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Evaluation of the potency of four organophosphate (OP) (Malathion, Fenthion, Fenitrothion and Temephos) and two synthetic pyrethroid (SP) compounds (cypermethrin and deltamethrin) was carried out against larvae of Anopheles stephensi, the major malaria vector in district Bikaner (Rajasthan). Different concentrations supplied by WHO were used for determining the percent mortalities. LC50 values as calculated by probit analysis were 1.2740, 0.0600, 0.0405, 0.0046, 0.0019 and 0.0016 mg/l respectively for the above six insecticides. Both SP compounds were found more toxic followed by temephos among the OP compounds. Malathion was found the least toxic while fenthion and fenitrothion were in between these two extremes.  相似文献   

Understanding the spatial–temporal distribution of vector mosquitoes is essential in designing an efficient mosquito control strategy to reduce the risk of the mosquito-borne disease. In this paper, we apply a non-parametric clustering method, CLUES, to the surveillance data of West Nile virus vector mosquitoes collected by light traps in Peel Region, Ontario, during the mosquito seasons in 2004–2010. In order to obtain robust and reliable results, a statistical smoothing procedure LOWESS is applied to the original time series data. It was found that the mosquito trap sites can be clustered into three groups. The weather impact on the mosquito abundance of each clustered group are similar, while the interannual variability and the highest abundance and peak time in each mosquito season are different. The impact of weather factors on this clustering is investigated.  相似文献   

Larval ecology of Anopheles dirus, the main vector of forest malaria in north-eastern region of India, was studied in relation to physico-chemical characteristics of its breeding habitats in a rain forest area of Assam, India. Shady stream side pools, positive for the breeding of An. dirus, had significantly higher amounts of total hardness (P < 0.024) in comparison to negative pools of similar type. When compared with An. dirus negative breeding habitats, in hot-wet as well as in cool-dry seasons, An. dirus positive shady ground pools showed higher mean values of total alkalinity, hardness and chloride content, whereas lower pH, dissolved oxygen along with higher total alkalinity and hardness were possessed by An. dirus positive stream side pools. Specificity of breeding habitats of An. dirus in relation to its ecology has been discussed.  相似文献   

The mosquito larvicidal activities of different solvent extracts (chloroform, ethyl acetate, and methanol) from the leaves of Coccinia indica were studied. Among the extracts tested, the methanol extract showed the highest larvicidal activity against early fourth instar larvae of Culex quinquefasciatus (LC50?=?142?mg?L?1), Aedes aegypti (LC50?=?158?mg?L?1) and Anopheles stephensi (LC50?=?161?mg?L?1) after 24?h of exposure period. The lowest larval mortality was observed with the ethyl acetate extract with the LC50 values of 927, 872, and 730?mg?L?1 against Cx. quinquefasciatus, Ae. aegypti, and An. stephensi, respectively. The chloroform extract showed the moderate larvicidal activity against the mosquito species tested with the LC50 values from 446 to 546?mg?L?1. A new triterpene was isolated from the methanol extract using bio-assay guided separation and identified as an oleanolic acid derivative by NMR, IR and mass spectral studies. The compound showed prominent larvicidal activity against Cx. quinquefasciatus, Ae. aegypti and An. stephensi with the LC50 values of 5.6, 5.0, and 4.8?mg?L?1, respectively. The results of the present investigation offer an opportunity for developing alternatives to rather expensive and environmentally hazardous organic insecticides.  相似文献   

