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REE-fluorocarbonates as major REE minerals in the Bayan Obo deposit,the largest REE deposit in the world,were analyzed for their stable isotopic compositions,The δ^13 C and δ^18 O values of huanghoite,cebaite and bastnaesite from late-stage veins vary in the ranges of 7.8--4.0‰ and 6.7-9.4‰,respectively,These data are relatively similar to those of bastnaesites from banded ores:δ^13C-5.6--5.2‰ andδ^18O3.6-5.5‰.The REE fluorocarbonates from both late-staege veins and banded ores are characterized by lower δ^13 C and δ^18O values,especially the δ^18O values of bastnaesites from banded ores.Compared with them,the disseminated bastnaesits the dolomite-type ores possess rather highδ^13 C and δ^18O values,i.e.,-2.1-0.4‰ and 8.6-12.9‰ respectively.The high values are typical of the sedimentary host dolomite rocks as well as of the dolomite-type-ores.The carbon and oxygen isotopic characteristics of REE fluorocarbonate minerals provide new evidence for the hypothesis on the origin of Bayan Obo deposit-epigenetic hydrothermal metasomatism.  相似文献   

The Lianhuashan tungsten deposit occurs in the volcanic terrain in the coastal area of Southeast China,where rhyolite,quartz porphyry and granite consitute a complee magmatic series.The orebodies are located in the endo-and exo-contacts between the quartz porphyry and the metasandstone of the Xiaoping coal measues.Hongenization temperatures of melt inclusions in zircon and quartz are 1100℃and 1050℃ for rhyolite,1000℃ and 860℃for quartz porphyry,and 950-1000℃and 820℃ for granite,respectively,demonstrating that the rockforming temperatures dropped successively from the eruptive to the intrusive rocks and that the homogenization temperatures of melt inclusions in zircon are 50-180℃higher than those in quartz.Homogenization temperatures of gas-liquid inclusions in quartz are 230-520℃(mostly 230-270℃)for quartz porphyry,200-450℃(mostly 200-360℃)for ore-bearing quartz veins,150-210℃for granite 170-200℃ for the vein quartz in it.Quartz from the quartz porphyry and from the ore-earing quartz veins show similar characteristics in inclusion type and homogenization temperature,indicating that intergranular solutions must have been formed upon cooling of magma and that ore-forming solutions for the tungstem mineralization were evolved mainly from ore-bearing intergranular solutions in the quartz porphyry.  相似文献   

The Jinman copper deposit,which is situated on the northern margin of the Lanping-Simao back-arc basin,western Yunnan Province,is a silver-bearing,high-grade vein-type copper deposit.Comprehensive element geochemical studies of the host rocks and hydrothermal minerals revealed the regularities in the distribution,mobilization and transport of elements from the host rocks to hydrothermal minerals.In conjunction with the fluid inclusion and isotope data,it is suggested that the ore-forming fluid was derived mainly from a deep source characterized by CO2 enrichment and reduction in nature.It is also suggested that the oreforming materials come largely from a deep source.although the contribution of the country rocks should not be ruled out.It is also found that some hydrothermal minerals are possessed of MREE-enrichment patterns.It is deduced that the REEs in the deep-source ore fluid were transported in the form of CO3^2- complexes and were deposited in a continental basin(or a hot-spring basin).  相似文献   

According to differences in features of illites including spatial distribution, crystallinity index, volume of swelling layer, polytype and relationship between its index and copper grade, two typical kinds of illite can be classified within the Tongchang porphyry copper deposit, Dexing County, East China. One is a kind of hydrothermally altered minerals within the hydrothermal alteration zone, including altered granodiorite-porphyry and altered metamorphic tuffaceous phyllite near the contact zone with porphyry rockbody. The illite crystallinity and expandability are mainly affected by water/rock ratio or fluid flux, and hydrothermal illite is formed by illitization of plagioclase and/or micas during hydrothermal fluid evolution within the porphyry body and near the contact zone with wall rocks. The other is a product of low-grade metamorphism itself by illitization of smectite, whose crystallinity index is lower than the hydrothermal illite and which is of 2M1 polytype with no swelling layer, in the altered metamorphic tuffaceous phyllite far from porphyry rockbody ( > 2 km). Moreover, the negative correlation between illite index and copper grade indicates that, within the alteration zone, the smaller the illite crystallinity, the stronger the alteration degree, and the higher the copper grade due to higher water/rock ratio. At lower levels of the porphyry body, however, the illite crystallinity (IC) values are controlled mainly by temperature and time.  相似文献   

