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Three tropical crop seeds, namely Enterolobium cyclocarpum, Mucuna pruriens and Centrosema pubescens, were assessed for their contents of chemical constituents, antinutritional factors (ANFs), crude protein (CP) and amino acid (AA) digestibility. Their meals were incorporated into broiler diets in place of maize starch at two levels (150 and 300 g kg?1). Four hundred and twenty 1‐day‐old broilers were randomly assigned to seven experimental diets on a weight basis and used to determine CP and AA digestibility in the diets and seeds, and performance of the birds. The CP contents were 237, 278 and 252 g kg?1 DM in E. cyclocarpum, M. pruriens and C. pubescens, respectively. Compared to the basal diet, the digestibility of CP and AAs in the diets and seeds was significantly (p < 0.05) reduced at higher level of inclusion of E. cyclocarpum and M. pruriens but increased at higher C. pubescens inclusion. Digestibility of arginine, threonine and lysine in the C. pubescens meal diets was similar to that in the basal diet. Digestibility values of CP and AAs were least in E. cyclocarpum. Aspartic acid was the least and glutamic acid the most digested AA in all the seeds. Among the essential AAs, threonine was the least digested AA, while leucine (in E. cyclocarpum and M. pruriens) and lysine (in C. pubescens) had the highest digestibility with values of 65, 73 and 72%, respectively. Feed intake, body weights and weight gain in the birds were significantly (P < 0.05) reduced in the E. cyclocarpum and M. pruriens diets but increased in the C. pubescens diets compared to the basal diet. Results of the study suggest that, based on the CP content and AA profiles in the seeds, they have potential for poultry feeding. The presence of ANFs, especially in E. cyclocarpum and M. pruriens, however, could be a major limitation in their use in poultry feeding. Copyright © 2006 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Quinoa is a good source of protein and can be used as a nutritional ingredient in food products. This study analyses how much growing region and/or seasonal climate might affect grain yield and nutritional quality of quinoa seeds. RESULTS: Seeds of ten quinoa cultivars from the Andean highlands (Bolivia/Argentina site) and Argentinean Northwest (Encalilla site) were analysed for seed yield, protein content and amino acid composition. Grain yields of five cultivars growing at Encalilla were higher, and four were lower, compared with data from the Bolivia/Argentina site. Protein contents ranged from 91.5 to 155.3 and from 96.2 to 154.6 g kg?1 dry mass for Encalilla and Bolivia/Argentina seeds respectively, while essential amino acid concentrations ranged from 179.9 to 357.2 and from 233.7 to 374.5 g kg?1 protein respectively. Significant positive correlations were found between the content of essential amino acids and protein percentage. CONCLUSION: It appears that there are clear variations in seed yield, total protein content and amino acid composition among cultivars from the two sites. Essential amino acid composition was more affected than grain yield and protein level. The study revealed that both environmental and climatic factors influence the nutritional composition of quinoa cultivars growing in different agroecological regions. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Sicklepod leaves after fermentation and drying are commonly known as Kawal in Sudan. Investigation of the samples showed that the dry matter, oil, fibre and carbohydrates fluctuated during processing. The protein content of Algenina increased to 30.01% while that of Zalngy decreased to 24.32%. Cooking increased the ash content to 19.55% and 20.04% for Algenina and Zalngy samples respectively. For both samples the total energy was decreased to 221.59 and 227.39 kcal per 100 g for the samples respectively. The first limiting amino acid is lysine with a score of 73.9. Although cooking of the sample increased lysine score to 76.00 but still is a limiting amino acid. Sulphur amino acids are the second limiting of Zalngy. The protein fractions fluctuated during processing. Cooking of the samples decreased polyphenols to 890.01 and 620.58 mg per 100 g and phytate to 77.90 and 146.28 mg per 100 g for the samples respectively. However, tannin content increased to 1183.65 and 977.65 mg per 100 g for the samples respectively. For Algenina sample the protein digestibility increased to 50% after cooking but for Zalngy it decreased to 30%.  相似文献   

