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An improved form of the Peng-Robinson cubic equation of state has been proposed. The temperature dependence of the attractive term has been modified so as to accurately represent vapor pressures of several fluids with large acentric factors from triple point to close to the critical point. The prediction of saturated liquid volume is also improved by introducing volume translation term in the equation of state. Comparisons of theoretical results with experimental data are made for the vapor/liquid phase equilibria of 44 pure fluids including nonpolar, polar and associating fluids. Our results show that the modified Peng-Robinson equation of state can represent accurately saturated vapor pressures of the fluids investigated in this paper, and it is more accurate than the Peng-Robinson equation of state and its earlier modifications due to Stryjek and Vera (1986) and Twu et al. (1995rpar;. Incorporation of the volume translation term in the equation of state has been found to improve the accuracy of saturated liquid volume significantly.  相似文献   

For calculation of the thermodynamic properties of refrigerants it is proposed that the extended corresponding states principle (ECSP) should be used using two specific reference fluids, CFC12 (CCI2F2) and HFC134a (CF3CH2F), in order to cover the field of interest for most refrigerants. The specific parameters of these refrigerants have been determined for the Lee-Kesler modification of the Benedict-Webb-Rubin equation of state. In the parameter estimation, it has been taken into accounl that all variables are subject to errors by using the so-called Error-in-Variables-Model (EVM). The parameters have been estimated from experimental pressure-volume-temperature data, vapour pressure and saturated liquid and vapour volume data for CFC12 and HFC134a.

The extended corresponding states principle proposed in this work with CFC12 and HFC134a as reference fluids has been used in calculations of the thermodynamic properties of a number of refrigerants. In comparison with the original Lee-Kesler equation this concept gives improved results in calculations of vapour pressure and liquid volume.  相似文献   

A modified Lee-Kesler equation of state has been proposed to improve the accuracy for the subcooled and saturated liquid regions of normal fluids. It is further extended to polar fluids by the addition of a fourth parameter X. The extended equation has been found to be reliable over a wide vapor and liquid regions for polar fluids and it is easy for computer use. Fourteen kinds of normal fluids and twelve kinds of polar fluids have been tested. The total average absolute deviations for the normal fluids and polar fluids are 0.79% and 1.68% over the range of Tr = 0.3 to 4 and Pr - 0.01 to 10.  相似文献   

A modified Lee-Kesler equation of state has been proposed to improve the accuracy for the subcooled and saturated liquid regions of normal fluids. It is further extended to polar fluids by the addition of a fourth parameter X. The extended equation has been found to be reliable over a wide vapor and liquid regions for polar fluids and it is easy for computer use. Fourteen kinds of normal fluids and twelve kinds of polar fluids have been tested. The total average absolute deviations for the normal fluids and polar fluids are 0.79% and 1.68% over the range of Tr = 0.3 to 4 and Pr - 0.01 to 10.  相似文献   

选取Peng-Robinson(PR)方程与perturbed-chain SAFT(PC-SAFT)方程,采用单流体混合规则,重点考察了在费托合成工艺条件下的小分子气体(CO,H2,CO2,N2,CH4和C2H6)与高碳烷烃(C20,C28和C36)体系的气液相平衡.结果发现,在对不同碳数高碳烷烃溶剂采用单一交互作用参数时,PC-SAFT与PR方程计算的液相浓度与实验值的总平均偏差分别为1.39%与1.98%.而不考虑交互作用参数时,其误差分别为25.18%与16.195%.对各系统的交互作用参数进行了研究,结果表明,随温度和烷烃碳数的升高,PC-SAFT方程的交互作用参数缓慢升高,而PR方程的交互作用参数则下降,且幅度较大.因此,考虑交互作用参数时,PC-SAFT方程具有更好的计算精度和可外推性.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONSince the days when Soave [1] and Peng and Robinson [2] disclosed their modifiedvan der Waals(vdW)equations of state(EOS),a large number of papers on the samesubject have been published.All vdW type EOS are similar in structure,as they are de-rived from a generalized equation [3].Therefore,studies on vdW EOS are essentially fo-cused on the searching of the most rational parameters and the most appropriaterepresentation of these parameters.Although a lot of efforts were paid on this subject in  相似文献   

