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倒刺鲃的胚胎发育及水温对胚胎发育的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
对倒刺鲃的胚胎发育进行连续跟踪观察,并探讨了水温对其胚胎发育的影响。结果表明:水温(25±0.5)℃时,孵化时间为53.43 h;胚胎发育过程中出现克氏囊。水温21~33℃条件下,倒刺鲃的胚胎均能孵化,水温(x)与孵化时间(y)成极显著的负相关关系:y=235.72 e-0.056 6x,P<0.01;水温与积温的关系为:y=7 519.4x-0.519 2,P<0.01。孵化率(y)与水温(x)相关关系式为:y=-1.665 5x2+88.621x-1 091.5,由曲线方程可以推算出胚胎发育的适宜水温范围为23.4~29.8℃,通过曲线求导数推算极值的方法,求得胚胎发育的最适水温为26.6℃。  相似文献   

谢迪  李潮  李嘉淇  吴倩  赵俊 《水产科学》2019,(3):382-387
为研究倒刺鲃人工增殖放流中的生长发育等规律,探讨恢复连江这一传统特色经济鱼类资源的有效方法,于2014年11月采用荧光色素标记方法,在连江阳山段对3×10~4尾倒刺鲃鱼苗进行标志放流试验。基于回捕数据对倒刺鲃的回捕率、标志保留率及生长情况进行分析,进而对连江倒刺鲃标志放流的方法做出初步评价。试验结果表明,利用流刺网等捕捞工具对倒刺鲃进行回捕,截至2016年5月共回捕倒刺鲃275尾,回捕率为0.92%。对回捕鱼的标记保留情况进行统计,发现标志保留率随时间的增加而降低。在回捕的前几个月内,荧光标志仍肉眼可辨,自第7个月开始荧光标志开始变得逐渐模糊,1年之后标志逐渐消失。标志鱼在放流后6个月生长缓慢,之后生长加快。协方差分析表明,倒刺鲃在放流水域的生长比池塘养殖和自然群体更具优势,说明放流水域属于放流条件较佳水域。综上所述,本研究基本达到标志放流预期目的,但应继续优化标志放流策略。  相似文献   

A feeding trial was conducted to investigate the influence of dietary protein levels on growth performance, carcass proximate composition and liver lipid classes of juvenile Spinibarbus hollandi (Oshima), a cyprinid fish. White fish meal was the primary protein source in the study. Eight experimental diets containing 13–55% crude protein were fed to three replicate groups of six fish weighing nearly 8.5 g each for 10 weeks. Both percentage weight gain and feed efficiency ratio increased significantly with increasing dietary protein levels up to 31%, but there was no further increase for protein levels from 31% to 55%. Application of broken‐line regression analysis to the percentage weight gain provided an estimate of 32.7±1.5% dietary protein for maximum growth. The protein efficiency ratio and productive lipid value were inversely correlated with dietary protein level. The hepatosomatic index and the viscerosomatic index were also inversely related to dietary protein level. The carcass protein of fish fed lower protein diets was significantly lower than that of the fish fed higher protein diets. Carcass lipid content decreased with increasing dietary protein levels, whereas moisture was inversely related to lipid content. Both liver glycogen and liver lipid contents decreased with increasing dietary protein levels. Triglyceride was the major component in the liver lipid, and the amount of triglyceride deposited in the liver also decreased with dietary protein levels. The results indicated that both carcass proximate composition and liver lipid class of juvenile Spinibarbus hollandi were affected by dietary treatments.  相似文献   

Jiménez‐Segura LF, Palacio J, Leite R. River flooding and reproduction of migratory fish species in the Magdalena River basin, Colombia.
Ecology of Freshwater Fish 2010: 19: 178–186. © 2010 John Wiley & Sons A/S Abstract – In most tropical rivers subject to a single‐yearly flooding, migratory fish usually spawn in the onset of the flooding and larvae drift to their nursery habitats. To define when the migratory fish species reproduce, its relationship with the water level and when nursery areas in floodplain lakes are supplied with ichthyoplankton in the Magdalena River, a two‐yearly peak flooding river, we sampled the ichthyoplankton weekly throughout 2 years. The fish species Pseudoplatystoma magdaleniatum, Prochilodus magdalenae, Leporinus muyscorum, Sorubim cuspicaudus and Curimata mivartii spawn twice a year in the main channel and its larvae input into the floodplain lakes are not always associated with flooding. Spawning in the main channel and larvae inputs into the floodplain lakes suggest that the habitat used by the migratory fishes may be consistent with some hypotheses on habitats used by these fishes.  相似文献   

