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利用基于自校正和CLEAN算法的现代VLBI混合成图技术,对Pearson等人于1976年观测得到的类星体3C286在18cm波段上的VLBI数据重新作了自理。由此得到的图像要大大好于最初的自理结果,也获得了更多的有用信息。用几个Gauss模型去拟合校正后的UV数据,发现中央亮区可以被分解为两个致密结构,这与后来的高辨率观测相一致。与不同历元的VLBI观测结果相比较,发现这两个致密结构间的距离不但  相似文献   

本给出类星体3C286在毫角秒尺度上的一个超分解图象。它是历元1991.45用一个全球VLBI阵在波长18cm观测所得到的结果之一。整个结构延伸-500pc。在东北端有两个高亮度的子源,它们与喷流一起浸嵌于一个巨大的低亮度的发射区之中。没有检测到有反向喷流存在,我们提出了新的模型来解释这种结构形态。  相似文献   

应用包括欧洲VLBI网和美国的Haystack在内的VLBI阵,我们于历元1989.75在频率5GHz对类星体3C286进行了观测,在分辨率高达1毫解秒(mas)的图像上。该源的“核”首次被分解为相距大约5.8mas的两个分离;喷流向西南方向延伸并呈正弦状的摆动形态。图像在所能达到的动态范围上没有出现反向喷流,由于在(U,V)平面的覆盖中存在有较大的空穴,所以“核”的两个分离部分内都在不同程度上出现了一些不真实部分。该次实验的结果为高动态范围的观测提供了一定的依据。  相似文献   

1989年6月,对两颗射电源(3C345和3C454.3)作了327MHz VLBI观测。本文给出两颗源的模型拟合参数,并就结构作了分析和讨论。VLBI数据的相关处理和分析是在上海天文台VLBI系统上完成的。  相似文献   

在18及6厘米,以基线长分别达15及23兆波长的欧洲长基线干涉网(EVN),对类星体4C 39.25作了VLBI观测,试图搜寻该类星体的中等尺度——10到100毫角秒(mas)的结构。 观测未曾检测到这种尺度上超过核峰值亮度5%的明显结构。但核自身看来有2到4毫角秒的延伸,而且其流量可变。  相似文献   

3C454.3是近几年引起广泛注意的一个强活动射电类星体,它有毫角秒尺度的核——喷流结构,其核在1981年的一次流量密度大爆发之后,显示出“超光速增亮”现象,在6厘米波长,用包括欧洲、美国及南非的9个射电望远镜,于1983年10月对3C454.3进行了甚长基线干涉网观测。观测结果除了证实其核——喷流结构,显示了从毫角秒到角秒尺度上该类星体结构的系统弯曲外,还清楚地揭示了“超光速增亮”所预期的,在1981年8月到1983年1月期间,核的超光速膨胀现象。  相似文献   

高频VLBI观测揭示出河外射电源在pc或者亚pc尺度上大都有核-喷流的内部结构。尤其是对平谱致密射电源中毫角秒尺度的子源,能以相当高的概率观测到它的视超光速现象。多频观测可监测到一些新喷流子源的出现,特别在射电激变源中这些新喷流子源的出现与宽带内(从光学到γ射线)的爆发相关。且得到的一些源的核区谱指数分布,为确认源的VLBI核提供了支持。  相似文献   

The R Coronae Borealis (RCB) stars represent a rare, or short-lived stage of low and intermediate mass stellar evolution. They are important in the context of mass-loss anddust formation on the Asymptotic Giant Branch.These stars are defined by their large declines in brightness at irregular intervals caused by dust formation.There are two major evolutionary models for the origin of RCB stars, the Double Degenerate and the Final Helium Shell Flash.In the final flash model, RCB stars lie at the centers of old Planetary Nebulae (PN). Here I discuss possible relationships with the [WC] stars.  相似文献   

We report on the detection of VLBI fringes from quasars by a new VLBI system operating at 1 Gbps (1024 Mbits-per-second). Newly developed 1024 Msps (mega sample-per-second) AD samplers and 1024 Mbps recorders were used for the observations. A correlator with external buffers was used for the 1024 Mbps correlation processing of the tapes data.Our new VLBI system enabled 1024 Mbps VLBI, and this allowed the sampling of a 512 MHz bandwidth from a radio telescope receiver. This is the highest sampling speed ever used for VLBI, and the widest bandwidth used for VLBI observation. Initial sensitivity as evaluated by SNR comparison with earlier VLBI systems produced results to matched the expanded bandwidth. In our first observations, simultaneous optical fibre linked real-time VLBI observations were made to check the validity of data and precisely detemine the clock offsets among the radio telescopes.  相似文献   

