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Previous research demonstrates that the size of secondary osteons varies considerably between individuals, though what factors act in the delineation of osteon size remain uncertain. This study explores the influence of age, sex, percent cortical area (%Ct.Ar), percent cortical porosity (%Po.Ar), and loading environment on osteon area (On.Ar) in human ribs. The sample consisted of midshaft 6th ribs from 80 individuals, 6–94 years of age. T‐tests demonstrated no significant differences in On.Ar between the sexes (P=0.383). Age showed a significant correlation with both %Ct.Ar and %Po.Ar, so a hierarchical regression model was used to control for the effects of age on the other variables. Results indicate that age is the most significant factor of those tested in this study (P=0.004), with %Ct.Ar playing a much smaller but still significant role (P=0.014), while %Po.Ar had no significant influence on On.Ar (P=0.443). Age demonstrates an inverse relationship with On.Ar, while %Ct.Ar has a direct relationship with On.Ar. Significant differences in On.Ar between the pleural and cutaneous cortices are attributed to variation in %Ct.Ar of each cortex. Therefore, age and %Ct.Ar account for the majority of osteon size variability in this study, although it is likely genetics play an important role as well. Understanding the biological mechanisms that act in remodeling and determine osteon size is essential for accurately addressing and interpreting histological findings, work that is invaluable in its implications for bone biology. Anat Rec, 299:313–324, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Intracortical bone remodeling is persistent throughout life, leading to age related increases in osteon population density (OPD). Intracortical porosity also increases with age in many mammals including humans, contributing to bone fragility and fracture risk. Unbalanced bone resorption and formation during disuse (e.g., physical inactivity) also increases intracortical porosity. In contrast, hibernating bears are a naturally occurring model for the prevention of both age‐related and disuse osteoporoses. Intracortical bone remodeling is decreased during hibernation, but resorption and formation remain balanced. Black bears spend 0.25–7 months in hibernation annually depending on climate and food availability. We found longer hibernating bears demonstrate lower OPD and higher cortical bone mineralization than bears with shorter hibernation durations, but we surprisingly found longer hibernating bears had higher intracortical porosity. However, bears from three different latitudes showed age‐related decreases in intracortical porosity, indicating that regardless of hibernation duration, black bears do not show the disuse‐ or age‐related increases in intracortical porosity which is typical of other animals. This ability to prevent increases in intracortical porosity likely contributes to their ability to maintain bone strength during prolonged periods of physical inactivity and throughout life. Improving our understanding of the unique bone metabolism in hibernating bears will potentially increase our ability to develop treatments for age‐ and disuse‐related osteoporoses in humans. Anat Rec, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

目的 利用壁厚分析法定量判断胫骨骨折愈合程度,为临床判断胫骨骨不连和骨延迟愈合提供直观的诊断依据.方法 对48例患者下肢患侧与健侧进行三维建模后,计算最大壁厚(maximum wall thickness,MWT),并进行比值计算,将其对比值(B值)作为骨愈合程度的量化指标全程动态观察.当BMWT2>0.9且BMWT1...  相似文献   

Deer antlers are deciduous bony structures that develop from permanent frontal outgrowths, the pedicles. While growth and bone architecture of antlers have been studied in greater detail, information on pedicle formation and structure is scarce. The present study provides information on the structure of pedicle and hard antler bone in the European roe deer. A pronounced seasonal variation in pedicle architecture was observed, with high porosity around antler casting and a very compact bone structure during the hard antler stage. These observations suggest a corresponding marked variation also in the biomechanical properties of the pedicles. The seasonally alternating extensive resorption and formation processes make the pedicles of older deer heavily remodeled structures. Pedicles increase in thickness by apposition of primary bone that subsequently becomes replaced by secondary osteons. The antler cortex of roe deer is largely composed of a tubular framework of woven bone trabeculae with some remnants of mineralized cartilage, and primary osteons that have filled in the intertrabecular spaces. Secondary osteons are scarce, denoting little remodeling in antlers, which can be related to their short lifespan. The occurrence of cement lines around primary osteons indicates resorption on the trabecular scaffold prior to infilling of the intertrabecular spaces. The outer cortex showed a higher autofluorescence and a more immature structure than the main cortex, suggesting that it was secondarily formed by periosteal activity. Pedicles and antlers constitute a functional entity, and future histological and/or biomechanical studies should therefore consider both components of the cranial appendages.  相似文献   

