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黄土高原中部典型台塬区冬季微气象特征研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
王胜  张强。  岳平  曾剑  李宏宇 《高原气象》2011,30(4):982-988
利用黄土高原中部庆阳观测站冬季的观测资料,分析了黄土高原台塬区微气象特征。研究表明,黄土高原中部冬季晴天辐射各分量的值几乎比夏季的小一半。09:00~17:00,地面给大气加热,在17:00至次日09:00,大气给地表加热。平均辐射与晴天时更接近。无论是晴天还是平均气候状况,冬季感热在地表能量中都占有很大比重,几乎占到...  相似文献   

利用内蒙古科尔沁沙地和沈阳地区同步气象要素梯度观测和地面大气颗粒物(PM2.5和PM10)质量浓度观测资料,分析了中国北方地区2020年5月10日一次大范围扬沙天气过程微气象学和沙尘输送特征。结果表明:受大尺度天气系统影响,此次沙尘天气过程中科尔沁沙地不同高度(<20 m)风速均明显增加,各层相对湿度和浅层地表含水量有所降低,较强湍流动力作用配合干燥的土壤和大气环境有利于沙源地区地表大量的沙尘粒子释放到大气中。此后这些沙尘粒子随较强的西北气流集中在2—3 km以下高度向下游地区输送。受沙尘输送的影响,沈阳地区10日小时平均PM10浓度最高达817μg·m-3,能见度减小至3.7 km。此外,科尔沁沙地起沙过程中能见度与摩擦速度存在明显的反相关关系(相关系数R2=0.93),与湍流动力学热通量相关性相对较小,表明湍流动力作用在此次起沙过程占主导作用。  相似文献   

The effect of clouds on aerosol growth in the rural atmosphere   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Measurements of accumulation mode aerosol in the atmospheric boundary layer under cloudy and cloud-free conditions, and in the lower free troposphere under cloud-free conditions, were conducted over the rural northwest of England. Normalised size distributions in the cloud-free boundary layer (CFBL) and the cloud-free free troposphere (CFFT) exhibited almost identical spectral similarities with both size distributions possessing a concentration peak mode-radius of ≈0.05 μm or less. By comparison, aerosol distributions observed in cloudy air exhibited a distinctive log-normal distribution with mode-radii occurring at ≈0.1 μm concomitant with a local minimum at ≈0.05 μm. The consistent and noticeable difference in spectral features observed between cloudy and cloud-free conditions suggest that a greater amount of gas-to-particle conversion occurs on cloudy days, presumably through in-cloud aqueous phase oxidation processes, leading to larger sized accumulation mode particles. Apart from the distinct difference between cloudy and cloud-free aerosol spectra on cloudy days, aerosol concentration and mass were observed to be significantly enhanced above that of the ambient background in the vicinity of clouds. Volatility analysis during one case of cloud processing indicated an increase in the relative contribution of aerosol mass volatile at temperatures characteristic of sulphuric acid, along with a smaller fraction of more volatile material (possibly nitric acid and/or organic aerosol). Growth-law analysis of possible growth mechanisms point to aqueous phase oxidation of aerosol precursors in cloud droplets as being the only feasible mechanism capable of producing the observed growth. The effect of cloud processing is to alter the cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) supersaturation spectrum in a manner which increases the availability of CCN at lower cloud supersaturations.  相似文献   

一次强降水超级单体风暴过程分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
概述了2006年6月16日影响大连机场的一次由强降水超级单体导致的“黑昼”天气的天气背景,应用卫星云图分析了雷暴云团的演变过程;利用大连市气象局新一代天气雷达资料,分析了强降水超级单体的雷达回波特征。结果表明:“黑昼”现象出现的主要原因是高空受东北冷涡控制,东北冷涡底部干冷空气与暖湿东南气流汇合,在大连地区上空形成了强降水超级单体。新一代天气雷达图像上强度图的演变与强降水超级单体模式相吻合;剖面图上显示出强降水超级单体的明显结构;存在着中气旋和中等到强的垂直风切变;分析了此次过程中出现冰雹的相关因子。  相似文献   