The effects on organ relative weights (g per 100 g bw) and plasma amino acid concentrations of diets based in legume (faba bean (Vicia faba), lupin (Lupinus angustifolius), chickpea (Cicer arietinum) and soybean (Glycine max)) seed meals as the only source of protein were studied with growing rats using lactalbumin or casein as controls. Also, legume seed meal extracted globulins were included in control diets replacing lactalbumin to produce legume globulin‐based diets, and legume residue fractions, containing most of the starch and/or insoluble fibre (NSP+lignin) from the seed meals, were included in control diets to reach the same amounts present in whole legume seed meal diets. All experimental diets were formulated to contain the same amounts of protein (100 g kg−1) and energy (15.5 kJ g−1), and were supplemented with essential amino acids. Compared with lactalbumin, higher relative weights of gastrointestinal sections were determined in rats fed legume seed meals or their corresponding residue fractions. On the contrary, spleen relative weight was lower in rats fed diets containing lupin, chickpea or soybean meals or extracted globulins, while residue fractions had no effect on it. Thymus relative weight was also lower in rats fed whole chickpea seed meal or any of the extracted legume globulins. Except for chickpea meal, animals fed legume‐ or legume protein‐based diets had lower liver relative weights than controls. Lower proportions (mg g−1 tissue) of glycogen, and lower total protein and RNA, were also determined in the livers of rats fed lupin seed meal. Free plasma concentrations (mM litre −1) of glycine, histidine and arginine were higher, and threonine, leucine and lysine were lower, in rats fed diets based in all legume seed meals of their respective globulin proteins. The possible reasons and implications of these results are discussed. © 1999 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The protein and trypsin inhibitor activity in pods and seeds of winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus (L) DC) increase, and in the pod hull decrease, with the maturity of plant. The seeds of 21 cultivars both exotic and of Indian origin cultivated on marginal alkaline soil (pH 8.7) were analysed for protein (36.4–45.3) and amino acid composition (lysine 4.8 to 6.7).  相似文献   

The present study aims to assess the seasonal and sex-wise variations in proximate composition, amino acid profile and protein quality of Odonus niger, which will be the first report for this species. High-protein (15.15%–20.05%) and low-fat contents (0.46%–1.94%) were observed for the species studied. The highest protein was observed in September and December for male and female fishes respectively. The total essential amino acid (TEAA) content was 58.65–77.41 mg g−1 (males) and 60.25–77.38 mg g−1 (females) and leucine was the predominant EAA in both the sexes. The EAA index and biological value ranged between 17.50–22.56 and 7.38–12.89 for males and 18.02–22.48 and 7.94–12.80 for female fishes respectively. In male, TEAA followed Sept>Jan > Dec > Aug > Oct > Nov and in female it was Oct > Sept>Dec > Nov > Aug > Jan. The chemical score for histidine and threonine was more than the FAO recommended values. Overall, the nutritional quality of this unconventional species proved very good and comparable with other commercially important lean fishes.  相似文献   

Chemical composition, mineral analysis, in vitro starch digestibility, and amino acid analysis of a kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris. L.), grown in Chongqing, China, were carried out in 2011. The results showed that the bean flour contained low reducing sugar (0.79%) and fat (2.72%), but high protein (24.8%) and starch (44.84%). Mineral analysis indicated high Mg and Ca contents with low Na/K ratio (0.04). The proportions of rapidly digestible starch (RDS), slowly digestible starch (SDS) and resistant starch (RS) were 39.64%, 41.46% and 18.90% respectively. And the variation in their proportions, along with prolonged heating time, showed increase in RDS, and decrease in SDS and RS, but the SDS + RS amount can still account for major parts (51.63%) of the total starch after a 90‐min pre‐cooking. Comparing the amino acid contents of the bean sample with recommended profile FAO/WHO/UNU (1985), the results fulfil the standard except threonine and lysine, whose contents are slightly lower than the requirements (0.93 and 0.85).  相似文献   

Five groundnut (Aruchis hypogueu L) cultivars developed by the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) and two local cultivars as controls were grown in post-rainy and rainy seasons at Patancheru, India. They were analysed for their proximate composition, minerals and trace elements, amino acid composition, true protein digestibility (TD), biological value (BV), net protein utilisation (NPU), and protein efficiency ratio. One-hundred seed mass, protein content and TD were significantly higher in the post-rainy season while starch, sugars, BV and NPU were significantly higher in the rainy season. Post-rainy cultivars exhibited higher concentrations of potassium, calcium, iron and several essential and non-essential amino acids. TD of blanched groundnut was better than that of the whole seeds. The composition and protein quality of ICRISAT cultivars were comparable to those of the controls.  相似文献   

