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The Ni-Mo-PGE polymetallic mineralization of the Lower Cambrian black shales locate in Zunyi, South China and contain abundant noble metals such as Ag, Au and PGE, and especially Ag with average concentration of 64×10-6. The occurrence modes of Ag have been investigated using methods of selective chemical dissolution and transmission electron microscopy. The results demonstrate that the occurrence modes of Ag are complex and diversiform. It might be associated with clay minerals, organic matter, sulfides and also occurred as native silver and sulfides with nanometer in size. Combined with results of previous studies, we suggest that the sulfides, clay minerals and organic matter which hosted in the Ni-Mo-PGE polymetallic ores of black shales can play the roles of important reduction and adsorption geochemical barriers for the enrichment and distribution of silver. This study further implies that the selective chemical dissolution and transmission electron microscopy may pave the way to study the occurrence modes of other noble metals in black shales.  相似文献   

Spatiotemporal regularities of the sulfide mineralization distribution in shales of the Skorbeev Formation, as well as the results of its study, have been analyzed. Their genetic relation to distal facies of the fan turbidite system has been substantiated. Ore minerals are predominantly represented by pyrite formed at an early diagenesis stage in conditions of hydrogen sulfide-bacterial paleoecosystems and repeatedly altered in the process of subsequent sediment transformation.  相似文献   

Black shales occur widely in the Lower Cambrian and Neoproterozoic strata on the Yangtze Platform, South China. In this study, Lower Cambrian black shales from Xiuning section and Late Neoproterozoic black shales from Weng’an section were studied and Pb isotopic compositions were analyzed following a stepwise acid-leaching technique. The 206Pb/204Pb ratios in both sections show large variations, from 18.906 to 43.737 in the Weng’an section and from 24.811 to 38.110 in the Xiuning section. In contrast, the ranges for 207Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb values in both sections are relatively smaller from 15.649 to 17.126 and 37.744-38.199 in the Weng’an section, and from 16.034 to 16.783 and 38.602-39.391 in the Xiuning section, respectively. These data yielded two Pb isotope isochron ages of 536±39 and 572±36 Ma, respectively. These ages well accord with other published data and we suggest that they represent the depositional ages for the Lower Cambrian Hetang Formation and the upper Neoproterozoic Doushantuo Formation in South China.  相似文献   

A paleokarstic zone capping the Middle Eocene dolomitic Dammam Formation delineates a regional disconformity with the overlying Mio-Pleistocene fluvial deposits in Kuwait. This formation outcrops in a quarry located in the southeast of Kuwait and occurs in the subsurface of Umm Ghudair water field, west Kuwait. Karstification has affected the upper member of the Dammam Formation, which is formed of extensively chertified, vuggy chalky biodolomicrite. Karstification is manifested by two phases: a dissolution phase that was responsible for the occurrence of surface and near surface karst features and a precipitation phase during which a karst carapace and dolocretic and calcitic pseudobreccias were developed. Petrographic investigations of both the biodolomicrites host rock and the karst lithotypes revealed a complex diagenetic history that encompasses the following diagenetic events, arranged in a chronological order: (a) replacive dolomitization, (b) precipitative dolomitization, (c) precipitative silica, (d) replacive silica, (e) karstification, (f) development of karst carapace [calcretization and calcitization (development of calcitic psuedobreccia)], (g) dolocretization (development of dolocretic psuedobreccia), (h) mild karstification, (i) calcite precipitation, and (j) silica precipitation. The development of the karst carapace at the unconformity surface between the Eocene Dammam Formation dolomicrites and the overlying Mio-Pleistocene Kuwait Group clastics has played a significant role in the hydrological characteristics of Kuwait usable groundwater resources. It is recommended that the occurrence of similar diagenetic processes within the Arabian carbonate shelf deposits be investigated.  相似文献   

The valley of the Leiho in South Hunan has long been famous for itsnumerous coal-fields.It was Ferdinand von Richthofen~1 who first studiedthe geology of the region and discovered the well-known Gigantopterisflora in the coal measures,which was named by him the Lui-Pa-Kou  相似文献   

Detailed study of palaeosols in the sea cliffs between Long Reef and Palm Beach, north of Sydney, has given a much clearer idea of the environment and climate of the area during the late Scythian to early Anisian portion of Triassic time.

