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New high-precision Pb–Sr–Nd isotope, major and traceelement and mineral chemistry data are presented for the submarinestage of ocean island volcanism on Santiago, one of the southernislands of the Cape Verde archipelago. Pillow basalts and hyaloclastitesin the Flamengos Valley are divided into three petrographicand compositional groups; the Flamengos Formation lavas (4·6Ma) dominate the sequence, with the younger Low Si and Coastalgroups (2·8 Ma) found near the shoreline. Olivine andclinopyroxene compositions and isotopic data for minerals andtheir host melts indicate disequilibrium between some crystalsand the melt. Intra-sample disequilibrium suggests homogenisationof liquids but eruption before complete equilibration betweencrystals and melt preserves the heterogeneity. Pressures ofcrystallization for clinopyroxene (0·4–1·1GPa) indicate stalling and crystallization of the magmas overa range of depths in the lithosphere. Major element compositionsindicate melting of a carbonated eclogite source. Sr–Nd–Pbisotope data suggest the involvement of FOZO-like and EM1-likecomponents in the mantle source, which are simultaneously availableat all depths in the melting column. The Flamengos Valley lavasdisplay large compositional variations, often between stratigraphicallyadjacent flows; these frequent abrupt changes of magma compositionsuggest stalling and crystallization of discrete magma batcheson transport through the lithosphere. KEY WORDS: Cape Verde; crystal–melt disequilibrium; submarine volcanism; source heterogeneity; Pb–Sr–Nd isotopes  相似文献   

Four organic-rich shale units of the Proterozoic Vindhyan sedimentary succession have been scanned to reveal their origin and hydrocarbon potential. The wavy-crinkly nature of the carbonaceous laminae is suggestive of a microbial mat origin of the shales. These shales are thus different from Phanerozoic black shales which typically exhibit planar laminae. The hydrocarbon potential of the black shale units has been evaluated by Rock-Eval pyrolysis. Total organic carbon content of many of the shales exceeds 1%. The meanT max for the black shales translate to a vitrinite reflectance range of 2.05-2.40% Rm based on standard conversion techniques. These shales have reached the catagenetic stage near the beginning of anthracite formation.  相似文献   

 The evolution of calcareous dinoflagellate communities has been investigated for the latest Cretaceous to earliest Neogene interval of the mid-latitude South Atlantic. In doing so, the response of calcareous dinoflagellates to Cenozoic climatic change has been addressed for the first time. Trends in species composition and distribution patterns of wall types indicate significant changes which correlate with major palaeoenvironmental modifications. A first major shift concerning the relative abundance of species and wall types occurred across the Cretaceous–Tertiary boundary. The associations remained stable during the entire Paleocene and Eocene. Only in the late Eocene did a dramatic decrease in temperature cause a slight diversification. A second major shift in the abundance patterns occurred across the Eocene–Oligocene boundary. The early Miocene warming is possibly reflected in the distinct increase in relative abundance of one species. The assemblages of calcareous dinoflagellates evidently react to major climatic changes during the Cenozoic. These poorly investigated organisms may thus provide an important contribution to the understanding of earth's palaeoclimatic evolution. Received: 9 November 1998 / Accepted: 4 April 1999  相似文献   

This study attempts to analyse paleoceanographic changes in the Central Indian Ocean (Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 237), linked to monsoon variability as well as deep-sea circulation during the Plio-Pleistocene. We used factor and cluster analyses of census data of the 34 most dominant species of benthic foraminifera that enabled us to identify five biofacies: Astrononion umbilicatulumUvigerina proboscidea (Au–Up), Pullenia bulloidesBulimina striata (Pb–Bs), Globocassidulina tumidaNuttallides umbonifera (Gt–Nu), Gyroidinoides nitidulaCibicides wuellerstorfi (Gn–Cw) and Cassidulina carinataCassidulina laevigata (Cc–Cl) biofacies. Knowledge of the environmental preferences of modern deep-sea benthic foraminifera helped to interpret the results of factor and cluster analyses in combination with oxygen and carbon isotope values. The biofacies indicative of high surface productivity, resulting from a stronger South Equatorial Current (Au–Up and Pb–Bs biofacies), dominate the early Pliocene interval (5.6–4.5 Ma) of global warmth. An intense Indo-Pacific ‘biogenic bloom’ and strong Oxygen Minimum Zone extended to intermediate depths (1000–2000 m) over large parts of the Indian Ocean in the early Pliocene. Since 4.5 Ma, the food supply in the Central Indian Ocean dropped and fluctuated while deep waters were corrosive (biofacies Gt–Nu, Gn–Cw). The Pleistocene interval is characterized by an intermediate flux of organic matter (Cc–Cl biofacies).  相似文献   

华南奥陶—志留纪之交的五峰组—龙马溪组及华北新元古界下马岭组发现的钾质斑脱岩,都产自类似的黑色硅质-碳质页岩/板岩岩系。这两套黑色岩系与上、下地层的接触关系、岩性组成以及垂向序列所揭示的地质过程,具有良好的可对比性,都符合Ettensohn总结的黑色页岩与板块构造运动之间的成因关系模式。岩石元素地球化学研究表明,这两组不同时代的钾质斑脱岩具有相似的源岩岩浆背景,为中酸性的粗安岩-英安岩-流纹岩系列,源于同碰撞岛弧(synCOL-VA)背景的火山喷发活动,与板块边缘的俯冲碰撞密切相关。由于华南五峰组—龙马溪组内斑脱岩及黑色页岩沉积的形成与此间华夏地块与扬子地块的汇聚相关,华北下马岭组的黑色岩系与钾质斑脱岩的形成可能也和华北地块与相邻地块的碰撞相关。推测后者很可能为Rodinia超大陆或Pangea850Ma汇聚时的沉积-地层学响应。  相似文献   

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