本文研究了产白台湾海峡的野生牙鲆亲鱼的驯养、促熟和产卵。结果表明,活的鲻鱼苗可用于牙鲆的诱食;当水温达到16.2~19.5℃时,牙鲆可自然产卵,产卵盛期为3月中旬至4月上旬,4月份受精率高达86%。在驯养过程中亲鱼未发生死亡。  相似文献   

Effects of the native GnRHs and various agonists have been evaluated on the spawning of an Indian catfish, Heteropneustes fossilis. This study tested salmon (s) GnRH agonists and mammalian (m) GnRH agonists where a D-amino acid residue was substituted alone at position 6 or the C-terminal was modified with ethylamide. GnRH agonists with a combination of these structural modifications were also evaluated separately for their effect on the spawning of the catfish. Native sGnRH, [Pro9 NEt]-sGnRH agonist and chicken (c) GnRH-II exhibited similar activity and induced spawning within 14–18 h at a dose of 100 g kg–1 body weight (BW). [D-Lys6]-sGnRH agonist and [D-Lys6 Pro9 NEt]-sGnRH agonist, induced spawning at a dose of 100 g kg–1 BW and 1 g kg–1 BW, respectively. The most notable observation in this study was the ineffectiveness of [D-Ala6]-mGnRH agonist and [Des Gly10 D-Ala6 Pro9 NEt]-mGnRH agonist. The results obtained suggest that substitution at position 6 alone, and in conjunction with an ethylamide-based modification at the C-terminal in the native sGnRH structure, increases the potency of the tested agonists to induce spawning in the catfish. This study also discusses the potential use and incorporation of cGnRH-II for the development of more generic spawning induction therapies.  相似文献   

The early life stages of the Antarctic silverfish (Pleuragramma antarctica), an important prey species for higher predators in the Southern Ocean ecosystem, dominate the larval fish assemblages of the Bransfield Strait, one of the most important areas for larval retention off the Antarctic Peninsula. Nevertheless, the spatial location of areas where they were spawned and the timing of larval hatching remain unknown. By linking Lagrangian particle tracking simulations with age data obtained using otolith microincrements from fish caught north of Joinville Island in a pelagic survey, we estimated the distribution of hatch dates and subsequent growth rates of silverfish reaching the Bransfield Strait, and predicted the areas where they were spawned. Larval hatching peaked during the last week of December, and the inner shelf and shelf break, east of the Larsen Ice shelf, were the dominant areas predicted to contribute to larval assemblages in the Bransfield Strait. Over simulated periods of 600–630 days, 35–40% of particles remained within the Bransfield Strait, suggesting an important source of supply to higher predators feeding off the northern Antarctic Peninsula. The daily growth rate at the mean size of 22.3 mm was 0.18 mm, corresponding to a daily change in size of approximately 0.82% standard length (SL), and large variability in growth rate suggested a wide range of environmental conditions experienced during the period of advection from the spawning areas. These results provide spatial predictions that can be tested empirically in future studies, using the simulated trajectories to inform sampling design and spatial coverage.  相似文献   

Brooders of Surubí (Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum) were caught in the Ichillo River (Bolivian Amazon) and adapted to captivity conditions for 1 year in the facilities of the experimental aquaculture station of ‘El Prado’ (Santa Cruz de la Sierra) under natural temperature and photoperiod conditions. Induced reproduction was obtained by means of Ovaprim® (Syndel, Canada) injections and artificial fertilization. Sperm and ova were obtained by gentle stripping of male and female brooders. Fertilized eggs were incubated in 60 L Zug jars. A mean hatching rate of 73.7±19.0% was obtained after 24 h at 26.5 °C. For larval rearing, several protocols were tested with different settings of photoperiod, light intensity, food type and period of distribution, and stocking density. The best survival rates were obtained with Artemia nauplii feeding in total darkness. A high level of aggressiveness between larvae and precocious appearance of jumpers was observed, but these can be controlled with appropriate rearing conditions.  相似文献   

Investigations on the reproductive biology of Puntius sarana an indigenous species and Tiiapia remialli (melanopleura) an exotic, in an ancient man-made lake, Parakrama Sarnudra (Sea of Parakrama), in Sri Lanka, carried out from February 1978 to May 1979 are presented. The overall female to male ratio in T. rendalli and P. sarana were 1.1:1.0 and 1.5:1.0, respectively. Considerable deviation from the mean ratio was observed and are attributed to their spawning behaviour and migrations. In the larger size groups in T. rendalti males were dominant while the reverse was observed in P. sarana. Both species were found to breed through out the year, with well defined peaks in the case of P. sarana which were coincidental with the main rainy seasons. Both species are multiple spawners, fecundity ranging from 760 to 6160 in T. rendalli with length and weight varying from 18.8 to 25.8 cm and 126 to 380 g, respectively. In P. sarana. with a length of 23.8–38.0cm and a weight of 180–792 g, fecundity ranged between 16,000 and 290,000.  相似文献   