REE and other trace elements in the altered marbles, massive skarns and ores, as well as garnet and quartz were determined in order to examine the behaviors of trace elements during hydrothermal alteration. It is demonstrated that the high-field-strength (HFS) elements Zr, Hf, Th and Nb were immobile while other trace elements were mobile during the formation of skarns and related deposits. REE and ore-forming elements such as Cu and Ag in hydrothermally-altered marbles and skarns were provided primarily by hydrothermal fluids. In the direction transverse of the strata, the more deeply the marbles were altered, the higher the total REE abundance and the larger the negative Eu anomalies would be. The chondrite-normalized REE patterns of skarns are similar to those of the marbles, but the former are distinguished by much higher REE contents and more remarkable negative Eu anomalies. Those patterns were apparently not inherited from the marble protolith, but were controlled by garnets, which were determine  相似文献   

The Songxi deposit is a newly discovered large Ag (Sb) deposit. By using a suite of high-vacuum quadrupole gas mass spectrometer systems, the authors have recognized many kinds of light hydrocarbons in fluid inclusions of minerals. These hydrocarbons are mainly composed of C1-C4 saturated alkanes, while the contents of C2-C4 unsaturated alkenes and aromatic hydrocarbons are quite low, suggesting that the metallogenic processes have not been affected by magmatic activities. Chemical equilibrium studies show that these hydrocarbons may be a mixture of organic gases generated by microorganism activity and those by thermal cracking of type-n kerogens (kukersite) in sedimentary host rocks, and the former may constitute more than two-thirds, implying that microorganism might have played an important role in the metallogenesis. The equilibrium temperature of the latter is about 300℃, which is much higher than the geothermal temperature at the estimated depth of metallogenesis. Thus, the light hydrocarbons gen  相似文献   

Two types of enclaves occur in magmatic plutons in Tongling,Anhui.Enclaves of the first type are residuals of metamorphic rocks of high amphibolite facies,and those of the other type are magmatic rocks ranging from monzonitic to dioritic in composition. A combined petrological and mineralogical study has been carried out on the two types of enclaves in order to estimate their forming conditions and analyze their relations to their hosts.so as to have an insight into the material sources of magmatic rocks and associated mineral deposits and give a clue to better understanding the mechanism of magmatism-metallogeny.This leads us to propose a new metallogenic model for strats-bound skarn-type ore deposits associated with a syntectic type of magmatic rocks.The new model can be simply summarized as partial melting of old metamorphic basement rocks at depth and accumulating,differentiating and positioning of magmas to form deep-level and shallow-level magma chambers,follower by mixing of different magmas associated with their crypto-explosion,migration of gas-bearing ore fluids and precipitation of metals in fluids within the magmas.  相似文献   

The newly discovered Changkeng Au-Ag deposit is a new type of sediment-hosted precious metal deposit. Most of the previous researchers believed that the deposit was formed by meteoric water convection. By using a high vacuum quadrupole gas mass spectrometric system, nine light hydrocarbons have been recognized in the fluid inclusions in ore minerals collected from the Changkeng deposit. The hydrocarbons are composed mainly of saturated alkanes C1-4 and unsaturated alkenes C2-4 and aromatic hydrocarbons, in which the alkanes are predominant, while the contents of alkenes and aromatic hydrocarbons are very low. The Σalka/Σalke ratio of most samples is higher than 100, suggesting that those hydrocarbons are mainly generated by pyrolysis of kerogens in sedimentary rocks caused by water-rock interactions at medium-low temperatures, and the metallogenic processes might have not been affected by magmatic activity. A thermodynamic calculation shows that the light hydrocarbons have reached chemical equilibrium  相似文献   