Larvicidal potential of the extracts from different parts viz. green and red fruits, seeds, fruit without seeds, leaves and roots of Withania somnifera in different solvents was evaluated against larvae of Anopheles stephensi, Aedes aegypti and Culex quinquefasciatus, the important disease vectors prevalent in the semi-arid region. Experiments were carried out on late 3rd or early 4th instar larvae of these mosquitoes using standard WHO technique. 24 and 48 hr LC50 values along with their 95% confidence limits, regression equation, chi-square (chi2)/heterogeneity of the response have been determined by log probit regression analysis. The 24 hr LC50 values as observed for whole green fruits in water, methanol and petroleum ether were 350.9, 372.4, 576.9; 115.0, 197.1, 554.6; 154.9, 312.0, 1085.0 while corresponding values for red fruits were 473.5, 406.4,445.2; 94.7, 94.5, 1013.0; 241.8, 535.0, 893.3 mg l(-1) for An. stephensi, Ae. aegypti and Cx. quinquefasciatus respectively showing that methanol extracts were more effective against anophelines as compared to culicines when whole fruits were taken. The 24 hr LC50 values as observed for seeds in acetone, methanol and petroleum ether were 188.1, 777.5, 822.5; 245.5, 769.0, 1169.0; 140.3, 822.9, 778.4 and for fruit without seeds were 80.2, 97.6, 146.6; 88.4, 404.4, 1030.0; 30.0, 44.5, 54.2 mg l(-1) for the above mosquito species respectively showing that extract of fruit without seeds were most effective in petroleum ether followed by acetone and methanol extracts. However, experiments conducted with methanol extracts of leaves and roots of this plant species did not show any appreciable larvicidal activity and a 20-40% mortality was observed up to 500 mg l(-1) of the extracts. Overall larvae of anophelines were found more susceptible as compared to culicines to all the extracts tested. Petroleum ether extract of fruit without seeds was found most effective against all the mosquito species showing that active ingredient might be present in this part of the plant species. The study would be of great importance while planning vector control strategy based on alternative plant derived insecticides.  相似文献   


This research is conducted to determine the larvicidal, repellent and pathological effects of fruit extracts of C. colocynthis on malaria vector mosquito, Anopheles stephensi Liston, 1901. The fruit water and ethanol extract of C. colocynthis were concentrated for larvicidal and repellent activities on human volunteer against An. stephensi. The temephos larvicide was tested as the positive control. A concentration of 300?mg/L had full-scale mortality and the most toxic effect. The LC50 and LC90 values of C. colocynthis water and ethanol extracts were 180and 283?mg/L, respectively. The LC50 and LC90 values of temephos were 0.2706 and 1.6932?mg/L, respectively. The ED50 and ED90 values of the plant extract were 0.2 and 1.3?mg/cm2, respectively. Thin sections from treated larvae exhibited gross histopathologic effects of C. colocynthis fruit extracts on gut epithelial cell layer by vacuolization of foregut cuboidal and midgut columnar cells. This study suggested that the fruit extracts of C. colocynthis had significant larvicidal and repellent activity to be used as an ideal approach to control the malaria vector mosquito.  相似文献   

Ethanolic and acetone extracts of Nerium indicum and Thuja orientelis have been studied against III instar larvae of Anopheles stephensi and Culex quinquefasciatus. Ethanolic extract of N. indicum is found more effective than its acetone extract against anopheline larvae with LC50 values of 185.99 and 148.05 ppm for former and 229.28 and 149.43 ppm for the later after 24 and 48 hrs of exposure. The acetone extract with LC50 values of 209.00 and 155.97 ppm is more effective in case of culicine larvae than its ethanolic extract with LC50 494.07 and 194.49 ppm after 24 and 48 hours of treatment. Ethanolic extract of T. orientelis is more effective against both the larval species with LC50 values of 13.10 and 9.02 ppm after 24 and 48 hours for anopheline and 22.74 and 16.72 ppm against culicine larvae. The acetone extract showed LC50 values of 200.87 and 127.53 ppm against anopheline and 69.03 and 51.14 ppm against culicine larvae. Thus ethanolic extract of T. orientelis is an ideal potential larvicide for both types of mosquito larvae.  相似文献   