At the base of the exposed succession, kaolinitic clayey soils with red B horizons were formed on volcanogenic sediments derived from the old Gerringong volcanic ridge to the east. The red Bald Hill Claystone consists largely of soil material, both in place and resorted. These were grey‐brown podzolic soils (ferrods) formed on well‐drained sites under coniferous forest. Humic gleys (fibrists) within the overlying Garie Formation were probably lowland catenary equivalents formed under Dicroidium, Voltziopsis, and equisetalean swamp woodland.

These soils were drowned by the relative rise of the Narrabeen lagoonal complex and the concomitant southward growth of sediments of the Gosford Delta. These sediments formed the lower Newport Formation, of clean quartz‐lithic sandstone and grey kaolinite‐illite shale, derived from an extensive source land to the north and west. The most widespread soils in the delta were gleyed podzolic soils (aquods) under Dicroidium heath. Younger soils of a similar type (alluvial soils or aquents) also supported Dicroidium heath in low‐lying areas and Pleuromeia meadows in interdistributary bays. On slightly more elevated areas a more oxidized gleyed podzolic soil (ochrept) developed. On clayey levees, grey clay soils (fluvents) formed under a Dicroidium flora locally dominated by Taeniopteris lentriculiformis.

Few palaeosols are preserved in the upper Newport Formation and Hawkesbury Sandstone because of the more frequent channel reworking of the floodplain during their deposition.

The dominance of podzols is compatible with a cool temperate climate.  相似文献   

The mineralogy of the managanese ores of the giant Paleoproterozoic Kalahari manganese deposit of the Transvaal Supergroup has been subject of many studies and up to now 135 different ore and gangue minerals have been described, of which eight represent new mineral species. Through correlation of different mineral assemblages with specific geological events and by determining relative ages of minerals in outcrop, hand specimen and under the microscope an attempt is made in this publication to construct a paragenetic sequence for this complex mineral assemblage. Sedimentation and early diagenesis of the Hotazel Formation, composed of interbedded iron formation and braunite lutite, was followed by low-grade metamorphism and associated stratabound metasomatism. Braunite lutite of sedimentary origin, comprising 97% of the total ore reserve, is composed of braunite, hematite and kutnahorite, and abundant early diagenetic kutnahorite and manganoan calcite forming laminae and ovoids. Fluid flow during late diagenesis or lower greenschist facies metamorphism led to stratabound metasomatic oxidation of Mn-bearing carbonates to hausmannite and Mn-poor calcite. Three structurally controlled hydrothermal alteration events succeed metamorphism. These events are referred to as Wessels, Mamatwan and Smartt events. The Wessels alteration event is the oldest of the three events and it is of great economic importance because virtually all of the high-grade ore (> 42% Mn), 3% of the total ore reserve, formed during this event through alteration of carbonate-rich low-grade Mamatwan-type ore (braunite lutite) to high-grade, carbonate-poor Wessels-type manganese ore. This Wessels hydrothermal alteration event took place in the northwestern part of the Kalahari deposit, associated with a system of major north-south- and minor east-west-striking normal faults. The Mamatwan alteration event is observed throughout the Kalahari manganese deposit but alteration is very localized. Reduction halos and discolouration of braunite lutite around fracture or joint-hosted sulphide-carbonate mineralization are typical of the Mamatwan alteration event. In contrast, the Smartt alteration event is characterized by oxidation of braunite lutite and the formation of todorokite and manganomelane. Syn- and Post-Kalahari supergene alteration has taken place below the suboutcrop of the Hotazel Formation against the calcretized sediments of the Cenozoic Kalahari Formation. Cryptomelane and pyrolusite are the predominant products of surficial weathering.  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地中三叠统与上三叠统地层界线讨论   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
邓秀芹 《地质学报》2009,83(8):1089-1096
针对延长组地层划分的争议,开展了延长组孢粉组合、岩石学特征、湖盆演化规律等对比分析,结果显示长8-长10地层与长1-长7地层差异显著。其中,长8-长10油层组沉积期,地势平坦,河流、三角洲和滨浅湖沉积发育,岩石成分成熟度低,孢粉组合中蕨类植物孢子占优势,中三叠世的重要分子Punctatisporites、Verrucosisporites含量较高;长7油层组沉积期深湖范围宽广,盆地西南、西部地区长7砂岩中石英含量明显提高,岩石类型发生较大的改变,西缘和西南缘沉积体系也由辫状河、辫状河-三角洲体系演化成冲积扇、扇三角洲沉积体系,该段地层孢子花粉含量相近,以具有晚三叠世色彩的Duplexisporites大量出现为特征。此外,在盆地西部、西南及湖盆中部地区,长7底部稳定分布的一套凝灰岩薄层,记录了同期的火山、岩浆活动等地质事件,为早印支运动的重要表现形式,因此长7与长8之间地层界线为中三叠统与上三叠统界线。  相似文献   