Antlers are periodically regenerated paired cranial appendages of male deer (both sexes in reindeer) that constitute the fastest‐growing bones in the animal kingdom. The annual antler cycle of male deer is linked to testicular activity and largely controlled by seasonal fluctuations of testosterone concentrations in their blood. We studied the effects of an experimental doubling (to eight months) of the velvet antler phase, during which the antlers are covered by skin (velvet), on the histomorphology of antler bone in three adult fallow bucks. Extension of the velvet antler phase in the experimental animals had been caused by administration of the antiandrogen cyproterone acetate (CPA). The distal portions of the antlers from two of the CPA‐treated bucks exhibited partial sequestration of the antler cortex, with the separation plane typically located along the border between cortex and spongiosa. It is hypothesized that this was caused by cortical necrosis due to severe ischemia during later stages of the extended velvet antler phase. In places, new cancellous bone had been deposited on the resorption surface of the spongiosa, indicating a regeneration process. Normal fallow deer antlers (“controls”) from this and a previous study, that is, antlers with a timespan of about four months between onset of new antler growth and velvet shedding, exhibited no or only minor bone remodeling and still contained remnants of calcified cartilage in their distal portions. In contrast, the antlers of the three CPA‐treated bucks showed evidence (secondary osteons and resorption cavities) of marked bone remodeling along their entire length and lacked remnants of calcified cartilage. Our results underscore that the typical histological features of antler bone reflect its short‐lived nature. Antlers are not mechanically loaded during the velvet stage, and it is presently unclear what triggered remodeling activity in the antlers whose lifespan had been experimentally extended.  相似文献   

目的研究牛股骨密质骨的微观结构特征与其力学行为间的关系。方法对牛股骨密质骨纵向和横向试样分别进行压缩实验;对破坏后的纵向和横向试样进行断裂路径、断裂表面微结构特征观察;基于复合材料细观力学的理论,分析密质骨中骨单元方向对骨纵向和横向弹性模量及断裂极限强度的影响。结果纵向试样的压缩弹性模量和断裂极限强度均明显大于横向试样的压缩弹性模量和断裂极限强度;纵向试样的断裂路径与加载方向近似为0°,且比较平直,而横向试样的断裂路径与加载方向近似为45°,且比较曲折;纵向试样断面中存在许多与加载方向平行的条状结构,断面较为光滑,而横向试样断面存在许多圆弧形凹坑或凸起,断面较为粗糙。结论牛股骨密质骨具有各向异性的力学性质,其各向异性力学性质与骨单元方向密切相关。  相似文献   

