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为研究牛胚胎气管(bovine embryonic tracheal,EBTr)细胞Toll样受体9(Toll-like receptors 9,TLR9)在牛疱疹病毒Ⅰ型(bovine herpesvirus type 1,BHV-1)感染的天然免疫反应中的作用,本试验利用小分子干扰RNA(siRNA)技术,以TLR9为靶向分别设计并合成3条siRNA干扰序列,用SYBR GreenⅠ实时荧光定量PCR技术检测应用siRNA-TLR9干扰后TLR9基因的表达变化,筛选出最佳的siRNA-TLR9干扰序列,继而转染EBTr细胞使其TLR9基因沉默后感染BHV-1,用TaqMan实时荧光定量PCR方法检测BHV-1不同时间点的增殖变化。结果显示,转染48 h后,与阴性对照组相比,siRNA-TLR9A、siRNA-TLR9B和siRNA-TLR9C分别对TLR9 mRNA表达量下调了60.90%、24.05%和40.75%。筛选出siRNA-TLR9A片段在12~72 h可以显著抑制TLR9 mRNA表达(P < 0.05)。用该片段转染EBTr细胞再感染BHV-1后,6~72 h siRNA-TLR9A组BHV-1 DNA拷贝数低于对照组。本试验成功筛选出了特异性的抑制EBTr细胞TLR9基因的siRNA序列,并证明抑制TLR9的表达可降低BHV-1的增殖能力。  相似文献   

为探究抑制性受体CD300a在牛Ⅰ型疱疹病毒(bovine herpesvirus 1,BHV-1)免疫调控机制中的作用,分离鉴定了1株BHV-1内蒙古株,并建立CD300a基因的荧光定量PCR方法,检测BHV-1感染牛单核巨噬细胞后0,6,12,24,48,72 h 6个时间点以及空白对照组CD300a基因的转录变化。将β-actin基因作为内参,使用双标准曲线法计算攻毒组与对照组CD300a基因各时间段的相对表达量,分析CD300a在攻毒前、后的表达差异。结果显示,BHV-1分离株在MDBK细胞上出现典型细胞病变效应,测得其病毒滴度为107.23 TCID50/mL。本研究建立的CD300a基因荧光定量PCR检测方法,CD300a基因和β-actin基因标准品的Ct值与模板浓度之间均具有良好的线性关系,溶解曲线均为特异单峰,最低检测限均为10拷贝/μL,具有良好的灵敏性,可以准确检测出BHV-1攻毒后巨噬细胞内的CD300a基因表达量。经计算,攻毒组CD300a表达量均高于对照组,其中,6,12,24 h的表达差异倍数显著高于0,72 h...  相似文献   

为研究禽腺病毒4型(FAd V-4)中国流行株在鸡肝癌上皮细胞系(LMH)中的生长特性和增殖规律,分别利用SYBR Green I实时荧光定量PCR和病毒滴度测定方法检测FAd V-4感染LMH细胞后12、24、36、48、60、72、84、96和120 h的基因组复制和病毒粒子增殖动态。结果显示,FAd V-4中国流行株在LMH中能够很好增殖,不同时间点的病毒滴度与病毒基因组拷贝数呈正相关,病毒收获的最佳时间为感染后60 h。研究结果为防控鸡肝炎-心包积液综合征疫苗的研发和生产提供一定的依据和参考。  相似文献   