The Permian section situated northwest of Tabas in the Halvan Mountains is studied and fusulinids occurring in the section are described. The Chili, Sartakht, and Hermez formations distinguished in the section are separated by horizons of bauxitic laterite and belong to the Khan Group formerly ranked as a synonymous formation. Fusulinids occur at two levels in the section. The lower one confined to the Chili Formation yields the so-called Kalaktash fusulinid assemblage of the late Sakmarian age. The second late Asselian assemblage has been discovered in pebbles from conglomerate-breccia in the basal laterite of the Sartakht Formation. A brief characterization of fusulinids is presented and three new species are described. The new Benshiella genus is discriminated from the Rugosofusulinidae family. As Skinner and Wilde (1965, 1966) changed the original diagnosis of the Pseudofusulina genus, we suggest, regarding all species, which have been attributed to this genus but do not satisfy the new diagnosis, as representing the new Nonpseudofusulina genus.  相似文献   

The Choghart magnetite-apatite deposit situated in the Bafq district, Central Iran, has been scrutinized for rare earth elements (REEs) by precise geochemical investigation. The Central Iran is a susceptible area of rare earth elements. One of the Choghart’s prominent points is the existence of hydrothermal zones which made prediction of REEs occurrence within the deposit possible. Choghart is placed within felsic volcanic tuffs, rhyolitic rocks, and volcanic sedimentary sections belonging to the lower Cambrian. Abundance and distribution pattern of REEs in Choghart iron deposits reveal a part of deposit formation and its mineralogical modifications. Petrography and mineralogy of the ore body demonstrated two main types of alterations (sodic and calcic) associated with iron ore mineralization in Choghart deposit. The main ore includes a large quantity of massive magnetite in the lower part of Choghart deposit. The minor mineralization involves apatite, pyrite, alkaline amphibole, especially actinolite and tremolite, calcite, talc, quart, monazite, and bastnasite. Geochemical sampling from north–northeast (N-NE) side of the mine denotes the presence of these elements in hydrothermal zones. Statistical populations of the area were categorized by fractal geometry into four main differentiations: host rock type (albitofyre), iron, metasomatose, phosphate zones, and a subset of the phosphate zone which is named high iron high phosphate type. REEs like lanthanum, neodymium, yttrium, and niobium constitute the most quantity of Choghart. Deposit characteristics demonstrate its similarity to Kiruna type. The significant feature of iron oxide-apatite deposits of Kiruna ore type is the existence of monazite inclusions within apatite. These inclusions were also observed within apatite type I and II of Choghart mineralization. Moreover, REEs geochemistry in Choghart deposit was identified by investigation on geochemical data analyses. The analysis represents negative Eu anomaly and further enrichment of light REEs compared to the heavy ones. Chondrite normalized REEs patterns are defined by negative anomalies of Eu, which is the main characteristic of Kiruna ore type. The results showed that REEs concentration in phosphate zone, as a high absorption of REEs, is much higher than metsomatose, albitofyre, and iron zones. REEs distribution in N-NE side of the mine indicated that the contact of iron ore with tailings in N-NW side of the mine leads REEs to be enriched nearly 1% , as well as that of NE with high contents of REEs 1.5% ), which is very significant.  相似文献   