Bone can adapt to its habitual load history at various levels of its hierarchical structural and material organization. However, it is unclear how strongly a bone's structural characteristics (e.g. cross‐sectional shape) are linked to microstructural characteristics (e.g. distributions of osteons and their vascular canals) or ultrastructural characteristics [e.g. patterns of predominant collagen fiber orientation (CFO)]. We compared the cross‐sectional geometry, microstructure and ultrastructure of pigeon (Columba livia domestica) humeri, and third metacarpals (B3M) and humeri of a large bat (Pteropus poliocephalus). The pigeon humerus is habitually torsionally loaded, and has unremodeled (‘primary’) bone with vessels (secondary osteons are absent) and high ‘laminarity’ because a large majority of these vessels course circularly with respect to the bone's external surface. In vivo data show that the bat humerus is also habitually torsionally loaded; this contrasts with habitual single‐plane bending of the B3M, where in vivo data show that it oscillates back and forth in the same direction. In contrast to pigeon humeri where laminar bone is present, the primary tissue of these bat bones is largely avascular, but secondary osteons are present and are usually in the deeper cortex. Nevertheless, the load history of humeri of both species is prevalent/predominant torsion, producing diffusely distributed shear stresses throughout the cross‐section. We tested the hypothesis that despite microstructural/osteonal differences in these pigeon and bat bones, they will have similar characteristics at the ultrastructural level that adapt each bone for its load history. We postulate that predominant CFO is this characteristic. However, even though data reported in prior studies of bones of non‐flying mammals suggest that CFO would show regional variations in accordance with the habitual ‘tension regions’ and ‘compression regions’ in the direction of unidirectional habitual bending, we hypothesized that alternating directions of bending within the same plane would obviate these regional/site‐specific adaptations in the B3M. Similarly, but for other reasons, we did not expect regional variations in CFO in the habitually torsionally loaded bat and pigeon humeri because uniformly oblique‐to‐transverse CFO is the adaptation expected for the diffusely distributed shear stresses produced by torsion/multidirectional loads. We analyzed transverse sections from mid‐diaphyses of adult bones for CFO, secondary osteon characteristics (size, shape and population density), cortical thickness in quadrants of the cortex, and additional measures of cross‐sectional geometry, including the degree of circular shape that can help distinguish habitual torsion from bending. Results showed the expected lack of regional CFO differences in quasi‐circular shaped, and torsionally loaded, pigeon and bat humeri. As expected, the B3M also lacked CFO variations between the opposing cortices along the plane of bending, and the quasi‐elliptical cross‐sectional shape and regional microstructural/osteonal variations expected for bending were not found. These findings in the B3M show that uniformity in CFO does not always reflect habitual torsional loads. Osteon morphology and distribution, and presence of laminar histology also do not distinguish torsion from bending in these bat and pigeon wing bones.  相似文献   

探讨基于个体化患者计算机断层血管造影(CTA)影像的冠状动脉流固耦合(FSI)数值分析中,不同出口边界条件和血管壁模型对时间平均壁面剪切力(TAWSS)和冯米塞斯应力(VMS)的影响。根据患者CTA影像重建右冠状动脉(RCA)管腔流域三维几何;将管腔流域表面向外扩张0.5 mm,形成均匀厚度血管壁;运用类似虚拟去除斑块的方法建立不均匀厚度血管壁模型。FSI分析时,分别给予zero和impedance两种出口边界条件;获得从舒张末期开始心动周期主要时间点TAWSS和VMS的分布,比较不同模型结果的差异。结果表明, 两种出口边界条件下,TAWSS空间分布基本一致,且血管狭窄段均高于其他部位;zero条件下峰值VMS出现在压强最大时刻点0.42 s,而impedance条件下峰值VMS出现在入口血流速度最大时刻点0.64 s,并且达到前者的20倍。同是impedance出口边界条件时,TAWSS分布基本一致,没有显著性差异;两种血管壁模型中,VMS的分布一致,血管狭窄段比其他部位低,但是不均匀厚度血管壁模型中局部位置VMS绝对值高于均匀壁厚血管壁模型。医学影像技术的发展可以提供更高精度的冠脉结构以及出入口速度和压强边界条件,不但对研究血流动力学以及结构力学因素与心血管疾病的关系具有重要意义,也可以更好的服务于患者个体化诊断与治疗。  相似文献   

Bone mineral density (BMD), a risk factor for osteoporosis, is believed to be under genetic control. The effect of environmental factors and gender on the heritability of BMD and bone size is ill-defined. In this study, heritability estimates ( h2 ) were determined in 3,320 southern Chinese subjects from 1,019 families using the variance components model. The h2 for age, weight and height-adjusted BMD was 0.63–0.71 for females, and 0.74–0.79 for males; and for bone size, 0.44–0.64 for females and 0.32–0.86 for males. Adjustment for lifestyle factors including calcium and phytoestrogen intake, exercise, smoking and alcohol consumption altered the h2 differently in males and females. The proportion of variance in BMD and bone size explained by all covariates varied between skeletal sites, but was consistently greater in females than males. A significant gender difference was observed in the genetic variance of BMD and bone size at the hip but not the spine. In conclusion, a gender difference was observed in the degree of heritability of BMD and bone size at specific skeletal sites. Environmental influences contributed variably at different sites in the two sexes.  相似文献   