利用戈达德对地观测系统(GEOS)提供的再分析气象场GEOS-5驱动的GEOS-Chem模式,模拟中国地区2009年4月22~29日沙尘暴期间沙尘气溶胶表面非均相化学过程对我国污染物的影响。模拟结果表明,沙尘暴期间,全国平均沙尘硝酸盐和沙尘硫酸盐浓度分别为0.2 μg m-3和0.4 μg m-3,占总硝酸盐(非沙尘硝酸盐与沙尘硝酸盐之和)和总硫酸盐(非沙尘硫酸盐与沙尘硫酸盐之和)的24%和10%。我国西部地区沙尘硝酸盐占比( > 80%)要大于其他地区,而西部地区的沙尘硫酸盐占比则要小于下游地区。考虑非均相化学反应后,沙尘暴期间,全国平均的二氧化硫(SO2)、硝酸(HNO3)、臭氧(O3)、非沙尘硫酸盐、总硫酸盐、非沙尘硝酸盐、总硝酸盐、NH3、总铵盐浓度变化量分别为-7%、-15%、-2%、-8%、3%、-2%、14%、21%、-5%。  相似文献   

2010年春季北京地区强沙尘暴过程的微气象学特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
利用北京大学校园地区PM10质量浓度观测资料、中国科学院大气物理研究所325m气象塔气象要素梯度和湍流观测资料,分析了北京地区2010年3月20~22日两次强沙尘暴过程微气象学要素和沙尘参量的时空演变以及湍流输送特征,为理解北京地区强沙尘暴天气沙尘输送规律和微气象学特征提供参考。结果表明:3月20~22日强沙尘暴过程前后不同高度温度先升后降,气压和相对湿度则相反。强沙尘暴来临时,高层风速先迅速增大,低层风速增加略有滞后,风切变明显加强,PM10浓度最大值和风速极大值出现时间较吻合。强沙尘暴过境时,不同高度向下的湍流动量输送、向上的湍流热量输送和湍流动能明显加强。与3月21日非沙尘暴日相比,强沙尘暴过程湍流动量通量增加,有利于沙尘粒子的水平和垂直输送过程;由于冷锋过境,水平热通量增大;垂直热通量因白天温度垂直梯度减小而减小,夜间因逆温层被破坏而增加;水平湍流动能对湍流动能占主要贡献,垂直湍流动能仅占水平湍流动能的10%~25%。  相似文献   

王雨  银燕  陈倩  王旭  肖辉 《大气科学》2017,41(1):15-29
将DeMott冰核浓度参数化方案引入到WRF中尺度数值模式中,模拟了新疆阿克苏地区一次多单体型强对流风暴,并对背景大气条件和沙尘条件下气溶胶作为冰核,对云中微物理结构和降水变化的影响进行了敏感性试验和对比分析,结果显示:在背景大气条件和沙尘条件下增加冰核浓度对降水中心强度影响较小,并且总体上看降水分布变化不大,但是降水局部的变化量较明显;不同背景条件下IN(Ice Nuclei)浓度的增加使得冰晶和雪的质量混合比和数浓度均有较大幅度的增加,其中雪的主要源项为凝华增长过程,而霰增长主要来源于冰相粒子碰并过冷云滴,并且在背景大气和沙尘条件下增加IN都使得霰的数浓度增加,尺度减少。  相似文献   

低涡切变影响下云南强降水的中尺度特征分析   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
张腾飞  鲁亚斌  普贵明 《气象》2003,29(12):29-33
分析2002年6月6次强降水过程的逐时GMS-5红外云图TBB资料和加密多普勒雷达回波资料,结果表明:这6次大到暴雨天气过程都是在川滇低涡切变影响下,由中尺度系统造成的。在卫星云图上都是由MCC活动造成的,MCC云顶亮温都低于-75℃。大于40dBz的飑线、涡旋带状回波和中尺度絮状回波团直接产生这6次大到暴雨过程。  相似文献   