Metalliferous black slates, which were locally exploited for their low-quality coal, are distributed in the Late Proterozoic to Paleozoic Okcheon Metamorphic Belt (OMB) of the Korean Peninsula. The mineralogy of the fine matrix is dominated by either quartz–(Ba, V)–mica–graphite or Quartz-Ba-feldspar–graphite. Polycrystalline submillimeter ellipsoids and elongate lenses aligned along foliations and veinlets are scattered through the fine matrix. Both ellipsoids and veinlets include many minor minerals containing rare elements: titanite, apatite, allanite, rutile, polycrase, barite, uraninite, xenotime, armenite, zircon, molybdenite, and sphalerite. Large graphite–apatite ellipsoids (nodules) with widths of several centimeters also occur in the highly carbonaceous black slates. Goldmanite occurs locally as porphyroblasts. The maximum rare element contents are: Ba 9.7%, V 2.04%, Mo 0.13%, U 0.11%, Cr 0.33%, Cu 254 ppm, Ni 479 ppm, Zn 607 ppm, Y 255 ppm, platinum-group element (PGE) + Au 309 ppb, and carbon 57%. The occurrence of the black slates and their elemental abundances suggests that most of the rare elements were accumulated from seawater in an oxygen-poor environment. However, the high Ba content of the OMB black slates indicates some hydrothermal input into an organic-rich basin. Although metamorphism and multiple deformations prevent a direct temporal and spatial correlation, metal abundances and a close association with graphite–apatite nodules and low-quality coal suggest that the OMB black slates are metamorphosed analogues of the Early Cambrian Ba–V deposits hosted by the black shales in the South China Block.  相似文献   

上扬子地区震旦系-早古生界黑色页岩的沉积和埋藏环境   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
上扬子地区震旦(伊迪卡拉)系-早古生界黑色页岩是我国南方震旦纪-早古生代“下组合”海相地层中的“三大优质烃源岩”,并普遍认为系缺氧、滞流环境下的沉积.本文从“下组合”黑色页岩的沉积构造以及生物生态的角度,探讨其沉积环境和埋藏条件,认为其中不仅产出有丰富的浮游和游泳类型的生物,也产出有底栖类型的生物,表明黑色页岩沉积环境中的上层水体为充氧的(oxic)环境,而下层水体中含有一定量的氧,为贫氧(suboxic)或稀氧(dysoxic)环境.上层水体的充氧环境有利于丰富生物的生长和繁殖,以提供丰富的沉积有机质;而下层水体的贫氧或稀氧阻碍着沉积有机质的分解,有利于有机质的保存.黑色页岩中的生物化石及其碎片均具有定向性排列等沉积构造,表明其沉积环境的下层水体中存在一定能量或周期性和间歇性的水动力条件,从而有助于水体中氧的扩散,维持底栖生物对氧的基本需求.黑色页岩沉积时为富含沉积水的泥质沉积物,随着富水泥质沉积物厚度的迅速加大,沉积水与水体中的氧交换减弱,沉积物内逐渐形成滞流还原的环境;而被埋藏的丰富生物遗体和排泄物等有机物质在腐烂和分解过程中促进了周围环境的还原性,导致有机物质得以保存而形成黑色的页岩.  相似文献   


地球轨道周期引起的气候波动是富有机质页岩发育的重要驱动因素。陆相页岩沉积相变快, 非均质性强, 天文信号识别和解译面临一定挑战。在中三叠世拉丁期, 鄂尔多斯盆地广泛发育了长7段富有机质页岩, 是研究陆相有机碳埋藏和古气候变化的优良素材。本研究选取鄂尔多斯盆地伊陕斜坡南部Y1011钻孔中三叠统长7段地层为分析对象。长7段取芯长度为65.93 m, 主要岩性为黑色页岩、灰色粉砂岩和灰黑色泥质粉砂岩组合。使用便携式X射线荧光光谱仪在长7段岩芯表面测得1265条数据, 使用碳/氮分析仪获取了长7段207块岩芯样品的总有机碳(TOC)与总氮(TN)含量。结果显示, TOC变化范围为0.38%~14.87%, C/N比值范围为3.98~15.63, 表明浮游藻类是沉积物有机质的主要来源, 同时部分混合了陆生维管束植物的贡献; 通过长7段Rb/Sr与TOC时间序列的频谱分析, 识别出稳定的地球轨道周期信号; 对最显著的21.8 m沉积旋回进行天文调谐, 获得长7段沉积持续时间约为1.29 Ma; 结合高精度年龄锚点, 揭示出长7段底界面和顶界面的年龄分别为241.56±0.22 Ma和240.27±0.22 Ma。长7段页岩沉积非均质性特征、古生产力与有机质保存旋回变化的响应周期均为405 ka; 偏心率对岁差具有调制作用, 通过驱动季风降雨与大陆风化的波动, 控制湖盆初级生产力输入旋回。对硫酸盐还原指数(SRI)时间序列提取到405 ka旋回, 揭示了有机质的消耗与保存在地球轨道力影响下的周期性演化。在405 ka长偏心率高值时期, 高生产力与保存条件的耦合有利于长7段页岩有机质富集。拉丁期湿润气候事件与秦岭造山带火山活动等地质事件对富有机质页岩沉积具有协同控制作用。本研究为探索地球多圈层相互作用控制的陆相有机碳埋藏提供了案例参考。


