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For more than 45 years the building of X-ray telescopes for solar and astronomical observations has been practised with significant performance improvement. The various techniques applied are reviewed emphazising the impact of proper mirror material choice, grinding and polishing improvements and the role of metrology.  相似文献   

During March 20, 1993, from 12:00 to 16:00 UT, repeated radio burst activity was observed in the 0.8–1.2 GHz frequency range. Periods in intervals 0.1–0.5, 0.7–1.0, 2.8–3.9, 75–170 s, and 15–25 min were recognized. This long-lasting narrowband activity consisted mainly of pulsations and continua. In some intervals it was accompanied not only by spikes, broadband pulsations, and fibers in the 1–2 GHz frequency range, but also by type III and U burst activity at lower frequencies as well as by hard X-ray bursts. From several radio bursts, two characterized by different fine structures were selected and compared. The observed differences are explained by different distribution functions of superthermal electrons. The position of the 0.8–1.2 GHz radio source above the photosphere and the magnetic field in the fiber burst source were estimated to be 66 000–75 000 km and 120–135 G, respectively.Presented at te CESRA-Workshop on Coronal Magnetic Energy Release at Caputh near Potsdam in May 1994.  相似文献   

In the paper we present the results of search for transient sources using the data from the surveys conducted onRATAN-600 at 7.6 cmin the time period of 1980–1994.We detected three events at a level of 3–5σ. A search for coincidenceswith detected transient events was carried out. Using the data from radio and optical surveys and the VizieR, SIMBAD, and NED databases, we made assumptions on the possible nature of these events. The first transient is probably associated with AGN activity, the second—with a cataclysmic GRB event or with a supernova, the origin of the third is not determined. The inference on the possibility of search for variable sources and transients using the data from the RATAN-600 blind surveys was drawn. Searching for transients, we have found twenty-two radio sources which are associated with the NVSS objects but are not included in the RCR catalog. Three of them turned out to be presumably variable.  相似文献   

We investigate the dependence of the Fanaroff–Riley (FR) 1/2 dichotomy of radio galaxies on their luminosities and redshifts. Because of a very strong redshift-luminosity correlation (Malmquist bias) in a flux-limited sample, any redshift-dependent effect could appear as a luminosity-related effect and vice versa. A question could then arise—do all the morphological differences seen in the two classes (FR 1 and 2 types) of sources, usually attributed to the differences in their luminosities, could as well be primarily a redshift-dependent effect? A sharp break in luminosity, seen among the two classes, could after all reflect a sharp redshift dependence due to a rather critical ambient density value at some cosmic epoch. A doubt on these lines does not seem to have been raised in past and things have never been examined with this particular aspect in mind. We want to ascertain the customary prevalent view in the literature that the systematic differences in the two broad morphology types of FR 1 and 2 radio galaxies are indeed due to the differences in their luminosities, and not due to a change in redshift. Here we investigate the dependence of FR 1/2 dichotomy of radio galaxies on luminosity and redshift by using the 3CR sample, where the FR 1/2 dichotomy was first seen, supplemented by data from an additional sample (MRC), that goes about a factor of 5 or more deeper in flux-density than the original 3CR sample. This lets us compare sources with similar luminosities but at different redshifts as well as examine sources at similar redshifts but with different luminosities, thereby allowing us a successful separation of the otherwise two intricately entangled effects. We find that the morphology type is not directly related to redshift and the break between the two types of morphologies seems to depend only upon the radio luminosity.  相似文献   

Fast radio bursts (FRBs) with unknown origin emit a huge luminosity (about 1 Jy at 1 GHz) with a duration of milliseconds or less at extragalactic distances estimated from their large dispersion measure (DM). We propose herein a scenario for a collision between a neutron star (NS) and a white dwarf (WD) as the progenitor of the FRBs by considering the burst duration scaling to the collision time and the radio luminosity proportional to the kinetic energy of the collision. The relations among the observed flux density, pulse width, and the DM are derived from the model and compared with the statistical results from the observed FRBs. Although the sample is quite small, we tentatively report a nearly inverse-square correlation between the observed peak flux density and the DM excess, which is an consequence of the assumption that the DM excess (i.e. that not due to our Galaxy) is dominated by the intergalactic medium. We also tentatively note a correlation among the duration of the FRB and the DM excess (possibly interpreted as due to the broadening of the signal in the intergalactic medium) and a correlation among the duration of the FRB and the flux density (shorter burst should be brighter), both roughly in agreement with the proposed model.  相似文献   