The present study deals with the medicinal plant wealth of Uttaranchal state in northern India. A total of 964 medicinal plant species were documented with the help of a literature survey and fieldwork undertaken in the various parts of the state. These medicinal plants were used in curing 135 ailments, with the highest numbers of species being used for treatment of cuts and wounds, followed by fever and diarrhoea. Among the various life forms, herbs were dominant (64%), followed by 20% shrubs and 16% tree species. Taxonomically, Asteraceae was the dominant family, having 87 species of medicinal plants, followed by Fabaceae (58 species), Lamiaceae (49 species), Rosaceae (30 species), Liliaceae (29 species), Apiaceae (28 species), Euphorbiaceae (26 species), Ranunculaceae (26 species) and Orchidaceae (23 species). Such a rich resource base indicates the huge potential for economic development of the state through herb-based industries.  相似文献   

Three species of Aedes viz., Aedes albopictus, Aedes aegypti and Aedes annandalei were detected from different breeding sources in and around human habitats during entomological study conducted following an outbreak suspected to be of dengue (which occurred during, 1994) in parts of Medziphema PHC area of Nagaland in two different points of time ie., in the year, 1994 and, 2000. The potential dengue vector, Aedes albopictus showed high preponderance by breeding in all types of containers searched with high Breteau Index (BI) value of 85.0 and 72.72 recorded in, 1994 and, 2000 respectively whereas the BI value for other potential vector, Aedes aegypti was recorded low (4.9) in the year, 1994 with a substantial increase (31.81) in, 2000. The change in ecosystem along with the process of urbanization has facilitated the growth of these dengue vector mosquitoes in the area of investigation. Adults of both Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus were found to be susceptible to DDT, dieldrin and malathion in insecticide bioassay carried out using WHO test kit.  相似文献   

This study was conducted in the summer season (May, 2007). The fluoride concentration along with other physico-chemical parameters in ground water samples was determined in Marks Nagar of Unnao district, Uttar Pradesh (India), since it is the only source of drinking water for the villagers. The fluoride concentration in the water varied from 0.8 to 13.9 mgl−1 with a mean of 4.02 mgl−1. The correlation analysis revealed that fluoride had a positive correlation with pH, CO3, HCO3, and sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), whereas a negative correlation with Ca and Mg was found. A soil profile was also dug in the area to assess depth-wise fluoride content in the soil. The soil samples and underneath calcium carbonate (CaCO3) concretion were analyzed for fluoride content. The percent of soluble fluoride to total fluoride in the soil varied from 25.15 to 4.76% down the soil profile. The soluble fluoride was found to decrease with the increase in the clay content in the soil. The total leachable fluoride in CaCO3 concretions was found to be 6.08%. It was inferred from this study that the soil and underneath layer of CaCO3 concretions may be the potential source of fluoride contamination in the shallow drinking water sources of the area.  相似文献   

Abstract: Effective conservation metrics are needed to evaluate the success of management in a rapidly changing world. Reproductive rates and densities of breeding birds (as a surrogate for reproductive rate) have been used to indicate the quality of avian breeding habitat, but the underlying assumptions of these metrics rarely have been examined. When birds are attracted to breeding areas in part by the presence of conspecifics and when breeding in groups influences predation rates, the effectiveness of density and reproductive rate as indicators of habitat quality is reduced. It is beneficial to clearly distinguish between individual‐ and population‐level processes when evaluating habitat quality. We use the term reproductive rate to refer to both levels and further distinguish among levels by using the terms per capita fecundity (number of female offspring per female per year, individual level) and population growth rate (the product of density and per capita fecundity, population level). We predicted how density and reproductive rate interact over time under density‐independent and density‐dependent scenarios, assuming the ideal free distribution model of how birds settle in breeding habitats. We predicted population density of small populations would be correlated positively with both per capita fecundity and population growth rate due to the Allee effect. For populations in the density‐dependent growth phase, we predicted no relation between density and per capita fecundity (because individuals in all patches will equilibrate to the same success rate) and a positive relation between density and population growth rate. Several ecological theories collectively suggest that positive correlations between density and per capita fecundity would be difficult to detect. We constructed a decision tree to guide interpretation of positive, neutral, nonlinear, and negative relations between density and reproductive rates at individual and population levels.  相似文献   