Calcimicrobialites across the Permian-Triassic boundary in Huayingshan region were investigated using the fluorescence microscopic measurements to understand the occurrence of organic matter. The microbialites are composed of micrite matrix and coarse spar cement. Abundant rhombic or magnetic needle-like carbonate minerals were observed adrift within the cement. The fluorescence microscopic measurement indicates the micrite matrix in microbialites shows the most abundant organic matter, with the rhombic or magnetic needle-like carbonate minerals and coarse spar cement coming to the 2nd and the 3rd, respectively. Organic matter is mainly preserved in the space between the grains of the micrite minerals but almost evenly distributed in the rhombic or magnetic needle-like carbonate minerals. As one of the common diagenesis types, dolomitization is observed to occur in the microbialites in Huayingshan. However, the carbonate cement in microbialites still has high content of element Sr as shown by the microprobe analysis, reflecting that the dolomitization might have happened in a restricted environment. Observation under the fluorescence microscope shows that dolomitization just led to the redistribution of organic matter in the grain space of dolomite minerals, inferring that the diagenesis has a slight effect on the preservation, and thus on the content of organic matter in the microbialites.  相似文献   

王丽波  久凯  曾维特  付景龙  赵松 《岩石学报》2013,29(9):3263-3278
依据大量野外页岩实测地质剖面和2口页岩气钻井、样品岩石矿物组分分析、有机地球化学实验等大量分析测试资料,系统研究了上扬子黔北地区下寒武统牛蹄塘组黑色泥页岩的发育特征与分布,并结合北美海相页岩气形成地质条件及我国页岩气选区评价标准,预测了黔北地区页岩气勘探的有利区。结果表明:黔北地区下寒武统牛蹄塘组海相黑色泥页岩厚度大、分布广泛,早期海侵体系域水体相对较深,沉积和沉降中心位于研究区的东南部,主要的物源来自西北部,沉积相类型主要为砂质陆棚、浅水陆棚和深水陆棚相沉积,深水陆棚相分布在东南部地区,呈北西-南东向带状展布。晚期高位体系域,水体深度逐渐降低,随着相对海平面的下降,研究区陆棚砂体范围进一步扩大,浅水陆棚和深水陆棚向东南迁移,范围缩小。黑色页岩的有机质类型为Ⅲ型干酪根,有机碳含量很高,平均值为4.880%,普遍大于2%;有机质成熟度平均值为2.7%,总体演化程度较高; 黑色页岩的矿物成分主要为碎屑矿物和粘土矿物,碎屑矿物含量平均值为61.3%,成分主要为石英和少量的长石;粘土矿物含量平均值为31.1%,主要为伊利石和伊蒙混层矿物。与美国产气页岩的各项指标相比较,黔北地区下寒武统海相黑色页岩具有厚度较大、有机质丰度平均值高、热演化成熟度高、脆性矿物含量低、粘土矿物含量中等,页岩孔隙度低的特征。具备了页岩气形成的基本地质条件,是我国海相页岩气勘探的主要地区之一。综合评价预测了黔北地区下寒武统牛蹄塘组页岩气的有利、较有利远景区。  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of eco-geochemical research on black rock series enriched in metallic elements in Pingli County,Shaanxi Province,which lies at the northern margin of the Yangtze Platform.There is a suite of bone coal-bearing black carbonaceous rocks in the Cambrian Donghe Formation throughout the region.Soils in Pingli contain high metallic elements derived from the bone coal and carbonaceous rocks.Edible plants growing in the soils contain high Se,Cu and Mo.Two case studies are documented.One is a black shale area with bone coal and Se enrichment,and the other is a black shale area with bone coal mine and copper mineralization.Eco-geochemical effects of metallic element-rich black shales on plants are reported in this paper.  相似文献   