New generation small telescopes can and should be very complementary facilities for the new large telescopes and for space astronomy. With CCD imaging detectors as part of their instrumentation package, they are most efficient research tools for many research programs. In addition, linking a number of them together into a "global network of astronomical telescopes" appears to make a good deal of sense. A new non-profit organization, GNAT, Inc., has been established to be the catalyst for such a network.Operated by AURA, Inc. under cooperative agreement with the National Science Foundation, Washington D.C.  相似文献   

The implications of the intrinsic luminosity evolution with cosmological epoch on the value of the density parameter () and evolution of radio sizes of extragalactic radio sources have been considered. It is shown that a power law evolution model of the sortP (1 +z) can be used to contrain the value of . In the presence of a strong luminosity evolution, the model yields an upper limit of 0.5.It is also shown that the angular diameter redshift ( – z) relation for quasars can be interpreted in terms of the assumed luminosity evolution combined with a luminosity-linear size correlation with little or no linear size evolution required. On the other hand, strong linear size evolution is needed to explain the – z data for radio galaxies independent of luminosity.  相似文献   

Active galactic nuclei(AGNs) can be divided into two major classes, namely radio-loud and radio-quiet AGNs. A small subset of the radio-loud AGNs is called blazars, which are believed to be unified with Fanaroff-Riley type Ⅰ/Ⅱ(FRI/Ⅱ) radio galaxies. Following our previous work(Fan et al.), we present a sample of 2400 sources with measured radio flux densities of the core and extended components. The sample contains 250 BL Lacs, 520 quasars, 175 Seyferts, 1178 galaxies, 153 FRI or FRⅡ galaxies and 104 unidentified sources. We then calculate the radio core-dominance parameters and spectral indices, and study their relationship. Our analysis shows that the core-dominance parameters and spectral indices are quite different for different types of sources. We also confirm that the correlation between core-dominance parameter and spectral index exists for a large sample presented in this work.  相似文献   

Active galactic nuclei(AGNs) can be divided into two major classes,namely radio-loud and radio-quiet AGNs.A small subset of the radio-loud AGNs is called blazars,which are believed to be unified with Fanaroff-Riley type Ⅰ and type Ⅱ(FRIⅡ) radio galaxies.Following our previous work,we present a latest sample of 966 sources with measured radio flux densities of the core and extended components.The sample includes 83 BL Lacs,473 flat spectrum radio quasars,101 Seyferts,245 galaxies,52 FRIsⅡs and12 unidentified sources.We then calculate the radio core-dominance parameters and spectral indices and study their relationship.Our analysis shows that the core-dominance parameters and spectral indices are quite different for different types of sources.We also confirm that the correlation between core-dominance parameter and radio spectral index extends over all the sources in a large sample presented.  相似文献   

《Astroparticle Physics》2007,26(6):380-390
Ground-based arrays of imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes have emerged as the most sensitive γ-ray detectors in the energy range of about 100 GeV and above. The strengths of these arrays are a very large effective collection area on the order of 105 m2, combined with excellent single photon angular and energy resolutions. The sensitivity of such detectors is limited by statistical fluctuations in the number of Cosmic-ray initiated air showers that resemble γ-ray air showers in many ways. In this paper, we study the performance of simple event reconstruction methods when applied to simulated data of the Very Energetic Radiation Imaging Telescope Array System (VERITAS) experiment. We review methods for reconstructing the arrival direction and the energy of the primary photons, and examine means to improve on their performance. For a software threshold energy of 300 GeV (100 GeV), the methods achieve point source angular and energy resolutions of σ63% = 0.1° (0.2°) and σ68% = 15% (22%), respectively. The main emphasis of the paper is the discussion of γ–hadron separation methods for the VERITAS experiment. We find that the information from several methods can be combined based on a likelihood ratio approach and the resulting algorithm achieves a γ–hadron suppression with a quality factor that is substantially higher than that achieved with the standard methods used so far.  相似文献   