Measurements of surface O3, CO, NOx and light NMHCs were made during December 2004 at Hissar, a semi-urban site in the state of Haryana in north-west region of the Indo-Gangetic Plain (IGP). The night-time O3 values were higher when levels of CO, NO and NO2 were lower but almost zero values were observed during the episodes of elevated mixing ratios of CO (above 2000 ppbv) and NOx (above 50 ppbv). Slopes derived from linear fits of O3 versus CO and O3 versus NOx scatter plots were also negative. However, elevated levels of O3 were observed when CO and NOx were in the range of 200–300 ppbv and 20–30 ppbv, respectively. Slope of CO-NOx of about 33 ppbv/ppbv is much larger than that observed in the US and Europe indicating significant impact of incomplete combustion processes emitting higher CO and lesser NOx. Correlations and ratios of these trace gases including NMHCs show dominance of recently emitted pollutants mostly from biomass burning at this site.  相似文献   

南京及周边地区雷达气候学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究南京及周边地区暖季(6-9月)对流风暴的活动分布规律,利用2009-2013年6-9月长时间序列的南京多普勒天气雷达数据识别对流回波并格点化,统计并分析了南京及周边地区对流风暴的气候学分布特征,结果表明:(1)在暖季,南京及周边地区对流风暴具有明显的区域分布特征,其中7与8月为对流风暴活动高峰期,对流风暴频数分布大值中心位于南京东部沿江地区;(2)不同尺度和伸展高度对流风暴的分布特征各不相同,较大较深对流的分布大值中心更加明显;(3)对流风暴的垂直结构因月份不同而有所差异,7与8月对流风暴强度最大;(4)不同尺度和伸展高度对流风暴频数存在明显的日变化特征,呈多峰分布,主峰值区位于午后,同样,各月份对流风暴频数的日变化特征也非常明显,呈单峰或者多峰分布。   相似文献   

利用高、低空常规气象观测资料、卫星云图和多普勒雷达资料,分析了2006年6月12日发生在太原机场的一次强对流风暴过程,结果表明:高空气旋性冷槽的迅速东移和地面冷锋过境是本次强对流风暴发生的天气尺度系统背景,机场发生的地面大风是由下击暴流引起的,近地面强辐散引起阵风锋发生在弓形回波中低辐合层对应的下方;雷暴单体回波剖面随时间的演变发现确有反射率因子核心重心下降并接地的现象,并据此证实有两次下击暴流过程.第一次出现在16时前后距本场西北90 km处,第二次出现在18时04分,第二轮下击暴流直接造成本场的地面大风.下击暴流发生的过程始终伴随着中低层长时间的辐合和反射率因子核心的重心下降接地过程.  相似文献   

一次雷暴大风的物理环境场和多普勒雷达回波特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
2009年8月27日15-18时,石家庄地区出现雷暴大风等灾害性强对流天气过程,石家庄地区北部新乐县境内的多普勒雷达探测到了此次天气过程中完整的阵风锋、飑线、中气旋等中尺度天气系统,并对此次雷暴大风的环境场和多普勒雷达产品进行分析。结果表明:低层逆温、中低层垂直风切变较强的不稳定层结为强对流天气的发生发展提供了有利的环境条件。阵风锋对对流风暴发展强度具有反馈作用,当二者逐渐远离时,对流风暴强度减弱甚至消亡;当二者逐渐靠近时,对流风暴发展加强,甚至发展为超级单体对流风暴。多单体对流风暴带状排列构成飑线系统,所经测站出现风速突增、风向急转、气压涌升、气温下降,钩状回波、人字型回波、弓形回波和深厚持久发展的中气旋是本次天气过程中的超级单体对流风暴所具有的典型特征。地面破坏性大风主要由超级单体对流风暴所引发。  相似文献   

2002年9月在青海省河南县人工增雨综合试验基地开展了人工增雨外场综合观测试验.根据这次实验得到的大气冰核资料,以及文献给出的另外两组常用的冰核资料,利用中国科学院大气物理研究所研制和发展的三维对流云人工催化数值模式,讨论了3类不同大气冰核谱环境对模拟对流风暴云人工催化增雨效果的影响,模式中还考虑了国内人工影响天气部门常用的RYI-6300型和WR-1B型人工增雨防雹火箭播云弹道的差异.模拟结果表明,3类不同大气冰核谱环境对模拟对流风暴云的宏观和微观参量分布结构有很大影响,在这些对流云中进行火箭播云催化试验得到的播云效果也有很大差异.大气环境中高温冰核浓度低,而低温冰核浓度高时,对流风暴云人工催化将导致云中冰晶过量,不利于对流风暴云降水增加.在大气环境中高温冰核浓度较高,并且低温冰核浓度较低时,对流催化风暴云可获得最高的人工增雨效果.在青海试验区的大气冰核谱环境下,火箭催化对流风暴云增雨有一定效果.对不同地区进行人工增雨作业时,了解清楚当地大气冰核的基本背景状况对于正确地评估播云效果非常重要.文中还给出了导致这些结果差异的物理解释.  相似文献   

