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锥形束CT影像上常常可以发现上颌窦囊性改变的存在,这种改变是否影响上颌窦提升术的实施呢?这对临床医生造成了一定的困惑。本文结合临床上常见的各种囊性改变的锥形束CT影像表现,对上颌窦囊性改变的影像分类诊断进行介绍,并探讨囊性改变时上颌窦提升术的实施可行性、手术方式及术后黏膜的影像学改变等,以帮助临床医生作出正确判断。  相似文献   

随上颌窦提升术提出许多年来,该技术在各个方面均得到了很大的发展,但上颌窦提升术与上颌窦基本生理之间的相互关系和相互影响仍未得到广泛的重视,本文就这一主题展开综述。  相似文献   

目的:针对上颌后牙区骨量不足且伴上颌窦假性囊肿的患者,种植标准程序尚未确定。本试验拟通过对比两种术式的临床效果,评估囊肿减压同期内提升及种植的手术疗效。方法:分为实验组与对照组,分别采用囊肿减压后结合内提升或外提升手法上颌窦增量同期行种植手术。比较两种术式的手术时间,术后疼痛与肿胀情况,种植成功率,囊肿复发率。结果:共34例患者纳入本试验,实验组手术时间为(27.88±3.02) min,明显短于对照组[(34.94±3.50) min,P<0.001],同时术后反应包括疼痛(P<0.05)与肿胀(P<0.001)情况明显好于对照组。种植早期成功率为100%,实验组与对照组均无囊肿复发。结论:上颌窦高位开窗囊肿减压合并上颌窦内提升同期种植的术式,明显缩短了手术时间,且种植成功率高,显著减轻患者术后反应,临床效果良好,值得临床推广。  相似文献   

目的:探讨上颌窭开窗植骨种植修复在上颌后牙骨量不足区的临床应用效果.方法:2002年2月至2006年11月.使用上颌窦开窗植骨种植修复上颌后牙缺失40倒,3例行双侧手术.其中男性29例,女性11例,平均年龄51.4岁(28~66岁).共植入84枚种植体.有38侧行上颌窦提升植骨同期种植;其余5侧行上颌窦提升植骨,延期种植.均采用埋入式愈合方式.均已完成上部结构修复,平均愈合期11.8个月(8~19个月),平均随访期为37.2个月(25~69个月).结果:植入的84枚种植体,在观察和随访期内均未发生松动,总存活率达100%.有4侧上颌窦在手术过程中发生粘膜穿破,但未发生上颌窦炎等并发症.随访期X线片显示种植体颈部无明显的骨透射影.结论:上颌窦开窗植骨种植修复技术安全可行,是解决上颌后牙骨高度不足区种植修复难题的有效方法.  相似文献   

上颌窦提升术用于牙种植的研究进展   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
邝亦元  吴汉江 《口腔医学》2007,27(10):548-550
上颌窦提升术有效解决了上颌后部牙槽骨高度不足、易穿透上颌窦而导致种植失败的问题,拓展了牙种植的适应证。该文就上颌窦提升牙种植的手术方式、并发症及植入材料的选择等作一综述。  相似文献   

上颌窦提升一期种植术9例报道   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
目的 观察上颌窦提升一期种植术治疗上凳后牙缺失牙槽嵴严重吸收患者的临床疗效。方法 对9例上颌后牙区垂直骨量不足患者行10侧上凳窦提升术及同期种植体植入术。结果 术后无种植体松动、脱落,X线检查无上颌窦炎症,种植体与周围组织均形成良好的骨性结合,上颌窦底提升5-10mm,平均7.5mm。术后6-7月均完成义齿修复。结论 上凳窦底提升加一期种植术,可以解决上凳后牙区垂直骨量不足难以种植的问题。  相似文献   