Here we present new adaptive optics observations of the Quaoar–Weywot system. With these new observations we determine an improved system orbit. Due to a 0.39 day alias that exists in available observations, four possible orbital solutions are available with periods of ~11.6, ~12.0, ~12.4, and ~12.8 days. From the possible orbital solutions, system masses of 1.3–1.5 ± 0.1 × 1021 kg are found. These observations provide an updated density for Quaoar of 2.7–5.0 g cm?3. In all cases, Weywot’s orbit is eccentric, with possible values ~0.13–0.16. We present a reanalysis of the tidal orbital evolution of the Quaoar–Weywot system. We have found that Weywot has probably evolved to a state of synchronous rotation, and has likely preserved its initial inclination over the age of the Solar System. We find that for plausible values of the effective tidal dissipation factor tides produce a very slow evolution of Weywot’s eccentricity and semi-major axis. Accordingly, it appears that Weywot’s eccentricity likely did not tidally evolve to its current value from an initially circular orbit. Rather, it seems that some other mechanism has raised its eccentricity post-formation, or Weywot formed with a non-negligible eccentricity.  相似文献   

The coronal transient event of 20–21 November is unusual in that its appearance is distinctly non-loop-like; rather, the transient resembles a confined ray or fan-like volume. Studies of the distribution of the coronal material with time indicate that this is a mass ejection event, involving about 1 × 1015 g of material from the lower corona. Analysis of the polarization signal of the event suggests that the event is associated with chromospheric activity in a region near longitude E68. The observed properties (distributions in brightness and polarization) of the transient are compared with the properties of a well-studied event of typical loop-like appearance, but rotated to simulate an edge-on appearance; the differences suggest that the 20–21 November event is not such an edge-on, loop-like transient, but rather is most simply described as an axisymmetric-cylindrical or conical volume, the boundaries of which remain constant over the events' lifetime. On this basis, the variation of the transient spatial density with height and the variation of density with time can be specified rather more certainly than for previously-studied coronal mass ejection events. Densities are found to range from 3 × 10–16 g cm–3 at 2.1 R heliocentric height early in the event to 1 × 10–18 g cm–3 at 4.0 R late in the event. Typical temporal variations of the ejected material (at a given heliocentric height) are found to be on the order of 10–18 g cm–3 s–1. The mass and momentum balance in the event have been estimated from the observed parameters, employing a multiparameter approach. We find that a model with modest mass flux typified by material speed u 0 50 km s–1 and a near balance between the event's pressure gradient force and gravity — with possibly a small hydromagnetic wave contribution to the total pressure — is consistent with the observations. The kinetic energy of the event, determined from the motion of the center of mass of the ejected material, is only about 1026 ergs, and thus is the smallest for any solar mass ejection studied to date.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

We report some of the results of the search for narrow-band spatial and spectral fluctuations of cosmic microwave background at the wavelength of 6.2 cmperformed with the RATAN-600 radio telescope in 2001–2006 in two 35′ × 7′ strips on the sky in the vicinity of the North Celestial Pole. We find the spectra of spatial fluctuations in the 12 MHz radio-frequency band and in the interval of spatial periods from 4′ to 16′ to exhibit power-law rises with exponents reaching ?2.0±0.5, with a periodicity of 2–3 MHz. We also find two narrow-band (in terms of angular frequency) features at 4870.4 and 4871.5 MHz with the corresponding fluctuation amplitudes of 5±0.5 mK in terms of antenna temperature in the vicinity of angular periods of about 5′ with the frequency bandwidths of about 600 kHz. Standard tests performed using the spectra of the half-sum and half-difference of two groups of observations randomly drawn from a total sample of 23 records of the March 2002 observing set confirm the reality of the features of the angular spectrumof fluctuations mentioned above and so does the comparison with the spectra of cold matched load connected to the receiver input instead of the antenna. However, the nature of the features found remains unclear. Our attempt to link this radiation to rotational transitions 2Π1/2, J = 5/2 of the CH molecule, which has one of the components of its multiplet located inside the frequency interval of interest considered failed.  相似文献   

Solar type Ⅲ radio bursts are an important diagnostic tool in the understanding of solar accelerated electron beams. They are a signature of propagating beams of nonthermal electrons in the solar atmosphere and the solar system. Consequently, they provide information on electron acceleration and transport, and the conditions of the background ambient plasma they travel through. We review the observational properties of type Ⅲ bursts with an emphasis on recent results and how each property can help identify attributes of electron beams and the ambient background plasma. We also review some of the theoretical aspects of type Ⅲ radio bursts and cover a number of numerical efforts that simulate electron beam transport through the solar corona and the heliosphere.  相似文献   