为探究牛坏死杆菌对小鼠乳腺上皮细胞系(EPH4细胞)增殖和凋亡的影响,本研究将坏死杆菌(牛A25菌株)以感染复数(MOI)为100感染EPH4细胞,用EdU细胞增殖法检测细胞增殖率,用Hoechst染色以及DNA Ladder检测细胞凋亡,并用实时荧光定量PCR(RT-qPCR)检测凋亡基因的mRNA相对表达量变化。EdU检测结果显示,坏死杆菌可抑制EPH4细胞增殖;Hoechst染色以及DNA Ladder检测结果均显示,坏死杆菌可促进细胞凋亡的发生;RT-qPCR结果显示,与对照组相比,坏死杆菌感染EPH4细胞2 h时,促凋亡基因Bax、Bax/Bcl-2的mRNA相对表达量显著上调(P<0.05),感染4 h时,促凋亡基因Caspase-3和Caspase-9的mRNA相对表达量极显著上调(P<0.001),感染6 h时,促凋亡基因AIF的mRNA相对表达量极显著上调(P<0.001)。由此可见,牛坏死杆菌能够抑制EPH4细胞增殖且诱导细胞凋亡,为进一步研究坏死杆菌致病机制提供了相关数据支持。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the role of Toll-like receptors 9 (TLR9) of the bovine embryonic tracheal (EBTr) cells in the innate immune response mediated by bovine herpesvirus type 1(BHV-1). Using small interfering RNA (siRNA) technology, three siRNA interference sequences target for TLR9 were designed and synthesized in this study. After siRNA-TLR9 interference, the expression levels of TLR9 gene were detected by Real-time PCR. After 48 h, the expression levels of TLR9 mRNA induced by siRNA-TLR9A, siRNA-TLR9B and siRNA-TLR9C were reduced to 60.90%, 24.05% and 40.75%, respectively. Comparing with the control group, the expression levels of TLR9 mRNA were significantly inhibited by siRNA-TLR9A fragments at 12 to 72 h (P < 0.05), and after transfecting the best fragments and infecting with BHV-1, the BHV-1 DNA copy numbers of siRNA-TLR9A group were lower than BHV-1 DNA of the control group at 6 to 72 h. The specific siRNA fragments target for TLR9 were successfully screened out in this test, and demonstrated that inhibition of TLR9 expressions could reduce the BHV-1 proliferation in EBTr cells.  相似文献   

为研究MyoDⅠ基因在关岭牛不同组织表达量的差异及在肌肉发育过程中的表达情况,试验采用实时荧光定量PCR技术对关岭牛背最长肌、大腿肌、心脏、肝脏、脂肪、小肠6个组织的MyoDⅠ基因相对表达量进行检测。同时分析关岭牛胎儿、18月龄、30月龄时期背最长肌组织中MyoDⅠ基因的表达规律。结果显示,MyoDⅠ基因在背最长肌中表达量最高,在出生后的关岭牛肌肉组织中也具有较高的表达量,且随着出生时间的推移呈上升趋势。推测可能由于背最长肌是肌肉富集地方,因此基因表达量较高,随着年龄增大,肌肉丰满度增加,基因表达量也随着增加。  相似文献   

荧光定量PCR法检测饲料中的牛、羊成分   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
疯牛病是一种严重威胁畜牧业发展和人类生命安全的传染病,因此对于我们国家而言,急需建立一套严格,规范的检验标准,防止疫区的牛,羊肉骨粉通过直接或间接贸易进口,本文运用荧光定量PCR法,针对牛,羊两种不同动物的特异性基因序列设计带有不同荧光标记的特异性探针,对整个PCR过程采用实时监控,最终通过不同的荧光信息来鉴定饲料中的牛,羊成分。本方法能有效解决普通PCR的样品污染问题,具有特异性强,灵敏度高,重复性好等特点。  相似文献   

为建立马疱疹病毒Ⅰ型(EHV-1)的检测方法,本研究以EHV-1 gB基因的一段保守区域(1207 bp~1509 bp)作为检测的目的片段设计引物,通过对其反应条件的优化,建立了特异性检测EHV-1的SYBR Green I 荧光定量PCR方法.实验结果表明:该方法检测目的基因的灵敏度下限为10拷贝/μL,比常规PCR方法高100倍;与马疱疹病毒4型(EHV-4)及其他马传染病病原体无交叉反应;组内及组间的变异系数均小于2%.该方法检测速度快及高敏感性的特点为马鼻肺炎的防制提供了有力保障,同时也为进一步开展马鼻肺炎相关的研究提供了有效的辅助检测方法技术.  相似文献   