Hull fouling is thought to have been the vector of introduction for many algal species. We studied ships arriving at a Mediterranean harbour to clarify the present role of commercial cargo shipping in algal introductions. A total of 31 macroalgal taxa were identified from 22 sampled hulls. The majority of records (58%) were of species with a known cosmopolitan geographical distribution. Due to a prevalence of cosmopolitan species and a high turnover of fouling communities, species composition of assemblages did not appear to be influenced by the area of origin, length of ship or age of coating. In the light of the present results, hull fouling on standard trading commercial vessels does not seem to pose a significant risk for new macroalgal species introductions. However, a high proportion of non-cosmopolitan species found on a ship with non-toxic coating may modify this assessment, especially in the light of the increasing use of such coatings and the potential future changes in shipping routes.  相似文献   

Morphological lipofuscin concentration in the brains of laboratory-reared crayfish,Cherax quadricarinatus (von Martens), of known age, was quantified using alternative fluorescence microscope and image-analysis techniques. The quantity of olfactory-lobe lipofuscin was highly correlated with age (r=0.96). It was found to be a superior predictor of age compared with the body-size parameters frequently used for this purpose. The results of this study suggest that morphological lipofuscin, quantified by image analysis, has significant potential as a means of age determination for crustaceans.  相似文献   

全氟辛基磺酸(PFOS)已被列入POPs名单,各国及国际组织相继出台法规和禁令对其生产和使用进行限制,并加紧了替代品的开发和评价。选取全氟丁基磺酸钾(PFBSK)作为潜在的替代品,采用OECD标准试验方法进行实际测试,并结合US EPA EPI Suite 4.0软件的计算预测,研究了PFBSK的基本理化性质(熔沸点、蒸汽压、水溶解性)和环境归趋性(水解性、光解性、生物降解性和蓄积性),并与PFOS及其盐的相关数据进行系统的比较。结果表明,PFBSK和全氟辛基磺酸钾(PFOSK)具有一定的相似性,都具有高熔沸点、低蒸汽压和明显的持久性。但二者在水溶性和蓄积性方面具有明显差异。20 ℃,PFBSK的水溶解度为49.3 g·L-1,极易溶于水;而PFOSK的水溶解度仅为519 mg·L-1。PFBSK的蓄积因子(BCF)为3.16,不具蓄积性;而PFOSK的BCF为6 531,并且在食物链中存在明显的生物放大效应。  相似文献   

Entomological studies conducted during monsoon and post-monsoon season in Manipur State revealed the presence of fifty-five species of mosquitoes under ten genera. Out of the seventeen Anopheles species recorded, Anopheles aconitus, An. dirus and An. nivipes were recorded for the first time from the state. The present study has confirmed the existence of An. dirus, the major malaria vector in the Northeast from a selected area of the state. Among Culicines, four species viz., Aedes nigrostriatus, Malaya genurostris, Aediomyia catasticta and Toxorhynchites splendens which were not reported earlier from this state have been recorded in the present study. With the addition of these seven species of mosquitoes to the earlier record of mosquitoes so far reported from Manipur, the mosquito fauna swells up to one hundred and eleven including the major vectors of malaria of the Northeast and the potential vectors of Japanese encephalitis and dengue virus transmission in India.  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal variations of some trace metals in the surface sediments of Cochin Estuary were analyzed along with their geochemical associations to identify the possible sources, bioavailability and the health risks posed by them. The dominance of kaolinite and suggested that clay minerals distribution is influenced by sediment sorting. Total metal analysis revealed enrichment for Cd, Pb and Zn due to anthropogenic activities. The speciation analysis established that notwithstanding the large availability, carbonate as well as organic and sulfides bound fractions showed negligible associations with most of the metals. Hydrous Fe–Mn oxides appeared to play a major role in controlling the fate and transport of these metals in the sediments of Cochin Estuary. Lower contribution of the residual fractions for Cd (21%–26%), Pb (<60%) and Zn (24%–42%) indicated an obvious increase of other geochemical fractions. Risk assessment analysis revealed that regardless of total concentration, none of the analyzed metals were at safe levels in the estuary as appreciable percentages were found to be associated with mobile geochemical forms. The speciation study conspicuously established that the metals originating from non-geogenic sources are largely associated with the labile fractions and hence are more detrimental to the aquatic biota.  相似文献   