目的:探讨上颌窦生理及病理性CBCT影像表现,为上颌窦提升术解剖定位和操作入路提供参考依据。方法:收集涉及上颌窦的CBCT资料,分析上颌窦解剖特征及病变。结果:1.上颌窦解剖结构位置及其比邻关系复杂;2.影响上颌窦提升术的解剖因素有生理及病理性两种:生理性如上颌窦内的分隔,上颌窦外侧壁的厚度,窦壁上存在的血管影像的粗细,病理性如窦腔内黏膜的增厚,上颌窦内的黏液囊肿,上颌窦内的大量积液等等。结论:CBCT能够准确地显示完整的上颌窦影像,利用CBCT确定解剖定位标志,确定上颌窦提升手术路径和方式,更符合安全、准确、微创的口腔种植理念。  相似文献   

上颌窦提升术在临床上常用于增加上颌后牙区的垂直向骨高度,但由于部分患者存在上颌窦病变,上颌窦提升术的开展受到了限制.这些疾病的存在可能会增加手术的难度,增大术后并发症的风险,因此,行上颌窦提升术前需要进行病史问询、影像学检查,必要时使用鼻内窥镜进行术前筛查,旨在发现潜在的上颌窦病变.本文从上颌窦提升术对上颌窦稳态的影响...  相似文献   

目的总结人工牙种植上颌窦提升术中的护理经验。方法回顾四川大学华西口腔医院种植科采用上颌窦提升术的83例患者资料,总结术前、术中和术后的护理方法。结果共植人种植体155颗,手术护理过程顺利,术后无明显并发症。经过6-54个月的追踪观察,仅有2颗种植体失败,取得良好的临床效果。结论上颌窦提升术的成功需要完善的术前准备,精细的术中护理,医生、患者和护士的良好配合,以及术后的精心护理。  相似文献   

Background: Resorption of grafting material may lead to unpredictable long‐term results when rehabilitating the resorbed posterior maxilla. Nonresorbable, osteoconductive bone substitutes may therefore be an advantage over autogenous bone grafts. Purpose: The aim of the present pilot study was to test titanium granules as bone substitute in patients planned for augmentation of the sinus floor prior to or in conjunction with placement of dental implants. Materials and Methods: Sixteen patients with uni‐ or bilateral edentulism and need for augmentation of the sinus floor were included in the study. Residual bone height was 2 to 5 mm. Grafting and installation of the dental implants (18 fixtures) was carried out in the same session if primary stability of the implants could be achieved (12 patients). A staged protocol with implant placement 3 to 7 months after the augmentation procedure was used when primary implant stability was impossible to achieve (four patients). In all, 23 TiOblast? (Astra Tech AB, Mölndal, Sweden) implants were installed. Results: The patients have been followed 12 to 36 months after prosthetic loading. Three implants were found mobile and were removed (13.0%). Two of these were in patients where grafting and implant installation were carried out in separate procedures. The implants were found mobile at abutment connection and were removed. One patient in the single‐stage group had a postoperative sinus infection, which was successfully treated with antibiotics. However, one out of two implants in this patient was found mobile and was removed after 1 year in function. Conclusions: In the present study, titanium granules seem to function as augmentation material in the sinus floor. It is, however, not clear if the material can be safely used for two‐stage procedures. Further investigations with longer healing time before implant installation are required. Also, the possible risk of granule displacement during preparation of the fixture site should be further investigated. Additionally, biopsies from patients are requested to confirm any bone ingrowth between the granules.  相似文献   

上颌窦提升术同期或延期牙种植的早期临床评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的对上颌窦提升术同期或延期牙种植进行早期临床评价。方法37例患者38侧上颌窦进行上颌窦提升同期或延期牙种植,种植体上部结构修复完成后6~36个月定期复查。结果观察期内同期牙种植27侧上颌窦共59颗种植体,松动、脱落1颗,成功率为98.3%。延期牙种植上颌窦11侧共23颗种植体,全部成功。除1颗失败种植体外,其余同期或延期植入的种植体均无松动或脱落,经X线片检查显示植入骨材料改建良好,种植体周围未见明显骨吸收阴影。结论上颌窦提升术同期或延期牙种植的早期临床效果无明显差异。  相似文献   