We present the results of modelling of the radio spectrum evolution and dispersion measure variations of PSR B1259–63, a pulsar in a binary system with Be star LS 2883.We base our model on a hypothesis that the observed variations of the spectrum are caused by thermal free-free absorption occurring in the pulsar surroundings. We reproduce the observed pulsar spectral shapes in order to examine the influence of the stellar wind of LS 2883 and the equatorial disc on the pulsar’s radiation.The simulations of the pulsar’s radio emission and its consequent free-free absorption give us an insight into the impact of stellar wind and equatorial disc of LS 2883 has on the shapes of PSR B1259–63 radio spectra, providing an evidence for the connection between gigahertz-peaked spectra phenomenon and the close environment of the pulsar. Additionally, we supplement our model with an external absorbing medium, which results in a good agreement between simulated and observational data.  相似文献   

Takeo Kosugi 《Solar physics》1976,48(2):339-356
The radio observations of type II–IV bursts on December 14, 1971 are analyzed. These radio events were associated with a H-spray or eruptive prominence, and later followed by several compact moving clouds observed with the NRL white-light coronagraph aboard OSO-7. There was also observed a diffuse expanding cloud behind the compact moving clouds.From the comparison of the interferometer observation of the bursts with the optical observation, it is strongly suggested that the compact moving clouds were likely to be the optical counterparts of the sources of moving type IV radio emission. This fact suggests that the magnetic bubbles were really produced in the flare process. The frequency-drift of the first group of type II bursts was so rapid, that we could neither identify the type II shock with the leading edge of the diffuse expanding cloud nor interpret it as the piston-driven shock of the latter. Because of the uncertainty of the velocities of the compact clouds due to the projection effect, the possibility that the type II shock was the piston-driven shock of the compact clouds cannot be excluded. Nevertheless we suggest that the type II shock was a blast type MHD shock and had no direct physical relation to the flare-associated mass-ejection processes. The relation between the type II–IV bursts and the interplanetary shock is also discussed.  相似文献   

A beautiful plane eight-shaped orbit has been found by Alain Chenciner, Richard Montgomery and Carles Simo through the minimisation of the action between suitable limit conditions. The three masses are equal and chase each other along the eight shape. This procedure can be generalized and leads to a family of three-dimensional periodic orbits with three equal masses and with 12 space-time symmetries per period. The property of a unique orbit for the three masses is conserved in a suitable uniformly rotating set of axes. The eight-shaped orbit represents the end of the family, its beginning being the classical Lagrangian solution with three equal masses and with a uniformly rotating equilateral triangle.  相似文献   

《New Astronomy Reviews》2002,46(2-7):357-360
We highlight a group of peculiar double radio sources we christen HYMORS: HYbrid MOrphology Radio Sources. These HYMORS appear to have an FR I type radio lobe on one side of the active nucleus but an FR II type lobe on the opposite side. Such objects range in size from ∼0.01 Mpc to ∼1 Mpc. The mere existence of these hybrid sources causes severe difficulties for models which attribute the differences between FR I and FR II radio sources to some intrinsic property of the compact central engine, or the composition of the jet plasma. HYMORS support models for the FR dichotomy based upon the interaction of the jet plasma with the ambient medium, in that asymmetries in the external environment could more naturally produce the observed hybrid morphologies.  相似文献   

We build a sample of 298 spectroscopically-confirmed galaxies at redshift z - 2, selected in the z850-band from the GOODS-MUSIC catalog. By utilizing the rest frame 8 p.m luminosity as a proxy of the star formation rate (SFR), we check the accuracy of the standard SED-fitting technique, finding it is not accurate enough to provide reliable estimates of the physical parameters of galaxies. We then develop a new SED-fitting method that includes the IR luminosity as a prior and a generalized Calzetti law with a variable Rv. Then we exploit the new method to re-analyze our galaxy sample, and to robustly determine SFRs, stellar masses and ages. We find that there is a general trend of increasing attenuation with the SFR. Moreover, we find that the SFRs range between a few to 103 M~ yr-1, the masses from 109 to 4 ~ 1011 Mo, and the ages from a few tens of Myr to more than 1 Gyr. We discuss how individual age measurements of highly attenuated objects indicate that dust must have formed within a few tens of Myr and already been copious at 〈 100 Myr. In addition, we find that low luminosity galaxies harbor, on average, significantly older stellar populations and are also less massive than brighter ones; we discuss how these findings and the well known 'downsizing' scenario are consistent in a framework where less massive galaxies form first, but their star formation lasts longer. Finally, we find that the near-IR attenuation is not scarce for luminous objects, contrary to what is customarily assumed; we discuss how this affects the interpretation of the observed M,/L ratios.  相似文献   

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