基于液滴变形模型,结合改进的Carnahan-Starling方程和适用于描述液滴吸引作用的Hamaker方程建立了一个微乳液体系的状态方程.运用所建立的状态方程研究了不带电微乳液体系的相平衡性质,并计算了十二烷基五氧乙烯醚-正癸烷-水体系O/W型微乳液渗透压以及二(2-乙基己基)磺酸基琥珀酸钠-正辛烷-水和二(2-乙基己基)磺酸基琥珀酸钠-正癸烷-水体系W/O型微乳液的液液相平衡,结果令人满意.  相似文献   

郑大庆 《化工学报》1997,48(2):221-226
<正>引言 在化学工程和油藏工程的相平衡和其他热力学性质计算中,两参数立方型SRK方程应用最为广泛。然而,在某些情况下由SRK方程预测的饱和蒸气压出预测的液体体积偏差较大,无法满足工程计算的需要,必须改进方程,提高其预测精度。1 饱和蒸气压的改进 SRK方程可以写为 p=RT/(V-b)-(a(T))/V(V+b) (1)  相似文献   

A simple method is proposed for the calculation of any type of P-T curve for the most general case of two-parameter equations of state in the single-phase area. For each component parameter, temperature dependency can be expressed on the basis of any analytical function; for the mixture, any mixing rule can be considered for any parameter. For the construction of these curves, the numerical algorithm is completely described. This method is illustrated for the Joule-Thomson inversion and Boyle curves.  相似文献   

A simple method is proposed for the calculation of any type of P-T curve for the most general case of two-parameter equations of state in the single-phase area. For each component parameter, temperature dependency can be expressed on the basis of any analytical function; for the mixture, any mixing rule can be considered for any parameter. For the construction of these curves, the numerical algorithm is completely described. This method is illustrated for the Joule-Thomson inversion and Boyle curves.  相似文献   

The Park-Gasem-Robinson (PGR) equation of state (EOS) has been modified to improve its volumetric and equilibrium predictions. Specifically, the attractive term of the PGR equation was modified to enhance the flexibility of the model, and a new expression was developed for the temperature dependence of the attractive term in this segment-segment interaction model.

The predictive capability of the modified PGR EOS for vapor pressure and saturated liquid and vapor densities was evaluated for selected normal paraffins, normal alkenes, cyclo-paraffins, light aromatics, argon, carbon dioxide, and water. The generalized EOS constants and substance-specific characteristic parameters in the modified PGR EOS were obtained from pure component vapor pressures and saturated liquid and vapor molar volumes. The calculated phase properties were compared with those of the Peng-Robinson (PR), the simplified-perturbed-hard-chain theory (SPHCT), and the original PGR equations. Generally, the performance of the proposed EOS (%AAD of 1.3, 2.8, and 3.7 for vapor pressure, saturated liquid, and vapor densities, respectively) was better than the SPHCT and original PGR equations in predicting the pure fluid properties.  相似文献   

In this work, the Lee-Kesler equation of state has been used together with the extended corresponding states principle. In order to improve the predictability of the equation in a more narrow acentric factor range, two new reference fluids have been chosen. The parameters in the Lee-Kesler equation have been estimated for the two reference fluids, CFC12 (dichlorodifluoromethane) and HFC134a (1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane), with the Error-in-Variables Model. This model allows both dependent and independent variables to be subject to errors.

Calculations have been made for the two reference fluids as well as for other compounds, and the predicted thermodynamic properties have been compared with experimental values. Comparative calculations have also been carried out for some of the previously suggested modifications of the Lee-Kesler correlation.  相似文献   

The Redlich-Kwong (RK) equation of state introduced in 1949 has been considered the most accurate two-constant-parameter cubic equation of state. The other cubic equations which are more accurate than the RK equation contain either three, or more, parameters and/or their parameters are temperature- dependent. A New two-constant-parameter cubic equation of state, $ is introduced using a simplified molecular theory of hard-sphere fluids for its repulsive term. This two-constant-parameter cubic equation of state appreciably increases the accuracy of thermodynamic property predictions and phase equilibria of pure fluids and flluid mixtures over the equations of this category.  相似文献   