We present radio images of the compact steep spectrum (CSS) quasar 3C 286 acquired with the Very Large Array (VLA) at 8.4 and 22.5 GHz. The source exhibits a two-sided core-jet structure with a bright central component and two extended components one to the east (P.A. 100°) and another to the southwest (P.A. - 116°). From the compact core, an extension runs towards the southwest component up to - 0.7 arcsecond. The emission between the primary central component and the southwest component exhibits a knotty structure. A gradual change of the jet position angles from -135° to -120° in the inner southwest jet suggests a local bend. The position angle changes of the major eastern components E2 and El suggest that the eastern jet likely follows a curved trace. The bends in the jet trace may be associated with a relativistic precession or some interaction between the jet and the ambient matter. A mean spectral index of a22.58.4 - -0.76 (Sv ∝ va) is estimated for the core component. Steep spectra are also  相似文献   

随着地球卫星在资源、导航定位、授时、跟踪以及数据中继等经济和军事领域的作用不断增强,传统的测距测速技术已无法满足对卫星定位精度的实际需求。由于VLBI技术具有高精度角分辨率的特点,人们尝试将其应用于人造地球卫星的观测。针对卫星VLBI观测方面,首先介绍了卫星VLBI观测技术的基本原理及其与传统河外射电源VLBI观测的差异,然后介绍了中外学者应用VLBI技术进行地球卫星观测的研究进展及相关成果,最后对以往近地卫星VLBI观测研究存在的问题进行总结,并讨论了目前以及将来可能的解决方案。  相似文献   

We present the results from ROSAT observations of 3C273 in the soft X-ray band. The light variation of 3C273 was investigated for three different energy bands of soft, medium, and hard. The maximum variability with a factor of 2 for 551 days was confirmed at all three different bands. This appears to be a periodic variation within the period of roughly 6 months. However, the short-term or micro variation was not so distinct and the light variation of each band did not show any correlation between them. The hardness ratio for hard and soft bands shows irregular variation but there was no correlation between them. There is no distinct variation of the photon index in the case of simple power law model fitting. For power law + free absorption model fitting, the average photon index (Γ) is 2.08.  相似文献   

唐洁 《天文学报》2024,65(2):22
类星体有剧烈、大幅度的光变现象, 光变研究有助于建立与观测相符的理论模型. 这篇文章从密歇根大学射电天文台数据库收集了类星体3C 446射电4.8、8.0和14.5GHz波段的长期观测数据. 传统的线性方法难以分析复杂的光变现象, 文章采用了集合经验模态分解(Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition, EEMD)方法和非线性分析方法相结合, 从混沌动力学特性、分形特性和周期性多角度对类星体光变随时间演化的规律进行了较全面的分析, 并重点对比分析了除去周期成分或混沌成分前后, 光变的周期性和非线性特性是否存在明显区别. 分析结果表明, 类星体3C 446射电波段光变资料由周期成分、趋势成分和混沌成分组成, 光变具有周期性、混沌性和分形特性. 除去混沌成分和趋势成分后的光变周期与原始光变资料的周期完全相同, 而两者的混沌和分形特性有明显不同. 从饱和关联维数来看, 重构动力学系统时, 除去周期成分和趋势成分后的光变资料比原始光变资料需要更多的独立参量, Kolmogorov熵值表明前者信息的损失率比后者大, 系统的混沌程度更高, 系统也更复杂, Hurst值表明后者自相似性和长程相关性比前者略强.  相似文献   

张雄  谢光中  白金明 《天文学报》1998,39(3):256-264
从大量文献资料中,收集了类星体3C345光学B波段的有效观测数据点共1642个,获得了从1896年至1993年的历史光变曲线.用Jurkevich方法计算分析3C345的光变周期,结果表明3C345的长光变周期为10.1±0.8年(或21.8±1.5年),预期2002年1月应该为再次爆发期.  相似文献   

MERLIN, VLBI and MERLIN+VLBI images of QSO 3C286 at wave-length 18cm are presented. Low-brightness features in the MERLIN image are just resolved in the MERLIN+VLBI image. But some vestiges still remain. The extension of the central part of the MERLIN+VLBI image is longer than that of the VLBI image. Even though the dynamic range of the MERLIN+VLBI image is better than 1000:1, the counter jet is not found. Several models are used to interpret the observed structures.  相似文献   

介绍了活动星系核 (AGN)的VLBI观测的新近展 ,特别关注其中心结构和低光度的活动星系核。主要目的是强调VLBI观测在该领域的重要性。  相似文献   

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