针对牛冠状病毒(BCoV)N基因保守序列设计合成了1对特异性引物,以体外转录法制备的cDNA标准品为模板,建立了检测BCoV的SYBR GreenⅠ实时荧光定量PCR方法。在1个反应体系中模板最低检测限为7.8 copies/μL,比普通RT-PCR更加灵敏;与牛主要消化道和呼吸道病毒病病原均无交叉反应;批内、批间重复变异系数均低于1.5%;应用定量PCR检测了39份疑似临床病料,阳性检出率为51.28%(20/39),普通RT-PCR为41.03%(16/39)。结果表明,该方法特异性强、稳定性好、准确率高,本方法将为BCoV的临床诊断和流行病学调查提供技术保障。  相似文献   

Protection against BHV-5 disease induced by inactivated BHV-1 or BHV-5 based vaccines was analysed. Two groups of calves were subcutaneously immunized with an inactivated BHV-1 or BHV-5 based vaccine. A third group was not vaccinated and used as control. In the post-vaccination period, we studied the humoral and cellular immune response resulting similar to both groups. The efficacy of the vaccines was tested after intranasal challenge of the calves with a virulent Argentinean BHV-5 isolate (A-663). All control animals developed neurological signs associated with BHV-5 infection and high levels of virus shedding. Calves immunized with the BHV-1 and BHV-5 inactivated vaccines were protected against BHV-5 disease. Our study provides evidence that strongly support the existence of cross-protection between BHV-1 and BHV-5 in calves. Even though this has already been suggested by previous works, this is the first time an exhaustive study of the immune response is performed and typical clinical BHV-5 meningoencephalitis signs are reproduced in an experimental BHV-5 challenge trial.  相似文献   

Two polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays specific for glycoprotein B (gB) and glycoprotein E (gE) gene detection, respectively, were adopted for the detection of bovine herpesvirus-1 (BHV-1) in naturally infected bulls. The methods were tested on bovine semen artificially inoculated with BHV-1 and were compared with an optimised virus isolation method. Raw and extended semen samples were diluted in minimal essential medium (MEM) and spiked with equal dose of BHV-1. The extended semen was found to be more toxic for the cells than the raw semen, while the viral DNA could be detected by the PCR method in all tested dilutions of raw and extended semen samples. The sensitivity of both methods was compared also for BHV-1 detection in semen, nasal swabs and leucocytes of a seropositive bull in a different time period after virus reactivation with dexamethasone treatment. The sensitivity of virus detection by the PCR method was equivalent to that of virus isolation in cell culture. However, PCR was shown to be faster and easier to perform and may be a good alternative to virus isolation especially when bovine semen has to be screened for BHV-1 prior to artificial insemination.  相似文献   

Bovine herpesvirus type 1 (BHV-1) was investigated by a semi-nested polymerase chain reaction (SN-PCR) and by MDBK cell culture virus isolation in organ fragments from 55 aborted fetuses collected from beef and dairy cattle herds with history of reproductive problems in the North of Paraná State, Brazil. A 425 bp amplicon of the BHV-1 glycoprotein D gene was detected in 14 (25.4%) aborted fetuses. BHV-1 was isolated in MDBK cells from the tissue of 5 (9.1%) fetuses. The specificity of positive results was evaluated by Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) with Bgl I restriction of DNA amplified by SN-PCR, and by virus-neutralization and immunofluorescence with rabbit anti-BHV-1 polyclonal antibodies for virus isolated in cell culture. The results of this work demonstrate the importance of using other diagnostic techniques, like SN-PCR, for BHV-1 detection in organ fragments from aborted fetuses and the high frequency of this virus in reproductive failures in Brazilian cattle herds.  相似文献   