Perylene and penta-aromatic hydrocarbons were determined in sediments as part of a study that was dedicated to the aquatic ecosystem of Elelenwo Creek (Southern Nigeria) in order to carry out a critical corroboration of occurrence and diagenetic evolution of perylene in the sediments of the creek. The results show that the annual mean levels of Benzo [g, h, i] Perylene ranged from 209.00–245.28 ?g/kg dry weight at the various stations sampled. Meanwhile, Station 3 recorded the highest mean level of 245.28 ?g/kg dry weight. The observed values for total penta-aromatic hydrocarbons were high (787.00–1154.36?g/kg dry weight) in all the stations sampled. In addition, the highest mean value of 1154.36?g/kg dry weight was again recorded at station 3 for the penta-aromatic hydrocarbons. One origin index or concentration ratio of Ip/Ip+BghiP was also used to evaluate the suitability of the penta-aromatic hydrocarbons as a tracer to distinguish between contaminations arising from different sources. The values for the sampling stations therefore ranged from 0.41 to 0.43. A critical appraisal of the PAH index, consequently, suggested that petroleum combustion is the major penta-aromatic hydrocarbon source in sediments of the creek. The PAH group profile shows that perylene was high in the sediments and would pose apparent effects in fauna. The high concentration of perylene in the sediments was also indicative of an in situ biogenic derivation. Furthermore, a concentration of perylene > 10 % of total penta-aromatic hydrocarbons established a credible diagenetic origin.  相似文献   

Thirty-three black shale samples from four locations on the onland Kachchh basin, western India were analyzed to characterize organic carbon (OC), thermal maturity and to determine the hydrocarbon potential of the basin. Upper Jurassic black shales from the Jhuran Formation (Dhonsa and Kodki areas) are characterized by the presence of chlorite, halloysite, high \(T_{\mathrm{max}}\), low OC, low hydrogen index and high oxygen index. These parameters indicate the OC as type IV kerogen, formed in a marine environment. The rocks attained thermal maturity possibly during Deccan volcanism. Early Eocene samples of the Naredi Formation (Naliya-Narayan Sarovar Road (NNSR) and the Matanomadh areas) are rich in TOC, smectite, chlorite and framboidal pyrite, but have low \(T_{\mathrm{max}}\). These indicate deposition of sediments in a reducing condition, probably in a lagoonal/marsh/swamp environment. Organic carbon of the Naredi Formation of NNSR may be considered as immature type III to IV kerogen, prone to generate coal. Core samples from the Naredi Formation of the Matanomadh area show two fold distribution in terms of kerogen. Organic carbon of the upper section is immature type III to IV kerogen, but the lower section has type II to III kerogen having potential to generate oil and gas after attaining appropriate thermal maturity.  相似文献   

胶北地块粉子山群石榴云母片岩中石榴石变斑晶内包裹物迹线明显,保留了岩石形成过程中的多期变质变形信息。电子探针成分面扫描图显示石榴石成分环带明显,可分为核部、幔部和边部。石榴石中MgO、FeO、MnO和CaO含量变化特征表明其核部到边部温度先升高后降低,对应进变质及退变质过程。根据原位独居石Y元素成分面扫描图显示,部分独居石颗粒由核部到边部Y含量呈现逐渐降低趋势,说明测得的232.6±1.1Ma~229.5±3.7Ma的独居石U-Pb年龄,对应石榴石的进变质生长过程。结合1869±72Ma的锆石U-Pb年龄数据,可推断粉子山群石榴云母片岩至少经历了古元古代及三叠纪两期变质事件的改造。粉子山群石榴云母片岩卷入了苏鲁超高压变质带的俯冲碰撞造山事件。电子探针成分分析结果表明粉子山群石榴云母片岩中的石榴石属于铁铝榴石,反映出经受中级区域变质作用的特征。说明粉子山群石榴云母片岩虽然参与了三叠纪苏鲁超高压变质带的俯冲碰撞造山过程,但俯冲深度较浅。这可用大陆俯冲过程中上盘的俯冲剥蚀来解释,并可为陆-陆碰撞俯冲剥蚀模式提出的扬子板片在240~220Ma的深俯冲作用过程中拽动胶北地块向下俯冲又折返的运动过程提供佐证,但胶北地块是否经历了深俯冲超高压变质作用,还需要进一步验证。  相似文献   

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