应力环境对大鼠股骨生长与重建和力学性能的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过创建一种新的动物模型,研究应力环境对生长期大鼠股骨生长与重建,以及对其力学性能的影响,并探讨其作用机理。切断6周大SD大鼠右后肢的坐骨神经,致使其右后肢残废,为废用组;左后肢过度负重,为过载组;正常大鼠为对照组。每天早午晚鼓励动物运动半小时,4周后结束实验观测。测量股骨中段的宏观几何学参数、物理学参数和生物力学参数。实验发现:与对照组相比,实验组股骨的若干几何及物理参数发生了明显变化,表明应力环境可以改变活骨组织的成份和结构并逐渐改变其力学性能。实验结果表明,本研究提出的实验模型实用且可靠。  相似文献   


Purpose: Experimental measurements of bone mineral density distributions (BMDDs) enable a determination of secondary mineralization kinetics in bone, but the maximum degree of mineralization and how this maximum is approached remain uncertain. We thus test computationally different hypotheses on late stages of bone mineralization by simulating BMDDs in low-turnover conditions. Materials and methods: An established computational model of the BMDD that accounts for mineralization and remodeling processes was extended to limit mineralization to various maximum calcium capacities of bone. Simulated BMDDs obtained by reducing turnover rate from the reference trabecular BMDD under different assumptions on late stage mineralization kinetics were compared with experimental BMDDs of low-turnover bone. Results: Simulations show that an abrupt stopping of mineralization near a maximum calcium capacity induces a pile-up of minerals in the BMDD statistics that is not observed experimentally. With a smooth decrease of mineralization rate, imposing low maximum calcium capacities helps to match peak location and width of simulated low-turnover BMDDs with peak location and width of experimental BMDDs, but results in a distinctive asymmetric peak shape. No tuning of turnover rate and maximum calcium capacity was able to explain the differences found in experimental BMDDs between trabecular bone (high turnover) and femoral cortical bone (low turnover). Conclusions: Secondary mineralization in human bone does not stop abruptly, but continues slowly up to a calcium content greater than 30 wt% Ca. The similar mineral heterogeneity seen in trabecular and femoral cortical bones at different peak locations was unexplained by the turnover differences tested.  相似文献   

吕琦 《医学信息》2018,(5):133-135
目的 分析并研究激素替代治疗对于围绝经期综合征的妇女子宫内膜的厚度和激素水平的影响,以便于为临床研究提供可行性参考。方法 选取我院2014年12月~2017年1月收治的围绝经期综合征患者88例,随机分为观察组和对照组,每组44例。对照组选择采用谷维素进行单独治疗,观察组患者选择采用补佳乐、黄体酮软胶囊进行治疗,观察并比较两组患者治疗前后的子宫内膜厚度以及治疗后孕酮、卵泡雌激素、雌二醇、黄体生成素等激素水平。结果 治疗前,两组患者子宫内膜厚度相比,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);治疗后,两组患者子宫内膜较治疗前均明显增厚,且观察组患者子宫内膜增加厚度高于对照组患者,两组相比差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。两组患者治疗后孕酮水平相比,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);观察组卵泡雌激素、雌二醇均高于对照组,黄体生成素水平低于对照组,两组相比,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 围绝经期综合征妇女采用激素替代治疗方法,能够有效增加患者子宫内膜的厚度,有效改善机体激素水平,值得推广使用。  相似文献   