建立一种PCR技术,既能快速检测疱疹病毒1型成员牛传染性鼻气管炎病毒(bovine infectious rhinotracheitisvirus,IBRV),又能区分牛疱疹病毒5型和伪狂犬病毒。根据基因库中牛传染性鼻气管炎病毒的gD基因序列,应用primer 5.0软件设计了gD PCR引物,建立PCR方法,反应条件是:94℃预变性5min,94℃1min,58℃1min,72℃1min,30个循环,72℃7min,4℃5min。该方法能从IBRV阳性样本和参考毒株中扩增出372bp的目的片段,而从同属的牛疱疹病毒5型中扩增出440bp和206bp两条目的片段,从同属的伪狂犬病毒中扩增出303bp的目的片段,但不能从非疱疹病毒属成员猪呼吸与繁殖综合征病毒中扩增出目的条带。该PCR检测IBRV的灵敏度可达1PFU/mL以上。鉴于其灵敏度高、特异性好,可望在牛疱疹病毒感染快速鉴别检测方面发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

试验旨在研究胰岛素样生长因子-1(insulin-like growth factor 1,IGF-1)对奶牛乳腺上皮细胞(bovine mammary epithelial cells,BMECs)增殖的影响,为后期利用IGF-1调控乳腺发育奠定理论基础。以奶牛乳腺上皮细胞为材料,首先分4组分别外源添加0(对照组)、10、50、100 μg/mL IGF-1且分别培养12、24、48、72 h,测定抑制BMECs凋亡率的最佳浓度;然后分6组:单纯BMECs组、BMECs+IGF-1组、BMECs+LY294002组、BMECs+IGF-1+LY294002组、BMECs+RAPA组和BMECs+IGF-1+RAPA组,采用流式细胞术测定各组细胞凋亡率。结果表明,外源性添加IGF-1对BMECs凋亡率具有抑制作用,最佳浓度为50 μg/mL;BMECs+IGF-1+LY294002与BMECs+IGF-1+RAPA组细胞凋亡率均极显著高于BMECs+IGF-1组(P<0.01)。推断IGF-1能够活化PI3K/Akt/mTOR信号通路,参与BMECs凋亡的调控作用,进而抑制BMECs细胞凋亡;IGF-1可能会对被抑制PI3K/Akt/mTOR信号通路产生"修复"机制,使其能够重新参与BMECs的生命进程。  相似文献   

The test was aimed to study the effect of insulin-like growth factor 1(IGF-1) on the proliferation of bovine mammary epithelial cells (BMECs),and provide a theoretical basis for the subsequent regulating mammary gland development using IGF-1. The optimal IGF-1 concentration for inhibiting BMECs apoptosis was obtained by measuring the apoptosis rate at 12, 24, 48 and 72 h after the addition of IGF-1 at four groups (0, 10, 50 and 100 μg/mL). Then divided into six groups:BMECs group, BMECs+IGF-1 group, BMECs+LY294002 group, BMECs+IGF-1+LY294002 group, BMECs+RAPA group and BMECs+IGF-1+RAPA group,and the apoptosis rates were detected by flow cytometry. The results showed that the heterologous IGF-1 had an inhibitory effect on the apoptosis of BMECs with an optimal concentration of 50 μg/mL. The apoptosis rates of BMECs+IGF-1+LY294002 and BMECs+IGF-1+RAPA groups were extremely significantly higher than BMECs+IGF-1 group (P<0.01). This study suggested that IGF-1 could activate the PI3K/Akt/mTOR signaling pathway and thereby inhibit the apoptosis of BMECs. Moreover, IGF-1 might also promote the "repair" mechanism for the inhibited PI3K/Akt/mTOR signaling pathway, and therefore make it reparticipate in BMECs life process.  相似文献   

牛疱疹病毒(BHV-1)属于α疱疹病毒亚科的DNA病毒,可引起牛高热、上呼吸道感染和母牛流产。该病毒能在牛的感觉神经节内建立潜伏感染,因此,对于该病毒感染的预防和治疗较为困难。BHV-1除了引起初始感染外,还可通过免疫抑制引起动物继发感染,导致动物死亡。研究发现,病毒入侵牛机体时,病毒囊膜糖蛋白在病毒与细胞间相互作用的过程中发挥了重要作用。论文对牛疱疹病毒1型主要囊膜糖蛋白(包括gB、gD、gN)的结构特征和生物学特征加以归纳总结,为该病毒的感染特性研究和预防提供参考。  相似文献   

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