The aim of this preliminary study was to evaluate the influence of different feeding regimes on the quality of reproduction in pikeperch. Three diets were tested: forage fish (FF), a commercial dry feed (DD) and a mix of both (FD).  The diets were given to fish throughout a complete reproductive cycle. During the spawning season, couples were injected with human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and let to spawn on nests. Proportion of running males, spawning and hatching success and larval quality (weight, length, body protein, total lipid, fatty acid and lipid class compositions and resistances to osmotic shock and starvation stress tests at hatching) were evaluated. The proportion of running male was lower in the DD group than in the FF and FD groups (54% for DD against 76–89% for FF and FD). In addition, 25%, 62.5% and 75% of injected couples gave spawning that hatched in DD, FF and FD groups respectively. Larval quality parameters were not significantly different between treatments. The results indicate that overall quality of reproduction was higher in FF and FD treatments than in DD. It suggests that the dry feed used was not totally adequate for pikeperch reproduction. Relations between breeder reproductive performances and the feed compositions are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract – The spawning behavior of male and female largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides (Lacépède) was studied in central Illinois during the spring of 1998 to examine patterns of muscular activity associated with different spawning related behaviors and to evaluate whether electromyogram (EMG i ) telemetry could be used to detect spawning activity. Fish were implanted with EMG i transmitters (8 females, 16 males) on April 7, prior to the initiation of spawning, and were released in four 0.10-ha earthen research ponds. Continuous EMG i records, underwater videography and additional visual observations for one pair of EMG i tagged fish were collected throughout the entire spawning event, allowing us to quantify behavioral correlates of physical activity. Male EMG i activity patterns were only correlated with female patterns during courting and periods of male aggression toward the female. Overall, EMG i activity was highest for the female during shuddering (gamete deposition), whereas male EMG i activity was similarly high during periods of nest excavation, shuddering and post-spawn parental care activities. During spawning, female EMG i activity was positively correlated to shuddering. Average daily EMG i activities for females peaked on the day of spawning. As a result of their engagement in parental care activities, male activity continued to rise even after spawning was completed. EMG i telemetry appears to be a useful technique for monitoring the reproductive activity of largemouth bass, especially in areas of high cover or turbid water or during low light conditions. This technology permitted us to quantify and contrast the activity patterns associated with different spawning related activities, information that will be required to construct accurate, gender-specific bioenergetics models for this species.  相似文献   

Fish catches around the Great Lake, Tonle Sap river and the transitional zone between the lake and the river were studied by professional `fishing lot' (i.e. fishing zone) from 1995 to 1997. One hundred and twenty species of fish, belonging to 26 families and nine different orders were recorded. Compared to previous studies (1936–1976), only 53 % of families, 32 % of genera and 54 % of species were collected by professional fishing lot. This important loss in biodiversity could have several causes: bias of sampling procedures between professional fishing and research sampling, overfishing, modification of the floodplain by deforestation, etc. The professional fishing data showed that Cypriniformes accounted for 41.6 % of the total number of individuals caught, the Cyprinidae family alone represented 40 species. Siluriformes made up 21.6 %, Perciformes 13.3 %, with six other orders represented by smaller numbers. Eighty-seven percent of the recorded species occur in both habitats depending on the season. Migration takes place from the Mekong river to the Great Lake through the Tonle Sap river at the beginning of the rainy season (May–October), and in the reverse direction at the start of the dry season (November–February). The majority of the species reproduce at the start of the rainy season (May–June) in the flooded plain and the forest floodplain of the Great Lake; the period, the place and the means of reproduction have not been closely studied, particularly for the Belontiformes, Clupeiformes, Synbranchiformes, Pleuronectiformes and Tetraodontiformes. Multivariate analysis of fishing data (November–February) shows three distinct communities: that of the lake (Perciformes and Siluriformes), of the river (Pleuronectiformes, Cypriniformes, Clupeiformes and Siluriformes), and of the transitional zone formed from the principal channel, the old river channel and the oxbow lakes (Cypriniformes, Siluriformes and Osteoglossiformes).  相似文献   