Metal-on-metal hip resurfacing prostheses were re-introduced during the last 10–15 years. These prostheses have the potential to better restore normal function with limited activity restriction, being an option for younger and more active patients. Resurfacing procedures have demonstrated high failure rates in national registers [1], [2]. Multiple factors may affect early and long-term HR performance. The influence of femoral cement mantle thickness and different interface characteristics between the prosthesis components on the long-term performance of resurfacing prostheses is still unknown. In the present work, a model was used to predict bone remodeling with different mantle thicknesses and interface characteristics. A very thin cement mantle (0.25 mm) increased bone resorption at the superior femoral head, while greater thickness (1 or 3 mm) had a lesser effect. In all cases, bone apposition was predicted around the stem and at the stem tip. Bone formation and resorption were observed clinically in good agreement with the predictions calculated in simulations. Computed results showed that 1-mm cement mantle thickness combined with a bonded bone–cement interface and a debonded implant–cement interface was an appropriate configuration. Bone remodeling results and computed equivalent strains were correlated. In conclusion, we have been able to demonstrate the importance of choosing an adequate cement mantle thickness. Additionally, computational studies should consider realistic interface characteristics between the components in order to perform simulations closer to reality.  相似文献   

Successive self‐nucleation and annealing (SSA) is applied to thermally fractionate a model hydrogenated polybutadiene. SSA produces discrete and well‐separated thermal fractions with distinct melting peaks. The samples are studied by SAXS as a function of temperature. The SAXS profile displays only one scattering peak associated with the interlamellar correlation and is unable to discriminate the multimodal distribution of lamellar thicknesses in the samples. The average lamellar thickness associated with each melting fraction can be estimated from SAXS data at different temperatures. A modified Gibbs‐Thomson equation is employed to predict the lamellar thickness from DSC data, giving results consistent with those derived from SAXS.


Early outflow morphogenesis is a critical event in cardiac development. Understanding mechanical and molecular based morphogenetic relationships at early stages of cardiogenesis is essential for the advancement of cardiovascular technology related to congenital heart defects. In this study, we pair molecular changes in pharyngeal arch artery (PAA) vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) with hemodynamic changes over the course of the same period. We focus on Hamburger Hamilton stage 24–36 chick embryos, using both Doppler ultrasound and histological sections to phenotype PAA VSMCs, and establish a relationship between hemodynamics and PAA composition. Our findings show that PAA VSMCs transition through a synthetic, intermediate, and contractile phenotype over time. Wall shear stress magnitude per arch varies throughout development. Despite distinct hemodynamic and fractional expression trends, no strong correlation was found between the two, indicating that WSS magnitude is not the main driver of PAA wall remodeling and maturation. While WSS magnitude was not found to be a major driver, this work provides a basic framework for investigating relationships between hemodynamic forces and tunica media during a critical period of development. Anat Rec, 302:153–162, 2019. © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

本研究采用微弧氧化(micro-arc oxidation,MAO)技术,并通过控制微弧氧化处理时间,在经过抛光和清洗的商业纯钛表面分别获得5、10和20μm的TiO2及相关钛氧化物陶瓷膜层。利用扫描电镜(scanning electron microscopy,SEM)分析表征膜层厚度及表面形貌,X线衍射(X-ray diffraction,XRD)分析表征膜层晶相组成。结果表明:5μm厚的MAO膜,表面呈多孔状,较为平整,孔径较小。XRD谱线中除了突出的钛基体衍射峰外,只出现了锐钛矿的衍射峰。膜厚为10μm时,表面形貌与5μm相似,但孔径大小分布更为均匀,在2μm左右。XRD谱线中钛峰强度下降,出现了金红石型TiO2的衍射峰,但仍以锐钛矿型TiO2占主导地位。膜厚为20μm时,表面孔径进一步增大,达到4~6μm,同时可见陶瓷层表面有的地方出现了破损和裂纹。XRD谱线中钛峰弱小,金红石和锐钛矿型TiO2的衍射峰仍然分别存在,但所占比例发生变化,同时还出现了Ca(Ti2P3O12)2、CaTi O3的衍射峰。除此之外,不同膜层厚度的表面粗糙度也有较大差异。膜层厚度的改变能够显著影响MAO陶瓷层的特性,通过改变...  相似文献   