精选自Nienke Müller, Dick de Zwart, Michael Hauschild, Ga?l Kijko, Peter Fantke. Exploring REACH as potential data source for characterizing ecotoxicity in life cycle assessment. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry: Volume 36, Issue 2, pages 492–500, July 2017. DOI: 10.1002/etc.3542

Costanzo KS  Kesavaraju B  Juliano SA 《Ecology》2005,86(12):3289-3295
Condition-specific competition, wherein competitive superiority varies with the abiotic environment, can determine species' distributions in a spatially heterogeneous environment. We investigated this phenomenon with two competing container-dwelling mosquitoes. We tested the hypothesis that habitat drying alters the outcome of interspecific competition, predicting that the competitive impact of Aedes albopictus on Aedes aegypti would be severe in wetter environments, but greatly reduced in drier environments. We tested these predictions in a laboratory experiment within cages, with aquatic larvae residing in water-filled cups within the cage, and adults emerging within the cage and ovipositing on the cups. We raised each species alone or with the competitor. Environmental treatments were fluctuating (water in cups evaporated to 50% of the original volume and then cups were refilled), and drying (water in cups evaporated completely and cups remained dry for two weeks before refilling). There was a significant interaction between treatment and species combination for adult populations of both species. Interspecific competition was highly asymmetrical. In the wetter fluctuating environment, interspecific competition had a large negative effect on A. aegypti, but in the drying environment, interspecific competition had a large negative effect on A. albopictus, and relatively little impact on A. aegypti. The main cause of the shift in competitive advantage appeared to be a greater increase in egg mortality for A. albopictus under dry conditions, compared to A. aegypti. Thus, mortality impinging on noncompeting life cycle stages can alter the population level impact of interspecific competition. The hypothesis that dry conditions shift competitive advantage away from A. albopictus is supported in this experiment.  相似文献   

Localized stressors compound the ongoing climate-driven decline of coral reefs, requiring natural resource managers to work with rapidly shifting paradigms. Trait-based adaptive management (TBAM) is a new framework to help address changing conditions by choosing and implementing management actions specific to species groups that share key traits, vulnerabilities, and management responses. In TBAM maintenance of functioning ecosystems is balanced with provisioning for human subsistence and livelihoods. We first identified trait-based groups of food fish in a Pacific coral reef with hierarchical clustering. Positing that trait-based groups performing comparable functions respond similarly to both stressors and management actions, we ascertained biophysical and socioeconomic drivers of trait-group biomass and evaluated their vulnerabilities with generalized additive models. Clustering identified 7 trait groups from 131 species. Groups responded to different drivers and displayed divergent vulnerabilities; human activities emerged as important predictors of community structuring. Biomass of small, solitary reef-associated species increased with distance from key fishing ports, and large, solitary piscivores exhibited a decline in biomass with distance from a port. Group biomass also varied in response to different habitat types, the presence or absence of reported dynamite fishing activity, and exposure to wave energy. The differential vulnerabilities of trait groups revealed how the community structure of food fishes is driven by different aspects of resource use and habitat. This inherent variability in the responses of trait-based groups presents opportunities to apply selective TBAM strategies for complex, multispecies fisheries. This approach can be widely adjusted to suit local contexts and priorities.  相似文献   

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