We have studied the seasonal relationship between growth and circulating growth hormone (GH), hepatic GH-binding and plasma insulin-like growth factor-I immunoreactivity in gilthead sea bream,Sparus aurata. The seasonal increase in plasma GH levels preceded by several weeks the summer increase in growth rates. In contrast, a marked increase in hepatic GH-binding with a high degree of endogenous GH occupancy was found during the period of maximum growth which suggests an enhanced sensitivity of liver to GH action. Thus, circulating levels of immunoreactive IGF-I, probably derived from the liver in response to GH action, were positively correlated with growth throughout the experimental period although a consistent relationship between growth and circulating GH was not found. In spite of this, we consider that, in gilthead sea bream, as in several other teleosts, the availability of endogenous GH can limit growth. Thus, under environmental conditions of suboptimal growth, a single intraperitoneal injection of recombinant rainbow trout GH (rtGH) induced over the dose range tested (0.75, 1.5, 3 μg g BW−1) an increase in plasma IGF-I-like immunoreactivity comparable to that seen during the period of maximum growth.  相似文献   

Abstract The spawning periodicity of silver pomfret, Pampus argenteus (Euphrasen), was investigated against a background of conflicting evidence on the onset of spawning in this species. Contrary to the existing view that silver pomfret in Kuwait waters begin to spawn in March–April, evidence is presented that indicates a delay in spawning until May. Only an insignificant level of spawning takes place in April which, from the management point of view, may be ignored. The species has a prolonged spawning period extending from May to August in females, although the males mature in April and ripe specimens are encountered in monthly samples until September. There are two spawning peaks, the first one in May and the second in August.  相似文献   

  • 1. The lacustrine brown trout (Salmo trutta) is endangered and of high conservation importance. In the only spawning habitat of the population in the Bavarian Lake Walchensee, the River Obernach, a substantial decrease in spawning runs has been reported. In this study, the present ecological state of the spawning stream was analysed with the objective of identifying life‐stage specific limitations to successful recruitment attributable to deficiencies in (i) spawning migration, (ii) spawning habitat quality, and (iii) habitat quality for juveniles.
  • 2. Structural stream analysis showed that discharge and several migration barriers — particularly near the river outlet into the lake — prevent successful spawning migrations at normal water levels. Migration barriers are probably the main limiting factor for reproduction of lacustrine brown trout, whereas structural variability of the Obernach meets the habitat requirements of both spawners and juveniles.
  • 3. Spawning site quality was suitable for trout, as indicated by stream substratum texture and high exchange rates between free‐flowing water and the interstitial zone in physico‐chemical parameters (redox potential, dissolved oxygen, pH, temperature and conductivity).
  • 4. Analyses of fish community structure revealed dominance of lithophilic species, in particular of riverine brown trout (Salmo trutta). Its density and intact demographic population structure suggest that spawning and juvenile habitat quality for salmonids is not limiting. Recapture of stocked lacustrine trout juveniles also indicates habitat suitability for the juvenile stage.
  • 5. In conclusion, the results show that the methodology used in this study is suitable for the identification of life‐stage specific habitat deficiencies in lacustrine brown trout and other fish species. Availability of habitat data throughout the species' distribution range is a first crucial step for the development of an effective recovery plan. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Winter movements of burbot (Lota lota) were monitored in Bull Lake, Wyoming during a record low water storage period in the winter of 1985–1986. Burbot with surgically implanted ultrasonic transmitters were commonly sedentary during the drawdown. The fish that did move were most active during dusk and at night in winter and during the day in spring. Burbot did not appear to occupy well defined home ranges or show discernible movement patterns. Movement into shallow water during winter was attributed to colder water temperatures and the onset of the spawning season. Burbot were always found associated with silt substrates during the drawdown. Aerial photographs of the exposed bottom revealed that virtually all suitable spawning and nursery habitat for burbot was eliminated by the 13.4-m drawdown.  相似文献   

The spatio‐temporal patterns of three species of Prochilodontidae larvae that are intensely used as fishery resources in Central Amazonia are analysed. Sampling was conducted during 2011 at four stages of the hydrological cycle (flood, high water, falling and low water phases). Sixteen collecting stations were located in different habitats (mouths of lake channels, “barrancos,” sandbars and the main river channel) along the Solimões and Japurá rivers. A total of 4,322 Prochilodontidae larvae were collected during this investigation, with most captures occurring in the Japurá River (76.3% of larvae), while only 23.7% of the samples were caught in the Solimões River. Most captures occurred during rising water, indicating a strong reproductive seasonality in these three species. Rainfall and water level, along with dissolved oxygen, water temperature and electric conductivity, determined the larvae's spatio‐temporal distribution. These results confirm the importance of várzea areas along white water rivers for the conservation, preservation and maintenance of heavily used fishery resources in the Brazilian Central Amazonia.  相似文献   

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