The surface level measurements of O3, CO, CH4 and light NMHCs were made at eight different rural sites in the central part of India during February, 2004. The online analyzer was used for in-situ measurement of O3 while air samples were collected for the analyses of CO, CH4 and NMHCs using the gas chromatography techniques. The average mixing ratios of O3, which were in the range of 60–90 ppbv, are significantly higher compared to the typical values reported for urban sites of India. The increase rates of O3 in the forenoon hours were estimated to be in the range of about 8.8–10 ppbv h−1. The slopes of ∆O3/∆CO, which is an indicator of the efficiency of photochemical production, were in the range of 0.24–0.33 ppbv ppbv−1. However, levels of primary pollutants e.g., NMHCs, CO, etc. at these sites were much lower than urban sites, but higher compared to previously observed values surrounding marine region of India. The estimated ratios of NMHCs and CO indicate fossil fuel combustion process as the dominant source of primary pollutants in this corridor.  相似文献   

Intensive measurements of gas and aerosol for 2 weeks were carried out at Qingdao (gas and aerosol in 2000, 2001 and 2002), Fenghuangshan (gas and aerosol in 2000 and 2001), and Dalian (aerosol in 2002) in the winter–spring period. High SO2 episodes were observed on 18 January 2000 at both Qingdao and Fenghuangshan. According to back trajectory calculations and analysis of gaseous species, high SO2 episodes were caused by local pollution and transport.Nitrate, sulfate and ammonium were the major species in PM2.5. Mass fractions of NO3, nss-SO42− and NH4+ at Qingdao in 2002 were 10%, 12% and 5.5% for PM2.5, respectively, which were higher than that of nss-Ca2+ (1%). Chemical compositions observed at Dalian and Fenghuangshan were similar to those at Qingdao. The mass ratio of nss-SO42−/SO2 at Qingdao in winter was low (< 1.2), indicating that sulfate was probably produced by the slow oxidation of SO2 in the gas phase and/or was transported from outside of Qingdao in winter. The equivalent ratio of NH4+ to nss-SO42− was 1.39, suggesting that ammonium sulfate was one of the major chemical compositions in PM2.5. The NO3/SO42− ratio at Qingdao was higher than that at remote places in East Asia. Gas and aerosol data obtained at Fenghuangshan were similar to data at Qingdao, suggesting that emissions from small cities may have a great influence on pollution in northern China.  相似文献   

利用气象信息综合分析处理系统(MICAPS)分析资料、NECP再分析资料、自动站观测资料、卫星红外云图、天气雷达资料等,对2018年初夏内蒙古锡林郭勒盟地区出现的一次典型局地沙尘天气过程进行了分析。结果表明:此次沙尘天气主要在高空冷涡环流背景下,由低层切变触发的强对流风暴造成,发生在强对流风暴的下沉气流中。沙尘发生时,地面气压从995.2 hPa跃升至1000.4 hPa,气温下降,风向从东北风(31°)突变为西北风(343°)。从天气形势看,在上冷下暖不稳定的大气层结状态下,对流云团发展旺盛,外流边界的强下沉气流促使地面形成大风,为此次短时沙尘天气提供了较好的动力条件。局地沙尘发生前,动力、热力条件有利于强对流天气的发生发展,高低层的辐散辐合、较强的上升运动及干燥的中层大气和下垫面,是局地沙尘天气产生的主要原因。  相似文献   