Seeds of Brazilian Vigna unguiculata (L) Walp cultivars (EPACE 10, EPACE 11, Pitiuba, TVu 1888, IPA 206 and Olho de Ovelha) were analysed to establish their proximate composition, amino acid content and presence of antinutritional and/or toxic factors. The seed protein, carbohydrate and oil contents ranged from 195 to 261 g kg−1 dry matter, from 678 to 761 g kg−1 dry matter and from 12 to 36 g kg−1 dry matter respectively. EPACE 10, EPACE 11, Pitiuba, TVu 1888, IPA 206 and Olho de Ovelha cultivars are rich in glutamin/glutamic acid, asparagin/aspartic acid and phenylalanine + tyrosine. The essential amino acid profile compared with the FAO/WHO/UNU scoring pattern requirements for different age groups showed that these seeds have methionine + cysteine as the first limiting amino acid for 2–5‐year‐old children. However, only Pitiuba, IPA 206 and Olho de Ovelha are deficient in methionine + cysteine for 10–12‐year‐old children. The contents of threonine, valine, isoleucine, leucine and methionine + cysteine of all cultivars were lower than those of hen egg. Haemagglutinating activity measured against rabbit erythrocytes was found to be present in the six cultivars, but only after the red cells were treated with proteolytic enzymes. All cultivars displayed protease inhibitor activity which varied from about 12.0 to 30.6 g trypsin inhibited per kg flour. Urease and toxic activities were not detected in any of the studied cultivars. © 2000 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The present study is the first effort in a comprehensive evaluation of the nutritive and biological properties of the meal from Rapa Catozza Napoletana (RCN) (Brassica rapa L. var. rapa) cultivar seeds as a new and alternative source of proteins. RESULTS: RCN seed meal revealed a good protein content (382.0 g kg?1) compared with conventional Brassica defatted meals. Total glucosinolates (6.0 g kg?1) were comparable to or even lower than those reported for other yellow‐ and brown‐seeded cultivars. Low levels of both sinapine and phytic acid (10.0 and 10.0 g kg?1 respectively) suggest a minor influence of these compounds on meal mineral availability. The meal revealed quite a high polyphenolic content (13.0 g kg?1) composed of flavonol and hydroxycinnamic derivatives. With regard to meal biological properties, a higher radical‐scavenging potential than reducing capacity and a broad antimicrobial spectrum, mainly against food‐borne pathogens, were detected. CONCLUSION: RCN seed meal could be highly regarded as a component of human nutrition and animal feed for its good protein content, desirable amino acid profile and low antinutrient concentration. Results for the sample indicated appreciable antiradical activity and good properties for meal stability. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Mimusops zeyheri, an indigenous tree widely distributed in sub‐Saharan Africa, provides edible fruit. Research on the tree has focused on fruit pulp composition and uses. This study evaluated the nutritional potential of M. zeyheri seed by determining the proximate, fibre and phytate‐phosphate content, the amino acid and fatty acid profiles and vitamin E content of the seed. Dry matter, organic matter, crude protein, ether extract and ash constituted 91.1%, 88.3%, 9.3%, 25.6% and 2.8% of the seed mass respectively. Glutamic acid (1.29 g per 100 g) was the most abundant amino acid. Lysine and phenylalanine were low. Calcium (587.4 mg per 100 g) was the most concentrated macro‐mineral assayed. Gross energy value was 24.34 MJ kg?1. Lipid yield was 21.3%. Oleic acid was the most abundant fatty acid. Vitamin E concentration was about 2 μg g?1. Phytate‐phosphate content was 0.03%. Neutral detergent fibre and acid detergent fibre constituted 33.2% and 15.3% respectively. M. zeyheri seed could be exploited as a dietary energy supplement and an oil source rich in oleic acid.  相似文献   

The present study determined the chemical composition, fatty acid (FA) content and antioxidant capacity of meat from goats supplemented with Moringa oleifera leaves (MOL) or sunflower cake (SC) or grass hay (GH). The meat from goat supplemented with MOL had higher concentrations of total phenolic content (10.62 ± 0.27 mg tannic acid equivalent E/g). The MOL significantly scavenged 2,2′-azino-bis-3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic-acid (ABTS) radical to 93.51 ± 0.19% (93.51 ± 0.19%) and 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical to 58.95 ± 0.3% than other supplements. The antioxidative effect of MOL supplemented meat on catalase (CAT), reduced glutathione (GSH), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and lipid oxidation (LO) was significantly (P < 0.05) higher than other meat from goat feed on grass hay or those supplemented with sunflower seed cake. The present study indicated that the anti-oxidative potential of MOL may play a role in improving meat quality (chemical composition, colour and lipid stability).  相似文献   

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