目的 了解正常成人下腹壁厚度,并探讨其相关因素及其对根据指南针原理设计的排尿报警装置的意义。 方法 应用B超连续测量l00例成人的下腹壁及其浅层和深层的厚度,膀胱的前后径、上下径及左右径,并测量身高、体质量、测量点到脐部的距离,计算体质量指数(BMI)和膀胱容量,分析影响下腹壁厚度的相关因素。 结果 本组成人的下腹壁厚度(23.4±6.6)mm,95%可信区间为22.1~24.7 mm,与下腹壁深层厚度、浅层厚度和BMI、体质量、测量点到脐部的距离呈正相关(P<0.05),与膀胱容量、膀胱的上下径和左右径呈负相关(P<0.05),而与性别、身高、年龄、膀胱的前后径无相关性(P>0.05)。 结论 应用超声测量的成人下腹壁厚度为(23.4±6.6)mm,营养状态是最重要的影响因素,这为根据指南针原理设计的排尿报警装置的可行性提供了新的证据,对该装置的进一步研究具有重要的参考意义。  相似文献   

Among the hemodynamic factors influencing intimal hyperplasia in the anastomotic region of a vascular graft, wall shear rate is believed to be one of the most important. We would like to study the effects radial wall motion on the wall shear rate distribution in the end-to-end anastomosis model of an artery and a divergent graft. Rigid and elastic models are constructed and the wall shear rate distributions are measured along the anastomosis using photochromic flow visualization method for carotid and femoral flow waveform. The mean and peak of shear rate decrease along the divergent graft, and the decreases are more significant in the elastic model. The shear rate waves are decomposed using the Fourier transform in order to separate the effects of radial wall motion and geometry. The percentage reductions of mean wall shear rates compared to steady shear rates at mean flow are calculated, and additional 8% (carotid) and 22% (femoral) reductions are observed in the elastic models near the end of the divergent graft. Also radial wall motion decreases the amplitudes of higher harmonics of wall shear rates in the elastic models. Since radial wall motion may affect the flow field differently for different geometry, wall elasticity should be considered in studying arterial hemodynamics. © 1998 Biomedical Engineering Society. PAC98: 8745Hw, 8790+y  相似文献   

目的研究男性吸烟与骨密度及骨生化指标关系的调查与分析遥方法选择2012 年1 月~2016 年1 月某社区的500 例 吸烟男性为观察组,另外选择500 例不吸烟的男性作为对照组,比较两组研究对象的骨代谢及骨生化指标,分析吸烟对上述两 种因素造成的影响遥结果观察组各部位骨密度均显著低于对照组(约0.05),观察组sBAP和年龄明显高于对照组(约0.05),但 25-羟基总维生素D则显著低于对照组(约0.05),差异有统计学意义遥结论男性随着年龄的增长骨量会逐渐丢失,而吸烟会造 成男性骨生化指标和骨转换水平升高,加速骨量的丢失,所以吸烟是造成骨质疏松的危险因素之一,要预防骨质疏松的发生应 当提倡戒烟  相似文献   

目的:探讨颈内动脉岩内段形态位置变化的规律及其与毗邻结构的关系.方法:对66侧正常成人颅底高分辨率CT连续图像进行分析,测量颞骨气房体积,建立定位颈内动脉岩内段及其毗邻结构的参照系,对其位置和形态进行测量,运用偏相关分析方法求出它们形态位置的变化规律及其影响因素.结果:在男性,颈内动脉垂直段更偏外侧,其水平段长度也大于女性.颞骨气化好,则颈内动脉垂直段更偏后移.颈内动脉垂直段与颈静脉球的位置变化表现为同步.垂直段的内外移位相应地使水平段与中线的夹角发生变化.颈内动脉水平段的方位与蜗轴方向相关,蜗轴偏离中线的角度越小,则颈内动脉水平段偏离中线的角度越大,反之亦然.结论:影响颈内动脉岩内段形态位置变化的因素是复杂和多重的,包括性别因素、颅底发育状态、颞骨气化程度以及毗邻结构发育状态均可能是影响因素.  相似文献   

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