A set of mixing rules was proposed for the modified Park-Gasem-Robinson (PGR) equation of state (EOS) to extend its predictions to mixtures. The phase behavior predictive capability of this segment-segment interaction model was evaluated for selected binary asymmetric mixtures involving ethane, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen in normal paraffins. The predicted bubble point pressures for the ethane + n-paraffin and carbon dioxide + n-paraffin binaries were compared to those of the Peng-Robinson (PR), simplified perturbed hard-chain theory (SPHCT), and original PGR equations. The a priori predictive capability of the modified PGR EOS is significantly better than that of the PR, SPHCT, and original PGR equations of state for ethane binaries with absolute-average percent deviation (%AAD) of 5%. However, this EOS produces comparable representations for ethane binaries (%AAD of 1.9%) and carbon dioxide binaries (%AAD of 2.0). For hydrogen binaries, the modified PGR EOS showed much better representations (%AAD of 1.7) than the original PGR equation and was comparable to the PR equation.  相似文献   

A set of mixing rules was proposed for the modified Park-Gasem-Robinson (PGR) equation of state (EOS) to extend its predictions to mixtures. The phase behavior predictive capability of this segment-segment interaction model was evaluated for selected binary asymmetric mixtures involving ethane, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen in normal paraffins. The predicted bubble point pressures for the ethane + n-paraffin and carbon dioxide + n-paraffin binaries were compared to those of the Peng-Robinson (PR), simplified perturbed hard-chain theory (SPHCT), and original PGR equations. The a priori predictive capability of the modified PGR EOS is significantly better than that of the PR, SPHCT, and original PGR equations of state for ethane binaries with absolute-average percent deviation (%AAD) of 5%. However, this EOS produces comparable representations for ethane binaries (%AAD of 1.9%) and carbon dioxide binaries (%AAD of 2.0). For hydrogen binaries, the modified PGR EOS showed much better representations (%AAD of 1.7) than the original PGR equation and was comparable to the PR equation.  相似文献   

张克武  张宇英 《化工学报》1997,48(4):417-423
将由氩模型微分方程创立的气体不平衡状态理论方程推广应用于液体,导出液体定压比热容理论方程,经以极性与非极性等32种结构类型220种纯质的986个实验数据检验,平均误差为0.85%,优于前人公式,有重要的理论意义与广泛的应用价值.  相似文献   

对硬球三参数状态方程(CSPT)引力参数的温度校正系数α和拟临界压缩因子(?)提出了新的温度关系式.用修正的CSPT方程(MCSPT)计算了105种纯物质的饱和性质.结果表明,新的方程改善了原CSPT方程在低对比温度下物质的饱和性质,以及临界区域内热力学性质的计算精度.并用于计算超临界状态下物质的热力学性质,有良好的外推性.  相似文献   

王利生  郭天民 《化工学报》1992,43(5):540-548
本文通过在SPHC方程中引入拟合Carnahan-Starling硬球方程所得的斥力项,建立了立方型扰动硬链状态方程.由拟合正构烷烃的饱和蒸汽压和液相密度所确定的3个纯组分参数与碳原子数呈良好线性关系.对19种纯物质饱和蒸汽压和液相密度数据计算的平均相对误差分别为1.52%和2.97%;对混合物提出了一种新的混合规则,应用于预测含短链和长链烃类及二氧化碳、硫化氢混合物的高压汽液平衡,优于采用SPHC、SRK和PT方程所得的计算结果.  相似文献   

Prediction of thermodynamic properties and phase equilibria in fluid mixtures using a simple cubic equation of state is still a challenging problem. In this paper, we have predicted vapor/ liquid phase equilibria of several binary fluid mixtures using our previously developed improved Peng-Robinson equation of state and a theoretically consistent mixing rule. Our mixing rule combines the mixing rule of Wong-Sandier with a physically based combination rule. Mixtures are composed of nonpolar, nonassociating polar and associating polar fluids. Comparisons of theoretical predictions with experimental data show a very good performance of our approach in describing vapor/liquid phase equilibria of several mixtures, namely, carbon dioxide/ propane, ethane/hexane, butane/methanol, benzene/methanol, acetone/methanol, methanol/ ethanol, methanol/1-butanol, methanol/water and ethanol/water.  相似文献   

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