上颌窦底提升术的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
上颌窦底提升骨增量技术是目前解决上颌后牙区骨量不足的最为有效而可靠的方法,本文根据临床体会及当前国际上有关此方面技术的文献,对常见的上颌窦提升技术进行了介绍,对各种术式的优缺点进行了分析评论.上颌窦提升后同期种植可以缩短治疗周期,简化治疗程序,是一个值得研究的方向,本文对其发展及自身的经验进行了总结和介绍.  相似文献   

上颌窦提升植骨在上颌后牙区种植术的临床应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的评价上颌窦提升、植入上颌结节自体骨加Bio-Oss骨粉在上颌后牙种植的方法和效果。方法对5例上颌后牙区垂直骨量不足患者行6侧上颌窦提升,植入上颌结节自体骨加Bio-Oss骨粉,同期种植体植入。结果6个月后X线片显示植骨区改建成新骨,种植体无松动脱落,与周围组织形成良好的骨性结合。结论上颌结节自体骨加Bio-Oss骨粉植入,提升上颌窦拓展了种植的应用范围。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This work aims to evaluate the regenerative potential of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) on an implant site of peculiar clinical impact, such as sinus augmentation. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Sixteen consenting patients (11 females and five males), with symmetrical maxillary sinus atrophy, underwent bilateral sinus floor augmentation, using autologous (iliac crest) bone on one side and PRP plus autologous bone contralaterally. Implants were inserted 4, 5, 6 and 7 months after surgery in the patients randomly split into four groups. Orthopantomographies, computed tomography with transverse image digital reconstructions and densitometries were used to monitor the treatment progress. A core biopsy was performed at the site of implant. RESULTS: Clinical performance across both sites showed no statistical significance (P=0.414). Densitometric values were higher at PRP sites (mean Hounsfield units approximately +57%), even if densitometry converged in the two sites 8 months after surgery. Histology documents enhanced bone activities in sites treated with PRP, 4 months after surgery. Reduced bone activity was observed in both sites 5, 6 and 7 months after surgery. Bone amount, higher in sites treated with PRP (mean trabecular bone volume approximately +37%), decreased in both sites over time. CONCLUSIONS: Our results seem to indicate a certain regenerative potential of PRP when used with autologous bone. The effect of this enhancement of bone regeneration appeared to be restricted to shorter treatment times. A progressive extinguishment of the PRP effect is recorded after an interval longer than 6-7 months.  相似文献   

Maxillary sinus floor elevation, via the lateral approach, is one of the most predictable bone augmentation procedures performed in implant dentistry. but both intra‑ and postoperative complications can occur, and some of them are severe. Our aim is as follows:
  1. To review the pertinent literature on the topic, especially assessing the risk factors related to complications.
  2. To give clinical recommendations to minimize intra‑ and postoperative complications with the ultimate scope of improving the standard of clinical care and patient safety.

目的评价种植床自体骨植骨行上颌窦闭合式提升后同期植入种植体的临床效果。方法对上颌后牙缺失后剩余牙槽骨高度在6-10mm患者,用中空圆柱钻制备种植床,收集种植床自体骨,行上颌窦闭合式挤压提升后,植入自体骨和ITI种植体,6-9个月后行上部结构修复。结果17例患者共植入25颗种植体,平均提升上颌窦底高度为3.4mm(2-4mm),修复后追踪观察6-36个月,l颗种植体修复6个月后松动拔除。其余24颗种植体平均负载21个月,种植体稳定,未见明显骨吸收,所有病例均无上颌窦并发症。结论严格掌握适应证,种植床自体骨植骨上颌窦闭合式提升同期植入种植体,创伤小、操作较简单,无须开辟第2手术区。  相似文献   

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