This paper presents a method of establishing a hydrothermal ore-forming reaction system.On the basis of the study of four typical hydrothermal deposits,the following conclusions concerning geochemical dynamic controlling during hydrothermal mineralization have been sions concerning geochemical dynaamic controlling during hydrothermal mineralization have been drawn:(1)The regional tectonic activities control the concentration and dispersion of elements in the ore-forming process in terms of their effects on the thermodynamic nature and conditions of the ore-forming reaction system.(2)During hydrothermal mineralization the activites of ore-bearing faults can be divideb into two stages:the brittle splitting stage and the brittle-tough tensing stage,which would create characteristically different geodynamic conditions for the geochemical thermodynamic ore-forming system.(3)The hydrothermal ore-forming reaaction system is an open dynamic system.At the brittle splitting stage the system was so strongly supersaturated and unequilibrated as to speed up and enhance the crystallization and differentiation of ore-forming fluids.And at the brittle-tough tensing stage,the ore-forming system was in a weak supersaturated state;with decreasing temperature and pressure the crystallization of oreforming material would show down,and it can be regarded as an equilibrated state.(4)In the lates stages of hydrothermal evolution,gold would be concentrated in the residual ore-forming solution.The pulsating fracture activite in this stage led to the crush of pyrite ore and it was then filled with gold-enriched solution,forming high-grage“fissure”gold ore.This ore-forming process could be called the coupling mechanism of ore formation.  相似文献   

Based on the theoretical modelling of water-rock δD-δ18O isotopic exchange process, the evolution and sources of ore-forming fluid in four metallogenic epochs of the Jinduicheng superlarge-scale porphyry-type molybdenum deposit were investigated. It was revealed that in the pre-metallogenic and early-metallogenic epochs, the ore-forming fluid was a residual fluid derived from magmatic water-wall rock interaction at middle to high temperatures (T = 250–500°C) and lower W/R ratios (0.1> = W/R>0.001), while in the metallogenic and postmetallogenic epochs, the ore-forming fluid was a residual fluid derived from meteoric water-wall rock interaction at middle to lower temperatures (T = 150–310°C) and relatively high W/R ratios (0.5>W/R≥0.1). The meteoric water played an important role in molybdenum mineralization, and at the main metallogenic epoch the W/R ratio reached its maximum value. This project was financially supported by both the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Key Research Project of the Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources of China.  相似文献   

The Late Archean Fuping Group of the Xiaojiao area in Pingshan Couty,Hebei Province consists mainly of three metamorphic rock types of supracrustal affinity,i.e.,Kfeldspar leucoleptite,biotite leptite-gneiss and hornblendic rocks.Their anatectic derivatives formed in the initial stage of anatexis are petrochemically of K-feldspar granitic trondhjemitic and granodioritic compositions respectively,and in general have inherted the main petrochemical featurews from their parent rock types,Probably due to the fact that they contain less REE rich accessory minerals as compared with their parent rocks,the anatectic derivatives are in general lower in EREE content,But both the derivatives and their parent rocks have similar REE patterns,which serves as an additional indication of the genetic relationship between them.  相似文献   

The Shihu gold deposit lies in the middle-northern Taihang Mountains and is strictly controlled by faults. The ore-controlling structures in the mining district are not well-documented. Detailed field observation and laboratory investigation of the No.101 vein indicated that the ore-controlling structures of the Shihu gold deposit are the pre-Mesozoic shear joints with SN and NW strike that reactivated during the Yanshanian emerged from. The NNW-SSE left-strike-slip stresses during the main mineralization stage led to the dilation of the NW-strike structural segments along the roof and footwall of the early quartz diorite porphyrite veins, which contributed to the extensive wall-rock alteration, intensive gold mineralization and occur as quartz-vein type ores, and consequently the formation of rich ore pillars. On the contrary, the SN-strike compressive structures correspond to the weak wall-rock alteration and gold mineralization and occur as altered-rock type ores. All the rich ore pillars laterally distributed with high-angle (70°±), and wholly pitched southward with 40° angle. According to the structural ore-controlling regularities, the location between the No.47 and the No.61 exploratory line with elevation below 150 m is an excellent ore-prospecting area. Our prospecting proposal based on the ore-controlling structural analyses in the study area has been proven by the underground works in the Shihu gold deposit. © 2017, Science Press. All right reserved.  相似文献   

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