and rich in lithic fragments. Variable Chemical Index of Alternation values (59.55–79.82, avg. 66.79) and high Index of Compositional Variability (ICV) values (0.67–3.08, avg. 1.40) indicate an overall low degree of chemical weathering and rapid physical erosion of source rocks. Such features are consistent with an active extension tectonic setting. Other chemical indices (e.g. Al2O3/TiO2, Th/U, Cr/Th, Th/Sc, Zr/Sc) also suggest significant first-cycle sediment input to the basin and a dominant felsic source nature. Thus, the Guifeng Group possibly underwent moderate to low degrees of weathering upwards. Sandstone framework models and geochemical characteristics suggest the provenance was likely a combination of passive margin (PM) and active continental margin (ACM) with minor continental island arc (CIA) tectonic settings. Sediment derivation from Neoproterozoic metamorphic rocks and Cambrian to Triassic granitoids indicates PM provenance, whereas sediments derived from Jurassic to Cretaceous granitoids suggest ACM and CIA nature. Therefore, the Late Cretaceous redbeds were deposited in a dustpan-like half-graben basin under the back-arc extension regime when Southeast China was possibly influenced by northwestward subduction of the Palaeo-Pacific plate beneath East Asia.  相似文献   

《China Geology》2020,3(3):402-410
This paper focuses on the heavy metal enrichment and heavy metal pollution degree associated with mining activities in some crops and the soils of different parent materials in the Xiaoqinling Gold Belt. According to the geochemical analysis results of the soils observed in the gold belt, the soils are most highly enriched in Pb, followed by Cr, Cu, and Zn. Furthermore, they are relatively poor in Hg, Cd, and As. It is also shown that the heavy metals in all kinds of soils have the same geochemical characteristics in the gold belt. As for the crops (such as corn and wheat) in the gold belt, Zn and Cu are the most abundant elements, followed by Pb and Cr. Meanwhile, Hg, Cd, and As were found to have relatively low concentrations in the crops. The heavy metals in wheat and corn have the same geochemical characteristics in the gold belt in general. Compared to the aeolian loess soils and the crops therein, heavy metals are more enriched in diluvial and alluvial soils and the crops therein. As shown by relevant studies, the Hg, Pb, Cd, Cu, and Zn pollution are mainly caused by mining activities. Corn and wheat in the gold belt have a high tendency of risk exposure to heavy metal pollution since they are mostly affected by mining activities and feature high background values of heavy metal concentrations. Furthermore, wheat is more liable to be enriched in heavy metals than corn is grown in all types of soils. The Hg pollution in soils leads to Hg accumulation, increasing the risk of Hg uptake in crops, and further affecting human health. This study will provide a scientific basis for the control and management of heavy metals in farmland soils of mining areas.  相似文献   

Using a combination of particle size analysis, magnetic measurements, scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy imaging, this study shows that in a wide range of depositional environments, there is a strong link between particle size classes and magnetic response, especially below the upper limit of stable single domain magnetic behaviour. Ferrimagnetic grain assemblages dominated by stable single domain magnetosomes regularly have peak susceptibility and remanence values in coarser grades than do those containing finer‐grained, viscous and superparamagnetic secondary magnetic minerals formed during pedogenesis. This effect is despite the fact that there is a one to two orders of magnitude size difference between the particle size boundaries (at 1 or 2 μm) and key domain state transitions (mostly below 0·05 μm). The implications of these results are explored using samples spanning 22 Myr of loess accumulation on the Chinese Loess Plateau. The results from the loess sections, complemented by data from low‐temperature magnetic experiments, show that there are subtle distinctions in mean ferrimagnetic grain‐size between the Pleistocene and Miocene parts of the record, thus allowing more refined rock magnetic interpretations of the fine‐grained ferrimagnetic mineral assemblages arising from the effects of weathering, pedogenesis and possibly diagenesis in the sections studied.  相似文献   

In a uniform granite gneiss study area in central Zimbabwe, lineaments oriented parallel to the maximum regional compressive stress orientation exhibit the thickest regolith development, while lineaments oriented perpendicular to the maximum compressive stress show the shallowest development of weathered regolith. The principal fracture set orientations were mapped using aerial imagery. The regional stress field, estimated from global stress maps, was used to determine the stresses acting on each principal lineament orientation. Multi-electrode resistivity profiling was carried out across fractures with different orientations to determine their subsurface regolith conditions. The results indicate that the 360 and 060° lineaments, which are sub-parallel to the principal compressive stress orientation (σ1) exhibit maximum development of the regolith, while 130° lineaments perpendicular to σ1 do not exhibit significant regolith development. Since regolith thickness has been positively correlated with groundwater resources, it is suggested that fractures with orientations sub-parallel to the principal compressive stress direction constitute favourable groundwater targets. Knowledge of the regional stress field and fracture set orientations can be used as an effective low cost tool for locating potentially higher yielding boreholes in crystalline rock terrains.  相似文献   


位于青藏高原东北缘的陇西黄土高原地处我国东亚季风、西南季风、西风环流及高原季风等多个大气环流的交汇部位,同时处在沙漠-黄土的边界带上,环境对气候变化的反应非常敏感。广泛分布于该区的风尘堆积是研究我国干旱、半干旱区古气候演化及高原隆升环境效应的理想材料。本文对陇西黄土高原的甘肃会宁黄土进行常、微量元素测试分析,并与陇东黄土高原黄土的地球化学特征进行了对比。结果表明,陇西和陇东黄土的地球化学组成相似,与上部陆壳(UCC)平均化学成分也基本一致,说明两者都是复杂的源岩风化物质经过高度混合堆积而成。陇西与陇东黄土的地球化特征在总体一致的基础上也存在着明显不同,反映了两者沉积后化学风化和物源的差异。与陇东黄土相比,陇西黄土具有较高的CaO、MgO、Na2O和较低的Fe2O3含量,说明陇西黄土的化学风化强度相对较低;CIA值也显示,陇西黄土处于初等化学风化阶段,而陇东黄土则处于中等化学风化阶段;在化学性质相对稳定的元素中,陇西黄土与陇东黄土相比具有较高的SiO2/Al2O3、SiO2/TiO2、TiO2/Al2O3、U/Pb、Zr、Hf值和较低的Ta、Y、Rb/Sr、Ba/Sr、Ce/Yb、Eu/Yb、LREE/HREE值,反映了两者物源上的差异。受特殊地理位置的影响,我国北方戈壁荒漠、青藏高原的冰川及冰缘沉积以及邻近的第四纪松散沉积物都有可能成为陇西黄土的潜在物源。进一步研究显示,会宁黄土的地球化学特征在大约300ka B.P.前后发生了明显变化,结合以前磁组构、石英颗粒表面形态的分析结果,进一步证明青藏高原东北缘的风尘物源在该时期可能发生过比较大的变化,300ka B.P.以后高原的冰川及冰缘沉积对该区风尘物源的贡献明显增加,而青藏高原在此时期的快速隆升导致的高原季风加强可能是形成风尘物源变化的主要原因。


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