Mixing depth structure and its evolution have been diagnosed from radar wind profiler data in the Chamonix and the Maurienne valleys (France) during summer 2003. The behaviour of refractive index structure parameter C n 2 peaks coupled with the vertical velocity variance σ w 2 was used to estimate the height of the mixed layer. Tethersonde vertical profiles were carried out to investigate the lower layers of the atmosphere in the range of approximately 400–500 m above ground level. The tethersonde device was especially useful to study the reversal of the valley wind system during the morning transition period. Specific features such as wind reversal and the convective mixed layer up to approximately the altitude of the surrounding mountains were documented. The wind reversal was observed to be much more sudden in the Maurienne valley than in the Chamonix valley  相似文献   

Slope flow mechanisms are crucial for the transport of air pollutants in complex terrain. Previous observations in sloping terrain showed upslope flows filling the entire convective boundary layer (CBL) and reducing air pollution concentrations by venting air pollutants out of the CBL into the free atmosphere. During the Pacific 2001 Air Quality Field Study in the Lower Fraser Valley, British Columbia, Canada, we observed slope flows during weak synoptic winds, clear skies, and strong daytime solar heating. With a Doppler sodar we measured the three wind components at the foot of a slope having an average angle of 19° and a ridge height of 780 m. We operated a scanning lidar system and a tethersonde at a nearby site on the adjacent plain to measure backscatter of particulate matter, temperature, wind speed, wind direction, and specific humidity. Strong daytime upslope flows of up to 6 m s−1 through a depth of up to 500 m occurred in the lower CBL, but with often equally strong and deep return flows in the upper part of the CBL. The mass transport of upslope flow and return flow approximately balanced over a 4-h morning period, suggesting a closed slope-flow circulation within the CBL. These observations showed that air pollutants can remain trapped within a CBL rather than being vented from the CBL into the free atmosphere.  相似文献   

Four successive freezing rain/heavy snowfall processes occurred in the southern part of China from 11 January to 2 February 2008 (named "0801 Southern Snow Disaster" hereafter), during which a large-scale blocking circulation lasted for a long time over the mid-high latitudes of the Euro-Asian continent. This severe event is featured with a broad spatial scale, strong intensity, long duration, and serious damage. During the event, the blocking situation in the mid-high latitudes maintained quasi-sationary, but weather systems in the lower latitudes were active. Abundant water vapor was supplied, and favorable weather conditions for ice storms were formed over the large areas across the southern part of China. The results in this paper demonstrate that the significant factors responsible for the abnormal atmospheric circulation and this severe event include: 1) the very active Arctic Oscillation (AO), which helped the permanent maintenance of the planetary-scale waves; 2) the continuous transfer of negative vorticity from the upstream region around 50°E into the blocking area, which caused the blocking situation reinforced repeatedly and sustained for a long time; and 3) the active air currents south of the Tibetan Plateau, which ensured abundant moisture supply to the southern areas of China. The 0801 Southern Snow Disaster was accompanied by extremely severe icing. In this paper, the data from Cloud-Profile Radar onboard the satellite CloudSat are used to study the dynamic and microphysical features of this event. The results show that there existed a melting layer between 2 and 4 km, and ice particles could be found above this layer and in the layer near the ground surface. Surface temperature kept between -4℃ and 0℃ with relative humidity over 90%, which provided the descending supercooled waterdrops with favorable synoptic and physical conditions to form glaze and ice at the surface via freezing, deposition and/or accretion. Causes of the event might be, as a whole, traced back to the planetary-scale systems. The study on the polar vortex anomaly in this paper reveals that changes in the polar vortex in the stratosphere preceded those in the troposphere, especially in early December 2007, while the intensification of the polar vortex in the troposphere delayed dramatically until middle January and early February of 2008. This implies that changes in the polar vortex in the stratosphere may be a precursor of the ensuing severe event and a meaningful clue for extended forecasts of such a disaster.  相似文献   

陈少平  孙士型  居志刚 《气象》2006,32(5):52-56
利用宜昌多普勒天气雷达回波资料,分析了2001年7月2日发生在三峡坝区瞬间极大风速达28.8m·s-1的强对流风暴。结果发现:在环境风场为偏南气流的引导下,神农架南坡有一条中尺度辐合线,对流云在该辐合线附近生成和发展,然后沿神农架东缘东北移动并影响三峡坝区,表明神农架南坡的山前涌升效应对该强风暴有一定的触发和维持作用。  相似文献   

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